Who is the greatest canadian wrestler since Bret Hart?

CM Steel

A REAL American
Bret Hart is truly "the best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be" in the world of pro wrestling. He has wrestling in his bloodline that is the Hart family, with the late Stu Hart as family patriarch. But since the golden era of the Bret Hart days. Who is the greatest wrestler to come out of "the great white" north Canada? Let's take a look at the list of canucks...

1. Owen Hart (R.I.P)
2. Chris Jericho
3. Edge
4. Christian
5. Lance Storm
6. Chris Benoit (R.I.P.?)
7. Test (R.I.P.)
8. Val Venis/Sean Morley
9. Trish Stratus
10. Nattie Niedhart (?)

Now that's a top ten of who's who. So who is the greatest canadian wrestler since Bret Hart?
Hmmmm good thread, and tough one to answer.
I think I would have to go with Jericho, for a good number of reasons the least of which that the man has been able to adapt and evolve, stay relevant, and continue to do so even today.
Without a doubt my vote goes to my favorite wrestler of all time and the greatest thing to ever come out of Canada since Bret Hart, Chris Jericho. Nobody can dispute the fact that Jericho has achieved more in his career than anyone ever expected him to, he started out as a Cruiserweight in original ECW & WCW, a few years later and he was the Undisputed Champion in the WWE. It's not just his numerous accolades that make him so impressive, it's his ability to adapt and grow as a performer. He is the total package as a wrestler, he can do anything he wants in the ring and make it look damn good, he can make you love him or hate him after a minute on the mic and he can tweak his character just right so that you never get tired of him. Jericho's perfectionist attitude is part of what made him such a success, he has such a drive to be better and to give the fans something fresh and entertaining every time that he makes any kind of appearance. He is the epitome of the modern wrestler and without a doubt he is the greatest and most talented man Canadian or other nationality to grace the ring since Bret.
God this is a tough one but I think that I would have to go with Y2j Chris Jericho.

He is in much simpler terms the best in the world at what he does (Wrestling and taking epic dumps). A former WWE, World heavyweight, Intercontinental, Tag Team, cruiser-weight, and others champions. On multiple occasions he has won most of his accolades as well. His biggest achievement however is the one he has to constantly remind us about: Beating Stone Cold Steve Austin, and The Rock on the same night thus becoming the first undisputed champion. On the mic he gains such a crowd reaction whether face or heel and is always trying to improve. He also puts over young talent which is something I can not say for every veteran on the roster, as well as puts on great matches with them. That is being pretty selfless since I have never heard that he had refused to put someone over. You also got to love Chis's charisma and the levels of energy he brings to every match and promo. I had to chose him over Edge simply due to the # of accolades and just a bit better in ring skills. Canada you should be honored to be synonymous with both Bret "the hitman" Hart and "Y2J" Chris Jericho.
Chris Jericho - not even a contest.

Why you put Owen Hart first makes me scratch my head. If you take away how he died his career compared to Chris Jericho's is miniture. Chris Jericho is a six time World Champion, holds the record for the most reigns as the WWE Intercontinental Champion, is a Grand Slam Champion, has held almost every belt WWE has, has Main Evented WrestleMania, has countless awards from PWI like Match of the Year, Feud of the Year, Heel of the Year, has cut some of the best promos WWE will probably ever have and yet Owen Hart is somehow above Chris Jericho?

It's another case of people overrating Owen due to how he died and who he was. He was a great wrestler, fantastic wrestler and seemingly a great guy too from what most wrestlers back in that time say - but just because he fell from the rafters doesn't make him immediately become better than guys like Chris Jericho. Jericho is easily number one, Owen is probably back in number five or something.
That's easy and I can't even believe he wasn't listed.

The correct answer is Rowdy Roddy Piper (born in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan). A bigger draw than any Canadian wrestler, the best heel to ever grace the wrestling business and probably the best rival Hogan ever had. Piper did a lot for the business and he was one of the few to be able to have a decent career in Hollywood which shows his popularity transcends more than wrestling (another reason why he is the greatest besides Bret Hart).

It's not even close.
Chris Jericho, hands down. The guy had success everywhere he went. In Mexico, Japan, ECW, WCW and finally WWE. He was relevant everywhere he went. Not to mention he could always repackage himself and get over just as much as a heel as he could a face. One of my favorites of all-time.
Note to all: Jericho is american, he was not born in canada therefore he can't be included. He trained initially in Calgary true but he was born in new york state somewhere so he isn't technically Canadian.

