Who has the Biggeset Ego in the wrestling Business?

Biggest Ego?

  • Vince McMahon

  • Hulk Hogan

  • Eric Bischoff

  • Paul Heyman

  • Vince Russo

  • Other..

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Fuel The Fire

Getting Noticed By Management
I don't know if there has been a discussion on this but I figured this may be an interesting topic. As we all know, in the wrestling world there are people with real life egos. So I figured lets take a look at for people that I think may have a big ego.

Vince McMahon- This man I can't really tell if he does stuff that is better for business or because he does it because he is Vince McMahon. When he purchased W.C.W he just destroyed what ever was left. People have argued that it was bad for business. Did Vince destroy it as a good business move or ego? I really don't know but I hope it makes for good conversation.

Hulk Hogan-I decided to add this simply after watching the HBK video of hart break and triumph. It was a match that HBK and hogan had and hogan wanted to win and they gave it to him. HBK over sold a big boot in that match "which is fucking Hilarius". But it did really get me thinking and i wonder should it have been the other way around? People also argue that hogan really doesn't put over younger talent when he was a regular wrestler. I really don't watch TNA so I'm sorry if he is putting over younger talent know but I wanted to add Hulk and see what people would say.

Eric Bischoff-This guy I wanted to also add and see if anyone thought he had a big Ego. He reminds me of Vince because I cant tell if he does what he does as a business stand point or for the fact that he is also just Eric Bischoff.

Vince Russo-This man..I FUCKING HATE. I'm sorry for any tna lovers but I really think he is also a key reason why w.c.w died. I watched the rise and fall of w.c.w and the way he handled hulk hogan there was piss poor. I don't care what your personal feelings are I don't think you should hurt your company in front of a live audience when he had Jeff Jerrett laid down for him.
Paul Heyman-With Paul Heyman I cant decide if it was pride or ego. I was watching the rise and fall of E.C.W. I remember that when he first landed the deal for T.N.T Vince McMahon told him that he was going to have to change his product a little bit to make his sponsor's happy and his network happy also. But Paul refused to change it and what may have been one of the reason the original E.C.W died. I liked watching tna But as soon as he jumped aboard I felt like that is when the story lines really started to not make any sense.

Ok guys I hope you enjoy this discussion , try to move out of my shell of being known as a spammer. So here it goes.
Great thread Fuel. I personally think it's VKM. The man must always get his way and he can never look bad. I mean look at the Screwjob and the infamous line "Bret screwed Bret" he would not admit that he was wrong nor would he let his ego be tarnished. Also think about him paying Warrior, his ego wouldn't let the fans be let down so he payed Warrior, Warrior worked the show and he was quickly fired afterwards. Vince McMahon is an egomaniac.
This is a hard poll, to an extent everyone needs an ego to have the confidence to succeed, but its the extent to which they take their ego. If a gun was held to me i would say Hogan. The guy just wont fuck off, even at near 60. On TNA he still is the centre of attention, has to look the tough guy and top face, even though he isnt supposed to be an active wrestler. And his career is littered with instances of self serving and refusal to put people over.

Its odd though because as i think about it, this whole poll concept could be reversed and the poll could be "who is the most insecure?". The reasons would be exactly the same though!

Hogan refusing to put people over, Vince destroying WCW after purchasing them because they had the audacity to beat him in the ratings, Bischoff reading out RAW results to try to stop WWF overtaking WCW in the ratings, Russo still desperately trying to prove that he is a good booker and Heyman wanting to be proved right about his ECW product. They could all just as easily be viewed as signs of insecurity.
Interesting topic but, for me, I picked other for one man:

Triple H

Yes the others have got huge egos but, to me, Triple H beats them all due to him having the stroke and making sure that, for the Smackdown Vs Raw 2009 game that no magazines, websites or TV adverts showed Triple H "in a defence less or beaten position" How big is your ego when you get it so that you can't even have the digital version of yourself being hurt!
For me I would say it is between Vince and Hogan.But they both have reasons to have an "ego".Both have made a huge impact on wrestling, while Hogan did it in the ring Mcmachon did it in an office.

