Who is Bill W, Anonymous Wrestler?


Championship Contender
Have you seen the article on the main page purported to be from a wrestler calling himself Bill W? He says he’s writing under an assumed name but has not problem writing under his (seems like it’s a mal) real name, he just wanted want to. He also says there’s no point in guessing, because he won’t reveal himself (odd for someone who claims that he doesn’t care if people know who he is).

Obviously, I found this interesting and wanted to see if we could figure out who it is. He gives us a lot of information to work with from the article, provided that he is being truthful and not referring to himself when he speaks about another wrestler. Let’s look at the clues:

- Worked in WWE/WWF and WCW and TNA
- Has been in wrestling for 20+ years (age then is likely 35+)
- Main evented Madison Square Garden
- Was in a Wrestlemania match
- Was in a Royal Rumble match
- Worked matches with the Undertaker
- Worked matches with Brock Lesnar
- Worked matches with Ric Flair
- Is not Rey Mysterio (assuming the author is not referring to himself)
- Likely not Nash, Booker, Waltman, or Hall (again, assuming the author is not referring to himself)

My first thought was Booker T until I got to the end. Now, off the top of my head, I’m thinking DDP (I was also thinking Raven, but I don’t know if he fits the criteria listed above). I think the easiest way to sort this out is to get a list of Wrestlemania cards and pull out whoever has worked for all three organizations, and then go from there.

So, anyone care to do some research and try to figure out who it could be?
I think the most telling attribute of all is that he TEAMED with Brock Lesnar. I'm quite sure who it is because I don't know exactly how many people Brock has teamed with. Sorry, if this is a short response, but I thought I would just throw that fact out there as well. Also, this Bill W. guy has worked several matches with Undertaker.
I almost want to say Mick Foley but I don't remember if he ever worked with Brock Lesnar. If he has then that will be my guess. Foley is an accomplished writer and those viewpoints don't seem to be far from what I'd imagine Foley has. It will be fun speculating about who this could be.
O.K. so I started by looking at former TNA workers, assuming this would be the shorter of the 3 lists. Then looking through the list for guys who have worked, in one form or another, for all 3 companies and also appeared in a rumble match as well as at Mania. I came up with:

Solafa Fatu (Rikishi)
Scott Hall
Brian Lee
B.G. James
Marc Mero
Lex Luger
Randy Savage
Dustin Rhodes
Leon White

Apologies if any of these are incorrect, most was from memory, expecially the rumble/mania appearances.

Not too sure how many of these can claim to have "main evented" or "sold out MSG" etc. But we all know pro wrestlers can be a very arrogant bunch so these claims can probably be overlooked.
Research done, and only WWE has done MSG from what I can tell.

The only ones I can list as "main eventing" MSG, that have also done WCW and TNA are:

Hulk Hogan
Mick Foley
Booker T

Given being in wrestling for 20 years, and that is quite the column of what would seem a professional write-up, I'm saying it Foley. Doesn't seem to matter anyways as he'll never reveal it, but I'll just imagine it's him.

Wonder how often these write-ups will crop up...
I was just looking at Brocks former Tag Team partners...

Shelton Benjamin, Kurt Angle, Chris Benoit, Paul Heyman... etc, then I found this:

June 26, 2003 - Smackdown!: The Big Show / Shelton Benjamin / Charlie Haas defeated Brock Lesnar / Kurt Angle / Mr America..

Mr America, aka Hulk Hogan seems like a good shout. MSG check. Rumble and Mania check. WWE WCW TNA check. Worked with Taker check. Trouble is I doubt he would be slagging off TNA, however it is a shoot and he might be genuinely PO'ed with the direction they are going.
Based on the content of the article, I initially guessed Booker T as well. Any logical guess assumes quite a bit though:

1. There are no "red herrings" in the article... for example (and just as an example) the "teamed with Brock" thing might be put in there to throw folks off. The counterpoint to that though would be right in the opening paragraph. The author says flat out "my only agenda is the truth." If he's false about his own credentials, it completely undermines what he has to say... whether he remains anonymous or not.

