Who from FCW will become a star in the WWE?


Getting Noticed By Management
The current WWE roster is less than mediocre i think we can all agree. They are in desperate need of some fresh talent and some new stars. Who from WWE's Developmental territory do you think will actually make a significant impact in the WWE and get over if/when they are called up? And how would you book said wrestler in terms of chracter and push?
I don't think it's "less than mediocre" at all. Except for the injuries/inactivity of certain workers, the roster is at a pretty good level right now. And ECW is providing us with fresh talent and new stars. A few guys who show promise are Jack Swagger (Jake Hager), Evan Bourne (Matt Sydal) and Ted DiBiase Jr. These guys all have supreme skills in their own way and could be future players.

The actual impact and level of competition FCW workers getting called up have displayed has been inconsistent. DH Smith failed, Drew McIntyre failed and some newer guys like Ryan Braddock and Gavin Spears aren't going anywhere. So as of right now, no FCW worker who's been called up in recent memory has that complete IT factor, or at least has not had the chance to display it yet. But the guys I mentioned before have the skills required to be huge stars, they just need the right pushes and the right gimmicks.
I don't think the the WWE needs to bring any new guys in right now. Over the last couple of months they have brought in several new faces and now need to focus on building them up. But as for who I think could make a pretty good impact in the WWE is Sheamus O'Shaunessy. He is this big, irish, guy who has the right look Vince wants. I can see him getting a monster like push like Kozlov, Snitsky, Umaga, ect, but hopefully he could become more that a unstoppable force and develope a true persona.
The current WWE roster is less than mediocre i think we can all agree. They are in desperate need of some fresh talent and some new stars.

Are we watching the same shows? You're saying talent such as HBK, HHH, Jeff Hardy, Chris Jericho etc. are less than mediocre? And anyway they are bringing in a lot of new guys. Dolph Ziggler, Jack Swagger, Manu, Ricky Ortiz etc. They need to give it a break with bringing people up if anything, because it's starting to become a place where there is too much new talent. And anyway, as HK said, a lot of the new people from FCW have failed or aren't going aywhere. I think they're rushing a little in bringing people up, slow it down a little guys, nothing bad's going to happen.
Ok, with regards to the WWE roster it has very little depth. Most of the top guys are on their way out and will be gone in a couple of years. The future looks very grim, the WWE has Cena to carry the company and thats it(kennedy and MVP will get over but wont be HUGE stars). These FCW people do not have to be brought up tomorrow, im talking further down the line once the old hacks are gone and these FCW guys have had more time to develop(several years). I definately agree with not rushing to bring people up and push them. The process needs to be drawn out much more.
Personally i think that Tyson Tarver could be a main eventer, he could have a goldberg lesnar style push where he just comes in and is destroying people every night and raping their souls, a type of character who doesnt take shit form anybody and is basically a badass. He could go on a big winning streak and get over that way. Lastly, dolf ziggler will never amount to anything. period.

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