Who in ROH could be a World Champion?


Pre-Show Stalwart
So, of all the talent within the ROH system (including FIP), who could be a potential World's Champion who has not been? And to even further the question, who SHOULD have been the World's Champion already who has not been?

For me, as far as who could be a World Champion, I can definatly see Tyler Black winning it eventually, and if Jimmy Jacobs sticks around long enough and people like Nigel/Danielson/Aries end up leaving I can definatly see him as a potential champion. My third pick would be Roderick Strong, I mean, he has been in ROH for a long, long time and has been a great FIP and tag-team champion, so why not?

As far as who should have been a World's Champion goes, it's a hard question, but I can tell you who I thought was on their way to becoming World Champion and then fell short. Davey Richards. For a few months back in early to mid 2008 I really thought he was on his way to being champion, but his push was cut somewhat short and he went on to become another face on the roster, same thing for Erick Stevens and CC.
Rhett Titus. He has the gimmick, the personality, the mic skills and the potential to be a big star on the indies. He is only 21 years' old and has plenty of time to grow, but seriously, over the last 6 months, this guy has grown leaps and bounds as a preformer, and if he continues to grow, then he could very well be something special. Black is given, and He'll probably win the belt in the next few months. Strong should of won the belt in 2005 imo. He was really over, but these days, he is a floater and his profile is quiet low.
I think Jimmy jacobs could be a world champion. If you seen in his interviews and the early age of the fall days he was killer on the mic and basicially talked for the group. His in ring abilty is not that bad i mean tyler blacks was and still is way better in ring then jimmy.

Also he would be a perfect heel champion for wwe with just his mic skills alone
Delirious should be a front runner for guys who have yet to win an ROH title. I believe Jason Sensation and myself had this conversation a few months ago- Delirious is the only guy on the current roster who has been head of the wrestling school and has not won the title. He has one of the best gimmicks in wrestling right now, he's solid in the ring and has a large fan base.

Brent Albright is another guy that could make a successful run as ROH champion. He is probably the largest guy in the company. He is big, strong, and puts on good, solid matches in a very traditional style. Albright has a look that the casual wrestling fan would like and could get behind.
Delirious should be a front runner for guys who have yet to win an ROH title. I believe Jason Sensation and myself had this conversation a few months ago- Delirious is the only guy on the current roster who has been head of the wrestling school and has not won the title.

The fact that this man has not won a World Title is a travesty. I pitched the entire storyline as it should have gone. Just what in the hell happened? RVDGurl, you know what I'm talking about... but anyway, back on the subject...

Roderick Strong. 2005? Too early, IMO. 2006, as leader of the No Remorse Corps? Perfect. The man has been poised for greatness and has silently slipped back into the fold along with Delirious. I could sit and toss out names all day about who I think should be the next ROH Champion (or could be a champion at all for that matter), but if you look at the situation right now, ROH is doing something new... and I don't particularly like it. They are making their title scenario a little more predictable than they used to. Right now, we all have a solid handful of performers who we are sure will unseat Nigel. Aries, Jacobs, Black, Lynn. But if the wrestling fan inside me that resides deep down somewhere in an unexposed part of my heart gets his way, the title will change hands traditionally-unexpetedly and with a bang. I love what ROH is doing with their storylines. The videowire is looking awesome lately. However, I am disapointed with the fact that they are starting to stray a bit farther away from the fighting champion stories. In the past, champions have been booked to defend their belts against any and every member of the ROH roster at all times. Every member of the roster seemed like a potential threat. Nowadays, there are many members of the roster who-if they were given a title shot-I wouldn't give a chance in hell of winning it. I miss the days where I could attend a live ROH event and be at the edge of my seat for a title match not only because of the action, but because of the unpredictability. Lose the jobber/mid-carder/main-eventer element and this thread would be so much hotter.
I think any of the people named so far would all make great World Champions but I would love to see Bison Smith with the belt. Him as World champion would be great!!! He could have some very good matches with all of these guys.
I say Jacobs should be a future title contender. His mic skills are decent. As someone pointed out, he did most of the talking for AOTF. His in ring work is good, and his look is fine, so long as he gets more AOTF fall members. The man isn't very big nor strong, and relies on basic heel tactics. So in order for him to have a believable title reign, he would need to increase his stable members in my opinion. If I'm correct he only has Brodie Lee as of right now.
I really don't understand some of these choices for future World champions. I mean, sure its Ring of Honor where the actual in ring wrestling is even more important then other promotions stress.. but a World champion of any company still needs to have certain skills and abilities that make them a draw and allow the company to market and be more successful through that champion. You still need charisma, you still need to be able to talk, etc..

Tyler Black has to be the most overrated choice I've seen. Sure the guy might be great in the ring (I'm not going to comment on that) but the guy is the most bland person around and has absolutely no ability to cut a promo. He's horrible. I don't care how good you are in the ring if you're that bad in other aspects you don't deserve to be a World champion until you raise your game and develop more then just your wrestling.

