Who Is Better V - Dolph Ziggler Vs Jack Swagger

Who Is Better

  • Jack Swagger

  • Dolph Ziggler

  • Tie

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Dark Match Winner
First of all, I am fucking pissed off that Macios or whatever his name is stole my thread idea without asking me for permission. What a fucking asshole.


Now on to the subject. I am doing Dolph Ziggler vs Jack Swagger this time on my 5th episode. (Didn't count the thread Macios made)

They both had bad title reigns, gets no reaction, and they're paired with 2 of the biggest heat magnets in the WWE.

There are 5 categories, mic skills, in ring skills, charisma, accomplishments, and louder reaction.

Mic skills - Tie
This is the reason why they both have two of the biggest heat magnets in the WWE.

In ring skills - Dolph Ziggler
Jack Swagger is slow and sloppy in the ring and he never amuses me.

Charisma - Dolph Ziggler
Every time his entrance starts, he starts screaming at the fans and telling them that he will become a World Champion one day. Jack Swagger just walks to the ring like a fucking idiot.

Accomplishments - Tie
Jack Swagger may have had a longer World Title reign, but Dolph Ziggler did not get buried YET and he had one of the best IC reigns ever.

Louder Reaction - Jack Swagger
At least when he won the World Championship, people were booing him like they boo Michael Cole.
Dolph Ziggler wins it, no reaction

Overall - Dolph Ziggler
I am going to disagree with you hear. I went with Jack Swagger. I did this for one simple reason and it's a point you brought up. Swagger can get over by himself and gets a crowd reaction. I thing Dolph is the better wrestler but he gets no "heel heat" without Vickie. So, the answer to this is easily Jack Swagger.
Mic Skills - Dolph. At least he doesn't have a lisp. He's not that bad on the mic. Swagger wasn't terrible, but he wasn't good.

In Ring - Tie. Jack Swagger and Dolph are both talented wrestlers. I veer toward Ziggler because I recognize a lot more of his moves, and recently Jack has been using the Ankle Lock, and it's kinda lame. I liked the Gutwrench Powerbomb a lot better. It's a much better finisher than the Zig Zag.

Charisma - Dolph. As stated above, he plays up to the crowd, Swagger just, well, swags.

Accomplishments - Tie? This one is a toss up. Ziggler was technically a tag team champion and was put in programs with HBK, HHH, Big Show, and Vince McMahon while a member of the Spirit Squad. As Dolph, he had a good IC title reign, but that world title reign wasn't even fair. I don't think it should count, why should it? 11 minutes..really? really?

Louder Reaction - Ziggler. Ziggler has louder reaction during his entrance, at the end of a match, and during. Yes, he may have Vickie on his side, but take her away and I'm sure he'll still receive a very good amount of heat. Swagger used to, but he's very watered down. It's not his fault, though, the kid is still talented.

Overall - Overall I pick Dolph Ziggler, because while they seem pretty matched up on most of the characteristics listed, Ziggler has a good look. Both these guys are talented in their own right, and yes, getting over is placed in their hands, but the material they're given also matters. A lot.
Mic skills - Tie. They're both quite mediocre to be honest, but I believe Swagger would be better if not for the lisp.

In ring skills - Jack Swagger. Ziggler relies far too much on rest holds for my liking and he really hasn't had a good match with anyone who didn't carry him the whole way. Swagger is an exceptional talent in the ring who has had great matches with a variety of people.

Charisma -Jack Swagger. Swagger has a legit star quality to him on his own, Ziggler needs Vickie to even be relevant. Watch, if Cole becomes Swagger's manager full time, He'll become a big time talent.

Accomplishments - Tie. Swagger has a solid ECW Championship reign to his name as well as a shit WHC reign. Ziggler has a shit WHC reign and a couple good IC Title reigns. Toss up.

Louder Reaction - Jack Swagger. He gets constant boos on his own while Ziggler gets nothing without Vickie.

Overall - Jack Swagger. He's light yeays ahead of Ziggler right now and if one of them is ever going to become a true main event level player, it'll be Swagger.
I disagree and pick Dolph Ziggler in all important areas.
He is better on the mic, he's a better overall in ring competitor, he has a better look
He's like a young Curt Henning b4 he was pushed as Mr Perfect

Get rid of Vickie and let him shine on his own.

Considering he came from Mikey in The Spirit Squad to "Hi, i'm Dolph Ziggler"
he's come a long way

Swagger had huge buzz as the next Kurt Angle but he wasn't taken seriously obviously. Personally i think his title reign shoulda been longer

Swagger gets the nod on technical ability and "swagger" but that's it.
Mic Skills - I think Ziggler is the better of the two. The few times Ziggler's been on the mic, I thought he did a solid job. Swagger is alright but what I focus on more than anything when he talks is his lisp. I know it's not his fault, but that doesn't really change the fact that it's what grabs my attention more than anything else.

In-Ring - Tie. I think both Ziggler & Swagger are fun to watch inside the ring for different reasons. I like Swagger's ground & pound style that he mixes with legit amateur wrestling capability. I think it fits perfectly with who he is as well as how he's built. I think Ziggler is fun because of his overall more athletic style. He's faster and seems just more, overall, energetic.

