Who Is Main Event Talent On Raw?


Occasional Pre-Show
There has been a lot of discussion about the belt's becoming less meaningful lately. Cena seems to get the belt with no particular motivation other than he wants it, guys get monthlong title reigns. Hell, Punk's two WWE title reigns were about a week long, since the whole "two champions' deal went right into Summerslam where he lost the undisputed title that night. I think the WWE, Vince, Triple H, I'm sure there's multiple people, don't believe much of their roster is main event calibre talent. I don't want to make Attitude Era comparisons, but you did have several guys who could be legitimate title holders back then. Undertaker, Kane, Shawn Michaels, the Rock, Stone Cold, Foley, Triple H, Owen Hart was getting there, but that's seven guys who were all active in the same era. Maybe there just isn't a lot of faith in anybody other than Cena. I am of course referring to the RAW roster only. Punk's boost is very recent, so it will take time I think before he's given the opportunity to be in a title feud as a face against someone other than Cena.

So to that end, who do you think is a credible WWE champion? Who, let's say in the next 6 months, would you say is good enough to be involved in the main event picture OTHER than John Cena? List people that are either there now, or just one big feud away to give them more crowd reaction. Let's assume their mic and in-ring abilities don't change too much up until the Road to Wrestlemania is in full swing. And how about we stick to active Raw roster members, much as some people hope Jericho will come back, or Skip Sheffield makes the return and gets pushed like rumors held he would.

My list:

CM Punk

Del Rio

borderline: I am a fan of Alex Riley, I think he is very good on the mic for having so little experience on Raw, and I think his in-ring abilities are good enough. He's rookie...ness is his biggest obstacle, but I think if he gets a good feud, maybe a US Title feud, will make him a credible contender.

So it's not a huge list, but that's 4 others who could do this. I really wanted to list R-Truth, but I just don't like his in-ring technique enough to put him up that high.
Raw's pretty thin up top, actually. Past Cena, I see Punk, Del Rio, and Miz (Mysterio too, but he's injured) as the only real main eventers up there. R-Truth is borderline and his work has been excellent as of late. I could also see John Morrison main eventing just based on the fact that he was up there for a while fairly recently and he could always fill a spot in a title match.

Guys like Ziggler and Swagger are close too, they could easily be brought up to that level with minimal effort. Both are former World Heavyweight Champions, if you want to count Ziggler's reign, and they have a good look, they fit the mold.

Another note I'd like to point out is that since this whole "Supershow" thing is going on, it could be possible for guys like Christian, Sheamus, and Cody Rhodes to jump ship once it ends, but it's unlikely.
Definitely Ziggler.
He is the only one i could see actually moving up on the card in the next 6 months.
I'm tired of saying it but the guy really is the total package, i was on the fence with his mic skills but he put my fears to rest in the promo with Jackman last week.
As far as others, the only other ones i see getting a title in the next 6 months are guys that have been there before: Del Boro, Miz, and Punk.
Riley will probably crush the glass celing one day but he is not ready, and i think Vince and HHH know this, I dont like him much anyway but i am glad they are taking it slow with him, it is the right thing to do.
Hopefully Swagger will get another shot one day, i could see him being a top face, but it seems WWE just doesnt know how to use him.
We shall see.
I'm gonna go with Dolph Ziggler. He's the most talented guy on the roster along with D-Bryan and CM Punk. And his promo skills have improved. I think he's ready to taste the main event scene again. Maybe challenge the face who takes the title from Mark Henry who's probably gonna be Orton for the world title.

I honestly think he can go out on his own and establish has character better than Vickie has been doing for him. This stable thing should be interesting though. Hopefully it'll help Ziggler move up the card when he loses the U.S title.
There's ALWAYS talk among the IWC that the titles are meaning less and less. Much of that is due to several factors including a title not being held by whomever various smarks or fanboys feel should have the title, how long said championship is held, how often they believe it should be defended & in which sort of match environment, etc. That's not to say that there aren't genuine gripes with how a title is used, just look at the first 3 IC champs in 2011 for instance, but it's overall hardly the decimation of prestige some say it is.