He came in and instead of long wrestling type battles he beat guys in minutes.That alone changes how wrestling was done for years to come.

He delivered the slam that was heard around the world at Wrestlemania 3.He beat Andre and retained the Championship in a great match at one of the greatest Mania's ever.

Countless Championship have been around his waits in either WCW or the WWE just to name those two_One of the first NWO members to.

Vince McMachon
After one hell of a war McMachon was able to beat WCW and buy the talent they had.Booker T was the Champ and the world saw him come to WWE television in 2001.

He helped keep ECW going in it's last life.Why would he do this, well look at the talent that he got...Austin!That is just one of many.

He is the Chairman of THE wrestling company in America the WWE.

Both these men have many more things they have doen and they have a right to have an ego.But who has the biggest, for me it is Hulk Hogan.
I find Hogan surpisingly humble when he's out of character actually
The same can be said of Bish.
Russo.. I don't see him as having a big ego but that doesn't mean he's nota legend in his own mind.

I think Heyman and Vince both have humongous ego issues. Heyman thinks he's better than the business and he's a piece of shit in regards to how he handled paying his workers.

Vinnny Mac is the worst of them all. Not 1 time have I ever seen/read something he said and he hasn't come across as a genuine dick. He goes out his way to do stuff to settle his personal vendetta's. But alas even he's not the grand prize winner.

I think the biggest ego in the business goes to..
Goldberg. No explanation needed.
Out of the choices I would have to go with Hogan. You can say Vince has a huge ego, but he doesn't shove himself down your throat each week. There are weeks if not months where you never see him. To me, ego is having to be in spotlight. All of the things said about Vince (destroying WCW, Montreal Screw Job, etc) seem to me more ruthless than ego-driven. I know I am splitting hairs to some degree, but I just think with Vince he has your back until you, in his eyes, betray him, then all bets are off.
It's McMahon by miles, and I don't even understand how this is a discussion. If anything, it should be a statement of fact made by the OP, instead of a proposed question – asking this is like asking "Which is hotter, the Sun or Pluto?", as if Pluto could ever really be a viable answer? Please...

I might even go so far as to say McMahon might have the biggest ego I've ever seen a human being have in all my time on this earth – bigger than George W. Bush himself.

Vince defines the practice of doing something "because you can", so how can the answer not be him?
Not even sure why Bischoff is on this list. Not much of an ego guy in an industry full of them, at least IMO. Hulk Hogan has been protective of his character but outside the ring does not seem to be much of an egomaniac. Heyman has some ego but it is hardly out of control. Russo definitely had a decent ego back in the day but I think that has certainly subsided more than people realize. But who has the biggest? Absolutely Vince. The man who made numerous employees kiss his ass on national television.
Vince McMahon vs. God....FTW.

That alone tells us who has the biggest ego in all of wrestling. But, to be fair, why shouldn't he have a massive ego? He took a smaller regional wrestling company and globalized it. He signed away as many of the other company's top wrestlers as he could, made the WWF extremely profitable, took out his competition, has seen his company enjoy enormous success on television, made a shit ton of money by taking the company public, has his own on-demand cable network (the real one is coming) and at his age, is still in better shape than a lot of the wrestlers. When you consider everything Vince has done, if you had done it, wouldn't your ego be the size of the universe as well?
I voted for Hogan, he has always een the centre of attention in his very public life. He's never seemed like 'team player' he's always just had is own best intrests in mind. I disagree with those that say Vince has an ego, i mean ok, his 'keyfabe character' does of course, wouldn't work if he didn't. But i think the man is proud of what he's acomplished but i wouldn't say he has an ego. Don't see him having a reality TV show about him, don't see him getting divorced or hear of him legitimately cheating on his wife. The guy seems like a genuine guy when you look through the facade. I think he's just a great businessman who is good at what he does and is proud of what he has achieved. Bishoff seems the same, just less successful and Russo isn't egotistical, he's delusional, big difference. As for Heyman? don't think he's got an ego, i think he's more like wrestlings equivalent to 'Del Boy Trotter' from 'Only Fools And Horses'. He just has this knack of making the best of the absolutely crappy hand he gets dealt. Anyway, to sum up, Hogan gets my vote
To some degree, I'm a little bit torn on this. Vince McMahon is someone that definitely has a huge ego. However, as Davi323 pointed out, it's not as if McMahon doesn't deserve to have a huge ego. Whether you hate the man, love him, aren't sure where you stand or what, Vince McMahon is the single most influential and most powerful man in pro wrestling history. Nobody can say that he hasn't and still doesn't fuck up at times, the man's not omnipotent after all. Fucking up and making mistakes is a part of life, though I think Vince does sometimes get shit on unfairly at times just because he is Vince McMahon.

