Who do you think is better? Batista or Cena

Who do you think is beter?(WRESTLING WISE)

  • John Cena

  • Batista

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Ok i kno all of you people say John Cena and Batista simply cannot wrestle. But if you had to choose one of them..who would it be? John Cena or Batista?
This is an easy question.. John Cena.. Hes just a better wrestler, more entertaining, and better at playing his role then Batista.. I always thot Batista was a joke, and it really showed after Batista and HHH's fued.. The thing that some people dont understand is that Cena is infact a good wrestler.. Batista on the other hand isnt... Cena's mic skills > Batista, Cenas in ring performance > Batista, and Cenas wrestling personality > Batista...
Who is the better wrestler Cena or Batista? Its like being asked would you like to eat this pile of shit half baked or deep fried!
staticxer said:
Agreed this question should be rephrased into who do you think sucks less?

cuckfena said:
Who is the better wrestler Cena or Batista? Its like being asked would you like to eat this pile of shit half baked or deep fried!

Both warning for spamming.. Either add some logical posts, or dont add any at all.. You 2 have enough posts to know this by now.
cuckfena said:
Who is the better wrestler Cena or Batista? Its like being asked would you like to eat this pile of shit half baked or deep fried!
wow, you just showed us. I mean the amount of wit that you put into that post was amazing. Someone please make sure to quote this we wouldn't wnat to lose this incredible piece of non-sense. First off have you ever even watched a John Cena match before he came to raw? If you had you realize that he can if fact wrestle. In OVW he was a good wrestler and on smackdown he did some pretty good matches before he became a good guy. On top of that Cena vs Triple H at Wrestlemania was a good match, throw in RVD @ ONSII and it's not like the man has never wrestled a good match, but hey what can I expect from a guy that has the name cuckfena???????
Ironman10977 said:
wow, you just showed us. I mean the amount of wit that you put into that post was amazing. Someone please make sure to quote this we wouldn't wnat to lose this incredible piece of non-sense. First off have you ever even watched a John Cena match before he came to raw? If you had you realize that he can if fact wrestle. In OVW he was a good wrestler and on smackdown he did some pretty good matches before he became a good guy. On top of that Cena vs Triple H at Wrestlemania was a good match, throw in RVD @ ONSII and it's not like the man has never wrestled a good match, but hey what can I expect from a guy that has the name cuckfena???????

If Cena was so good in OVW why doesn't he go back there and learn how to wrestle again? The question is how good Cena and Batista are not were. Cena is fairly good on the mike, if a bit repetitive, and no one can deny how strong he is but strength alone doesn't make you a good wrestler, just ask Mark Henry or Bill Kazmire (sorry if that name is before your time). Cena can't sell, looks very wooden in his matches and has the worst hip toss I've ever seen.

I do remember Cena before he came to raw. If I'm not mistaken his first match was against Kurt Angle. Angle carried him to an ok match something Angle has had to do many times since
cuckfena said:
If Cena was so good in OVW why doesn't he go back there and learn how to wrestle again? The question is how good Cena and Batista are not were. Cena is fairly good on the mike, if a bit repetitive, and no one can deny how strong he is but strength alone doesn't make you a good wrestler, just ask Mark Henry or Bill Kazmire (sorry if that name is before your time). Cena can't sell, looks very wooden in his matches and has the worst hip toss I've ever seen.

I do remember Cena before he came to raw. If I'm not mistaken his first match was against Kurt Angle. Angle carried him to an ok match something Angle has had to do many times since

