Who has passion for wrestling now?

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Big Ace

Championship Contender
I was talking to my friend, who's a wrestler, on the phone and randomly, he said ''Shark Boy has no passion for wrestling.'' That really surprised me. It got me thinking that the only people who really love the business are the guys that have been wrestling since their teenage years, such as the luchadors in Mexico, Eddie Guerrero (RIP), Chris Benoit, Shawn Michaels, Ric Flair, and The Undertaker. Guys like John Cena and Hulk Hogan do NOT have passion. Cena flew up the ranks of OVW in a year, and all of a sudden, he's over with the crowd. It's B.S because guys like Benoit take 20 years to win the title when Cena only takes 4? Hogan is like that as well because in the AWA, he wasn't getting the AWA Championship, so he got mad and left to WWF. He got over instantly and didn't have to wrestle hard at all. Hulk Hogan has no passion for wrestling. He never did and still doesn't. His ass was too lazy to learn how to really wrestle so he just cut good promos and won the title. That's all he had to? What about the wrestlers in Japan? Some dream to one day wrestle in WWE, but just because they don't have the charisma that Hogan and Cena have, they won't make it. They love wrestling but they are shut out because they can't cut good promos. I don't like it all. Another issue is, other than Chris Benoit and Eddie Guerrero I have never seen anybody else go out 100% every night. Sure there are injuries that stop them, but Benoit broke his neck and he still wrestles his hardest all the time. Those are the people that deserve respect and people like Cena don't. Hogan is a disgrace to wrestling because he didn't want to take the time and learn how to wrestle. He couldn't wrestle in AWA, WWF, WCW, and he still can't wrestle today. Hulk Hogan will never have my respect. He has not given his all, his life, to the business. The fact is, he doesn't care, he just comes back every year at a major PPV and steals money from guys who work 250 days a year. It's driving me crazy. Thanks for taking the time to read this.
I think that passion for the business is different then say taking the hard way into the business. Sure Cena shot through ovw in a year, but that doesn't mean he doesn't love the business. This is a wrestler who was shooting a major movie, but yet he never missed a show. Sure he's not the best wrestler or the most technically sound, but that does not mean someone does not have passion, I believe Cena has passion and will be around in the wwe for many, many years to come. Of course people like Benoit, Jericho and so on have passion. There whole lives revolved around wrestling. There are many wrestlers in the wwe that don't have passion, thats for sure, but at the same time there are just as many wrestlers with passion.
People with passion
John Cena - works his butt off even if he's not the best wrestler
Shawn Michaels - been in the business for a long time, he always bring his game
Chris Benoit - has tons of wrestling ability
Undertaker - same as Shawn Michaels
Ric Flair - been in the business for a while, one of the best at promos if given a chance

People with no passion
Batista - this guy looks so awkward in the ring that even the best in the business can't make him look good, extremely stale when talking, looks like he doesn't care for the world heavyweight championship
Test & Scott Steiner - using steriods like crazy. it just tells me they don't care.
There people in wrestling I agree Flair and Michaels Undertaker Kane It seems like Cena has passion he has never missed a show I think there are young stars who have passion Like Kennedy the Hardyz and Say what you will but Randy Orton is one guy his attitude may not be great but everyone he works with agrees he gives it all he has in every match Gus with no passion Batista Test Steiner Hogan Sabu has lost passion for wwe needs TNA
People with passion
John Cena - works his butt off even if he's not the best wrestler
Shawn Michaels - been in the business for a long time, he always bring his game
Chris Benoit - has tons of wrestling ability
Undertaker - same as Shawn Michaels
Ric Flair - been in the business for a while, one of the best at promos if given a chance

People with no passion
Batista - this guy looks so awkward in the ring that even the best in the business can't make him look good, extremely stale when talking, looks like he doesn't care for the world heavyweight championship
Test & Scott Steiner - using steriods like crazy. it just tells me they don't care.

You're joking right? If guys that use steroids and performance enhancers don't care about the business, the WWE lockerroom might struggle to get a handful of guys that care.

Wrestling is a crazy business. You not only need to be good, but you need to have the ability to make the promoter cash. Very few guys get by on passion and athletic ability alone.

There are a ton of guys with all the ability in the World that can't cut a promo. There are guys that are technically "great" workers that can't tell a story in the ring.

If you can't do these things, you wont make money in this business.

There is a small niche for "boring" (WWE standards) guys that can work their butt off. If you want that, check out Japanese stuff, check out Indies. But if you want to see it on TV your out of luck because much of the World doesn't want to see it.
I think you're wrong about Cena. The guy's got a tremendous respect and love for the business of professional wrestling. Sure he got a title shot quickly, but that is because management realized how hard of a worker he truly was, and hi capability to reach to fans. The guy got booed like crazy everywhere when he wasn't supposed to, but still went on every night with a smile on his face. Look at his match vs. RVD at One Night Stand 2, he was getting his ass handed to him by the fans, but he just laughed it off and tried his best to put on a good match, which I truly believe he did.