The same goes with Roderick Strong, and that's exactly why he hasn't been World champion yet despite being around so long. They even give him opportunities with other titles and long reigns to try to push him to develop into more of a champion and more of a complete package and the guy still has no charisma or character.

Rhett Titus is laughable, Brent Albright is much the same as the two above examples and needs a lot of work before he could be a viable champion. I really don't think Ring of Honor has a lot of viable options for World champions.. Nigel Miguiness was a good option and he deserved the spot, Austin Aries is at the top of the list even though he's already been champion before, and Davey Richards deserves a shot much more then Tyler Black or Roderick Strong in my eyes because he's got a much better package all around and he's being wasted in a tag team right now.
i just started following ROH and went to there show at hammerstein ballroom recently. Maybe it had something to do with his return but colt cabana received the biggest pop of the night. IMO He is very charismatic and entertaining as hell also pretty good on the mic. I think he would be a good champion to bring ratings with the casual fan becase of these qualities. maybe not right due to his recent come back but i think colt cabana would be great as roh champ
What about Kevin Steen? He is a big guy, good in the ring, cuts GREAT promos and would be sucessful as either a heel or face.
I would belt Jay Briscoe too. I would have done that instead of Jerry Lynn. Mark his hurt so it would have been the perfect time and the dude has paid his dues. And when Mark returns they could have run a storyline where they fued with each other before reconciling, losing the belt, and doing their tag run again.
Brent Albright, Roderick Strong and Chris Hero.

Albright has shown that he steps up for big matches when needed (his matches with Pearce were awesome, and keep in mind, he was wrestling Adam Pearce... ADAM PEARCE!) so I'd definitely consider him for champ in 2010. The fans also love the guy, and he just has that ROH feel about him. I could see him being a very good face champion for a year plus, representing a fighting champion, taking on all comers.

Roderick has been in ROH forever and was in the perfect position in late 2005, but then they really blew it. He'd need to be built back up, but he has the wrestling ability to be champ. The ROH crowd also dig the guy.

Chris Hero is the God of charisma (no exaggeration, I swear). Without Sweeney, now is his time to step up, and he could verty well do that in a big way. The guy has amazing charisma, is very good in the ring, and can get the crowd to either love him or hate him at will. He would definitely be a good choice for champ.

Any of those three would be my first choices.
Albright has shown that he steps up for big matches when needed (his matches with Pearce were awesome, and keep in mind, he was wrestling Adam Pearce... ADAM PEARCE!) so I'd definitely consider him for champ in 2010. The fans also love the guy, and he just has that ROH feel about him. I could see him being a very good face champion for a year plus, representing a fighting champion, taking on all comers.

If Albright ever becomes World Champ, it should only be transitional and to put over the next person in line. Sort of like Bam Bam Bigelow, when he won the ECW Title. Brent is best served an enforcer, a monster, but not a long-term World Champion. He doesn't have the charisma or mic skills for it.

Roderick has been in ROH forever and was in the perfect position in late 2005, but then they really blew it. He'd need to be built back up, but he has the wrestling ability to be champ. The ROH crowd also dig the guy.

Roderick Strong is one of my favorite wreslters in ROH, but the guy is just too normal be a World Champion. I mean, he looks like some guy you would see at any Frat party out there. There's nothing unique about him, and his mic skills make it worse. He definitely has the wrestling ability to make a great World Champion, but he needs to get a lot more personality before it can happen.

Chris Hero is the God of charisma (no exaggeration, I swear). Without Sweeney, now is his time to step up, and he could verty well do that in a big way. The guy has amazing charisma, is very good in the ring, and can get the crowd to either love him or hate him at will. He would definitely be a good choice for champ.

This, I completely agree with you on 100%. The fact that he isn't champ right now is a shame, in my opinion. I mean, ROH is lucky WWE or TNA hasn't gotten this guy yet. I have no idea why they haven't, but since they haven't, ROH should be taking full advantage of it. Hero definitely has qualities to be handed a wrestling company and run with it. Athletically, he's as tall as HHH, but as athletic as Brian Kendrick. And as you said, charisma and mic wise, there aren't many out there who can touch him. He's, without a doubt, World Champion material and ROH should let him prove it before it's too late.
If Albright ever becomes World Champ, it should only be transitional and to put over the next person in line. Sort of like Bam Bam Bigelow, when he won the ECW Title. Brent is best served an enforcer, a monster, but not a long-term World Champion. He doesn't have the charisma or mic skills for it.

As I said above, I think he could make a fighting champion. While I agree with you, he doesn't have much charisma at all, or mic skills, I do think if ROH was to invest some time in him, he could well improve. Also, keep in mind that I said 2010, and I probably should have said 2011 as well, since I want to allow him time to further improve. I definitely agree that he's not quite ready yet, which is why I see him as more of a long-term project.

