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Who Can Transition To ROH?

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Life's A Bitch, And Then You Mosh
After looking up Petey Williams and Sonjay Dutt for the TNA Question thread, I noticed they both worked a bit in ROH. My question is, who could make the transition from TNA (or less likely, WWE) to ROH?

I don't think anyone from WWE could make the transition, only because they're used to a much different style, and a much bigger production. There are a few from TNA that could, and probably would.

The easy choice is Joe, since he's already been there, and was quite successful. I'd also think that someone like Daniels could, because he's a great wrestler, and his semi-lack of character wouldn't matter. At his age, I'm sure ROH would respect him, and give him something to work with, much like they did with Jerry Lynn.

I'd also wonder how Consequences Creed could do there. He's a good in-ring guy, and has that over-the-top gimmick that I keep seeing from some of the characters in ROH.

Keep in mind though, I'm not too familiar with ROH, so my assessment could be very wrong. I just think this would be a good discussion.
Like you NSL, I’m not very familiar with ROH but I think there are some guys from WWE and TNA that could make a successful transition to ROH.

First guy that comes to mind is Evan Bourne. You mentioned Joe because he had already worked with ROH in the past. Evan has worked with ROH in the past and he had some success there too. Another one that comes to mind is Amazing Red because just like Evan and Joe, he has worked there too and held some gold at one point. Also, his style of wrestling would make him a perfect fit.

As far as guys who have never worked with ROH in the past, I think that Chavo Guerrero could make a transition to ROH. He is a veteran so he would probably be treated well and he is a solid wrestler…and best of all, they probably wouldn’t make him a joke and they wouldn’t take him for granted.

You, I was looking at the TNA roster looking for guys that had never worked for ROH but I still thought could make a transition to them and I realized that almost every guy that I thought would be able to has already worked for ROH in the past. So a lot of the guys in the TNA roster could probably make a good transition to the ROH roster.
Naming guys like Joe, Bourne, and Daniels would be a no brainer because they've worked there before, so I'm going to answer this question based on guys that have never worked in ROH. The 2 guys I'd pick is Kurt Angle & Scott Steiner. And I'd also pick Team 3D.

Kurt is a vet who can work a great technical style and go the length. Kurt's style of wrestling would be perfect for ROH because as a pure wrestler, there'd be no way he wouldn't fit in. In addition, Kurt Angle is pretty over with smart fans, so Kurt would fit in perfectly.

Secondly, I pick Scott. I pick Scott because he's the type of character that can get great heat in a smark setting like ROH. Really, Steiner could be the greatest heel in ROH history because he's big, he's older, and he trash talks back to the audience which are all 3 traits that would make smarks hate him. He would be the equivalent of what Team 3D/Dudley Boys were in the original ECW as heels and would be a complete riot in front of the ROH fans. Steiner on the mic trash talking the audience is something ROH needs to have and Steiner would be perfect for that role.

Speaking of 3D, they'd be another great fit because they know how to get over in any promotion their in.
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This is a great topic but I have couple of wrestlers in mind that can make the transition to roh giving the good booking and fan support.

Shelton Benjamin - The guy is a great and underrated talent in the wwe. He can actually do wonders for Ring of Honor. He can be in the embassy as the new crown jewel. He could have a feud with Kenny King and Rhett Titus as a face. He can contend for the roh world title have some good built up. Plenty for him to do.

Robert Roode- Easily could become the top heel for Ring of Honor. The guy has the charsma the mic skills and not that bad in the ring. He could feud with guys like Tyler black and Roderick strong or some of the lower card talent like Jimmy Rave Necro Butcher etc. etc.

These can make the transition and not let the Roh audience not crap on them just cause they are tna and wwe guys. I could name some more but I don't want to make this post to long.
Secondly, I pick Scott. I pick Scott because he's the type of character that can get great heat in a smark setting like ROH. Really, Steiner could be the greatest heel in ROH history because he's big, he's older, and he trash talks back to the audience which are all 3 traits that would make smarks hate him. He would be the equivalent of what Team 3D/Dudley Boys were in the original ECW as heels and would be a complete riot in front of the ROH fans. Steiner on the mic trash talking the audience is something ROH needs to have and Steiner would be perfect for that role.

Seriously, scott Steiner. A way past his prime botch master that can't put on a good match unless with superb ring workers. That's the type of things that ROH fans would hate, but not like heat. Actual "He's just a piece of shit" hate. Scott Steiner would never make it.

