Who Do YOU See As The Next Generation's Faces...


Pre-Show Stalwart
Now, everyone is saying that we're in the 'Reality Era', but I have to disagree to a certain extent. Yes, I do believe the next generation is coming, but I don't think we're done yet with the... Ugh, PG Era (I hate calling it that, but there's not really another name). I think we're coming more to the end of that era, but we've still got some time before we offically are in the 'Reality Era'.

As era's come, a lot people can express their opinions, but this is how I see them. Every generation seems to have two faces, a walker and a talker.

Walker: Someone who let's their actions speak louder then words, wether it's impressive physical attributes, they wrestle like a machine or they do crazy stunts which make their popularity sky-high.

Talker: Someone who's all mouth! They have a certain kingship with the microphone. They're voice is all a part of the WWE and is regonised by every household.

Okay now, this is how I see the different faces of their generations in order:


Classic: Walker: ANDRE THE GIANT Talker: HULK HOGAN


Attitude: Walker: 'STONE COLD' STEVE AUSTIN Talker: THE ROCK

Post Attitude (Brand Extension): Walker: TRIPLE H Talker: UNDERTAKER


Post PG: Walker: ??? Talker: ???


So in this is how the faces of the WWE are laid out in my head, may sound complicated, but it's how I like to see it. :p

This is where you guys come in, I want you guys to post a 'walker' and a 'talker' for this generation's superstars. You're answer's must have an explaination of why you think this.


FOR EXAMPLE (This is what I'd like to see):


Because CM Punk is great, he has plenty of in ring talent to be a walker and if creative did something for him for change (something weird, on the level of Stone Cold's beer truck), he can totally become the guy who all the deep voices in the audience scream for, he proved that he can do it last year, he just needs a few more highlights.


I know, that most of you won't agree with me, but when it comes to pure heel mic skills, no one can pass The Miz. He reminds me so much of The Rock in his cockiness and even though he's a heel when people scream awesome with him, that's a special thing. I believe these two can usher in, offically a new age of the WWE.


Your turn!
I can agree with CM Punk being the walker, though my talker is...

Dean Ambrose. I think he will be huge. Great on the mic, and his in-ring skills aren't too shabby either. I am hoping he can push the boundaries of PG programming with his promos.
Future faces:

The "walker" as it were would definately be Seth Rollins. His matches are insanely good, and even though he needs to improve on the mic severely, this will come with time.

The "talker" as the person above is dean ambrose. This guy reminds me of a mix of rowdy roddy piper and brian pillman. He's not the reincarnation of anything, he's the first dean ambrose and I cannot wait for him to get bought up.
I wanted to cheekily put the Great Khali on the account of his inability to do either.

However, for the walker I'll say Ryback. From his debut it's plain to see that he has the potential to be a big star. We'll just have to wait and see what happens when his make-or-break moment comes.

I see a good talker in Dolph Ziggler. Right now he's being used fairly well in the mid-card scene, we know he's good on the stick and enjoys playing his gimmick, and with the right push at the right time he could go a lot further.

Good thread sir, an interesting way of looking at things. Benoit and Jericho sprang to mind as well when thinking back to the early 2000s.
For me, that's an easy one...

Walker: Daniel Bryan - despite his smaller size, his ring presence and repertoire of moves makes him incredibly believable. He sells his offense incredibly well and nearly all of his moves (particularly signature ones) look like they would hurt. Bryan is a credible athlete with a true pro-wrestling skillset, much like Bret Hart. Actually, I think Bryan potentially has a bit more charisma than Bret though. In other words, we haven't seen the best of Daniel Bryan yet.

Talker: CM Punk. Not to take anything away from his wrestling ability, but in my opinion Punk's personality is what personifies him in the ring. Take that away, and you have a "good" wrestler, but not someone who should be headlining Wrestlemania year after year. The way Punk generally connects with the audience, let alone his "pipe bombs", is incredibly difficult to find in a wrestler during this era. He can get it done in the ring certainly, but Punks personality is what sets him apart and makes him a superstar.

Though their feud is just starting now, I see Punk/Bryan headlining the company one day not unlike Michales/Hart or Rock/Austin. I also see these two being on the opposite sides of the face/heel equation as they are now.
some of you are saying dean ambrose and seth rollins i think their time will happen alot later to becoming faces of the company i thinkk the talker: willl be dolph ziggler great mic skills and also great in ring skillls most people hes the next shawn micheals ; and the walker will probally be ryback i could see him being another goldberg and plus vince likes him and when the boss likes you expect bigger things ....also dean ambrose and seth rollins could be faces of the comapny later on around 2016 _ 2017
Walker: Ryback. I knew from day one he was going to be the future. When Nexus first debuted and he used to clothesline people and stay on his knees like he was in a trance was hilarious. But at the same time he was physically imposing and he had "the look".

Talker: Punk, unfortunately. I loved Punk until his push, but now he's just stale as hell and I don't think it will stop. He was groomed to be a heel, and an unexpected heel turn for him would be MONEY, but this will probably never happen.

Long shots:

Walker: Ziggler. I'm sure Zigs will get his push soon enough, but I don't think he will become the face of the company. I think he's the most wasted use of talent in the business right now and I think his talent will continue to be wasted for the rest of his career; much to the likes of Billy Gunn's.

