Who do you think is top diva??

Final answer, who is THE top Diva?

  • Sasha Banks

  • Nikki Bella

  • Charlotte

  • Paige

  • Becky Lynch

  • Brie Bella

  • Bayley

  • Naomi

  • Alexa Bliss

  • Other..comment below

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Well the top diva is Nikki Bella currently, but if you want to talk about the best diva that might go to Sasha Banks. I'm not sure how her career will turn out but nobody in the divas division has as much talent as her. She's the only total package they have.
Objectively speaking it's Paige. She's the most decorated out of the current divas and has the most experience. Nikki Bella has certainly been rapidly improving, and it could be argued that she's the second head on totem pole. The likes of Sasha, Charlotte, and Becky all lack the main roster experience and the accolades to be considered the best.
Objectively speaking it's Paige.

I'd agree, although with the way Sasha is coming on, it wouldn't be surprising to see her take over as #1.

Interesting that Natalya doesn't even make the list. Is she even backstage since her husband's injury? I can't help thinking that Tyson's problem has canceled any plans the company might have had for Nattie.......which is too bad because she has been the best woman performer on the roster for years.
Nikki is clearly the face of the division. She is the "star" of Total Divas and she and her sister have pretty big crossover. Nikki is definitely charismatic and has improved a lot but I'm not convinced she is the long-term answer. Her overall work would have to dramatically improve, in my opinion.

In terms of talent, it is Sasha Banks. The charisma, the gimmick, the in-ring work. It's all there and she is ahead of all the others. Even in this revolution she has stood out the most from the NXT girls. While Becky and Charlotte never look comfortable speaking, Sasha has embraced that and makes every second matter.

Nikki as the "face" of the division makes sense and I can buy that. That doesn't mean, however, that Sasha can't be a top star. A lose example; if Nikki is the Cena then Banks is the Orton/Punk. That's how I see it.
Paige but Sasha Banks, Becky Lynch, Charlotte etc... are all right up there at this point. Nikki just comes off the same way as Cena does as being forced. What they need to do is break up these teams and focus on good one on one matches. The match at Summer Slam was just an absolute mess.
From an overall perspective, I have to give it to Sasha Banks. She's got the charisma, she's got the personality, she has the in-ring ability and can pull it all together consistently in any given situation.

That's not to say that Paige, Charlotte, Becky Lynch, Bayley, Alexa Bliss and some others aren't good, but I just don't think they have the overall package on the same level as Sasha Banks. Some are more athletic, some are more technically sound, but none are more charismatic and put all the tools together the way she can.
Well if you want to know who is in the top spot, meaning they are positioned as the best, the answer is without a doubt Nikki Bella. I'm not really a Nikki Bella hater, because I think she's worked hard to improve in the ring, and is now one of the better workers. She plays a heel character very well, is naturally charismatic, and is pretty strong physically.

But that being said, if you want to know who I personally think is the best diva, meaning the most talented, the answer is without a doubt Sasha Banks. She's another diva that plays he character very well and she delivers great matches time and time again. Charlotte is a great athlete, but Sasha is leaps and bounds ahead of her in terms of persona.
Of the 9 Divas in this Diva Revolution this is my order of ranking

1. Sasha
2. Paige
3. Becky
4. Charlotte
5. Alicia Fox
6. Naomi
7. Nikki
8. Tamina
9. Brie
Of the 9 Divas in this Diva Revolution this is my order of ranking

1. Sasha
2. Paige
3. Becky
4. Charlotte
5. Alicia Fox
6. Naomi
7. Nikki
8. Tamina
9. Brie

I'd go:

1. Sasha
2. Nikki
3. Charlotte
4. Paige
5. Becky
6. Brie
7. Alicia Fox
8. Naomi
9. Tamina
Right now, Nikki Bella based on what she's done so far but WWE got a sleeper in Sasha Banks. Just looking at the mainstream exposure she got this past weekend compared to the other Divas, she clearly stands out. Besides Sasha, Charlotte got a little love from ESPN.
This is such a broad question. When choosing just one or ranking the current Diva roster it would interesting to see what criteria(s) individuals are basing their opinions on.

Diva is a term used by WWE, an American professional wrestling promotion, to refer to its female performers.[1] The term is applied to women who appear as wrestlers, managers or valets, backstage interviewers, or ring announcers. The slogan of the divas division is Smart, Sexy and Powerful.