Guys like Benoit, Guerrero, Mysterio, Michaels, Helms, etc. obviously have a great deal of love for the business, seeing as it is their passion and that they have been doing it since a very young age. But you can't just say that the 15 + year veterans are the only one to have passion for the business... Guys like Kurt Angle, AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, etc. have a huge deal of passion for the business no matter what ever happens. Look at Angle : The guy had a broken neck, and still came back to professional wrestling, his body was worn out like crazy, he still put on 20 minute matches every night. The guy had an amazing deal of heart, even though his first passion was not professional wrestling.

I sure am on the same page as you when you talk about Hogan. Whenever he doesn't get a title, or a title shot, he just goes to another federation to get more money... AWA -> WWF -> WCW -> WWF -> TNA -> WWF. When he doesn't get enough, he just doesn't show anymore and goes some place else (turned down 400k$ for this year's Wrestlemania)... I hoped guys would shoot more at him, like Vince McMahon has started doing recently, cause I hate the fact that this awful excuse for a person is loved by so many. I get the Hulkamania gimmick, and could possibly love that if I didn't know who he actually was, but the wrestler himself... :blink:

The same can be said for Batista, who stops bodybuilding 4-5 years ago to start professional wrestling, gets a World Title, and starts slacking off and being a big piece of crap backstage. He's got heat with most of the locker room for his bad attitude, and is terrible in the ring / on the mic, but is surprisingly still the World Champion. What could guys like Benjamin, Benoit, Finlay, Regal possibly do to deserve so little credit ? I really ask myself, since Vince McMahon's favorite wrestlers are Benoit and Finlay, so it is pretty odd.

Well anyways... When no passion is there, it clearly shows. The Ric Flair / Carlito storyline is actually a shoot at Carlito's real lack of passion when he has such great potential... If you don't turn up on Heat or Velocity, it will finish by haunting you some way.
I best passion on those who love what they do, not how well they do. IT in the eyes and their face so when you see jokes on my list, they are just funny, not passionless

Folks with Passion for wrestling. HBK, Beniot, Cena, Taker, HHH, Both Hardys, Nitro, even the Miz. Flair, Jericho)even though he got burned out),
Yeah, I don't think you've grasped the meaning of passion very well. John Cena has tremendous amounts of passion. Any sincere out of character interview with him shows it. Heck even his in-ring work proves that to me. You can tell he wrestles more of an 80s type brawler style.

But just because you don't like him or because he's not the best worker in WWE or you think he doesn't deserve to be a main eventer (all arguable), doesn't mean he doesn't have passion for the business.

In fact, considering he sticks around despite all this hate for him, proves to me he's one of the most passionate guys in the business. Other guys would have packed it up by now.

As for Hogan, he used to have passion for the business, and you can tell that by reading his book. He always wanted to do things to make the business better. Now he's just a bitter old man that's tired from wrestling all his life, from the steroids, the controversy etc. I truly believe he just needs a good rest from everything he's doing, but I don't discredit his passion for the business or what he did for all of us because of that passion.

Passionless: Carlito.
Wrestlers with passion:
John Cena: As much as I hate his guts, he is one of the hardest workers there is and he just wants to be respected for that.
Triple H: He absolutely loves the business.
Ric Flair: He never wants to leave
Christ Benoit: Same as nature boy
Sting: He is a man that will do anything for the business.
Jeff Jarrett: As much as I hate the fact that he put the title on himself in TNA for so long, it was the right idea. He did the right thing and he loves the business.
Samoa Joe: He has so much passion for the wrestling business. He wrestles any chance he can get and he's the best nowadays too (my opinion).
AJ Styles: He does all he can to put on the best show possible.
Out of curiosity, Why dosent your friend think Sharkboy has passion for the buissness ?
Well I guess it's because in TNA, he doesn't consider him a real star. I do however but in my mind, he's not acknowledged because guys like Christian, Kurt Angle, Sting are the biggest names.
I think that wrestlers Like Cena have passion for the ring Hogan defintely has passion for it if hes been wrestling for over 20 years in AWA,NWO,WWF, and even WWE
I think that wrestlers Like Cena have passion for the ring Hogan defintely has passion for it if hes been wrestling for over 20 years in AWA,NWO,WWF, and even WWE

The NwO wasn't a federation, don't give into the storyline, it was just a faction :). I think Cena has passion, and shows it every night as champ, going through the boos and having a blast, trying to get better all the time.

Hogan probably had passion for the business up until around 1990 I would say, when upcomers like Ultimate Warrior and Randy Savage were also coming into the main event picture. Then he just lost it, threatening everybody and raising hell, only for the money. He's not any better than Mr. Warrior Warrior A.K.A Jim Hellwig lol.
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