WHo had the best year?

Who had the best year?

  • Hardy

  • Jericho

  • Joe

  • Orton

  • Edge

  • AJ Styles

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You don't want it with me.
I am curious to see who had the best year in the American big two promotions.

I list the nominees as such:

1. Jeff Hardy. Jeff opened the year by co-main eventing Royal Rumble. He was intercontinental champion at the time, and along with Chris Jericho showed that the IC title is once again the first step to a title run. Jee main evented the last three PPV's of the year, capping it off by winning the WWE title for the first time. His story this year was timeless. He started as the guy who didn't belong. He was only in the main event because of a fluke win over HHH. He and HBK put on a classic match on RAW in January. He followed that up with two great matches against Jericho, a solid cage match against Umaga. This match really added to his legitimacy in that with Orton at ring side, escape was no option. The whisper in the wind off the top of the cage was an awesome sight. Not as awesome as the 30ft swanton. Those big spots were the tip of the ice berg from a man who has been making our jaws drop for over a decade.

2. Chris Jericho. In late 2007 he returned from hiatus, and was immediately involved in the title picture. After being screwed by JBL, his year started as a very popular face. He showed his aggressive style in a No DQ match against JBL, in the culmination of a very physical feud. After Jeff's suspension, Jericho gained his record 8th IC title reign. During this reign, he began a feud with HBK, that many people will call feud of the year. After HBK retired Ric Flair, Jericho began to stalk him with accusation ranging from being a bad friend to a dishonorable liar, to being a hypocrite. Hypocrisy would be a theme for Jericho as he morphed from funny cool Y2J, the savior, to the bitter confrontational Chris Jericho we see currently. This change was not all bad, as Jericho, a late entrant onto the championship scramble, after losing a non-sanctioned match earlier on in the night. He would weasel away a win, and would hold the title for a month, only to win it again a week later during an unexpected Raw title change. He got two good matches out of Batista, two great matches with both Hardy and Michaels, and the best feud in quite some time, also vs. Michaels. He ended the year by having a good PPV match against John Cena, losing the title.

3 Samoa Joe. Joe finally won the TNA world heavyweight title from Kurt Angle in a brilliant Six Sides of Steel match. Joe and Angle put on two superior PPV matches. Joe was also made leader of the Frontline, headlining TNA's first major stable war, a very interesting angle domination the show. He has been grouped with Angle, Nash, Sting, and Mick Foley this year. The rub from those three has made Joe one of the top American stars. Joe diverse ring style has really been allowed to shine this year. He has made great improveents in his power game, and his agility move set is very solid. No one in TNA can match his intensity in the ring. Perhaps the biggest sign of his improvement as an entertainer is the internet backlash. Once the darling of the smarks, Joe has fallen out of the top spot, which usually means that his performance in the ring and on the mic has reached that professional style that all the top guys have. Joe seems to have reurned to the Joe's gonna kill you days, which can only be good for his fan profile, and will bring him back into online favor.

4. Randy Orton. Thew age of Orton is truly upon us. Orton emerged this year as the the guy the WWE will be banking on to lead the new generation. While John Cena may be treated as the top younger guy now, the WWE has show it's commitment to Orton through his main event win at Wrestlemania. He has gone over HHH, Cena, and Hardy this year, and has not been part of one bad match. His status as the legend killer has evolved into his being the contender killer. CM Punk and Batista got in the way of his quest for the world title this year, and both paid serious consequences from the boot of Randy Orton. Although Orton missed time with an injury, his presence has shown above the rest of RAW while active. He is currently the leader of Legacy, a stable of second generation (or mroe) stars. The angle is currently developing, but is picking up major steam in recent weeks. The coordinated attacks are devastating, and other second generation stars as trying to join. We will see this year is Randy's mere presence can elevate others the way Stone Cold, HHH, Hulk Hogan, and other legends have had to make the company as strong as it is. I truly believe that this is the company Orton will be spoken about in, and is the current and future "best heel in the business."