Another wrestler I think is one of the best is Abdullah the Butcher. Although he never had much of a career in the WWE he did have a tremendous career and was one of the top draws in wrestling for over 20 years. Him and Tiger Jeet Singh drew the first million dollar house and once drew 80,000 people in Pakistan. He made a shit ton of money and the fact he stayed relevant for as long as he did is nothing short of extraordinary.

I still stick with piper but Abdullah was a great draw and definitely deserves to be mentioned in the talk of greatest Canadian wrestlers.
Note to all: Jericho is american, he was not born in canada therefore he can't be included. He trained initially in Calgary true but he was born in new york state somewhere so he isn't technically Canadian.

Actually if you want to get technical about it, Jericho's parents are both from Canada, his father from Winnipeg and his mother from Montreal as he states in his book. He grew up in Winnipeg also and only lived in America for four years of his childhood. He has dual citizenship which makes him Canadian-American which qualifies him for said thread.

And currently, if you count up all the answers, Jericho leads.
Note to all: Jericho is american, he was not born in canada therefore he can't be included. He trained initially in Calgary true but he was born in new york state somewhere so he isn't technically Canadian.

Another wrestler I think is one of the best is Abdullah the Butcher. Although he never had much of a career in the WWE he did have a tremendous career and was one of the top draws in wrestling for over 20 years. Him and Tiger Jeet Singh drew the first million dollar house and once drew 80,000 people in Pakistan. He made a shit ton of money and the fact he stayed relevant for as long as he did is nothing short of extraordinary.

I still stick with piper but Abdullah was a great draw and definitely deserves to be mentioned in the talk of greatest Canadian wrestlers.

of course he's canadian, his parents are canadian and he grew up in canada. being born somewhere doesnt matter, if you are born to canadian parents and live in canada how does that not make you candian?
id go with jericho, because hes the reason i got into wrestling in the first place, arguably the best of his generation along with several others. i am a geeky little fanboy though....
Rated Y2J!!

Chris Jericho
Undisputed WWF Championship (1 time)
WCW/World Championship (2 times)
World Heavyweight Championship (3 times)
WWF/E Intercontinental Championship (9 times)
ECW World Television Championship (1 time)
WWF European Championship (1 time)
WCW World Television Championship (1 time)
WWF Hardcore Championship (1 time)
WCW Cruiserweight Championship (4 times)
WWF/E World Tag Team Championship (5 times) – with Chris Benoit (1), The Rock (1), Christian (1), Edge (1), and The Big Show (1)
WWE Tag Team Championship (2 times) – with Edge (1) and The Big Show (1)

WWE Championship (4 times)
World Heavyweight Championship (7 times)
WWF/E Intercontinental Championship (5 times)
WCW United States Championship (1 time)
WWF/E World Tag Team Championship (12 times) – with Christian (7), Chris Benoit (2), Hulk Hogan (1), Randy Orton (1) and Chris Jericho (1)
WWE Tag Team Championship (2 times) – with Rey Mysterio (1) and Chris Jericho (1)
Royal Rumble (2010)
King of the Ring (2001)
Money in the Bank (2005, 20072)

Based on accomplishments alone, I think Chris Jericho and Edge are the greatest Canadian Wrestlers ever to step in a Ring. With that being said, I’m going to give the slight “edge” to Chris Jericho. Yes, he’s my favorite of all time. The only difference I see in terms of “Big Picture” comparisons basically comes down to Edge’s Non-Championship accomplishments (RR win, KOTR win, two MITBs), and his US Title run vs. Jericho’s two TV Title runs in WCW and ECW, a European Title reign, a Hardcore Title reign, a Cruiserweight Title reign, his WCW Title reign, and most importantly his Undisputed WWF / WCW World Title reign.

By the way, I think they are both better than Bret “The Hitman” Hart as far as their whole careers go.
That's easy and I can't even believe he wasn't listed.

The correct answer is Rowdy Roddy Piper (born in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan). A bigger draw than any Canadian wrestler, the best heel to ever grace the wrestling business and probably the best rival Hogan ever had. Piper did a lot for the business and he was one of the few to be able to have a decent career in Hollywood which shows his popularity transcends more than wrestling (another reason why he is the greatest besides Bret Hart).

It's not even close.
I said since Bret Hart. Rowdy Roddy Piper came before Bret Hart did in wrestling. Does Wrestlemania 1 ring a bell? And RRP was banging Scoutland during his heyday in wrestling, not Canada. And RRP may have been born in Canada, but he resides in America.