LOL at Bill Kazmire being "before my time" And I find it LOL funny that you're so bias that you think Cena "can't" wrestle. Could it be the fact that that's the type of match he's told to wrestle? And btw Mark Henry before the injuries was one fuck of a wrestler dumbass. He was incredibly mobile for his size and could pull off stuff others his size couldn't do in a million years. Secondly, Cena *much like hogan* can sell moron he's probably told not too. Watch Cena vs Taker from Smackdown, hell even Angle vs Cena in those matches he showed very good selling ability. And oh yeah he wrestle good matches against Brock too. Granted all of those guys have alot of talent but it takes two to tango and wrestle...
Lets face it, we're never going to agree about chav boy. You think he can wrestle, I don't. As for him just wrestling the type of matches he's told to I think by now he's got enough power within the wwe to show what he can do in the ring. He's not exactly a jobber doing what he's told to earn a crust. He's been a main eventer for almost 2 years now (deserved or not). If he can wrestle a great match where he can show off what he can do then let him if he can't then he can keep doing what he's doing now.
cuckfena said:
Lets face it, we're never going to agree about chav boy. You think he can wrestle, I don't. As for him just wrestling the type of matches he's told to I think by now he's got enough power within the wwe to show what he can do in the ring. He's not exactly a jobber doing what he's told to earn a crust. He's been a main eventer for almost 2 years now (deserved or not). If he can wrestle a great match where he can show off what he can do then let him if he can't then he can keep doing what he's doing now.
you're right because you're so bias against the man your name clearly indicates that. On top of that hogan could wrestle *proof in his Japan days and his AWA days* and he was Champion for years in the WWE without showing it so your agruement makes no sense to me...
I chose Batista as being better because through all of the hating, WWE realize he's a big draw. Remember the Royal Rumble last year where WWE put Batista over Cena. I do believe Batista has been struggling since returning but a lot of people does. Just think about Benoit after his neck surgery. He returned to be a tag partner for Rhino and fight for the Tag Team Championship. Once Batista get his World Title back at either Survivor Series or Armageddon, we'll see a more driven animal.
Cena I think is better because he's more experienced. But I'm sick of people just saying they're terrible wrestlers because they don't have the Kurt Angle moveset. 300 pounders aren't technical wrestlers, they are physical ones. If you want the kind of wrestling you say WWE must have and Cena & Batista don't, turn it off WWE because you're not going to find much of it today so get over it.
First off congrats to the poll maker for a nice vague poll.....better at what? Cooking? Flower arranging? I'd probably put Cena as better in an apron, but Dave's just so gentle with the petals....

If, of course, you're talking 'bout who is better overrall on WWE insofar as in-ring skills, mic skills and general entertainment factor then it has to be Cena. There really isn't a contest. They're both highly repetitive in the ring, using the same patented offences over and over again. Cena I guess has slightly more variety however (including a submission move, shock horror!). Cena also takes a bump better, I genuinely thought he put in a good show at the Unforgiven ladder match with Edge. Obviously being with Edge in a ladder match is bound to make you look good, Edge is brilliant, but even so Cena took some bumps and showed his ability to wrestle some interesting spots.

Mic skills, well Cena gets an even bigger lead over ol' Batista. I'm a fan of Cenas purely for his entertainment (and as long as I get a couple of decent matches to make up for his, which usually isn't great; WWE have been failing me recently on this count....). I'm sure even most of his critics can agree that he is excellent on the mic, delivers his lines flawlessly and is often humorous; good timing, good enunciation and good showmanship. Batista is perfectly adequate at cutting a promo, but nothing more, you wouldn't trust him for more than a minute or so on the mic for fear of a slip up or general loss of interest.
ok im sick of ppl saying that angle carried cena through matches. he did not do that at all, his style is too agressive its not like hhh or michaels. im not saying angle didnt make the match better than it would with a lesser wrestler but he didnt carry cena, nor did he make cena look good
I chose Batista cause I'd rather watch Batista in a match than Cena. I've got nothing against Cena, he'sprobably a nice guy in real life but his style is so stupid. Sure he's pretty damn strong but how come he swings those punches. Every time I see him do that I cringe. I agreed on what Edge said once that Cena punches like a ******ed gorilla. Those punches are always his comeback after getting beaten up. Come on man, do a neckbreaker or something! Batista however isn't the best pick of the bunch but at least his matches doesn't involve him gettin beat up throughout the whole match and making a miraculous comeback to get the win.
Cena's actually been growing on me. There's a reason for that. First off, Batista in the beginning looks like the Batista we have now. His mic work is amongst the worse I've ever heard and he just looks frightened in front of the camera. He does know how to put on a good match, but most of them are subpar. On the other hand, Cena's matches against quality opponents are usually something to look forward to. He has better charisma, he can be great on the mic (though he's been annoying with that drill sergeant tone as of late), and I do think he has better character than Batista.