As for who the main event level talent on Raw is, well there's Cena of course. I know it's obvious but even the obvious needs to be stated. The Miz would have no problem transitioning back into the main event picture. CM Punk has definitely broken through to the next level. It might take time for him to ultimately reach that place where WWE wants him but I think it's happening. Alberto Del Rio has the stuff and it's true that his first run as WWE Champion was, for the most part, a dud but a lot of that had to do with how WWE booked him. They pull a couple of bad ratings and Vince went into panic mode.

As for guys who are on the edge of it, I'd say Ziggler could definitely pull it off. He's gotten much better as a character and mic worker during his current stint as United States Champion. I think Jack Swagger is someone that could make it there if the WWE ever decides to get consistent with him.
The belts becoming less meaningful has nothing to do with who is holding them in my opinion. It's right that Cena is always in the title picture. What is leading to them seeming less prestigious is 5 people have already held the WWE title in 2011 and 2 of the reigns have been pretty much meaningless.

In my opinion at the moment you have Cena, punk, Miz and ADR as possible title contenders and apart from these four the only other person i could see holding the title before mania is a returning star.

I think Ziggler will be a main event guy soon but not in the next 6 months. He needs to go over in one big feud (against some one bigger than swagger) to get him into the title picture. I don't see there being time for him to be elevated to that level and have a meaningful title run or chase before we get to the building towards mania and Cena's inevitable title run.
There's a problem... WWE Supershows make roster brands irrelevant....

Guys I think are true main eventers in the Raw brand, from the company's POV (tier 1):

Big Show
CM Punk
Triple H
Rey Mysterio
(The Miz*)

Guys I think have main event talent right now (tier 2):

del Rio
Kofi Kingston

Guys that have a major problem but also some major potential:

John Morrison (great competition skills but needs to enjoy himself more and sell the crowd a bit more)
Zack Ryder (great mic skills, but will take time to sell as a competitor)
(btw, him and Jo Mo could be a good tag team)
Evan Bourne just won't make it over as a singles without a cruiser weight division
Santino (enjoyable, but really the worst finisher ever.)
Golddust (always under appreciated.)
Regal (same as Golddust... really needs to take Booker's spot on the mic)

Guys that have upside that we haven't seen yet:

Tyler Reks (needs a shot to get some real action)
Mike Migillicutty (needs a feud with someone like D. Bryan)
Alex Riley (meh, just think he sucks. Would be blend between miz and cena)
When I think "top tier" talent, it means someone I would pay to see wrestle, and the numbers are extremely thin. In fact, the only ones on RAW who fit that description for me lately are Cena, Punk and HHH. Sorry, but Miz is just not there for me, neither is truth or Ziggler (yet). They're all fine midcard talent, but not top tier. John Morrison seems to always be in limbo, and del Rio is....I don't even know. I love the guy but there's just something weird going on there, like he was a bigger talent on Smackdown than Raw even after winning the belt. They really hurt him...they gave him the belt to further the Punk storyline and ended up just hurting his character and making him look bad in the long run.
Del Rio

imo, Miz is a main eventer, but he should never be champ again. He can be a major dra but I never did nor will I ever (I doubt it, anyways) think of him as the legit champ ANYWHERE. He should be used like Piper was. Truth will always remain at the very top of the mid-card; same with Swagger, i think. Alex Riley, Cody Rhodes, and Kofi Kingston'll eventually get there, but they need a breakout moment/feud/match
Well, Theres Cena, Punk, Big Show whom can always go into the main event any given time, due to his size and charisma, and Rey Mysterio(Injured). Than the heels, you got Del Rio and i guess Miz all tho i dont want to see him win the big one again, I cant take him serious as Champion, i mean defending your title against a 60 year old two times, and barely winning both, is pathetic, It just doesn't make you look good. Now guys that can transition into the main event, the only ones i can see doing that is Dolph Ziggler and John Morrison, there both fairly over in the crowds, JoMo just needs a little more work on his mic skills and he'll be fine. Dolph Ziggler is a shoe in for Main Event status, average on the mic, great in the ring, Hes already went toe to toe with the likes of Edge and Randy Orton, he can defiantly main event and be taken seriously.
Actually WWE has done alot to begin making new stars in the last few months. While I am still highly critical of them half-assing it most of the time, there are many possibilities for RAW's main event for the immediate future.