In the current state of Divas division there seems to be a importance set on, in no particular order, drawing ability, in ring skill set, acting ability, attractiveness, marketability, and cross over potential

Taking these attributes into account as of today I would rank the Divas as….
01) Nikki Bella
02) Paige
03) Renee Young
04) Lana
05) Sasha Banks
06) Natalya
07) Charlotte
08) Eva Marie
09) Brie Bella
10) Becky Lynch
11) Alicia Fox
12) Summer Rae
13) Naomi
14) Eden
15) Emma
16) Lilian Garcia
17) Tamina
18) JoJo
19) Rose
20) Cameron

Looking into the future it will only be a better of time before Sasha Bank becomes the Queen of the Universe. She will come to dominate in every category required when determining what a standout Diva should be. Looking at the many talents remaining in NXT I hope for Bayley to rise to the top once she joins the main roster. She offers some such a unique character to those listed above. She is more of an endearing character much like that of Mick Foley.
This is such a broad question.

Exactly what is that supposed to mean? Huh? Huh?;):);)

It's a good list, but given the factors you name, I would be tempted to place Lana at the top of the list, even though she doesn't (yet) have a ring skill set.

Of course, it's tough to tell how well any diva draws, but if there's anyone the fans might come to see, it's her. Lana is used in a manner similar to AJ Lee; as a wrestler....and also in skits with the guys. Presuming Lana will eventually get into some scheduled fights.....and as long as they don't resemble the matches in we used to see Torrie Wilson and Stacy Kiebler..... Lana might take over as the #1 diva in WWE.
Exactly what is that supposed to mean? Huh? Huh?;):);)

There was no pun intended but once you pointed it out I had to laugh a bit.

I was thinking a bit more about the topic at hand and this so called Revolution we are in the midst of. If the WWE wanted to do something truly unique and pro Diva/Women's movement they would focus on promoting the talents of Renee Young. She is incredibly talented as a talking head, charismatic, attractive, and marketable. She could be the voice, or co voice, of commentary. She could easily represent the company during crossover opportunities and genera promotion campaigns. She would a tremendous choice to stand as a role model for many fans, especially the female demographic.

On the flip side Stephanie might squash any chance of this as she seems to be the only female allowed to portray a respected professional.
I went with Becky Lynch just because of her in-ring skills, personality, character, and looks. In the end, as long as Nikki is champion, it doesn't really matter though.
When making this post by meaning THE top diva, I mean in ring performer. Not cross-over to Total Divas. Not manager, nor announcers..I mean who could take the lead as putting the revolution coward as champion. Clearly Sasha or Paige. Charlotte is just a hot blonde that can do aerobics. She's a splash in the pan. Nikki has worked hard but she's there because she sleeps with john cenacle and is a reality TV star. She was right in her "interview" it's time for them to retire to TV shows.
When making this post by meaning THE top diva, I mean in ring performer. Not cross-over to Total Divas. Not manager, nor announcers..I mean who could take the lead as putting the revolution coward as champion. Clearly Sasha or Paige. Charlotte is just a hot blonde that can do aerobics. She's a splash in the pan. Nikki has worked hard but she's there because she sleeps with john cenacle and is a reality TV star. She was right in her "interview" it's time for them to retire to TV shows.

Clearly is such a strong word, while I agree Paige and Sasha are more complete packages. IMO Charlotte and Becky are outstanding talents also and in some respects I believe them to be better in-ring tacticians than Sasha. I do not believe Sasha is so overwhelmingly talented that She embarrasses Charlotte, Becky or Paige. NIkki Bella is also very talented IMO She is the perfect foil to the current Diva's Revolution. She is in many ways the flag bearer of the old guard of Diva's where looks are more important than talent but with that being said She has worked very hard to improve in the ring and it has paid off with a well deserved lengthy title reign that gives the Division credibility and gives the next lady in line that all to important superstar rub. Which brings Me to now, it's time for the Division to change and evolve it's time for a Division where WRESTLING and TALENT matter and I humbly believe that time has come with the outstanding wealth of talented Women the WWE has currently at their disposal.
Charlotte is just a hot blonde that can do aerobics. She's a splash in the pan

Congrats, you were wrong twice in one sentence. Charlotte is most definitely not "hot" and she doesn't just do aerobics. She's one of the better female workers on the roster.

As far as this poll goes (heh), I chose Becky Lynch. She has a unique look and she's also one of the better female workers on the entire roster. Plus, Becky is bae.
Um I don't think I'm wrong.so will have to agree to disagree.

She has a hot body, not face..

She can flip, she can figure 4, err 8. She tries to spear but it looks horrendous..that's all she got. I would say she will be gone in 2 years. But as you can see by Raw tonight (25th) that Flairs don't ever go anywhere.
Here are my rankings, with reasons:

1. Sasha Banks: The total package (if there can be any) in the divas division. Looks- check. Wrestling skills- check. Mic skills- check. Charisma- check. Crowd connection- check. Good entrance theme, finishing moves, nickname etc.- check.

2. Charlotte: Tall, strong, agile, looks the part, pulls her weight in every match and every segment, and will fit in both a face and a heel role easily. Oh, and woooooooooooo!!!