Speaking of 3D, they'd be another great fit because they know how to get over in any promotion their in.

Again, 3D, like Steiner, have no place in ROH. ROH focuses on wrestling more than mic skills or ability to get over. maybe one or two appearances but eventually they'd just get sick of 3D.

Now as for my choice, It'd be easy to say wrestlers like Joe, AJ, Daniels, Punk, Homicide, Red and Bourne. Joe because he was the greatest champ ever. Punk is obvious aswell. Daniels because he was one of the founding fathers, and AJ Styles because he's awesome and would get over anywhere. And obviously Nigel McGuinness/ Desmond Wolfe But of people who haven't done much there, or were never there.

1) Jay lethal was there for a bit, even being the Pure champion and Joe's protegé. But he's even better now, and is a great wrestler.

2) Chris Sabin is phenomenal in the ring, and to my knowledge, has never done much in ROH. He may have wrestled a few times, but nothing major. His lack of character would also go unnoticed.

3) Doug Willams has wrestled there a few times, and is a great technical wrestler. He's perfect for ROH I hear you say. Yes.
Silent hip-Bob-apotamus. said:
Seriously, scott Steiner. A way past his prime botch master that can't put on a good match unless with superb ring workers. That's the type of things that ROH fans would hate, but not like heat. Actual "He's just a piece of shit" hate. Scott Steiner would never make it.

So what? Who cares what type of heat he draws. Heat is heat? If you're a heel, all types of heat is good, especially in this day and age, where heels are loved. And with Scott Steiner's ECW foul type of mouth and retro badass behavior towards the fans, his character would be great in that rabid atmosphere. All Scott Steiner has to do is cut a promo on the fans and it's instant hate.

Silent hip-Bob-apotamus. said:
Again, 3D, like Steiner, have no place in ROH. ROH focuses on wrestling more than mic skills or ability to get over. maybe one or two appearances but eventually they'd just get sick of 3D.

Lol at ROH focusing on wrestling. This is the same company that currently has shit wrestlers like Rhett Titus, Dirty Ernie Osirus, Necro Butcher, and Grizzly Redwood currently employed and used as regulars. I don't see why Scott wouldn't fit. Scott Steiner is a veteran and can actually bring them some credibility just for wrestling in an ROH ring. Plus Scott can still bring it in the ring if and when he wants.

3D would get over well in ROH. If I'm not mistaken, ROH's homebase is in Philly and ROH mostly has the northeast territory covered. Well guess what, Team 3D made a name for themselves in those parts of the U.S working for a company called ECW. So all 3D has to do is come out, bring some tables, and those fans might go nuts for them. Besides, you act like 3D can't wrestle. They've had great feuds with the British Invasion & Beer Money. I can imagine them wrestling and having great matches in ROH putting over the Briscoes, Steen & Generico, The Wolves, and The Young Bucks.
Shelton fucking Benjamin. The man is everything that ROH seems to be. Mind you, I am in no way whatsoever a ROH fan, I barely ease past the casual fan. I know they focus alot more on the wrestling and less on the entertainment. Shelton can wrestle, that's been proven. Remember Team Angle? Fuck yeah. He was WRESTLING. He proved to the world he actually had ability, he could actually stay in the ring and had skill. He wasn't just a fluke. Then the shit flipped on him, the majority of the WWE fans nowadays don't want intense mat wrestling, crazy reversals and sweet displays of athleticism. They wanna see a drama filled storyline, who turns on who?! OH SHIT! HE KICKED HIS BEST FRIEND! Oh my god.. a double twisty loop backflip senton. You get the general idea. Shelton might not be a top dude, but if he went back to his roots, back to his wrestling side, and stopped failing at impressing people with stupid gimmicks, he could definitely get somewhere. Just my personal opinion though..
I want to see Matt Hardy go back to ROH. His matches with Homicide and Davie Richards were phenomenal. And, as he proved, he can still go toe to toe with the best of them. Plus Austin Aries vs. Matt Hardy would be pretty nice.

Secondly, I'd like to see AJ Styles go back to ROH. He was better off there, in my opinion. ROH actually booked him as a solid Pure Champion, and that's something he needs right now is notability.

Lastly, I'd have to throw in a wild card and say William Regal. The man is a geneous in technical wrestling and has always been top class with his microphone work. Not to mention, when you think of shoot style, you think of Regal vs. Goldberg... and ROH is shoot style.
Hmmm... this is a good question. Let me see if I can think of someone nobody else has said.