5. Edge. Three words, Tables, Ladders, Chairs. His match against the Undertaker is a serious match of the year contender. And any superstar who goes over the Undertaker in a nondisputed finish for a championship is a bonafide star. Edge has been at this level for a while, but his work with his stable, La Familia, early and in the middle of the year, was classic heel skullduggery. His work as the heel to cool to boo, has given him a strange relationship with the fans. He is cheered, however all those related to him are booed out of the building. His presence elevated Chavo to the top of the midcard, Ryder and Hawkins, two guys who couldn't get out of tag team hell, became Tag Champs, and perhaps best of all, he made Vickie Guererro the most hated on screen character on WWE TV. His persona has made Batista a bigger star, and that's saying something, considering Batista's initial rub was from HHH and Flair. He had three title reigns during the year, recently succumbing to Jeff Hardy. This feud gets points for this year in that it has created great excitement for SD!'s 2009. The two men have been feuding voer gold for a decade now, and now it is for the biggest prize in the game.

6. AJ Styles. Besides a good tag title reign, 2008 was major singles title free for AJ. Besides that, hsi year is comparable to everyone else on the list. He broke free from Kurt Angle ond Christian and Tomko to become his own man. He has been consistently in the main event scene. His ability to play the aerial and amt game make him an instant draw and a good matchup for anyone in the business. AJ is thought by many to be the best in-ring performer in the game, and that ability led to classic confrontations with Kurt Angle. The relationship angle with Karen was very entertaining, and his role in the angle carried the promotion for much of the year. Not that his partner wasn't capable; Kurt ANgle is an incredible worker, but AJ shone above him all year, earning this spot on the list over Angle. AJ's transformation from nervous kid being taken advantage of to his own man has been subtle and well done. Weekly gains and losses have all shaped this character throughout the year making him well beyond watchable, and just short of legendary. He is the future of his company, and much like Orton, he solidified his spot through tremendous performance after tremendous performance.
Of the options listed I have to go with Hardy.

I would've said Jericho, but at the beginning of the year, we were all saying Save_Us was an epic fail. Yes, he had title runs, but they meant nothing, and he had a great feud with HBK, but in today's wrestling world, a feud with HHH (in the main event no less), is better than a "mid-card" feud with HBK. Hardy's title reign means more to his career, and the current WWE, than Jericho's did for him or the company. While Hardy will go into '09 automatically headlining a major PPV, and possibly main eventing Wrestlemania, Jericho is left chasing the title on RAW, and may have a filler match at Wrestlemania.

Orton couldn't have had the best year, because he missed too much time with injury, and did more for Legacy than he could have done for himself.

Samoa Joe had a great year for himself, and pulled in ratings for TNA, but it didn't change the landscape of TNA, and certainly didn't help his career...

AJ Styles is a phenomenal (pun intended) performer, but with no serious title runs, and a bad storyline with Kurt Angle, he didn't do much. Yes, he's the lead man in Frontline, and he could be set up for a monumental '09, he hasn't done much in '08, and the failed MMA fight will only hurt him...
Its obviously Chris Jericho.

Jeff Hardy getting the crap kicked out of him for months, then finnally winning the title. We still can't really feel that hes a good champion. Not when the likes of HHH/Koslov completly destroyed him ALL year long.

Ortan missed to much time, and like NSL said, he never did anything for himself, more for legacy.

Anyone in TNA is obviously not going to have the biggest year. Having the thrid (possibly 4th) biggest title in America, the other 2 (possibly 3) all belong to WWE.

Edges 4-6 month hatias takes away his chances as well.
im going togo with hardy sure he fucked up and got suspended but he main eveted rr and all the way from september to december i belive he had the best year
Chris Jericho.

To start with, I have never watched TNA so I can't vote for them other guys.

Edge started the year carrying Smackdown, and carried that on until Summerslam, but since he has come back he is not the focal point of the show anymore. Big Show Taker? Really? But for me he is second.

Orton had a great start to the year, and since he came back he has been on fire, the best in the business at the moment, but he missed too long to be considered.

Hardy started well, ended brilliantly as well, but a suspension that ruined a WrestleMania storyline and led to CM Punk's questionable reign as Champion ruins his chance.