2. That this individual really does have "insider information." The author claims that "if you read my column, you will understand that I'm the real deal." However, nothing in this particular column that I could finds points to someone particularly "in the know." Any "smark" out there knows that Rey is on the outs, which is why Del Rio is getting such a hard push, WWE isn't hot on either Hall or Waltman, Taker and Lesnars confrontation was a work, Taker will most likely be fighting Barrett at WM, and Flair took his ball and went home in Europe.

The rest is mostly opinion (The Rumble wasn't good this year, TNA is "******ed" for letting Nash and Booker slip away, etc.) that could, again, be sourced by any member of the IWC. The only part that is somewhat of a reveal is the Road Warriors being inducted into the Hall of Fame. Even if true, this has been teased A LOT over the years and given that WM/HOF is in Atlanta this year, is not too big of a shocker. In other words, it's not something one of us couldn't have guessed given the circumstances.

3. This wasn't just a one off and more articles are indeed coming. Follow up pieces will be very telling in regards to the authors "credibility." The lack of articles may also be telling, particularly if the author is still employed by either WWE or TNA and said employer "finds out" who this is. We'll see how events play out... whether the Road Warriors will in fact be inducted in the Hall of Fame this year, and what other "bombshells" the author is going to drop on us in the weeks and months to come.

Although part of me wants to believe this is really an "insider to the business", nothing in the article has so far convinced me without a shadow of a doubt that this isn't a work. Time will ultimately tell though.
As much as I'd like to fathom a guess, I'm sure that since this has already hit the sites, you can probably bet your John Cena and Rey Mysterio trading cards that its probably already been forwarded to the higher ups at both WWE and TNA. This is probably going to cause them to go into some MAJOR damage control and there will be some HUGE crackdowns on their internal creative, and current and former employees. I wouldn't be surprised if on the heels of this comes some cuts.

We do know that much of the information that was mentioned in the article, some of it should really come as no surprise to most of us. With Rey Mysterio seeming to be injured every other week, and his reduced schedule being given to him and of course, we all know Vince's preference for the big, strong people over the smaller less athletic guys. Then you also figure in the push for newer, fresher faces which he will deny until the day he probably leaves his seat as chairperson of WWE, but its inevitable. Then on the TNA end, its so apparent that even Stevie Wonder can see the fractures in their infrastructure when Kevin Nash is blogging about it, and when you get conflicting reports from their own Dixie Carter. Its sadly a train wreck. This new 'mystery writer' that is a wrestler is certainly not helping matters for either company, the man behind the curtain pulling the strings appearing to be some "All Powerful Oz" will probably be found out by some little mistake like Toto did and pull the curtain back. So its only a matter of time telling in this. I really don't know and won't guess, but am kind of interested to see the repercussions of this article within both companies.

- He's wrestled WWF, WCW, WWE, TNA
- His debut in the business was in 1988 (just over 20 years)
- He's been in several Rumbles
- He's been to WM
- He's been close to the top of the card, but never top guy
- He's feuded with UT, and was in the picture when Brock was active
- He's a Texan, so it would explain (in part) his familiarity with Mexican wrestling scene, and admiration for fellow Texan HBK (I may be reaching on this one)
- I can see words like "******ed" being written by Goldie.
- And last, but not least his old man is Dusty. This is particularly interesting considering Dusty's own long history with Ric Flair. The "I love you Ric" might be due to Dustin's respect for this relationship. Dusty would also have insider knowledge regarding upcoming HoF inductions, and how Vince may have felt about Hall showing up and causing a disturbance. In this regard, if Bill W is indeed Dustin Rhodes, then he'd better be careful not to bring heat down on his old man and upset Dusty's position in the Company.

So, are we all agreed that Bill W is DUSTIN RHODES?

More on my above post that reveals Dustin Rhodes as being behind Bill W.

... I found this interesting tidbit about the recent Ric Flair/European tour fiasco:

Flair also denied there was any real heat between him and the road agent, Craig Jenkins who turned down Flair's request. Flair also denies he never had any intention of missing the rest of the tour and only missed that one Germany show to make a point because he felt disrespected (Jenkins allegedly informed Flair that TNA didn't do advances since a bad experience with a then drug-addled and unreliable Dustin Rhodes; Flair angrily retorted: "Am I Dustin Rhodes?")

source: http://www.cagesideseats.com/2011/2...ifferent-version-of-flair-european-tour-story

This would certainly entice Dustin to respond. No?