Roderick Strong is one of my favorite wreslters in ROH, but the guy is just too normal be a World Champion. I mean, he looks like some guy you would see at any Frat party out there. There's nothing unique about him, and his mic skills make it worse. He definitely has the wrestling ability to make a great World Champion, but he needs to get a lot more personality before it can happen.

Again, I see him as more of a project, though I should have stated that. Agreed about the look/charisma. It could have happened a few years ago when ROH wasn't on TV and looking to expand as much, but with ROH in its current state, I'm with you. At least for now. Hopefully ROH can try to do something with him.
Davey Richards is my top pick for the next champion who hasn't been a champion before. He's been having a Wrestler of the Year performance this year and unlike Tyler Black, he has charisma and is good on the mic. With ROH trying to become more mainstream, they need someone good on the mic. Watching some of Black's interviews, it's hard to take him serious when he's stumbling over all of his words.

For wrestlers who should have been champion, Roderick Strong comes to mind. I would of liked to see him take the title from Danielson once AmDrag's reign started to wind down and he was just trying to hold out until Final Battle. With Homicide going to TNA, it would of made more sense to give the belt to Roderick instead. Glory By Honor V Night 1 perhaps? Having the KOW defeat Aries and Strong the next night would instantly give Strong two contenders for the first shots as well. Sadly, I doubt we'll see Strong with the belt since several new guys have come in with loads of potential and Strong still struggles at time to cut a good promo.

One wrestler not mentioned that surprises me is Kenny King. He's not as close as Davey Richards, but over the next couple of years I can easily see King moving up to the main event. If the likes of Nigel McGuinness and Bryan Danielson leaves ROH, I expect this to happen sooner.

Just as today's top three guys are Danielson, Nigel and Aries, the future I believe will be Black, Richards and King.
Tyler Black(can Flat Out Sell Tickets) ,nigel Mcginess(hella Promos And Matches),chris Hero(promos And I Think If He Has Larry Sweety) And Austin Aries(this Guy Is Great Pure Asshole Heel Just Prefect!)
Davey Richards is my top pick for the next champion who hasn't been a champion before. He's been having a Wrestler of the Year performance this year and unlike Tyler Black, he has charisma and is good on the mic. With ROH trying to become more mainstream, they need someone good on the mic. Watching some of Black's interviews, it's hard to take him serious when he's stumbling over all of his words.

Davey Richards is an interesting pick. I have really noticed that he has stepped up his game on the mic. He can deliver a line just as well as anyone in that company. In fact, he may cut the most believeable promos because it feels like he's just talking to you- no script involved. Davey has always had a tremendous amount of intensity and has has always been solid in the ring. However, I don't see him getting involved in much single's competition anytime soon. The American Wolves have definately taken over as the #1 tag team in ROH since Mark Briscoe got hurt. I'm thinking that the Wolves are going to hang onto the tag titles for a good amount of time. Look for the Wolves v. Briscoe fued to last well into the fall.

One wrestler not mentioned that surprises me is Kenny King. He's not as close as Davey Richards, but over the next couple of years I can easily see King moving up to the main event. If the likes of Nigel McGuinness and Bryan Danielson leaves ROH, I expect this to happen sooner.

Kenny King doesn't do it for me. He has been paired up alot recently with Rhett Titus and Titus completely overshadows King with his big personality. I think King will be a solid mainstay for the ROH mid card, but I really don't see him ever moving into the title picture. But who knows? ROH is always full of surprises.
Davey Richards is an interesting pick. I have really noticed that he has stepped up his game on the mic. He can deliver a line just as well as anyone in that company. In fact, he may cut the most believeable promos because it feels like he's just talking to you- no script involved. Davey has always had a tremendous amount of intensity and has has always been solid in the ring. However, I don't see him getting involved in much single's competition anytime soon. The American Wolves have definately taken over as the #1 tag team in ROH since Mark Briscoe got hurt. I'm thinking that the Wolves are going to hang onto the tag titles for a good amount of time. Look for the Wolves v. Briscoe fued to last well into the fall.

The Wolves excelling as a tag team will put Davey as a World Champion on hold for awhile. I suppose that's one of the problems with being incredible in everything you do.

Kenny King doesn't do it for me. He has been paired up alot recently with Rhett Titus and Titus completely overshadows King with his big personality. I think King will be a solid mainstay for the ROH mid card, but I really don't see him ever moving into the title picture. But who knows? ROH is always full of surprises.

If I could compare King and Titus to any past teams/groups, they remind me of Jack Evans and Roderick Strong. While Evans easily overshadowed Strong in 2004, Strong easily showed he had more potential to be champion. Titus is virtually all gimmick while King is much more of a well rounded wrestler. There's still a lot of time for things to happen (Both for and against the push of King), but in a company where very few wrestlers are all around talented wrestlers, King will stand out.

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