Who do you think will play the part of Sister Abigail?


Championship Contender
If they are actually bringing the Sister Abigail character to life as it appears they may be based on Bray Wyatt's promo this past Monday, who do you think it will/should be?

Just a theory, but could it be Paige? She is reportedly ready to return to the ring soon, and although I expected to see her join the Smackdown Live roster, this could be the perfect way to bring her back and do something meaningful with her. I think she could really shine in that role and the change in character could definitely benefit her.
If they are actually bringing the Sister Abigail character to life as it appears they may be based on Bray Wyatt's promo this past Monday, who do you think it will/should be?

Just a theory, but could it be Paige? She is reportedly ready to return to the ring soon, and although I expected to see her join the Smackdown Live roster, this could be the perfect way to bring her back and do something meaningful with her. I think she could really shine in that role and the change in character could definitely benefit her.

I would hate that. You think the idiots yelling "Husky Harris" were bad? The fans yelling at sex-tape Paige would ruin a long-anticipated character. I think it should be someone unknown--at least unknown to many. I will be terribly disappointed if it is Paige.
There is talks that it could be Bray Wyatt morphing into sister Abigail himself like Finn Balor does with the Demon. It sounds kind of stupid but at the same time it's probably a last resort to make Bray Wyatt interesting again and I'm all for trying to make Bray more than a main event jobber. The more and more I think about it the more I like Bray morphing. We haven't seen Sister Abigail yet and it could make just as much sense as her possessing or lending her powers to Bray than her just appearing out of no where after all these years. Either way I like the last try effort by WWE and it actually intrigues for his match against Balor.
Maybe Emma? It would at least give her something to do.

Asuka is debuting soon, but that seems to be coincidental.

Paige would be fine, but I feel like she's good enough on her own and the crowd would ruin it.

So I honestly have no idea who it is or, more importantly, if it's going to work. Although I'm a huge Wyatt fan, it's hard to care for him because he always loses. So maybe they should give him some credible wins before revealing Sister Abigail.
I'm thinking that it'll ultimately be Bray "morphing" into another persona similar to Finn Balor's "Demon King" bit. I don't know if they're gonna put Bray in drag or what, but it has stupid written all over it if that's the route they're going.

Why not just bring someone in to play Abigail, have Bray lose to Balor and use Abigail's appearance as a way of hitting the reset button with Bray? In Wyatt's origin story, Abigail was ultimately Bray's teacher, the woman who taught him the way of whatever so I think it'd make sense for her to say she's returned because Bray has lost his way, he's forgotten his purpose, etc. and embarks on a slow build back to prominence.
I've read multiple rumors that it is just gonna be Bray's alter ego, and he is still going to lose. I love Bray and have since his NXT days, but he is basically impossible to take seriously at this point because he can't win to save his life.
It should be Paige. She could pull off the character better than most of the other women on the roster and it would be a good way for her to finally get brought back. I just hope that it's not Bray himself. That would be unbelievably stupid. With a name like "Sister Abigail" the character needs to be portrayed by a female. I'm all for Bray having a darker side like Finn does with the demon, but not like this. Paige as Sister Abigail and Bray entering into a darker persona would be the best options here.
I think it should be Asuka. Having someone who could legitimately beat a guy up in the ring would make it more interesting then someone who'd just weirdly be crazy on the sides. This would also allow Asuka to have more involvements than just the female division which I believe she deserves.
If done right, I think having bray himself being sister abigail would be awesome. You know the type of alter ego like in the movie psycho. Wyatt I think could pul it off if you hve him be a supernatural character and yo have him win.
My guess is that it is just a tactic to get in Balor's head. Ultimately during TLC Bray will pull some fake "Abigail" distraction and use it to hit the Kissy Face Swing and win thus further extending this feud.
Ruby Riot makes the most sense.

Adds depth to the Smackdown Women's Division and the perfect kinda crazy!
When the question of Sister Abigail was first introduced, I immediately thought of a nun, not a member of his family.

If they are going to go down this road then it might be a good suggestion of trying it out first to see how the audience reacts. Anyone male or female could don a nun's outfit with either a mask or heavy makeup to gauge said reaction. If positive then they can bring someone in to play the part. If it bombs then they can say they at least tried.

Wouldn't go with someone like Paige, it's just not believable enough, or anyone on the roster. This is the perfect opportunity to bring a new female wrestler onto the roster.
Didn't they say before that Sister Abigail was dead?