Talker: (IMHO) Alex Riley. Riley has the look, the body type, the gimmick, the hardest theme song in the company, and has a hilarious acting ability. He needs to improve in the ring. If he does improve, he has everything you look for in a top guy.
Rock 'n' Wrestling Era
Walker: Macho Man Randy Savage - Randy was awesome on the microphone but even better in the ring, and who could forget his elbow drop!
Talker: Hulk Hogan - He's still the "voice" people imagine when they think of wrestling

New Generation Era
Walker: Bret "The Hitman" Hart - he embodied legitimacy and coolness. Fans believed he could beat anyone.
Talker: "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels - Played such a cocky heel that fans couldn't help but envy his confidence.

Attitude Era
Walker: "Stone Cold" Steve Austin - Proven ass kicker and skilled veteran in the ring. Austin seemed unbeatable most times.
Talker: The Rock - His brilliant promos set a new precedent in wrestling and raised the expectations of all fans.

Ruthless Aggression Era
Walker: Kurt Angle - Still considered to be the best wrestler alive by many. His Olympic achievements added some prestige to the WWE
Talker: Eddie Guerrero - He had tons of charisma to spare and worked the crowd like few can.

PG Era
Walker: Randy Orton - devastating signature offense that's familiar yet distinct, awesome in-ring psychology
Talker: John Cena - Megastar who can play almost any crowd like a fiddle, unique and memorable promo style.

Current Era
Walker: Daniel Bryan - indy star who has risen to the top of WWE with lightning speed, varied and believable offense
Talker: CM Punk - The first "pipebomb" promo is one of my favorite moments in wrestling history. Punk truly is the best in the world if you ask me.
Walker: Cody Rhodes. Excellent in the ring, tremendous charisma and character and for me has the total package.

Talker: The Miz. Tremendous on the mic generates a great reaction, is an interesting character and has already proven he is up to the standard with an excellent WWE title reign.

Honourable Mention: Dolph Ziggler. Pretty similar to Rhodes another guy with massive potential who I believe will be a major player in coming years.
thinking i am reading this correctly in saying this is a prediction for 2012-2013, and looking for new stars rather than those established (so rule out punk, bryan, etc) if that is the case :

Walker : Antonio Cesaro

Talker : Alex Riley or Sandow
Walker; Orton. I see him being dominant for another ten years at least, outlasting the current faces of the company like Cena.

Talker; Who else but Dean Ambrose? He is going to do great, great things in the upcomin years, create epic promos and really grasp our attention
For me, that's an easy one...

Walker: Daniel Bryan - despite his smaller size, his ring presence and repertoire of moves makes him incredibly believable. He sells his offense incredibly well and nearly all of his moves (particularly signature ones) look like they would hurt. Bryan is a credible athlete with a true pro-wrestling skillset, much like Bret Hart. Actually, I think Bryan potentially has a bit more charisma than Bret though. In other words, we haven't seen the best of Daniel Bryan yet.

Talker: CM Punk. Not to take anything away from his wrestling ability, but in my opinion Punk's personality is what personifies him in the ring. Take that away, and you have a "good" wrestler, but not someone who should be headlining Wrestlemania year after year. The way Punk generally connects with the audience, let alone his "pipe bombs", is incredibly difficult to find in a wrestler during this era. He can get it done in the ring certainly, but Punks personality is what sets him apart and makes him a superstar.

Though their feud is just starting now, I see Punk/Bryan headlining the company one day not unlike Michales/Hart or Rock/Austin. I also see these two being on the opposite sides of the face/heel equation as they are now.

I agree with this actually. Another thing about this is that when you have your Walker face your Talker, it's always a big thing. Andre/Hogan, Rock/Austin. Bryan/Punk fits right in with that.
Walker: Dolph Ziggler/Cody Rhodes. The guys have the right looks and skill sets to succeed at the top. Despite their current "woes" in the mid card, Ziggler and Cody look to have bright futures, and could be key parts of the roster in the years to come.

Talker: CM Punk/The Miz. CM Punk has it all. Talent in the ring and on the stick, and with his current level of popularity, will be a major fixture in the coming years, especially post-Cena/Orton.

The Miz, despite his less-than-stellar ring work, is talented on the mic; easily controlling a crowd into hating him with a few choice words. Talent on the mic, seems to be in short supply in WWE, and this could give Miz an edge.
I think this question is part of the problem and I would say Punk is part of this generation and not the next generation.

For the last 20 years when I watched wrestling you could always tell "that guys got it and will be a star" there are a few surprises like Austin but for the most party you used to be able to tell early on. Today with EVERYTHING so scripted they are all the same and you can just replace one name w/ another.

Orton, Miz, Bryan etc. all seem like actors spouting lines instead of someone with passion on the Mic.

While there are a few guys who could be your "walker" like Ziggler, Swagger or any number of the new guys I think Talker is done and we won't see another voice as long as they are not allowed to be themselves. It's one thing to have a guideline for what to say but some of these guys don't even look like they believe or care about what they are saying anymore and if they don't believe it how are we supposed to?
Right now your walker is Sheamus and your talker is Punk. If you notice in you OP that each talker was exceptional in the ring as well. In this instance those two fit the bill best.
Daniel Bryan is one of the best performers in the ring has a very interesting skill is very high style reminds me of the myth Tkniki late wrestler Chris beniot this undoubtedly will be a legend to come after how many years a strong wrestler creator actually
CM punk wrestler creator on the mic has the charisma of a fictional one of the best wrestlers on the mic now promo excellent wrestler developed from the same period last development on the mike gave the public a different look on punk in the beginning, they Aattabrōh wrestler normal like any other wrestler company but now has changed a lot, bringing the man my opinion of the company's punk will continue to interface the company and Cena will be out for a long time because the company impressed Bbank

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