But for me, I'm going to have to go with Hulk Hogan. I can completely understand anybody that voted for Vince and don't blame them one bit. Not too long ago, however, Hulk Hogan said on a radio interview that he taught Vince McMahon everything that he knows. I don't know how much of it was Hogan in character, I don't know how much of it was really him and I don't really care. You've got to have one massively high opinion of yourself to say such a thing. That would be the equivalent of Vince McMahon saying he taught Donald Trump everything he knows about real estate investments.
I think I have to give the slight edge to Vince considering is the owner of WWE. Hogan may say he has a piece of TNA, but he isn't the owner. Hogan has a say in who he wants to push, but at the end of the day Dixie has the final say. Vince can create or ruin careers in a drop of a hat. He does give people second chances like Warrior, Hogan, Hall and Nash, etc.

I have just never seen Hogan getting people to kiss his ass on live television or making fun of a man for having colon cancer. I understand that Vince's character is a heartless CEO, but sometimes art can imitate life. There is no excuse for making fun of a man who has colon cancer. Especially a man the caliber of Jim Ross. Vince booked a match against Shawn Michaels and God. He even wanted to make an incest storyline involving his daughter.

What kind of a person thinks of this stuff that isn't an Egomaniac? Hogan isn't a saint either predicting that TNA will go to a 2.0 on Monday nights. He even said TNA would take over WWE and Vince.

Vince McMahon took on the NFL creating his own football league. Who in their right mind would think that was a good idea? Vince has banned pretty much any petty thing he could in WWE. I have even heard a story that Vince hated sneezing because he couldn't control it. It seems that if Vince can't control something, then it doesn't exist. I.E Hogan, Flair, Bryan Danielson, etc.

Hogan has a huge ego but Vince's ego has skyrocketed beyond anything natural. I can understand why considering he revolutionized the wrestling business, but sometimes people need to be brought down to earth.
I like how WWE marks are saying Vince has the biggest ego but claiming he is entitled to it, which somehow makes it not count. The biggest is the biggest. This is not who is the biggest douche. There are no excuses that take away the fact Vince has the biggest ego. Even if we are talking about entitlement for some convenient reason how is Hogan not entitled to having one? He is more recognizable and popular than Vince, especially among the average everyday person. Vince is the greatest promoter of all-time while Hogan is certainly in the running for greatest professional wrestler of all-time. Vince has more money but Hogan has enjoyed success in areas outside of wrestling. Vince has never really been able to do that.
What the fuck are you talking about? The OP never specified the ego had to be undeserved. You can have a huge ego, as Vince McMahon has, and be well deserving of it, as Vince McMahon is. Just another TNA fanboy who can't even agree with WWE fans without being a dick about it. Who gives a shit if WWE fans are mentioning the reasons why Vince's ego is so big? I don't see you attacking the fans who said Hogan, and then listed their reasons why...
I am going to go with a different one. The Miz. He thinks he is the best thing since sliced bread since he talks shit all the time. I really think his whole miz persona is for real. This guy is an ass. He is entertaining, and deserves a push, but still he has a monster ego.
I think Vince is a nice guy as long as your on his side. The moment you switch sides though you're on your own...............as it should be. Why should he continue to be a nice guy when you switched to a company whose sole purpose is to overtake you and become the next giant. And to address Kenny Powers problem with him, it seems like your confusing bad taste and poor business choices with ego. Him wanting to compete with the NFL wasn't about thinking he could overtake them, it was about getting his foot in another marketplace to make more money which there's nothing wrong with. And the sometimes awful story lines he makes are again, usually not associated with ego, but just poor choices. The colon cancer thing is horrible and appalling but not ego drivin. Especially when he's in character. It's not like he's standing in the back during meetings with his employees making fun of Jim Ross.