3. Nikki Bella: The best heel among the female wrestlers right now. Whether it's for her (a) connection with a very influential person, (b) her breasts and butt implants, (c) her mediocre wrestling skills, (d) her near-non-existent mic skills, (e) her Total Divas character, (f) her championship reign on its way to beating AJ's record, or for whatever other reason, we all love to hate her, and she knows it too and rubs it on our faces.

4. Summer Rae: She has been killing it with the role of Rusev's valet lately. Taking slaps, takedowns, hair-pulling, smacked with a fish- all kinds of assault from Lana, yet showing up gorgeous and in style on every show and playing her role very satisfactorily.

5. Becky Lynch: I have ranked her a bit low, because I haven't seen much of her yet. I sporadically tune in to an episode of NXT (since it airs on Sundays here and I have other work to do), but from what I've seen of her in the main roster, I'm impressed. With no strong weaknesses, she has a bright future ahead of her, that's for sure.

6. Lana: Arguably the biggest attraction from the divas division, her performance as Rusev's valet and mouthpiece was stellar. However, her character and style just don't click with the casually flamboyant Dolph Ziggler, in my opinion, despite the on-screen kisses and recent change of attire. Thus, she has fallen a few places in my rankings.

7. (Heel) Naomi: I liked her as a face... Her smile seemed natural, her theme song was fitting with her dancing/jumping gimmick, her Rear View finisher was unusual yet cool because she was the heroine and not the villain. In short, her flaws were covered because she was a likeable and genuine person, who made her way up the ladder despite that eye injury... At one point, I was rooting for her to become the Divas Champion. Now, ever since she has become this bitchy heel, all her flaws like poor promo skills, over-emphasis on the butt etc. jump right out at your face.

8. Alicia Fox: Has been around for a LONG time, but her most memorable moment is still that act of pouring a poor guy's beer on her chest. Never rose above the rest, one step ahead and then two steps back, sometimes a contender but mostly a filler- that's been the story of her career.

9. Paige: Vastly overrated, in my opinion. I just can't stand her for some reason. I find her character, British accent, Sheamus skin, constipated expressions, that scream- all very irritating. And her fans... ugh, her fans... they treat her like she has the wrestling skill of Kurt Angle, the look of John Cena, the mic skill of Paul Heyman and the charisma of The Rock... I'd probably rank her at #6, if it weren't for them.

10. Natalya: Has been irrelevant for a long time. Apparently, she can wrestle, but her only recognition in her career has been as a descendant of the Hart family.

DUD. Brie Bella: The worst diva of the last 15 years, second only to Kelly Kelly, because the latter almost single-handedly ruined the divas division. If she sticks around for a few more years, she will surpass Kelly Kelly too, because preventing the cure is worse than unknowingly causing the disease. If Daniel Bryan had a monkey as a pet, even the monkey would learn more things about wrestling than Brie Bella did.

DUD. Tamina: Has she done anything noteworthy in her career so far? When I think of her, the image that comes to mind is of her standing outside the ring in a black jacket, making a half-angry, half-smirking expression, and doing nothing else. She is only employed because of her relation with The Rock's family, and because she has to support 2 daughters on her own.

DUD. Eva Marie: Is she still around? I guess so, because she pops up in an interview every once in a while where she expresses her wonder at the fans not liking her. Except for the red hair, her relevance is on par with Aksana's.
Um I don't think I'm wrong.so will have to agree to disagree.

She has a hot body, not face..

She can flip, she can figure 4, err 8. She tries to spear but it looks horrendous..that's all she got. I would say she will be gone in 2 years. But as you can see by Raw tonight (25th) that Flairs don't ever go anywhere.

A hot body? Oh my god. She has a pancake butt, hairy arms and looks like her father in a wig.

Flip, figure 8 and spear? Is that it? Do you even NXT bro?
I compared her hot body to the average woman, not a diva not even a hot ordinary chick, but as an average woman...I just meant by hot that she's not ugly...and yea bro, I never miss NXT. Even write a wrestling column, but I don't see the it factor in Charlotte. A lot of my readers agree, atleast 50%. She's loosing a fan base quick and is holding on to the Flair name.
The fact that everybody think Brie Bella sucks as much as I do puts a smile on my face. Brie will forever be known as Daniel Bryan's wife!.
Well... there's a difference between the best diva and being the top diva.

I'd wager that Nikki is the top diva right now - she's champ, she's on that Real Housewives of Full Sail show and she gets a lot of attention when it comes to the spotlight.

Paige was without a doubt the top diva in NXT, but when she was brought up to the main roster and her programme with AJ concluded, she got a little lost in the shuffle.
Nikki is the Divas Champion so you could say Nikki right now. If you are asking about the most decorated than Paige is your Diva. The most talented Diva is Sasha, nobody is close to her she is the best. Wait til Monday after NOC when Nikki has lost her Title and than ask this question, most people would say whoever is the Divas Champion is top Diva. Looking at talent and potential I would say Sasha Banks to answer your question.

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