Neither of them are outstanding wrestlers, but I'd rather have them there than not there, to be honest.
I just noticed:p My do I feel sheepish.....haha sorry mate.

I can only blame it on the alcohol consumed last night prior to me posting, fireworks night celebrations do tend to get out of hand. I still stand by my answer of Cena over Batista any day though, I'd say that most of my answer was rational; just me being a tool at the start there.
John Cena. Many wrestlers could be very good on TV, but doesn't mean in reality they actually work hard enough and deserves the spot like Cena does.... Cena is professional, very hard working, very positive attitude & listens to the boss like a professional and above all, Cena DOES SELL! He can make you hate him or love him, he doesn't leave people asleep and that's a fact. Don't beleive me? Step outside the internet and actually listen to the crowd when Cena is on the air. And unlike many, and I mean MANY in the wrestling world today, John Cena is and actually grew up as a WWE fan. But I find it sad how people cares too much about others' opinions and bases their own opinions from others they don't know on the net, because Cena is not AJ Styles and that's pure ignorant. Cena never did anything wrong. He had a dream as a little kid, and acheived it some 20 years later because he's a true professional. If you don't like it, put Goldberg in the picture instead who does bad business and little cares and poor attitude for his job.
In my opinion, in wrestling, Batista is a Champion. He has the presence, the strength and the ability. He hasn't been doing the best but in many respects, he's the Heir to Lesnar. Cena is fair better with a mic and insanely popular and can potentially be an amazing wrestler IF, the WWE quits giving him these rigged plotlines were he wins even against impossible odds. Also, I really dislike it when he uses the whole spin-out powerbomb, the full-knuckle shuffle, and then F-U to a possible STFU for the win. As soon as he gets the successful F-U it's almost 100% certain he wins.

What the WWE needs to do is upgrade Cena's move list and put him against someone who Cena cannot win against easily. Make it a great rivalry and by doing this boost both's reputation and ability. My suggestion: Cena VS. Batista.

In other words, I'd like to see a Batista vs. Whoever, rivalry that is similar if not exactly like the old Angel vs Lesnar days in the Golden Age of SD!.
If both of them were to face each other, I think that Batista would win. He has muscles and speed, and while Cena maybe faster (i don't know) he would have to use wrestling moves that would slow him down, in other words, submission type stuff.
all u pple r nuts Batista can to wrestle or else he wouldnt b n the wwe n if u all was n the ring with him he would kill all of u n then i would like to c u tell him he sux n he cant wrestle
Cena's mannorisms amaze me. I'm going beyond wrestling ability and mic skills here. He moves fluidly and has that ghetto type style and manorisms down to a science. The 5 knuckle shuffle is worse than the peoples elbow but just watch his manorisms when he does it. That's just quality acting, but then again WWE super stars wouldn't say that. They say he acts the exact same way outside of the ring. He's just being himself.

Batista's intensity is awesome. Only certain wrestlers could get by on their itensity and size alone. Brock Lesnar, Bill Goldberg, The Ultimate Warrior, and a small handful of others. Batista can out wrestle every single one of them seven fold. He's possibly the best ever at doing his style of character.

Comparison is impossible due to their characters and style but one thing I do know is that they both bring something extravegant to the table that The WWE has never had before. Compare and contrast the two wrestlers abilities but don't disrespect either one of them.
Wow guys! Slow down a little. If you remember, the same was said about the rock (who became a very good wrestler in my opinion). Top faces are told to make sure and hit the same spots in all of their matches. A 9 yr old kid (a big demographic, even though ppl deny it) isnt gonna cheer for a dean malenko. Cena's pushed as a brawler, and brawlers typically don't fly, they don't shoot, they fight. Batista (who got lost in the argument somewhere) is decent enough at what he does. He has a good look for wwe. The physique to be a super hero (to kids), and yet the snarl to be an animal-heel. Cena prolly has a little more range in what he can do. Besides, i'm willing to bet that ANYONE on wwe's roster could show all of us a thing or two around a wrestling ring. Even those in the indies. Even khali showed a defeated side of his character in his last match with taker, and sold some offense. BTW Cena's better.

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