I think I would have to go with Ted Dibiase Jr. and D.H. Smith. Why? Simple... they've both have wrestled in Japan, and I know for a fact that both (especially Smith) are fans of EVERY type of wrestling, and have studied it all. That includes ROH. At least, I know they did before they started working for WWE.

Now, in WWE, they might not seem like they'd fit the ROH criteria, but did Brent Albright seem like he would? Nope, but look how great he's done in the company. Same could be said for a few others in the past as well. Jamie Noble comes to mind; NO ONE could have predicted how well he was going to do in ROH, after watching his first WWE run.

Besides, I would also like to note that ROH isn't just limited to technical wrestlers. Necro Butcher and Steve Corino wrestle for the company for goodness sake. I'm pretty confident any wrestler from WWE could go there and adjust. People let the "WWE style" they HAVE to wrestle keep them from realizing just how good some people might be. Hell, Jesse (you know, Terry Gordy's boy) could be one of the best in-ring workers in the company, but we'd never know it because he hasn't been given a chance to show his ability. And I'm sure it's that way for plenty on the WWE roster.

On one last note, I would just like to say Bryan Danielson vs. John Cena taking place in ROH is one of my Dream Matches. So, yes... I have to include Cena in my pick here, just because that match would be beyond epic. From the crowd going apeshit the whole time, to the match actually being pretty good from a technical stand-point (Cena can work, whether people want to admit it or not)... I think it would be one of the greatest, most entertaining matches in wrestling history. I haven't ordered a wrestling pay-per-view since the 2nd One Night Stand, but if that match headlined an ROH pay-per-view, I'd gladly spend up to $40 to watch that bad boy.
So what? Who cares what type of heat he draws. Heat is heat? If you're a heel, all types of heat is good, especially in this day and age, where heels are loved. And with Scott Steiner's ECW foul type of mouth and retro badass behavior towards the fans, his character would be great in that rabid atmosphere. All Scott Steiner has to do is cut a promo on the fans and it's instant hate.

1) Heat is heat, huh? Ever hear of cheap heat. Say, badmouthing a town just to get a reaction. Doesn't take any talent.

2) I'm not talking heat, I'm talking hate. Like literally not wanting to even watching the piece of shit he tries to do.

Lol at ROH focusing on wrestling. This is the same company that currently has shit wrestlers like Rhett Titus, Dirty Ernie Osirus, Necro Butcher, and Grizzly Redwood currently employed and used as regulars. I don't see why Scott wouldn't fit. Scott Steiner is a veteran and can actually bring them some credibility just for wrestling in an ROH ring. Plus Scott can still bring it in the ring if and when he wants.

Scott wouldn't fit because he just doesn't have it anymore. And those wrestlers you mentioned are a very small minority, and are used for different reasons. Necro is there to put on hardcore matches. That's why they use him. What could Steiner do? Crawl around, holding his back.

3D would get over well in ROH. If I'm not mistaken, ROH's homebase is in Philly and ROH mostly has the northeast territory covered. Well guess what, Team 3D made a name for themselves in those parts of the U.S working for a company called ECW. So all 3D has to do is come out, bring some tables, and those fans might go nuts for them.

Yeah but how long ago was that? And I agree, the crowd would go wild if they appeared. But if they appeared. We're not talking once off, we're talking transition. Something they, and Steiner, would not be able to make.

Besides, you act like 3D can't wrestle. They've had great feuds with the British Invasion & Beer Money. I can imagine them wrestling and having great matches in ROH putting over the Briscoes, Steen & Generico, The Wolves, and The Young Bucks.

Great matches, ha. Seriously, the only way they could have great matches is if they carried like fuck. Like we're talking 75-25. And 3D are way passed their prime. Sure they could put them over, but do they need it. Like, they're already very prestigious, and 3D aren't exactly in their prime. You'd expect them to lose.
Silent hip-Bob-apotamus. said:
Heat is heat, huh? Ever hear of cheap heat. Say, badmouthing a town just to get a reaction. Doesn't take any talent.

Okay, it's still heat. What's the point?

Silent hip-Bob-apotamus. said:
2) I'm not talking heat, I'm talking hate. Like literally not wanting to even watching the piece of shit he tries to do.

People would go to ROH shows just to boo Steiner and to heckle him during his matches. It's no different than the heat that Cena got at ONS and yes people will claim that they hate him but it would only drive them to see him.

