Who is a bonafied main eventer in the WWE?

CM Steel

A REAL American
Main eventers in the WWE now adays are a dime a dozen. With some many full-timers and part-timers on the roster. Full-time you have John Cena, CM Punk, Sheamus, Randy Orton. Guys like that. The part-timers you have Triple H, the Undertaker, Brock Lesnar, and the Rock. All bonafied main eventers in their own rights. A main eventer is someone who can carry the company with & without the world strap. But guys like Chris Jericho, Dolph Ziggler, the Miz, and Jack Swagger have all been in the main event scene as a world champion. But whenever they lose the world title they end up right back in the mid-carder ranks.

Chris Jericho is a former 6X WWE world champion but has won the WWE IC title a record 10X's! Some see a guy like Jericho as a bonafied WWE main eventer while others see Y2J as a strong upper mid-carder. But whenever Chris Jericho is in a triple threat match for a world championship he doesn't look out of place. But out of those upper mid-carders that I had brought or of any that I have missed. Who do you think is a bonafied main eventer on the WWE roster?

But someone like a Chris Jericho is a great choice in my opinion.
John Cena, Lesner, Undertaker, CM Punk, (The Rock).. They are the only true main eventers.. A match made up of any two of those wrestlers could headline any Wrestlemania.

The main event has past for HHH & Jericho.. I think both of them may yet still headline a PPV, but I would not still class them as main event wrestlers. (stars, yes)

Ryback is a PPV main event candidate, but he is nowhere near a Wrestlemania headliner (legit main eventer).

I think Randy Orton has a Wrestlemania headline left in him.. I could easily see a feud with Cena vs. Orton happening one day, but he is not currently at that main event level.

Dolph Ziggler could headline Wrestlemania soon.. Once again I could easily see him and John Cena closing the night with a super match.

A real smokey for a Wrestlemania main event future might be Daniel Bryan.. Over with the crowd, awesome in the ring.. And has great chemistry with CM Punk.. While not there yet, the future may see Bryan vs. Punk to close Wrestlemania one day.

Sheamus, Henry, Swagger, Del Rio, Big Show, Kane are all midcard talent who may occasionally sneak into a smaller PPV main event.. And it is too soon to judge the shield.
Chris Jericho is a former 6X WWE world champion but has won the WWE IC title a record 10X's! Some see a guy like Jericho as a bonafied WWE main eventer while others see Y2J as a strong upper mid-carder. But whenever Chris Jericho is in a triple threat match for a world championship he doesn't look out of place. But out of those upper mid-carders that I had brought or of any that I have missed. Who do you think is a bonafied main eventer on the WWE roster?

But someone like a Chris Jericho is a great choice in my opinion.

I think you've made the case for Jericho not being a bonafide main eventer yourself. What huge star is in the IC Title picture enough to have the damn thing 10 times? He's a mid card guy that can be seamlessly placed into main event feuds due to his credibility.

Cena and Punk are the only full-time main eventers rights now, but Taker, HHH, Lesnar, and Rock and are equal to or above them. Orton should be, he's over enough to be the 3rd biggest star in the company, but he's fucked up so much that he's been forced to take a backseat to the new guys.

Sheamus, Ziggler, Henry, Show, Del Rio, Kane, Bryan, and Swagger are guys on the fringe, but there's a pretty clear dropoff between them and the big stars.
There's a pretty big difference between guys that they put in the main event...and guy that actually draw when it comes PPV time.

Full timers who actually draw: Cena, CM Punk

Part timers who draw: Jericho, Taker, Rock, Lesnar, HHH, etc...

You can't convince me that anyone else working full-time on the roster right now actually draws money. That MOST fans would actually pay JUST to watch their match or follow their story. Orton drew at one point, but they murdered him. Sheamus is horrible as a face. Ziggler will just never entirely have it.

Once Cena retires, Ryback will go face again and he will draw from the kids. That's your WWE future as I see it right now. Ryback as the next one-note superface.

Guys I hope will draw in the future: Wade Barrett, Daniel Bryan
The only main-event guy (full time) right now, is John Cena. When Cm Punk returns, he is easily another guy who is a Main-event guy.

Part-time main event guys right now are guys like Brock Lesnar, Triple H, Undertaker, The Rock, Jericho, etc.

There are some in the WWE that should be main-event guys, that aren't at the moment. Wade Barrett, Dolph Ziggler, Daniel Bryan, are just some examples of guys who should be in the main-event.

