Who has the most potential?

The Bearded One

Love is not admissable evidence.
There are thousands of indy wrestlers out there, and most of them will forever be that, an indy wrestler. That is perfectly fine, and a person can make a comfortable living just wrestling indy shows. But most, if not all, wrestlers dream of being in either WWE or TNA. Many won't ever make it, but some will. So my question is this:

Which indy wrestler, if you think there is one, has the most potential to be a big time star?

For me, this wrestler is Kenny King. The man just oozes charisma and everyone knows how important that is to the bigger companies. The biggest names always have gerat charisma that just makes people want to watch them. He makes the viewer care about his matches, whether its a singles match or a tag match with The All Night Express. King is gold on the mic and his promos feel so natural, unlike many indy guys. The biggest names, with very few exeptions, have great mic skills. Top guys need to be able to communicate with the crowd and Kenny King is able to do that. He is also really good in the ring as well. He has all the tools to make to become a big star in one of the "big league" companies, and being associated with Austin Aries can only help him.

So, who do think has the most potential to be a mega star in wrestling?
Well...I think the guy who can and probably WILL shine...is Tyler Black.
He has enough size to be in the WWE,he has the talent,and he is really over in ROH. The problem with Tyler is his mic skills, he just doesn't speak naturally; but i guess WWE would help him in that aspect. (Just like they did with Danielson)
I think that if WWE signs him he'll go to NXT (hopefully he goes to the main roster) because he is too young...but probably be a BIG fan favorite...
And Kenny King was actually at both WWE and TNA, but wasn't really a "superstar".:disappointed:
Chris Hero, without a doubt.

The guy has everything to be one of the biggest stars in the business. Great look, he's tall, charismatic, great on the stick, athletic, and knows how to work a crowd. He's fucking tremendous. Plus, he knows how to work great both as a heel and as a babyface. He literally has everything it takes to be a huge success in the business; the only thing he's missing is a little luck (the fact is... every successful wrestler in the history of the business had some luck on their side).

To me, Chris Hero would just fit in in WWE better than anybody else on the indy scene. He's the only guy (outside of Danielson, who really doesn't count) who I can see come in and have a great feud with someone like John Cena. He's the one guy I can picture get on the microphone in front out 20,000 fans and outwit every single guy on the roster. He's the one guy I can see having an area boo the ever living shit out of him, or cheer for him like he's the next Hulk Hogan. And of course, he's someone I can picture having great matches under the WWE style with any wrestler there, since the type of athleticism he has doesn't clash with the style, and neither does his already creative moveset.
Well I've seen some of his work and he seems to be well rounded in all aspects but Austin Aries seems like a guy who could make it big in either company. I know he was in TNA a while ago but he wasn't as good as he is now. He's very similar to CM Punk in my opinon and could be pushed in a similar way.
Chris Hero, without a doubt.

The guy has everything to be one of the biggest stars in the business. Great look, he's tall, charismatic, great on the stick, athletic, and knows how to work a crowd. He's fucking tremendous. Plus, he knows how to work great both as a heel and as a babyface. He literally has everything it takes to be a huge success in the business; the only thing he's missing is a little luck (the fact is... every successful wrestler in the history of the business had some luck on their side).

To me, Chris Hero would just fit in in WWE better than anybody else on the indy scene. He's the only guy (outside of Danielson, who really doesn't count) who I can see come in and have a great feud with someone like John Cena. He's the one guy I can picture get on the microphone in front out 20,000 fans and outwit every single guy on the roster. He's the one guy I can see having an area boo the ever living shit out of him, or cheer for him like he's the next Hulk Hogan. And of course, he's someone I can picture having great matches under the WWE style with any wrestler there, since the type of athleticism he has doesn't clash with the style, and neither does his already creative moveset.