Oh, and let's not forget that Dustin is trying to sell books these days. He must have known that it was just a matter of time before some smark (yours truely) figured it out. .... spark interest in his book. Not bad marketing, if you think about it.
Idk if there is a thread bout this already, wasnt goin to waste my time to look.

I hope everyone read this article, cause it was well written, but personally i think its a big ole load of crap. Anyone can say watever they want, but that does not make it true. To me this sounds like an avid, and intelligent fan jus using their knowledge. he says ive main evented here and here and here, ive been on the top of the card everywhere, but hes to scared to reveal who he is, he says hes not but its kinda obvious hes afraid of something. jus sounds like a lot of bullshit to me, and i wanted to get others thoughts.

Thanks guys
honestly i think the dude is full of crap, and that it is jus some fan with good knowledge of the business. after reading wat youve all had to say yea Golddust is prb a good idea who it could be. he fitswat he says if he is being truthful. esp now that he is on the shelf with an injury, he would have time, but in all honesty i think hes bull crap plain and simple.i already emailed him calling him out and sayin hes a cowards to not reveal who he is.
So far he hasn't dropped anything that wasn't simply common knowledge as has been pointed out. I think he's full of shit about all of his "accolades" in the world of professional wrestling. Who says this guy was an in ring talent? He might make some comments that lead us to believe that but all in all, maybe it's someone outside of the ring. Maybe it's Russo? Doesn't need to be an in ring guy. Either way, nothing too amazing was shared so when something BIG is shared, I'll give a fuck who this poser is.
thank you The Duke, i totally agree, he didnt say anything that i didnt already know, there was really nothing new in the article, no huge insight or anything like that, seems like a joke to me, i mean really if i wanted too i coulda sat down and wrote an article jus like that claiming all sorts of things,some of you out there woulda belived it without thinkin twice. here you go Bill W, prove it or lose it.
Prove it or lose it???? If the the article is correct, he has already proved it, ten times over. If it is Goldust, will I lose respect for him, no. It's his opinion, much like how bitter Warrior is, Dustin is quite the opposite, while he wasn't ever the draw Hogan, Austin, or Rock was, he had his own character, as only Dustin could play. TBH Goldust scared the shit out of me when I saw him as a 7 or 8 yr old kid. Dustin, while it could be, I don't think it is, and I'll tell you one big reason. His Daddy, Dusty Rhodes, now if his daddy is as throwback as I remember him, Dusty and Dustin would probably come out and say it. Dustin wouldn't want to hide behind some petty, chicken shit excuse for a name, and bad mouth all the guys he's wrestled with.

Now as for Mick "Half Ear" Foley, I have a sickening feeling in my stomach it's him. He's not doing ANYTHING in TNA, and of course as some of the fellow posters have stated, he has completed the list of "accomplishments". Now maybe it is just me, but during the last few times I saw Foley on Impact, he seemed more out of it than usual, that "a few fries short of a happy meal look". Foley has made the business look so real at some points in my life. Name your pick, The HIAC match against Taker, His ear loss against Vader in Japan, lit on fire, fighting Terry Funk, and damn near dying!!!!! But Mick, well Mick will never, and I repeat never, will be in the top 50 wrestlers of all time. Hell people could argue top 100 and I might say no. But could Mick, now in the twilight of his career, be realizing that his legacy is nothing that Terry Funk or any other of the madmen before him could've done. Hell when I used to backyard wrestle with my boys 5 to 8 yrs ago, we'd land on tacks, and once I took a light bulb to the back. But, my point is that, could he try to leave a much bigger mark in the business than he believes he has left. Mick Foley has always had that nice guy attitude, but like I said, could he finally realize that his legacy is nothing more than being a guy to bleed, fall off something high, or light himself or someone else on fire???? Could this drive Mick Foley to claim a "psuedo name" and trash his colleagues, I think so.
everything said in the article is common knowledge to any well informed semi intelligent fan, there was no deep insight, no proof that this isnt someone jus like us pretending. until there is proof is all bullshit to me. if hes so proud of his accomplishments, and up on his horse bout his career why be a scared lil panzy about it. ive hunted unicorns in the himalyas, jus cause i say it and its on the internet doesnt mean its true. there is no proof in the entire article, so i call bullshit!
So far he hasn't dropped anything that wasn't simply common knowledge as has been pointed out. I think he's full of shit about all of his "accolades" in the world of professional wrestling. Who says this guy was an in ring talent? He might make some comments that lead us to believe that but all in all, maybe it's someone outside of the ring. Maybe it's Russo? Doesn't need to be an in ring guy. Either way, nothing too amazing was shared so when something BIG is shared, I'll give a fuck who this poser is.

