Who in WWE do you believe should change their "Look'?


Dark Match Winner
The title is very Self-Explanatory. When I say "Look", I don't mean the persona, gimmick, or character change. I mean the physical appearance of the wrestler/diva/superstar. For example, the muscular build, hair style, hair color, facial hair style, make-up or face paint, tattoos, entrance attire, or ring gear.

If you have a reason why you feel they should their "Look", put it down. No matter if it's because their current look doesn't fit their character or if you would just like to see that superstar with a certain "Look".

My Picks:

CM Punk- I'd like him to grow his long hair back before he retires. Apparently, it's most likely three years until his retirement. If he doesn't want it long anymore, he should grow his spikes back or his slick-back. Anything but the hair he has now. I'd also like to see him in his ROH shorts and have highlights in his hair the same way he did in ROH. I'd also like to see him mimic Jeff again and wrestle a match Jeff Hardy gear and face paint. I've always wondered how Punk would look if he wore Undertaker 1998-1999 gear with long hair and a thick beard.

Randy Orton- He should grow his spikes back how they were a month ago and grow his beard back. My sole purpose for this is that Orton is rumored to turn heel soon and why not switch the tide with a new "Look".

Undertaker- I'd like him to grow his hair long back but to not dye it black. If anything, he can put put brown, black, and blonde highlights in it. I'd also like to see him with his beard from 1998 and his attire from 1998-1999. I'd like to see this because Wrestlemania 29 may be his last match and why not relive the past a little before you hang your boots up.

Alberto Del Rio- I'd like to see him grow a beard. Of course, it would have to be perfectly shaped-up because of his character.

What superstars' "Look" would you change?
So, in summation, you'd have everyone grow beards and put highlights in their hair, with CM Punk and Undertaker both wearing Undertaker's 1998 ring attire. I would pay to see that match.

Hey, why not change John Cena's look? It's remained essentially the same for far too long. He should grow a goatee and dye it purple, along with a neon green mohawk. Additionally his ring attire should switch from the shorts to something more visually enganging for a live crowd - how about a sequined unitard striped pink and fuschsia? It would allow an easy feud with Damien Sandow over color dominance.

Oh, and give him some red guarachero boots. Michael Cole should announce: "He calls those Cena's slippers!"
I really hope you are not being serious. Unless you are 10 years old. Undertaker with highlights? Really? And why would you want CM Punk to just randomly wear Jeff Hardy gear again? It just doesn't make any sense :wtf:

I will however give an answer...

I too am not a fan of Punks short hair at the mo and it wouldnt hurt if he would tone up a bit. I would like to see Cena wear something else as it would just be refreshing. I think ryback would look much better without the stupid RVD gear. Kane should go back to his 2003ish outfit as the one he wears now just looks like pajamas. Thats all i can think of at the moment... Oh! Divas should wear less clothes :blush:
I would hope that they turn cena heel before his career ends. I am not a john cena fan at all, but I wasn't a Hulk Hogan fan either till he turned into Hollywood Hulk hogan. Cena Should Turn heel and Then Grow out some facial hair so he doesn't have that pretty boy face.

I Would like to see Cena change up his oh so boring get-up he has now, but it would be hard from me. Maybe they could put him in some wrestling tights like when he debut against Kurt Angle. Just give him a more serious look and put some hair on his face and for god sakes turn the man heel.

I do believe he could be more popular with a turn heel, than he is now.
I guess I'd like to see them change Ryback's ring attire. It just looks goofy on any wrestler, and that includes RVD.

Honestly, though, the "look" is so inconsequential compared to the gimmick and the mic skills. Those are the things that get people over.

Miz came back with a bit of a different look, and tamed his character a bit, and I know there are bumblings that he's in for another push, and that's fine, but the look didn't do him any favors. If he turns face, then we can talk. But while he's still a heel with more or less the same gimmick, his look means nothing to me.

Wade Barrett grew a beard and I'd argue that he's significantly less interesting now. I wanted to see the guy as WWE champ before his injury. Now I don't know what to think about him. They're wasting him right now while shoving Cenameaus down our throats...probably why I don't watch smackdown anymore.
So, in summation, you'd have everyone grow beards and put highlights in their hair, with CM Punk and Undertaker both wearing Undertaker's 1998 ring attire. I would pay to see that match.

Hey, why not change John Cena's look? It's remained essentially the same for far too long. He should grow a goatee and dye it purple, along with a neon green mohawk. Additionally his ring attire should switch from the shorts to something more visually enganging for a live crowd - how about a sequined unitard striped pink and fuschsia? It would allow an easy feud with Damien Sandow over color dominance.

Oh, and give him some red guarachero boots. Michael Cole should announce: "He calls those Cena's slippers!"

That's really, really funny.

Guys should be experimenting with looks and gimmicks in developmental, or if WWE puts them in the doghouse. There are certain wrestlers who aren't allowed to change their appearance after it becomes established. CM Punk lobbied for a head shave match a while back so he could ditch his long hair. It was probably the only way to change it, since his long haired image was plastered all over WWE material not to mention toys.
I agree I would prefer for Punk to have his long hair back but it seems he doesn't want to. I'd even settle for the slick back look, I just don't think he looks right with the shaved head but thats just my opinion.