Wade Barrett is floundering the mid-card, sure he's IC champion, but, to be honest, who cares? The mid-card titles mean next to nothing now-a-days. Wade Barrett is a guy who has a good look, good mic skills, good leadership skills, decent in-ring performances. The guy had a interesting rivalry with Randy Orton and John Cena that I loved to watch. The guy needs a Money In the Bank win, or a direct push.

Dolph Ziggler is the World Heavyweight Champion. Dolph Ziggler is a guy who is the future of the WWE. He has a good thing going for him now, but he's not quite there yet. He has amazing in-ring skills, and has decent rivalries with John Cena, and even Jericho. I was hoping for a Wrestlemania 29 Ziggler v. Jericho match. Give Ziggler a nice title run, and he will be in the main-event picture soon.

Daniel Bryan is amazing in so many ways. He has amazing in-ring skills, a believable move-set, a good gimmick that has stuck, decent mic skills, and he is beyond over for a "mid-carder". He's busy with the Shield right now, but I think after the Shield, and possibly a rivalry with Kane, he will be put in the Main-event.

Many people complain that not everyone can be a Main-eventer, or that if people don't win a World Title in 2-3 years, they are a failure. That's not true. I say people like Cesaro, Rhodes, Barrett, Bryan, and Ziggler deserve more, but i don't mean that they all should be main-eventers. But today's mid-card is just flip flopped all the time. Cesaro jobbed most of his US title run, Barrett hasn't had anything close to a rivalry worth paying attention to, Rhodes is jobbing to Tons of Funk, who noone wants to watch. It's just awkward. When I say I want more for them, I mean, make them worth watching. WWE wonders why guys can't get over. Just sad.
If this thread was made during 2010/2011, the iwc would easily say these guys are Main eventers/ Future of the wwe: Sheamus, Miz, Del Rio, Wade Barrett, cody rhodes, Daniel Bryan and Jack swagger. Even brodus clay and tensai were believed to be top prospect and look what happened.

We are in 2013 look where these guys are at in their respective position. They are in midcard to upper midcard. (Dbryan couldve become way bigger had wwe not screwed up with his booking though)

I have said it many times slapping that money in the bank on someone is never the answer to building a maineventer. Unfortunately the wwe believes giving the midcarder a world title reign would magically transform him into a maineventer. Yet the iwc would buy into this method and instantly proclaim the midcarder as future maineventer for no legitimate reason. Except for the fact he can wrestle. Too bad this aint ROH.

This is why Rock, HHH, Taker, Y2j are back. This is why vince resort to the part timer because the full time guys couldnt go over in the first place. And some of you the iwc want to start blaming The Rock for their demotion???

We are in 2013. The newly featured cesaro, who ppl saw as a maineventer apparently, just got burried. Fandango is going to mediocre soon because that cheesy gimmick aint gonna help him in the long run. Ryback is has lost his steam, hes just an average big man who's going to wind up like a sheamus (uppermidcard) and not able to be that full fledged maineventer like a cm punk. Curtis Axel might be a potential prospect under guidance paul heyman. Still i aint gonna put my hopes up if wwe decides to over push another guy again.

As of this moment the legit full time Maineventers are Cena and Punk. 1+1=2.
John Cena and CM Punk are the only two right now on the full time roster. Randy Orton could still be given he is clearly still very over, but with his other issues WWE have had him in a holding pattern since late 2011 when he dropped the WHC to Mark Henry.

I think WWE are doing pretty well with Ryback right now but only time will tell, he's definitely better off as a heel. Sheamus and Daniel Bryan have just not gotten the back-up push needed, although I think Sheamus has struggled since becoming a face and is in the same holding pattern as Orton. Bryan on the other hand seemed to be demoted slightly to see if his overness sustained and it has so it will be interesting to see what WWE do with him in the future, but as much as I like him I cannot see him in Cena or Punk's place, having Raw built around him.

Dolph Ziggler has had such a start-stop push I'm not sure where he will end up, I certainly think he should elevate beyond the two guys he's currently feuding with, but I think his big shot will actually come when he is turned face.

