Who Has Benefited From A Feud With Big Show?


F*ck Friends, Rather die wiv ma AK!
This thought came up in another thread. someone pointed out that nobody ever benefits from a feud with Big Show. The only ones I can think of who were actually helped by it were Daniel Bryan who actually caught on fire with their feud and John Cena.

Has anyone else ever came out of their feud with the Big Show looking good?

A few others I can mention is Sheamus, despite losing like 3 times, he still looked like a bad-ass during their feud. Cody Rhodes last yea looked to benefit from wrestling someone twice his size and wasn't made looking weak. Also if we're going back over 10 years ago.. Brock Lesnar.
Whoever said that was completely stupid. Big Show has made a lot of guys look good. Rock, Cena, Triple H, DB, the list goes on and on.

Anytime you're able to defeat a giant like that, especially those who have clean wins over him, you look great.
Before I begin, why would you put this into the Old School wrestling section and NOT have it go back more than 10 years?

As for who's benefited, well that's a pretty long list really. Kevin Nash, Hulk Hogan, Cena, Undertaker, Mark Henry, The Miz, Sheamus, Lesnar, Jericho, Edge, Shawn Michaels, Bobby Lashley, Kane, Khali, Kurt Angle, Eddie Guerrero, Mysterio, and of course Floyd Mayweather (believe it or not, that match with Show helped Mayweahter's boxing career)... the list is practically endless. Like Nate before me said, whoever that person is that counted Big Show as someone who doesn't further careers or give a benefit to can definitely be labelled a moron. Big Show is one of the few people left in WWE that can be beneficial to give someone that break they need. Afterall, what else can be more beneficial than being able to say "I beat a 7ft, 500lb Giant"?
One that stands out recently in my mind is Mark Henry, though they are two bigger men in 2011 they put on some good violent and tough looking matches and it really made Mark Henry look tough as nails and really helped his title reign. Mark Henry was at his best during his title reign and this was one of his marquee feuds.
I agree that a lot have benefited from a feud with Show including Rock, DB, Rey. Austin even looked tougher when he beat Big Show in I believe 1999. The one that sticks out most to me was the most recent and that is Sheamus. Sheamus was established of course, but he looked badass in that feud with Show. Talk about a set of brutal matches where you could tell both guys gave their all. IMO, anyone who can say they beat a 500 giant has benefited from The Big Show.
I'm not sure anyone has benefited as much as Nash did in 1997-1998. That feud with The Giant was hot and when he broke The Giant's neck, Nash generated so much heat on himself it was insane. That feud made both of them into hot acts. It was all wasted relatively quickly for The Giant, but Nash got elevated into big time main eventer for WCW by that feud.
Anyone that has ever pinned the Big Show has come out looking way better than they did before. Beating him basically means you can beat anyone in the WWE, he's like a gatekeeper, kind've like beating Goro in Mortal Kombat. Once you've beaten the companies go to giant you know you've made it in wrestling.
Big Show's entire career has been about putting others over.

He is basically a jobber that is a legit main event star because of his ability to put people over.

John Cena has come out looking good against Show. Sheamus looked good in his feud with Show. Mark Henry came out looking good against Show as did Daniel Bryan. Fucking Floyd Mayweather came out looking good against Show without destroying Show's cred somehow.

This thread is kind of ridiculous actually.
Three Words: Big Boss Man

Nobody really gave a damn about Ray Traylor when he came back to the WWE. But almost everybody remembers the feud he had with Big Show.

Other notables would be Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, and Hogan toward the end of his Red & Yellow WCW days.

Not going to bother mentioning any of the recents because that defeats the purpose of Old School.
Big Show is a guy that is very under appreciated among internet fans. He's helped make a lot of guys look good including Taker, Stone Cold, The Rock, HBK, Cena, Edge, Kane, Daniel Bryan, Sheamus, Alberto Del Rio, Mark Henry, Brock Lesnar, Kurt Angle, Triple H, etc. Not all of them necessarily "needed" Show to help make them look good, but Show's performances against them did that all the same.

I know there's something of a bias among a good number of internet fans if a wrestler is over the 250 pound mark, but it's ridiculous the little credit Big Show gets sometimes. If things go down for WM as backstage reports go, Big Show will have an opportunity to help make another wrestler look good, namely Ryback.
In Big Show's early WCW Giant days some of their top faces really got the rub. Lex Luger putting him in the Torture Rack at World War 3. Diamond Dallas Page defeated him at Starrcade. Golberg hoisted him up for the Jackhammer before getting pushed to the main event.
goldberg hoisted giant up after he won the world title, and id say everybody that has beaten him convincingly has gotten a good rub from him and he never seems to lose any steam from it, the only time he ever lost any mojo was when he got fat lazy and out of shape
You know who really did? and this is going back well over 10 years: Goldberg. When he picked him up and did the jackhammer on the fat fuck people kind of went "... Jesus. That is one strong guy" and Goldberg was then seen to be unstoppable.
Hulk Hogan also benefited feuding with him when the giant "dropped the ball" and Hogan looked pretty good being in his 40's and retaining the belt against a giant, legit end to the match or not.

In his later career though, I don't know. Mark Henry looked pretty strong disposing of him. Lesnar kind of did another Goldberg, made him look strong but I thought the highlight of his career was taking out Hogan.
Wait... Alberto Del Rio right now is definitely benefiting from big show. Perhaps Show will get an Indian summer.

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