Hero was one of my initial thoughts, but I decided to go with King instead, even though Hero has all the tools. He just needs to stop throwing 14,000 elbows every match. But what about Hero's tag team partner, Claudio Castagnoli? I know he had a WWE Development deal a few years back, but the reports are Castagnoli had visa issues, but he denies this. Nevertheless, Castagnoli has all the size and charisma that his tag team partner has. He has the look and the in ring skills. He could make a great heel in the WWE going up against the likes of John Cena. He wouldn't have to change his character one bit. The Kings Of Wrestling have to have the most combined potential to become huge stars.
This was a hard decision but I have to go with Claudio. I won't deny that I love the guy. I love his move-set to "I'm Very European." He was actually one of the guys that drew me into Indy Wrestling.

He could easily fit in with WWE. He has the size, which most Indy wrestlers lack, and can move around the ring with ease. His charisma is over-flowing, and he can put on a good match. I hope to God that he makes his way to the big time because the feuds I can imagine with him and Cena, or Edge, would be fantastic.

And he could make it into TNA, well, TNA accepts everybody.
I would have to say in time it will be Tyler black given the fact he is very young i believe he is about 23 years old so he has plenty of years ahead of him to develop further (barring injury drug use etc.) the fact he is the top dog in one of the top if not the top indy company in the US means alot of people have faith in him and thats key in the wrestling business is the fact people have faith in you to perform wont shock me if in five years he is headlining a wrestlemania or bound for glory because he keeps on improving each time i see him wrestle so I really think he can become a huge star
Well, I am a bit out of my element in this section but I figured I would give it a look. I really don't follow independent wrestling that closely, I have caught ROH a few times and the local wrestling company around these parts called Bruiser wrestling. As for an Indy guy I think has a lot of potential, well that would have to be a man I have been a big fan of for years. That man being Teddy Hart.

I love Teddy Hart. Yes, I know he is a bit of a douche bag but he is a tremendous talent. He has had countless attempts at breaking through to the big time but always shoots himself in the foot. However, if you look past that he is a great talent. He can cut some awesome promos and can do some mind blowing moves, be it the flippy floppy ones or the more technical moves. He has a great look and it doesn't hurt that his last name is Hart. If he could finally grow up a little bit and get hired by the WWE or even TNA again, I feel as though he could do some huge things.
I'm going to go with Chuck Taylor here. If this was a few years back I'd say Davey Richards, but he's really come into his own and already more than fulfilled any potential he had, but Taylor is a guy that's still under the radar for most people, even to many indy fans. He's been a mainstay in PWG, CHIKARA, and now Dragon Gate USA and EVOLVE, and everywhere he goes he makes his mark. He's a smaller guy, certainly not ripped with muscles or anything which is really his only downside in my eyes, but he's fantastic inside the ring, absolutely GOLD on the mic and he knows how to work a crowd better than almost any indy wrestler I can think of right now, especially as a heel. During the F.I.S.T (Taylor's tag team) vs. 3.0 match at the 6/28 CHIKARA show Chuck Taylor got tossed from the ring and and landed in a fans lap. He proceeded to stay there, pick up the fans water bottle and throw it across the room. When another fan threw it back to the guy, Chuck dove to catch it and threw it across the room again before he got back in the ring. Chuck Taylor is awesome. and that's all there is to it.

In my eyes this guy could go far, really far, he looks to me like the next guy in the mold of guys like Chris Sabin, Jimmy Jacobs, and Alex Shelley, except he just oozes charisma unlike those three. Put some more muscles on the kid and give him a tiny bit more seasoning, and he's ready for primetime TV in my eyes.
Tyler Black definitely has the look and the in-ring talent for sure. He really needs to work on his mic skills, however. I don't know how many other people watch the ROH Videowire, but every time he cuts a promo there, it feels like he is reading off a cue card. That's nothing that he can't work on with practice, however. Like I said, he has a great look and his wrestling skills are awesome. He can do the high-flying stuff, technical, or even brawl a bit. Tyler Black is my pick for this one.
I'll go with Jimmy Jacobs. After forming the Age of the Fall, the man really impressed me a lot from that point on. I think he's pretty good on the mic and he can put on some pretty great matches as seen with Aries, Danielson, and Black. While he may be undersized, that hasn't stop guys like Mysterio, Styles, and Bourne from suceeding. Not saying that he's as good as any of them, although I believe whether he goes to TNA or WWE that he can be a big star for them.

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