Who Could've Pulled The Briefcase Away From Austin?

Pay Per Ghost

What they f*ck happened in the thread section here

Remember this whodunit? Now I may have had too much but I have some unanswered questions from childhood goddamit and I will get to the bottom of it!

This storyline involved the McMahons and Austin and control over WWF. All commenced when Vince himself turned out to be the Higher Power. It was a mega swerve turning up the Austin/McMahon rivalry again. A little drawn out though.

So we get to KoTR 99 and this match has all the buzz. Austin and McMahon are pummeling each other and then Austin finally, with sweat dripping like beer from his body, ascends the ladder reaches the briefcase only to:


You know you type 'briefcase snatched' in Google and you just end up shaking your head and fist in the end; but fans, look at that goofy pic up there and guess where my needle au suspense goes to:


Hot piece of ass that! So ye everyone speculated that it was that hooky right there. God, it was setup for the mother of all heel turns which THANK GOODNESS GRACIOUS was not executed.

But then who? Who could've pulled the rug from under Austin like that?

I had my doubts on this bloke right here:


See the briefcase was on a harness and the harness was pulled: My pre-teenage minds associated any semi-levitating object with ghosts and spirits. And who is the King of Spirits...No not Smirnoff!! Not that kinda spirit!!

Evil Undertaker.

This storyline was convulted to begin with and then McMahons taking over it seemed ok at the time. But looking back as VKM was unveiled as the higher power, Undertaker could've just kept hoisting the briefcase where it would end up in his hand, as he was perched in the rafters. Ye ala Sting. I think this before Blue Blazer so it wouldn't have been in bad taste. He could've brought the story back to his evil ministry and Austin rather than more Vince and sons vs Redneck Man.

I make sense? Who would you pick?
Is this post written in English? Jesus.

I never did understand why WWE didn't pursue the briefcase/ladder match angle afterward. Undertaker certainly would have made sense. But, I'm sure in the end it would have boiled down to another McMahon conspiracy so, maybe it's a good thing it never went any further.
I kind of thought it was a possibility that Steve Blackman could have done it, since they very briefly mentioned he had been hired by Shane McMahon in the storyline to take out Ken Shamrock or at least weaken him, signaling that they wanted to get rid of feuding factions and wrestlers, as Shamrock had been in the Union which was against the Corporate Ministry or Corporation, or whichever group was left at the time of King of the Ring in 1999. Anyway, I hardly expected Austin to stay as the C.E.O. in kayfabe, so it did not matter too much.
I remember this, and was pissed that it was never answered. If I recall right, it was suppose to be Linda or HHH. HHH was being groomed for the WWF title, and original plans called for HHH vs Austin at SummerSlam. This would of made sense and could of played out past Fully Loaded into SummerSlam.
it was Big Bossman. If you remember correctly, no member of the Corporation was allowed to interfere in the match and Bossman had been kicked out briefly for losing a match on RAW and was pummeled by the rest of the Corporation. The night after KOTR on RAW, Bossman goes to confront them and hugs the McMahons and high 5's everyone and is welcome back into the Corporation. No explanation was given for any of this, but this appears to be the most logical choice.

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