Silent hip-Bob-apotamus. said:
Scott wouldn't fit because he just doesn't have it anymore. And those wrestlers you mentioned are a very small minority, and are used for different reasons. Necro is there to put on hardcore matches. That's why they use him. What could Steiner do? Crawl around, holding his back.

He has it more than Necro Butcher and those other scrubs I named. Like I said, Steiner can go when he wants to. And like I said, Steiner can be a good promo guy. The guy that can rally the crowd up. He can also have a few guys by side and even play the role of a mentor for someone in ROH like how he did for Petey Williams in TNA. Steiner can have a role there and like I said earlier, his character would fit perfect for an ROH setting.

Silent hip-Bob-apotamus. said:
Yeah but how long ago was that? And I agree, the crowd would go wild if they appeared. But if they appeared. We're not talking once off, we're talking transition. Something they, and Steiner, would not be able to make.

Why wouldn't they be able to make a transition? Jerry Lynn made a transition and even D-Lo Brown transitioned.

Silent hip-Bob-apotamus. said:
Great matches, ha. Seriously, the only way they could have great matches is if they carried like fuck. Like we're talking 75-25. And 3D are way passed their prime. Sure they could put them over, but do they need it. Like, they're already very prestigious, and 3D aren't exactly in their prime. You'd expect them to lose.

They're past their prime? Says who? Their age or their weight because you're not judging them based on inring skills because inring wise as a team, 3D can still go and have been working better than ever than they have. Brother Ray & Brother D-Von are only 37-38. If your judging them based on age, which you obviously are, then I guess you consider Jericho, Big Show, and Edge past their prime as well since those guys are the same age or older. And to say that would be ridiculous. So yeah, basically that's a weak argument because 3D has been involved in some of the best tag team matches of this year and have had a hell of a run in TNA.
I've noticed that people are throwing out names of people who have previously worked for ROH. Guys like Samoa Joe (still the longest reigning ROH champion), Christopher Daniels, AJ Styles, Chris Sabin, Alex Shelley, Evan Bourne, Brian Kendrick, Paul London, Low Ki, etc were great ROH talents and would probably be welcomed back with open arms if they chose to return. Sonjay Dutt made his name in TNA and now makes regular appearances in ROH. I think he's transitioned fairly well.

I'm not sure why some people believe that once you work for the WWE or TNA, that you wouldn't be a good fit for ROH. I don't find this to be true. Christian made at least 2 appearances in ROH while he was working for TNA and he was received well. He had stellar matches and got a positive reaction from the crowd. Matt Hardy also made an appearance in ROH several years ago and was also able to get a decent reaction from the crowd.

There are a handful of guys on the WWE roster right now that I would love to see in an ROH ring. Jack Swagger, Codey Rhodes, Ted DiBiase, John Morrison, Kofi Kingston and Shelton Benjamin would all be a fantastic addition to the ROH roster. I think all of them are versatile and would be able to transition smoothly. Truthfully, I would think it would be more difficult to adapt to the more rigid and restricted style that the WWE works. ROH allows much more creative freedom which I would think could be very refreshing to someone coming from the WWE.
Everyone so far has said a lot of stars that were pretty much made in ROH, Joe, Daniels, Red, Sydal (Bourne), Kendrick and London.
This seems a pointless way to answer the question, we all know they could work, so I'm going to pick a few choices who have never been in an ROH ring.

1. Kurt Angle. The man is a machine who pushes his body to the limit even though he could cruise through WWE matches and TNA matches most of the time without effort. He gives 100% when he enters the ring and thats what ROH matches demand, his technical skill is obviously without par and his suplex and submission styles would fit right in.

2. Shelton Benjamin. Shelton has many of the same qualities as Angle and for many of the same reasons. He also has an added athleticism normally and a faster paced style fits in ROH. His size and build would make him perfect material for ROH and they would give him a respectable push without fail.

3. Cody Rhodes. This guy has charecter and a simple old school style with some athleticism that reminds me a little of Michael Shane when he started. I think ROH would appreciate him and could easily get him over face or heel.
The guys that I (we) are picking may have worked in ROH before, but they've gone on to find at least moderate success somewhere else. I had said Samoa Joe and Consequences Creed.