John Cena; Gets alot of static online, but, deserves to be there.
CM Punk; More consistently good and will stay there.
Alex Riley; Needs improvement. Once he develops, he has a shot.
Mason Ryan; Same as Riley. Potential needing improvement.
Rey Mysterio; Established vet with a great upside. Still brings alot to the table.
John Morrison; He needs to overhaul. Haircut and maybe a good catchphrase to connect to the audience. His ring work is great, though.
Zack Ryder; Once he catches on and makes himself unique enough that all mainstream fans will accept him, he could be main eventing effortlessly.

The Miz; He has upped his game and works hard to remain in the main events.
R-Truth; Needs improvement somewhat in the ring. Though his heel routine is starting to impress me. Funny stuff.
Dolph Ziggler; Last night on RAW, he stepped up by doing his own mic work. Impressive. Once he gives Vicky Guerrero the heave-ho[no pun intended :)] he'll be able to stand on his own and shine. His ring work is passable enough that only his character needs work.
Jack Swagger; He does good ring work and needs mic improvement. Once they use him forcefully as a dominating heel, he'll drop the joke stuff and become legit.
Del Rio; Needs vast mic work improvement. Boring as hell on the mic and mediocre in the ring. Once he puts all of that together, he has the opportunity to stand out.

Any of those can be interchanged into reverse roles[except Cena] and still be in the top-tier. Of course, you have the occasional involvement by Triple H and The Undertaker in main events. Kane & Big Show could also return when and if WWE decided to bring them back up outta mid-card obscurity. Then you have all the unlisted Smackdown guys like Mark Henry, Daniel Bryan, Christian, Randy Orton, Cody Rhodes, and Ted DiBiase who could switch shows and come over to main event[with some needing to improve to get there]. You also have Sin Cara, Kofi Kingston, and Evan Bourne who need to vastly up their games to warrant becoming main eventers. And then there's always bringing new people to the RAW roster from FCW and elsewhere. Possibilites are endless when and if WWE decides to really start pushing the new generation.
Aside from Mysterio (injured), Big Show (kayfabe injured), and Miz/Truth (kayfabe fired) the only people who qualify are the three people in the WWE Championship match on Sunday. People like Morrison and Ziggler aren't quite there yet, despite having flirted with the title scene on occasion. Swagger's push got stopped and now he's going to be in midcard hell for a long time. Kofi Kingston should be a main eventer, but again, his push got stopped. To WWE's credit, they've managed to push Miz, Truth, and Del Rio somewhat consistently, and Punk is certainly a staple of the main event with this latest huge push he's gotten. But no, I wouldn't say that Raw has a particularly deep ME scene at all.
back during the attitude era the guy who held the championship was the guy who wwe knew could draw them money,sell lots of merchandise and bring in huge crowds..they had people like steve austin,the rock,triple h,shawn michaels,the undertaker,kurt angle...nowadays there really isnt anyone who can sell lots of merchandise and who can draw huge crowds except for cena and orton which is why wwe has them on seperate shows..nowadays it seems like wwe lets the person who is getting over with the fans more hold the championship but they only hold it for a while and then eventually it will go back to john cena and randy orton because they are vince mcmahons 2 money makers
but lets go through the main event talent of both shows..1st we do raw

triple h....hes triple h..enough said
john cena...he has worked hard for his spot and hes vince mcmahons big money maker on raw so no matter what hes always gonna be #1 on the list.
the miz...he is another one of vince's golden boys but he just isnt on the level john cena is right now but its been rumored that vince wants to put the championship back on him 1 day.
cm punk...has the potential to be a long term champion if the wwe allows him to be instead of making him lose it a month after he wins it each time.
alberto del rio..he is another one of vince mcmahons favorites who will be in the main event for years to come with lots of title reigns.
the big show..please when was the last time this guy held the world title,1996?...yea hes main event because of his size but thats about the only reason,his main purpose is to help get guys over.
rey mysterio...hes another one of vince's top merchandise sellers (he and john cena sell the most merchandise out of anyone in the wwe with cena at #1 and mysterio at #2) but vince just doesnt see him as being long term championship material which is why he will probably win the title but he will lose it a couple weeks later.
jack swagger....does anyone actually even remember his 1st title reign,i mean it was so short and so bad that he will be lucky to have another title reign.
dolph ziggler....he has the potential and the skills to be a future world champion and a main event player as long as he doesnt mess it up.
drew mcintyre....he was vince's chosen one and he was also seen by triple h and shawn micheals as a future champion but he somehow messed that up but i see a lot of potential in him and with the right guidance he can get back to that level and he can be a future main eventer and world champion or wwe champion.