Get your facts right!
That is a tough decision, but I'd have to go with Edge, considering he has won more titles than anyone in their wrestling career. It will take years, maybe even decades before someone comes close to that again.
I said since Bret Hart. Rowdy Roddy Piper came before Bret Hart did in wrestling. Does Wrestlemania 1 ring a bell? And RRP was banging Scoutland during his heyday in wrestling, not Canada. And RRP may have been born in Canada, but he resides in America.

Get your facts right!

Jericho resides in America and has for the last 10 years of his life but he counts doesn't he? (if you count Jericho because he's a Canadian citizen then Piper counts as well and Piper was actually born AND grew up here) Bret has residence in Canada but for the most part resides in Hawaii (also America isn't it). Hell 90% of Canadian wrestlers reside in America so that argument is out the window.

Not only that Piper only lived in Scotland for a year, he was only billed from Scotland because he played the bag pipes (which he learned to play IN CANADA). Also don't talk to me about facts Piper STARTED wrestling IN CANADA, this is well documented, his first matches were in the Winnipeg area and he NEVER wrestled in Scotland.

Piper started wrestling around the same time Bret did (maybe a few years before) and continued to wrestle AFTER Bret retired so technically he can be considered since (since he wrestled AFTER Bret retired in 2000. Piper was even in a top program in '03 with Hogan and Vince). Lastly Piper started in WWF in 1984, the same year Bret Hart did, just because he was more prominent before Bret was doesn't mean he started before, he was just more well known before Bret was and that's a fact.

So lets see, started his career in canada (originally billed FROM Canada in his early career), started around the same time bret did, wrestled during and AFTER Bret Hart did and even had a main event run in WCW when Bret's career was winding down so yeah, I would say Piper counts.

P.S. Looks to me I got my facts straight, you on the other hand DON'T.
Jericho resides in America and has for the last 10 years of his life but he counts doesn't he? (if you count Jericho because he's a Canadian citizen then Piper counts as well and Piper was actually born AND grew up here) Bret has residence in Canada but for the most part resides in Hawaii (also America isn't it). Hell 90% of Canadian wrestlers reside in America so that argument is out the window.

Not only that Piper only lived in Scotland for a year, he was only billed from Scotland because he played the bag pipes (which he learned to play IN CANADA). Also don't talk to me about facts Piper STARTED wrestling IN CANADA, this is well documented, his first matches were in the Winnipeg area and he NEVER wrestled in Scotland.

Piper started wrestling around the same time Bret did (maybe a few years before) and continued to wrestle AFTER Bret retired so technically he can be considered since (since he wrestled AFTER Bret retired in 2000. Piper was even in a top program in '03 with Hogan and Vince). Lastly Piper started in WWF in 1984, the same year Bret Hart did, just because he was more prominent before Bret was doesn't mean he started before, he was just more well known before Bret was and that's a fact.

So lets see, started his career in canada (originally billed FROM Canada in his early career), started around the same time bret did, wrestled during and AFTER Bret Hart did and even had a main event run in WCW when Bret's career was winding down so yeah, I would say Piper counts.

P.S. Looks to me I got my facts straight, you on the other hand DON'T.
Your the answer to a question right now. Rowdy Roddy Piper DID start wrestling a little bit before Bret Hart. So yeah Piper & Hart were in the same wrestling generation. But I was referring to in the thread was "the greatest canadian wrestler SINCE Bret Hart"? Of wrestlers who were in the same wrestling generation as Owen Hart like Chris Benoit & Jericho. Lance Storm, and Edge & Christian came later. That were who I was referring to Terry.

And if I were referring to a Rowdy Roddy Piper in this list. Then no he wouldn't be "the greatest canadian wrestler SINCE Bret Hart". He hasn't even won a world title..? So yeah I DO have my facts right. Game Reconize Game!
So lets see, started his career in canada (originally billed FROM Canada in his early career), started around the same time bret did, wrestled during and AFTER Bret Hart did and even had a main event run in WCW when Bret's career was winding down so yeah, I would say Piper counts.

P.S. Looks to me I got my facts straight, you on the other hand DON'T.

As a frequent arguer of semantics....I'd say you're splitting hairs.

OP's obvious intent was the generation after Bret Hart (you can tell because OP listed off 10 names all of which started 10 years or so after Hart debuted in the WWF/E). Piper is a contemporary of Bret Hart's. You know why? Because of all that evidence you listed. They started at the same time.