I know Samoa Joe has had a ton of success there, but after all his time in TNA, I think he still works the same style, and could go back without any problems. Someone like Homicide may have trouble going back, because he's worked as a tag wrestler for so long, he's having enough trouble making a singles star out of himself in TNA, let alone ROH.
I believe the fans of ROH will always love Homicide for the work he has already done. They respect Homicide and I think he's talented enough to transition back in my opinion. Homicide recently returned for a couple of shows with Hernandez (another former ROH star) and smoothly fit right back in. I do agree that permenantly someone like Joe would get right back into the thick of it with no problems but I have no doubt that after a few months it would feel like most of them never left.
I like the Scott Steiner idea some one mentioned. I could really see him in athat role.
Here's who i think would fit-
WWE= Shelton Benjamin, John Morrison, Matt Hardy, Chris Jericho, Christian*, CM Punk*, Dolph Ziggler*.
TNA= Samoa Joe*, AJ Styles*, Robert Roode, Kurt Angle, The X Division, Hernandez, Homicide*, and many others.

*= already worked in ROH before.
Okay, I don't think I've seen anyone mention this man, but I believe he could be a great success in ROH and could work very well with their style. This man was the longest reigning television champion in ECW and is an ECW original. He is one of originator of moves such as the Van Daminator and the Van Terminator. That man is the one, the only, Rob Van Dam.

I believe RVD has a ring style that could work quite well in ROH. His name alone, well it's not necessarily one of the top names of the industry, his name definitely has some value to it, and I know this isn't about drawing ability or anything like that, but maybe a guy like RVD could gain more of a fanbase for ROH and create some more ROHbots.

RVD could work matches with essentially anyone there and they would all be good matches. He could also add a little flair of extreme or hardcore to the show from time to time.
Okay, it's still heat. What's the point?

That it doesn't take talent to garner cheap heat. Hell, Shelton Benjamin could garner cheap heat.

People would go to ROH shows just to boo Steiner and to heckle him during his matches. It's no different than the heat that Cena got at ONS and yes people will claim that they hate him but it would only drive them to see him.

You're saying that like it's a fact. People could go to ROH shows to heckle him. Or they could stay at home because he sucks. See what I did there.

He has it more than Necro Butcher and those other scrubs I named.

Maybe in a different style, a style done much better by others in the company, so there's no need for him. Necro is there for hardcore matches, so there's a place for him. While steiner, there's no space.
Like I said, Steiner can go when he wants to. And like I said, Steiner can be a good promo guy. The guy that can rally the crowd up. He can also have a few guys by side and even play the role of a mentor for someone in ROH like how he did for Petey Williams in TNA. Steiner can have a role there and like I said earlier, his character would fit perfect for an ROH setting.

What if he doesn't want to "go" for an indy company. Somebody who's accustomed to being a champion and big player in the big boys and then has to spend his time wrestling for a second rate company for little money.

He also took the tag team titles from the young guys and held them for himself. What makes you so sure he's gojng to want to settle for ending his career as a mentor, when he could want to be the champion. You aren't taking into account the possibility of him not liking ROH.

Why wouldn't they be able to make a transition? Jerry Lynn made a transition and even D-Lo Brown transitioned.

Jerry Lynn was a great wrestler, and is still pretty good. More than I can say for them currently. Jerry Lynn is still very good, and isn't as past his prime as the others.

They're past their prime? Says who? Their age or their weight because you're not judging them based on inring skills because inring wise as a team, 3D can still go and have been working better than ever than they have.

Pretty much everyone. Their prime is a while before now. ECW possibly. The TLC matches.

Brother Ray & Brother D-Von are only 37-38. If your judging them based on age, which you obviously are, then I guess you consider Jericho, Big Show, and Edge past their prime as well since those guys are the same age or older.

I love how I'm "obviously" doing something, according to you. And no, I am not basing it on age, I am basing it on them being worse than they used to be. Is that okay? And I'd consider Big Show past his prime, but Jericho and Edge are still going strong.

And to say that would be ridiculous. So yeah, basically that's a weak argument because 3D has been involved in some of the best tag team matches of this year and have had a hell of a run in TNA.

Involved can mean carried, no? And I'd love to see what these great tag team matches are. Considering they're one of only 5 teams in TNA that are in the picture, and TNA having the bets division there is, I'd expect them to be in some of the best matches of the year. Doesn't make them great. Just because Kevin Nash was in some of the best legends title matches of the year doesn't make him great. It's because he was one of the few that was actually involved in some of the matches.
Silent hip-Bob-apotamus. said:
That it doesn't take talent to garner cheap heat. Hell, Shelton Benjamin could garner cheap heat.