I've heard stories about how he's helped wrestlers finance their homes and he's an open door boss which is always nice. You can go directly to him with a problem rather than getting tangled in the vines of business men who just want to keep their boss happy by keeping you away from him. He seems like a genuine nice guy who will help you if you're willing to give him your all and help him. And that my friends is just good business.

I'll go with Hogan only because he should have been out years ago. And as long as I've watched him (which admittedly stopped when he left WWE) and even now (according to stories I hear) he rarely ever puts someone over. There's a difference between being in the spotlight and knowing when to leave to let yourself have some downtime so the fans have a chance to miss you being in the top mix and just being in the spotlight non stop.
...Also another reason it should be Hogan with the biggest ego, some of you have pointed out how Hogan rarely puts over anyone in the ring, he's always got the be the unstoppable Hogan or he's not happy, well on the flip side of that, you've got Vince where the man is clearly physically able to wrestle, i mean we've seen him in muscles and fitness recently for god sake, but he doesn't usually win the fueds in the end. It usually ends with him losing a lot of the time with the other guy getting the better of him. Someone with an 'ego that size' wouldn't lose as often as Vince does, wouldn't get embarrassed as often as Vince does. I really think you've mistaken his 'ego' for his character.
oh Russo for SURE! have you ever herd this guy before? he takes credit for the WWF attitude era, he takes credit for WCW's fame also, and now he's going to ruin TNA the way he did WCW, he is the reason heyman wont go there, same with JR, cuz no one wants to work with the guy, i have seen multiple interviews with past and present wrestlers who said they HATE working with him because of his ego
Ckoneagain, your theory would make sense if you weren't confusing Vince McMahon, real life owner of the WWE, with Vince McMahon, wrestling character. Vince the character loses more than he wins because that is what is good for business. Vince the owner's ego is actually boosted by this. Good for business means profitable. Profitable means Vince the owner makes more money. Vince the character is a means to an end...to make the WWE more successful, to increase the power and wealth of Vince the owner. Vince the owner is self-serving by booking Vince the character to lose to whoever the popular face he is facing at the moment, because fans love to see it.
I'm going with Ric Flair. Has anyone ever heard a shoot interview with this guy? He is arrogance personified. The guy, no matter where he is, believes he is the smartest man in the room. Not only does he trash talk just about everyone he has ever worked with, he even does it to some of their faces.

Do I have a problem with Flair doing that? Not really. I think he's one of the two or three greatest professional wrestlers of all time, and he's somewhat earned it. But, on the other hand, I can't stand people who talk down to others. I hate arrogance. If I were another pro wrestler, like Bret Hart, and heard some of the things Flair has had to say, I would be pissed. Royally pissed. I don't mind someone knowing they are the best at what they do, but there's a line. And Flair crosses that line just about every single time he opens his mouth.
Hulk hogan without a doubt. Hogan has barley put over talent in the ring. Hogan has barely lost matches in his career. His contract in the wwf garenteed him champipnship gold if he wanted it. He thinks he's god's gift to wrestling. He can't even wrestle. But I found this artical about how egotistical he really is...here's the link.


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