now onto smackdown
the undertaker...his name says it all
randy orton.....see john cena
christian.....the most underrated talent in the wwe and i think he deserves longer title reigns.
mark henry....current world champion but i bet when he loses it it will be months before he gets another title shot after he loses his rematch..paper champion at best.
sheamus....triple h's favorite who will be a long term champion and a main eventer forever.
wade barrett...had lots of momentum with his feud against john cena but that kind of died down lately but still has lots of potential to be a future world champion and main eventer.
cody rhodes....if he stays on the track hes on now then he will be a future world champion with a long title reign.
the great khali..see big show and jack swagger.
daniel bryan...theres rumors of him winning the world title at wrestlemania,i dont see that happening but if it does then he too will be a paper champion and the only reason i even put him on this list is because hes the current money in the bank winner and so far everyone who has cashed it in has become a world champion.
but lets go through the main event talent of both shows..1st we do raw

triple h....hes triple h..enough said
john cena...he has worked hard for his spot and hes vince mcmahons big money maker on raw so no matter what hes always gonna be #1 on the list.
the miz...he is another one of vince's golden boys but he just isnt on the level john cena is right now but its been rumored that vince wants to put the championship back on him 1 day.
cm punk...has the potential to be a long term champion if the wwe allows him to be instead of making him lose it a month after he wins it each time.
alberto del rio..he is another one of vince mcmahons favorites who will be in the main event for years to come with lots of title reigns.
the big show..please when was the last time this guy held the world title,1996?...yea hes main event because of his size but thats about the only reason,his main purpose is to help get guys over.
rey mysterio...hes another one of vince's top merchandise sellers (he and john cena sell the most merchandise out of anyone in the wwe with cena at #1 and mysterio at #2) but vince just doesnt see him as being long term championship material which is why he will probably win the title but he will lose it a couple weeks later.
jack swagger....does anyone actually even remember his 1st title reign,i mean it was so short and so bad that he will be lucky to have another title reign.
dolph ziggler....he has the potential and the skills to be a future world champion and a main event player as long as he doesnt mess it up.
drew mcintyre....he was vince's chosen one and he was also seen by triple h and shawn micheals as a future champion but he somehow messed that up but i see a lot of potential in him and with the right guidance he can get back to that level and he can be a future main eventer and world champion or wwe champion.

now onto smackdown
the undertaker...his name says it all
randy orton.....see john cena
christian.....the most underrated talent in the wwe and i think he deserves longer title reigns.
mark henry....current world champion but i bet when he loses it it will be months before he gets another title shot after he loses his rematch..paper champion at best.
sheamus....triple h's favorite who will be a long term champion and a main eventer forever.
wade barrett...had lots of momentum with his feud against john cena but that kind of died down lately but still has lots of potential to be a future world champion and main eventer.
cody rhodes....if he stays on the track hes on now then he will be a future world champion with a long title reign.
the great khali..see big show and jack swagger.
daniel bryan...theres rumors of him winning the world title at wrestlemania,i dont see that happening but if it does then he too will be a paper champion and the only reason i even put him on this list is because hes the current money in the bank winner and so far everyone who has cashed it in has become a world champion.

oh i forgot to mention r-truth and alex riley...i think both these guys would do better if they moved over to smackdown because i can see them becoming world champions on that show and also kane who is more relaxed with building stars up
oh i forgot to mention r-truth and alex riley...i think both these guys would do better if they moved over to smackdown because i can see them becoming world champions on that show

oh and also move mason ryan over to smackdown and build him up as a main event guy there and also put skip sheffield on smackdown and build him up there.

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