Yes it does have to be an in-ring guy. He has mentioned about tagging with Brock Lesnar and main eventing in a variety of promotions, including big matches at Wrestlemania's.

I think its Foley, but the Lesnar issue is the only thing that I am unsure of. Everything else points to good ol' Mick.
Really the only anomaly is the teaming with Brock Lesnar part, otherwise all signs point to Foley. I am reading his first book at the moment and the writing style is very familiar and he does fit all the other clues;

- Worked in WWE/WWF and WCW and TNA - Check
- Has been in wrestling for 20+ years (age then is likely 35+) - Check
- Main evented Madison Square Garden - Can't recall it off the top of my head but I would be shocked if he hadn't, does the 2000 Royal Rumble count?
- Was in a Wrestlemania match - Not only in one, in the Main Event
- Was in a Royal Rumble match - Check
- Worked matches with the Undertaker - Plenty of them
- Worked matches with Brock Lesnar - Perhaps at some house shows?
- Worked matches with Ric Flair - Check
- Is not Rey Mysterio (assuming the author is not referring to himself) - Last I checked Mick Foley was not Rey Mysterio
- Likely not Nash, Booker, Waltman, or Hall (again, assuming the author is not referring to himself) Same as above.

To be fair though there are plenty of others who also fit that bill.
Really the only anomaly is the teaming with Brock Lesnar part, otherwise all signs point to Foley. I am reading his first book at the moment and the writing style is very familiar and he does fit all the other clues;

- Worked in WWE/WWF and WCW and TNA - Check
- Has been in wrestling for 20+ years (age then is likely 35+) - Check
- Main evented Madison Square Garden - Can't recall it off the top of my head but I would be shocked if he hadn't, does the 2000 Royal Rumble count?
- Was in a Wrestlemania match - Not only in one, in the Main Event
- Was in a Royal Rumble match - Check
- Worked matches with the Undertaker - Plenty of them
- Worked matches with Brock Lesnar - Perhaps at some house shows?
- Worked matches with Ric Flair - Check
- Is not Rey Mysterio (assuming the author is not referring to himself) - Last I checked Mick Foley was not Rey Mysterio
- Likely not Nash, Booker, Waltman, or Hall (again, assuming the author is not referring to himself) Same as above.

To be fair though there are plenty of others who also fit that bill.

To be honest man, I don't think there are too many to be honest. The only other I can come up with is DDP.

He was in all the promotions mentioned, did have a match at 1 wrestlemania agains Christian, will have worked with Flair in WCW, I would expect he appeared in at least 1 RR while in the WWE?

Again, its the Lesnar thing which I am unsure of. Also the Main Eventing MSG. However, during the Invasion storyline where Page was Undertaker's stalker and then part of the Inaugral Brawl main event, is it not possible he was part of a main event at an MSG show around this time?
I am going to fall in to the "how do we know any of this is real" crowd. There was nothing in this article that any one of us who regularly reads the Wrestlezone news section didn't already know. He claims that he has done all of this, and all of that, but claiming something is true, and it actually being true are two different things.

I am a huge movie star, I made millions of dollars for my last role. I am currently dating a supermodel.

Guess what? I am not a movie star, I don't have millions of dollars, and am not dating a supermodel. But, if I didn't explain that it was all a fabrication, would the same people who automatically trust everything "Bill W" says, be PMing me to ask for my autograph? I said it, it MUST be true!