Now, if they're going to bring back a dead character that didn't even had air time, I think it's going to be tough. They could either have Sister Abigail "morphing" with Bray, living inside Bray, which is what they were doing now. Or they could have Sister Abigail "reincarnating as" or "possessing" a new on-screen character. But either way, there're going to be risks. I just hope it doesn't totally backfire.
If they're actually going to use a female character, I would really prefer it to be somebody we've either never seen before, or somebody returning that would fit the gimmick. Making it Paige, Emma, Asuka, or anybody else on the current roster would be beyond stupid... in my humble opinion. I'm pretty sure Bray first mentioned Abigail in 2013. Emma was playing a borderline mentally deficient second to Santino Marella around that time and Paige was crying about winning her first Diva's title. As for Asuka, does Bray even speak Japanese?

Nobody on the roster right now makes the least bit of sense unless we're talking someone who we've seen very, very sparingly. Then again, I'm not sure anybody has the chops to pull off this character seeing as how hyped she's been by fans and Wyatt himself. Unless the woman chosen is absolutely spectacular, it seems like a letdown waiting to happen. I would honestly prefer if Bray was playing Abigail himself, and no I'm not talking about wrestling in a dress because he'll never be as good as Vito anyway. Bray "channeling" Abigail may be the best way to go. There are worse ways to go about giving him Undertaker's demon powers.

I'll give this a chance but I have very slim hopes that this will actually succeed past the first month. I hope I'm wrong.
After further opining on the subject, I am dropping my previous belief and can state that Kurt Angle will come out and introduce the "newest member of Raw and the Wyatt Family's Sister Abigail"......

If they ever want to rehab Wyatt into a serious threat, this is the last chance. For multiple reasons it being an actual woman doesn't make any sense and won't help him unless she can make a Chyna or Kong sized impact. It has to be the hardcore version of Wyatt, a truly nasty Cactus Jack level ultraviolent motherfucker who actually scares people. Do with the character what should have been done from the start.
I think it'll be Wyatt, but I don't think he'll be dressing in drag.

That said I would like to see them put Sarah Logan from NXT in this role. Her whole character is basically about growing up in the swamps and that fits perfectly with Bray. She was Crazy Mary Dobson on the indies as well so she can get crazy when needed for the role, but she's doing nothing in NXT right now so I think it'd be a cool use of her to put her as Sister Abigail and for me at least, it'd be more interesting than Wyatt looking a little different for a match. I feel like anybody on the main roster would be a bad choice. So I say take Sarah Logan, change up her look as needed for the role, and let her join up with Bray.
I think it'll be Wyatt, but I don't think he'll be dressing in drag.

That said I would like to see them put Sarah Logan from NXT in this role. Her whole character is basically about growing up in the swamps and that fits perfectly with Bray. She was Crazy Mary Dobson on the indies as well so she can get crazy when needed for the role, but she's doing nothing in NXT right now so I think it'd be a cool use of her to put her as Sister Abigail and for me at least, it'd be more interesting than Wyatt looking a little different for a match. I feel like anybody on the main roster would be a bad choice. So I say take Sarah Logan, change up her look as needed for the role, and let her join up with Bray.

Did she get signed after the MYC? I know she had a competitive run despite not making it far in the tourney, but I wasn't sure if she has signed on full time or not. If they allow her to just act as a manager/occasional wrestler while she trains then she would be an okay choice. She has a bit of that drawl that I think would fit the character well, and she could realistically hit a move or two when needed and take a bump when required if WWE allow a female manager/wrestler to take an actual bump from a male wrestler.

Still though, I stand by my original thought that she is simply going to be Bray's alter ego, something he taps into to combat The Demon. It has real potential but WWE isn't going to allow a nobody (fuck that hurts to say) like Bray be the guy to get the first win over Demon Balor.
Did she get signed after the MYC? I know she had a competitive run despite not making it far in the tourney, but I wasn't sure if she has signed on full time or not. If they allow her to just act as a manager/occasional wrestler while she trains then she would be an okay choice. She has a bit of that drawl that I think would fit the character well, and she could realistically hit a move or two when needed and take a bump when required if WWE allow a female manager/wrestler to take an actual bump from a male wrestler.

Still though, I stand by my original thought that she is simply going to be Bray's alter ego, something he taps into to combat The Demon. It has real potential but WWE isn't going to allow a nobody (fuck that hurts to say) like Bray be the guy to get the first win over Demon Balor.

I believe she was signed before the tournament even started but I'm not 100% sure. But I'm pretty sure I read something months ago about her getting signed.

I agree it'll probably just be Bray with a different look. I could handle that if it's presented well and it's not just Bray in drag like some people are expecting. I really hope he's not in drag.

Also technically Joe has pinned the demon, but I get your point Bray isn't gonna be the first to pin the demon on the main roster.
Last thing Paige needs is to play some dead sister of Bray Wyatt.. That sounds so ridiculous. It needs to be some unrecognizable name or Bray himself.
IMHO, Kate Winslet could get the role, Bray would still be boring as hell. Easily the absolute worst character to be given a push over the last decade, it's all been terrible.


You name it, its's been rotten.

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