Who do you hate most?

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Getting Noticed By Management
Who do you guys hate the most?I hate Cena Plain an simple over rated over pushed and He does not deserve half the stuff he has been given
how does he lie? he is a heel character so he is going to say whatever either is fed to him or something that makes him support the heel in the match
Why do you hate Jim Ross???

Wrestlers I don't like are John Cena, because he's been limiting his move set, Batista, because he's a bad wrestler in terms of moves, and Ashley because she she can't wrestler- notice a pattern?

Flames Out
i like coach hes funny and i dont really hate many people i dont like kid kash and i dislike cena not hate him i could like him if he got better moves and a new finisher f-u is weak as hell
WJX said:
how does he lie? he is a heel character so he is going to say whatever either is fed to him or something that makes him support the heel in the match

Tell me this, why would he say about Lance Cade never smiles on one segment on one month, but knows about that before.
LanceandLaylaarecool22 said:
Tell me this, why would he say about Lance Cade never smiles on one segment on one month, but knows about that before.

Because he also says if we are being a wrestling smark here, that Cade is meaner now so he doesnt
I woyuld have to say
EDGE, NITRO, AND MELINA < even tho she is smoking hott
i also i can stand cade and murdoch their ugly as hell and i hate rednecks
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