I'm interested to see what the future holds for The Shield, Cesaro, Sandow and Big E.
For me personally when I think superstars who activly cmpetet who are still Main Eventers go:

John CenaRandy OrtonBig ShowCM PunkSheamus

Those are the big 5. When I see them In the title picture it makes sense, but their are others who can be in the main event and should be including oviously the WHC Dolph Zieggler and Del Rio too. But you can't count out either memebr of team Hell No as well. Kofi Kingston could take a shot at the strap, The Miz is still alive, Christian will be coming back soon and who wouldn't love a Y2J-Punk-Christian feud for a World Championship. Imagine those matches!

Honestly with this new crop of stars almost every star has no limit to their success.
Big-E is Impressive.
Ryback rules apparently.
Fandango is awesome.
Wade Barrett has always been over for me.
The Sheild has an incredible opportunity.
Cesaro is great imo.
Swagger can do some good work.
Mark Henrey is a monster.

WWE has a plethara of superstars who could be a stable Main Eventer and will for a while.
Cena and Punk are the only 'bonafide' main eventers right now.

As far as the others go, there are some on the cusp:

1) Orton was and still could be a main eventer, he isn't with this stagnation though.
2) Ziggler
3) Bryan is so prominent on Raw, give him a WWE title reign and he's easily a main eventer
4) Ryback, needs time but could one

Other guys like Mark Henry could be put in the main event if they need someone. There's also guys like Big Show, Kane, Del Rio, Sheamus but they are all either past it or just don't cut it in the main event.
I see Orton as a guy who can lose matches and still be a main eventer. I think he has that level. Same with Cena, if he ever lost a match. So I think those two and Punk are the only legit main eventers right now. Sheamus, Ryback and Del Rio are three guys I see on their way to that level.
Only main eventers WWE has now is Cena & Punk. Let's face it, Orton & Sheamus don't get the pop like they used to and when they do, they are still stale. Push Bryan, he can be top face. The whole Cena thing is old now.
I think, one of the best wrestlers and main event superstar will be Cesaro. He just needs a feud to get over as a major player. If he can keep a feud going with someone like Big Show and seem strong doing it, Im sure he would slowly but surely start getting people to like him.
And we all know that Bryan, Ziggle, Punk, Ambrose are the clearest candidates for future sell outs. Im sure they will bring more people in with a little attitude then Cena. But they might not.
I dont see Ryback as being big, but I like how he is seen stronger then Cena....even if its for a moment.
Big E. looks like he is getting better and better, and given a right feud and gimmick he could be one huge.
But I just hope they dont waste talent like Generico and Ohno. In my opinion Generico could be like the new Mesterio....and yeah. I read that somewhere, but I think its true.
Anyone saying Randy Orton isn't a bonafied main eventers is out of their mind. Orton has been a star for a very long time now, and just because he isn't competing in the main event right now doesn't take away his power as a draw or his importance as one of the top names in the entire WWE universe. The guy gets a crazy reaction all the time, and he's accomplished more and reached greater heights then really anyone else besides Cena.

It's like people have been only watching the WWE for a year now, see that Orton's currently in his transition out of the main event before the cycle comes back to him, and have suddenly forgotten the YEARS AND YEARS before that he dominated WWE television, held World championship after World championship, headlined paper views (far more then Punk), and had top feuds.
I still see Orton as a legitimate main event star, despite how far they have pushed him down the card.

In fact, out of the full time roster I only see Cena, Orton and Punk as legitimate main eventers, and even then I only started buying Punk as a legit main eventer after his feud with The Rock. After them 3, you have about 20 guys in the 2nd tier who all shift up and down erratically.. the whole balance is awful, they do a really bad job at sorting out what guys are where on the card.

1st tier: Cena, Orton, Punk

2nd tier: Sheamus, Big Show, Ziggler, Del Rio, Henry, Jericho, Ryback, The Shield.. then maybe Kane, Jack Swagger, Bryan, Miz, Barrett

Of course, in storyline sense, Orton hasn't been first tier for about 3 years or more now - but you can tell from his popularity amongst casual fans that he is still over to a huge degree. I think he gets the biggest pure babyface pop every week, especially when his finishing sequence kicks in. Take away Cena's haters and I would say Orton has a better reaction than Cena does. The fact he has 2mil+ followers on Twitter cements that, especially without really being known for his Twitter account like CM Punk or Zack Ryder are.
Daniel Bryan has been getting the biggest reactions for the past few months. He has really adapted well to the WWE style and I know a lot of people thought he wouldn't. I just hope they don't turn him heel because he has the potential to be a top babyface.

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