I definitely think Cena needs a complete, lack of a better work makeover, from his ring gear to his moveset I would like to see him really change things up. Doesn't have to go heel or anything but just change his style some. Get rid of the shorts, and get some more traditional style wrestling tights, maybe not briefs but something different. Get away from the t-shirt and caps look all the time as well. I mean he is the only person I think besides Kane that is always wearing the same exact thing!
I don't understand people wanting the shorter slicked back hair for Punk. By the end of the match, when all is said & done & I wanted to cheer for him, his hair looked funky & just made me laugh. I think he looks like a bad ass now. But that's just my opinion. Anyway, I would change Antonio Cesaro. I cannot stand this guy but most people love him so I cannot help but to wonder if it's his look. I never thought I'd say this but he needs to shave the hair on his legs because it's just gross to watch, the thigh pads or protectors are odd & throw me off every time. As for a beard or hair I don't mind his facial look but everything else I'd change but if I may ask a question, what would you change about his attire? As I am drawing a blank. Maybe it's because his gimmick matches his attire... But either way he is my answer...
If anyone needs to change, it's Big Show. I think he should grow his hair back out. He looks like a giant fat dick ever since he shaved it off. :(
What a semi homoerotic thread we've created. Im in. I think Caesaro should shave his head bald. Because his hair now just reminds me of a strict father, not a young up and coming wrestler. Paul Heyman should borrow said razor, and finish off what the stress of not being able to pay your talent started. Baaa Zing.

I hope Undertaker has done something about the grandpa gut he was sporting at last years mania. HHH's thin layer of chest hair he had freshly grown for the brock match wasnt really doing much for me.
Why is it sweet for everyone to all of a sudden wear trunks again? Is it 1986? Id feel better about myself if some of these guys would put on some pants. At least Cody Rhodes wears kneepads. Im done.
Well I hate to be the one to point out the obvious, but Sheamus could definitely use more time in the tanning booth.

Also, I think if CM Punk really believes what he says about himself being the best in the world he should get it tattooed across his neck.
So, in summation, you'd have everyone grow beards and put highlights in their hair, with CM Punk and Undertaker both wearing Undertaker's 1998 ring attire. I would pay to see that match.

Hey, why not change John Cena's look? It's remained essentially the same for far too long. He should grow a goatee and dye it purple, along with a neon green mohawk. Additionally his ring attire should switch from the shorts to something more visually enganging for a live crowd - how about a sequined unitard striped pink and fuschsia? It would allow an easy feud with Damien Sandow over color dominance.

Oh, and give him some red guarachero boots. Michael Cole should announce: "He calls those Cena's slippers!"

Holy hell that's great bravo sir!

I think Wade should lose the bread it really throws me off when I look at him, also think he should use his fists and elbows more but that's just me.

Cesaro looks kinda plain in terms of wrestling looks go maybe some crest hair or a tattoo? All this gets thrown away when you see the strength this guy has so no big deal.

Two guys who look great honesty and Sheamus and Bryan. Daniels bread is awesome and actually becomes part of his gimmick just like yes and no does. Same thing with Sheamus the bumps he gets and his red hair adds to him, some can argue it help made him.
John Cena should switch to wearing trunks/tights. Maybe have him wear tights in his "Color of the Month", and color coordinate them with the hats and wristbands.

It's more of a subtle change, but I thought Alex Riley should wear eye black (like the kind football players wear) to the ring.
What a semi homoerotic thread we've created. Im in. I think Caesaro should shave his head bald. Because his hair now just reminds me of a strict father, not a young up and coming wrestler. Paul Heyman should borrow said razor, and finish off what the stress of not being able to pay your talent started. Baaa Zing.

I hope Undertaker has done something about the grandpa gut he was sporting at last years mania. HHH's thin layer of chest hair he had freshly grown for the brock match wasnt really doing much for me.
Why is it sweet for everyone to all of a sudden wear trunks again? Is it 1986? Id feel better about myself if some of these guys would put on some pants. At least Cody Rhodes wears kneepads. Im done.

Um how long have you been away from the product? Cody Rhodes has been wearing knee pads for a couple of months... If anything Cody Rhodes needs to stop wearing tighty whities...
There's a reason Undertaker and Big Show shaved their heads, thinning/receding hair isn't a good look.

I actually think CM Punk getting a best in the world tattoo is a good idea though lol
Undertaker with highlights? I can't even imagine that. Punk should grow his hair back out yes, cuz buzz doesn't look right on him. I agree that kane's attire looks like pajamas. I'd make Heath Slater cut his hair and spike it and form a tag team with Zack Ryder.
If OP was in charge of the Superstar's appearances then everyone will have a beard.

Except for Daniel Bryan and Mike Knox.
I'd love to see Mr. McMahon bring back his old hairstyle, that's if he can grow it again at his age. To this day he still looks weird with that new haircut.
I think AJ should start coming to the ring nekkid. Well, maybe she can wear shoes. Arena floors is hella nasty.

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