That leaves Jericho. A man who started slowly due to his gimmick not getting over, so he entered a feud with Batista and HBK, which led into HBK vs Jericho, which was feud of the year. He managed to build up interest into the Cena Jericho match without Cena being present. He then entered that great feud. Now he has no storyline yet is still one of the highlights of RAW each episode. He cuts the best promos, and is one of the few who doesn't make a promo sound like it is scripted. So for me, Jericho.
I'll take Orton.

He was the World Champion for the first 3rd of the year so he had success. He won at Wrestlemania which has to account for something. The biggest reason for me though is his character's level has just gone through the roof. He went from being a good heel to maybe the best there is today. We've always thought he and Cena would be the future. Orton this year has shown why he deserves that moniker. Even when injured he was being so perfectly evil that you wanted to see more of him. Now he's going to Mania more than likely on a good storyline that we're interested in.

As for the rest of them, Styles didn't really do anything of note, Joe went downhill fast despite a long title run, and Jericho proved once again that he isn't a world title holder. this leaves two: Edge and Hardy.

Edge is someone that you could really see both sides of on this. He held the world title what, 3 times this year? His feud with Taker was great and they put on some classics. However, it's almost what's expected of him at this point. Even this great of a year is standard Edge awesomeness.

That leaves Hardy. When he won the belt at Armageddon, admit it, you freaked. Whether or not it was good isn't the point. It stunned you. however, I think all of his losses that got him to the point where no one thought he had a chance drops him a bit. I'll take Orton but I could easily see other argument.s
Edge or Randy Orton could easily be considered the best. Both have shown wrestling fans how a true great heel works. They are both connecting very well with the fans, and the reason behind that is, they are incredibly over heeels, but they don't win all the time. Remember Triple H? He was a heel for a year or so, and squashed everyone. People got bored of that, and they quit watching. But with these two on top of the dark sides for their respected brands, The WWE is doing well.

Now it is hard to tell. Edge won the Championship on his Brand three times, had a great set of feuds, and was one of the reasons Smackdown is comparable to Raw finally.

Now Orton was the champion for a long time, won in the triple threat match at Wrestlemania and started the Age of Orton. He also started a great faction known as Legacy and has now feuded with The McMahons.

Either of these can be considered of being a great year. But it can really only be two of these men.
This thread includes only the top-tier guys. If I could add mid-carders to the mix, I would say that John Morrison and The Miz had the best year of any of them.

Consider their exposure on TV (all three brands), their Slammy, their promos and the body of work they've put in, I would venture to guess that they are as well known to the wrestling public as most of the big guys.

I'm just sayin'.
Honestly, none of the above. As much as I hate to say it, C.M. Punk had the best single year out of anyone last year.

He started out as E.C.W. Champion, progressed to winning Money in the Bank, followed that through with becoming World Heavyweight Champion, added a Tag Team and Intercontinental reign to the list as well.. and honestly had a stellar year.

His reigns for half of those titles were complete shit, be it his or creative's fault, but he still arguably had a greater year for accomplishments than anyone. He literally went from mid-card, to Main Event, to mid-card all within the span of under a year's time.

Out of the list you have, none of them can top Punk's year.

Randy Orton may have won/retained his Heavyweight title at Mania, but an injury put him out for most of the year. I hardly call that having a good year.

Edge spent the first half battling the Undertaker into the ground, literally if you go by the "Edge was sent to hell" script. Only to come back and win the title, lose it a month later, and win it a month later. While it's impressive to become a Heavyweight Champion roughly 3 times within a year.. it's also a bit.. well, pathetic.

Samoa Joe was one of the more worthless T.N.A. Heavyweight Champions of all time. He feuded with Booker T., in which the end result was only being capable of defeating him because of outside issues. He didn't carry himself as a decent Champion, and other than his Heavyweight run.. really didn't do anything. (Frontline wasn't just him)

A.J. Styles? Seriously? What'd he do that was worth a shit? He spent the beginning portion of the year as a joke, and the ending portion of the year battling drawn out feuds that didn't take him anywhere new or different. I'd say Styles was written off last year in meaningless crap, until siding with Joe and building Frontline.