Charisma - Jack Swagger. Until/unless Ziggler really gets out on his own and is able to show that he can generate heat or fan interest without Vickie Guerrero, he'll never ultimately prove what he's capable of. I think that if Ziggler is given a good chance on his own, he could surprise a lot of people. Currently, however, Swagger is all over him in this area. Swagger has shown legit charisma in the past on his own.

Accomplishments - Dolph Ziggler. Jack Swagger is a former ECW Champion & World Heavyweight Champion, not to mention MITB winner. However, generally speaking, I was never overly impressed with Swagger's accomplishments really. By the time Swagger got the ECW Championship, the ECW brand was circling the drain and was pretty irrelevant. Swagger winning MITB at WM 26 was a big surprise and I do have to give WWE credit for taking a risk on putting the WHC on Swagger so suddenly. Unlike Sheamus with the WWE Championship, however, I think it was ultimately a mistake to put the title on Swagger. Ziggler is a former IC champ and WHC. Ziggler's WHC "reign", if that's what you want to call that travesty, was a pure joke and a poor use of the title itself. However, Ziggler truly shined as Intercontinental Champion. I think his reign may have been the strongest in many years and it just seemed ideal to me. When Ziggle won the strap, he really picked up his game and he defended the title very often against high quality opponents. His run as IC champ was quite impressive, much more so to me than Swaggers ECW & WHC runs combined.

Louder Reaction - While there have been times in which neither of these guys get all that much heat, Swagger has the advantage here. As I indicated earlier, Ziggler really has yet to show he can get heat without Vickie being by his side.

Overall - Tie. I'd probably call it a tie at this point. I don't believe that either one of them has tapped into his full potential yet. Swagger has proven himself without the use of a heel manager whereas Ziggler hasn't, but I also believe that Ziggler has more overall untapped potential at this point.
I am going to go with jack swagger because his character is much better than dolph ziggler. the ankle lock and gutwrench are much better finishers than the zig zag. jack also has much better mic skills and has more potential to me.
LOL okay i dont, but what would you do??
fly to Portugal and try to beat the crap out of me?? xD

Back to Topic:

Mic Skills: Ziggler by a little, he is more intense!
In Ring Skills: I call that a tie! Swagger is a legit All American American!
Charisma: Swagger, of course, i dont know but his presence is betetr than Ziggler!!
Accomplishments: Tie!! Both are great!
Louder Reaction: Swagger

Overall: Ziggler!! He is good at the ring and more entertaining, period!!

I think both of them are as good as each other. They are both excellent and a great example of young talent the WWE has to look forward to in the future. Both are still developing mic skills but their charcaters are great and they play them well.

I really hope they get the torch passed on to them from older veterans because they are both multi-talented. But, not to sit on the fence, I would pick swagger because he is a slightly better wrestler being a genuine all american champ. Plus, he is a big guy and a natural heavyweight to make the big time.
Mic Skills - Ziggler. Swagger isn't good on the mic but hes kinda/sorta gotten better.

In Ring Skills - Swagger by a little bit. Hes the real deal when it comes to wrestling. Wrestling entertainment...eh WWE doesn't like him. I'd like to see him in ROH. Ziggler is also good and has grown on me since the Spirit Squad. His match with Daniel Bryan was very good.

Charisma - Ziggler definitely.

Accomplishments - I guess a tie...

Louder Reaction - Ziggler but I feel thats only because of vickie and he talking. Take away vickie and it would be Swagger (heel heat.)

Overall - Wrestling wise it goes to Swagger but being able to be entertaining with certain segments and promos plus wrestling goes to Ziggler. If I had to choose one i'd take Swagger.
Huh... I had no idea that people owned thread types...

Anyway. What a comparison. This is like comparing some sort of boring, half baked potato, to some other boring half baked potato. Let's see.

Mic skills - Jack Swagger by a very thin margin. Neither man is gifted in this regard, and neither man is capable of generating their own heat. At all. Ziggler uses Vickie to get a reaction, and now Swagger uses Cole. If anything, these guys on their own get less of a reaction than the guy that sells pretzels.

In ring skills - Dolph Ziggler, again by a very small margin. Neither man is all that exciting to watch, but I find Swagger looks very... awkward I guess is the word, when he wrestles.

Charisma - Dolph Ziggler? Maybe? He has two looks: Arrogant and worried. Swagger has one look: Angry incontinent monkey. I guess Ziggler wins by default.

Accomplishments - Jack Swagger. The craptastic title run still manages to dwarf anything that Ziggler has managed to accomplish.

Louder Reaction - Tie. Neither man gets a reaction. The more realistic question is who gets a bigger reaction: Cole or Vickie? I don't think science has developed an instrument that can register heat that high.

Overall - Who cares? Neither man is capable of generating any heat on their own. If they need a wrestler's widow or an irritating announcer to get the crowd to care about them, then it really doesn't matter.
No contest, it easily goes to Ziggler. Better mic-work, better look, better in ring, better at working the croud.

Jack Swagger just seems like a very awkward looking and sounding dude. Plus his lisp is a HUGE put off.

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