As for thread: Has to be Jericho. I have a sentimental spot for Edge, but Jericho's character has never gotten old for me.
Your the answer to a question right now. Rowdy Roddy Piper DID start wrestling a little bit before Bret Hart. So yeah Piper & Hart were in the same wrestling generation. But I was referring to in the thread was "the greatest canadian wrestler SINCE Bret Hart"? Of wrestlers who were in the same wrestling generation as Owen Hart like Chris Benoit & Jericho. Lance Storm, and Edge & Christian came later. That were who I was referring to Terry.

And if I were referring to a Rowdy Roddy Piper in this list. Then no he wouldn't be "the greatest canadian wrestler SINCE Bret Hart". He hasn't even won a world title..? So yeah I DO have my facts right. Game Reconize Game!

I'm gonna put this to rest right now. since piper was in the same generation I will give u that he isn't since even if he had main event programs SINCE Bret Hart retired. If you really think greatness is measured by titles then you got a lot to learn. Using that logic is saying Swagger is greater than Andre the Giant (and yes I know Andre won the title for like 15 seconds). The truth is Pipers impact is much greater than anyone else on this list, Piper is the greatest heel of all time and had main event programs that are much more revered and remembered more than anything Jericho has done, I think that's greater than a few title reigns by Jericho.

PS so much for your game as I can out argue you about a wrestler who main evented 8 years before Bret Hart.
the guy above me has piper envy
Yeah I know he does. Rowdy Roddy Piper is a wrestling icon and was a great wrestling talent. But Piper hasn't even done with half of the guys on the list his done in wrestling history. Has Piper ever been a world champion? Has Piper ever won the WWE King og the Ring? Has he won even one Royal Rumble? Not even one hardcore match.

It's either out of Chris Jericho and Edge. There just too many Rowdy Roddy Piper marks out there.
Yeah I know he does. Rowdy Roddy Piper is a wrestling icon and was a great wrestling talent. But Piper hasn't even done with half of the guys on the list his done in wrestling history. Has Piper ever been a world champion? Has Piper ever won the WWE King og the Ring? Has he won even one Royal Rumble? Not even one hardcore match.

It's either out of Chris Jericho and Edge. There just too many Rowdy Roddy Piper marks out there.

If you really think World titles, King of the Rings and Royal Rumbles measure greatness then you really have NO clue on what wrestling is and what makes a wrestler great.

Pipers status as a wrestling icon and the fact that he transcends generations automatically makes him better than Jericho or Edge. Piper will be more revered and remembered in the future than Jericho or Edge EVER will. Piper may not have world titles or royal rumble wins, but that's because he never NEEDED to be champ to get to that next level. The reason Jericho was first undisputed champ was because they wanted to make Jericho a main eventer, Piper was a main eventer simply by walking in the door, he was a main eventer in WWE before wrestling his first match for the company.

The reason Jericho and Edge won all of those accolades is because without them they would have been mid carders for life, Piper could lose every match and be more remembered and revered then Jericho or Edge ever will be because he was THAT good. Piper didn't need a title to be over and is remembered regardless of him never winning a title.

The truth is Piper's pit will be more remembered throughout the history books than Jericho's title reigns or Edges 10 world titles, Royal Rumble and KOTR and that's a fact. People will forget Edge even won a RR or KOTR in 10 years. Piper started the pit 27 YEARS ago and its still fondly remembered.
For a close 3rd place (Jericho 1st, Edge 2nd), I think it could go to...


If I could be serious for a moment, I wish his momentum from WCW could have carried over into the WWF. I was hoping he was going to beat Booker T. on an episode of Nitro to hold 4 Titles at the same time. Imagine if he won the WWF Light Heavyweight, WWF Hardcore, and the WWF Intercontinental Championships a few months after the start of the Invasion Angle. That’s seriously serious.
I'm fairly sure Christian deserves to be 3rd. No desrespect to Lance Storm but Christian has accomplished more and is better on the mic.
Personally if you go with

1. Jericho
2. Edge

Then third should in all fairness be Chris Benoit. I know he is always taboo when it comes to stuff like this but he was definitely one of the most gifted wrestlers I've ever seen. He may not have been great on the mic but I can't think of too many wrestlers that were as good as him in the ring, he was so good he was able to overcome his lack of mic skills with his in ring work and character alone.
Alright, I'll go with Mack Swgger and say Lance should be 5th then. Damn!! HAHAHAHA!! Seriously, I’m not sure how I looked past Christian and Chris Benoit, but you’re both right. I just got caught up in the beautiful picture of one Star holding the three Titles Belts.

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