People lie. Especially on the internet. Especially when you can do it anonymously. It wouldn't really have been all that hard for some of the Wrestlezone forum members that have displayed a touch of eloquence in their writing styles to have created that anonymous message word for word, submit it under a pseudonym, and have a lot of people spend a lot of time trying to decode the message and figure out who it is. Sorry, there is simply too much room for it to be 100% bullshit for me to fall for it hook, line and sinker. It may be legitimate, but then again, it may just be a practical joke on all of us.
People lie. Especially on the internet. Especially when you can do it anonymously. It wouldn't really have been all that hard for some of the Wrestlezone forum members that have displayed a touch of eloquence in their writing styles to have created that anonymous message word for word, submit it under a pseudonym, and have a lot of people spend a lot of time trying to decode the message and figure out who it is. Sorry, there is simply too much room for it to be 100% bullshit for me to fall for it hook, line and sinker. It may be legitimate, but then again, it may just be a practical joke on all of us.

Very true. There is a high possiblity of it being completely fake, as there are certainly people out there with enough time on their hands and the desire to create a fake persona to try and fool hundreds of people for a laugh.

I agree, the information supplied so far COULD be simply made up, however it could also be true. I am kinda leaning towards it being real, but we will not know for sure until some intimate details are made available regarding something fans could not know.

I am looking forward to seeing a next installment, if there is to be one
i cant believe that some of u are so foolish that u are even entertaining the idea that this is real. guess u believe anything u hear, there is no proof in wat he says about anything, any of us could have wrote an article jus like that, and dropped some names, and said we worked with lou thesz, and bobby the brain, and foolish marks think that its legit. its a fraud plain and simple. i already emailed him calling his ass out, no responce yet from the obvious bullshit fake. its ridiculous that urstill goin on and on about who it could be, Foley or Goldust, yea sure, NOT.
i cant believe that some of u are so foolish that u are even entertaining the idea that this is real. guess u believe anything u hear, there is no proof in wat he says about anything, any of us could have wrote an article jus like that, and dropped some names, and said we worked with lou thesz, and bobby the brain, and foolish marks think that its legit. its a fraud plain and simple. i already emailed him calling his ass out, no responce yet from the obvious bullshit fake. its ridiculous that urstill goin on and on about who it could be, Foley or Goldust, yea sure, NOT.

Ok, ok, ok, we are all wrong. But if we are, I'd like for you to "change my mind". Why do you think he'd answer you back, this is EXACTLY what he wants. Look real, or fake. Bullshit or real bullshit, this guy has the wrestling world buzzing, and 90% of the IWC scratching there heads and pounding there keyboards. IDGAF if it's fake, it does its job, it encites people talking. He got his job done, whether its fake or real.
I think we should all stop being so cynical about this. Ok, the guy told a few things that have being rumoured, but nothing is set in stone. Lets see if they come to fruition first. Also, lets see what his second installment has to say. He might reveal something we had no idea about.

As for whittling it down...how about Kurt Angle? Yes to everything below. Notice he said "I've worked on or near the top of the card for every promotion I've worked for. WWE/WWF, WCW, TNA". He worked "for WCW" in the Invasion angle.

- Worked FOR WWE/WWF and WCW and TNA
- Has been in wrestling for 20+ years (age then is likely 35+)
- Main evented Madison Square Garden
- Was in a Wrestlemania match
- Was in a Royal Rumble match
- Worked matches with the Undertaker
- Worked matches with Brock Lesnar
- Worked matches with Ric Flair
Let's not assume "Bill" is telling the truth about everything why would he if he's trying to keep his identity a secret, either way I enjoyed his first post and hope to see more, it honestly sounded like Kevin Nash but in written form..
Uh, why was I under the impression that WZ Forum posters were somewhat reasonable? I put forth a detailed, well-reasoned, well-argued summation as to why I believe "Bill W" is Dustin Rhodes, and what do I get in return? Posts such as:

- Duh, I think it's Jake Da Snake :banghead: (no evidence provided)
- Duh, I think it's Foley :banghead: (no evidence provided)
- Duh, it's 'dis mark conning us all :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: (a guess, at best)

I wonder if these turds who have been posting have even bothered to read through the thread. Because honestly, you have ALL been sounding like a bunch of morons.

It's Dustin Rhodes, okay? :fu2:


Oh, and by the way, 2-21-11 will see the return of DUSTY as the Raw GM, and see a subsequent UT vs. Dustin WM matchup that will ultimately lift up Cody Rhodes to main event status. Book it.

and please WZ forum dweebs, try to ACTUALLY read through thread before posting your moronic views on things. Either that, or step aside and let the grown-ups discuss the relevant matters.



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