Chris Jericho more or less spent the biggest portion of the year trying to find his heelish side all over again. He feuded with H.B.K., became a 2-time Heavyweight Champion, ultimately didn't do anything as Champion other than wait until he could pass it back to Cena, and started his early progression in getting relost in the mid-card/semi-Main event divisions.

Jeff Hardy may come close to having a great year, but then again you have to understand he had his best single's (wrestling) match at the Rumble, yet was defeated solely by one RKO. He got suspended and ultimately has no more "get outta jail free" cards left. He came back, chased a Championship until he finally fell into it, only to lose it a single month later to recreate a feud from 2002 that never panned out.

C.M. Punk is the winner by default, in my book. And that says A TON.
I'm surprised how little attention HHH is getting. He had the longest title reign of all main event champions as well as, had a strong showing at the rumble, won EC at NWO to go to Wrestlemania, lost Wrestlemania, beat three guys (Orton, Cena, JBL) at Backlash. Beat Orton straight up in the next two PPV's, beat Cena, moved from co-holding the title of 'big dog on RAW' to being the 'big dog' on SD, beat Edge, beat The Great Khali at Summerslam, out lasted Jeff Hardy in a shootout of last minute pinfalls at the Scramble at Unforgiven, beat both WHC champion Jericho and ECW champion Matt Hardy on SD, beat Jeff at No Mercy, and again at Cyber Sunday, and then lost the title at Survivor Series due to a surprise return by Edge and then to start next year had another strong showing at the Rumble, being in the match the longest before being the final elimination. What did the other guys really do, short weak title reigns, substantial periods of absence due to injuries, suspension or storylines, HHH both went the full year uninjured and had the longest and most dominant reign. He above everyone else had the best year, but just to give you my top 5.

CM Punk
I guess I forgot to add HHH due to it being another average year by his standards.

I think in 2008, after reading your post, that he carried the company for that entire year. His reigns on both shows were strong, and instead of a TNA-like tite reign, he beat real contenders, instead of Rhino and the Dudleyz. I would go with Jeff Hardy, as he came full circle over the course of the year. His storyline continued throughout the year, and if it wasn't for the websites and WWE's new policy of putting the suspensions out there, you could have assumed that it was storyline related. I am glad that he didn't balk at the idea of a nonkayfabe story being part of a storyline.

He was the most over guy in the company all year, but in retrospect, HHH was the most consistent main event competitor all year, so it is hard to disagree with your post.

I do, however, disagree that all of the top five would have to be WWE guys. I certainly think AJ and Joe both had strong years in both in and out of ring television time. I would probably put Joe in that top five, due to his strong matches with Kurt Angle, however, I prefer AJ overall.
Edge had the best year, yeah jericho had his title runs but it was like damn evertime i turn around edge was in a title match or fluking up and get the title like every couple of months! but jericho did also have a dog year 2
I'm gonna go with Jeff Hardy. He had a great match at the rumble against Orton. Was the IC Champ til his suspension. Came back to have solid matches against Umaga, Shelton Benjamin & MVP. Was in the Championship Scramble & came close to the WWE title on a few occasions. Was attacked at Survivor Series by an unknown person. Won the WWE title at Armageddon only to lose it a month later in his first defense by his brother just so they can re-start a feud they had 7 years ago that didn't really pan out. I would say this was Hardy's best year by far.
While I'd love to give this honor to Y2J. I had to go with Jeff Hardy. Both have had runs with the title on their respective brands but Hardy's chase for the gold was far more intresting than watching Y2J hold it twice and do nothing with it. I agree twith those people who say Edge/Orton were out to long to be considered but the way they came in and saved both shows should be aknowledged.

So for the sake of arguement my pick is Jeff Hardy. Nobody else has done anything that jumps off the page so I would be able to say "wow you had a great year" Combine that with the fact NOBODY expected him to win the title the choice is obvious

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