It also doesn't take talent to use a computer. What's your point?

Silent hip-Bob-apotamus. said:
You're saying that like it's a fact. People could go to ROH shows to heckle him. Or they could stay at home because he sucks. See what I did there.

Like the same way they stayed home for Cena at ONS or the same way the ECW crowd use to stay home for Team 3D when they use to heckle the crowd.

Silent hip-Bob-apotamus. said:
Maybe in a different style, a style done much better by others in the company, so there's no need for him. Necro is there for hardcore matches, so there's a place for him. While steiner, there's no space.

There's always space for a veteran in a company who can help guide the younger talent in and out of the ring. What the hell are you talking about?

Silent hip-Bob-apotamus. said:
What if he doesn't want to "go" for an indy company. Somebody who's accustomed to being a champion and big player in the big boys and then has to spend his time wrestling for a second rate company for little money.

Isn't this entire thread based on "what ifs"?

Silent hip-Bob-apotamus. said:
He also took the tag team titles from the young guys and held them for himself. What makes you so sure he's gojng to want to settle for ending his career as a mentor, when he could want to be the champion. You aren't taking into account the possibility of him not liking ROH.

What do you think his role in TNA is now? Steiner is the guy who helps enhance talent. That's been his role for years. He's the guy who works with the younger guys to try to help escalate them. Steiner has never had a problem jobbing or helping to put someone oever. Yes, Steiner was a tag champion but so what? Are you claiming that any veteran that holds a title belt does it to hold younger talent? What logic is that? That's how the company booked him. That's like saying Jerry Lynn has no intention to work with young guys in ROH because he held the ROH world title. What sense does that make?

Silent hip-Bob-apotamus. said:
Jerry Lynn was a great wrestler, and is still pretty good. More than I can say for them currently. Jerry Lynn is still very good, and isn't as past his prime as the others.

I like how you skipped over D-Lo Brown.

Silent hip-Bob-apotamus. said:
Pretty much everyone. Their prime is a while before now. ECW possibly. The TLC matches.

So everyone says their past their prime and u follow? So pretty much you'te telling me that your following the bandwagon and that you can't think for yourself and come to your own conclusion.

Silent hip-Bob-apotamus. said:
I love how I'm "obviously" doing something, according to you. And no, I am not basing it on age, I am basing it on them being worse than they used to be. Is that okay? And I'd consider Big Show past his prime, but Jericho and Edge are still going strong.

Worse than they use to be? How so? Do you want to give me any examples of how 3D are "worse than they use to be"?

Silent hip-Bob-apotamus. said:
Involved can mean carried, no? And I'd love to see what these great tag team matches are. Considering they're one of only 5 teams in TNA that are in the picture, and TNA having the bets division there is, I'd expect them to be in some of the best matches of the year. Doesn't make them great. Just because Kevin Nash was in some of the best legends title matches of the year doesn't make him great. It's because he was one of the few that was actually involved in some of the matches.

Well guess what, 3D wasn't carried. They performed on par and put on GREAT matches and had GREAT feuds. Check it out for yourself. Don't try to flip anything around to fit your weak attempt of a rebuttle. From the way you sound, you sound as if you don't watch TNA often enough or know enough about 3D to even offer critique on them. Everything you say regarding them has been fed to you over the internet just like all internet sheeps. Start watching, judging, and thinking on your own instead of being forcefed and following the internet bandwagon of calling any and all veterans in TNA being "past their prime" even if they're not.
I dunno, I think you'd be surprised which WWE guys could make it on ROH. Remember Gavin Spears from the ECW Superstar Initiative? He appeared to be a stereotypical WWE guy, muscular, angry, limited moveset. He wrestled one match for ROH and he got over with the crowd and got "please come back chants". That's no easy feat because indie fans generally hate WWE guys on principal.

I think John Morrison, Shelton Benjamin, Christian, Hurricane, Paul Burchill, William Regal, Chavo Guerrero, Charlie Haas, Finlay, Hart Foundation, and Matt Hardy (again) could all make it in ROH. What do they have in common? They're all great technical wrestlers and all but two of them have had only limited exposure. Most of them also wrestled somewhere before the WWE, which helps them out with an indie audience.

But what about the main event talent? Well this is all hypothetical because none of them WOULD jump, it's a case of who COULD make it in ROH if they showed up there. Nobody here could tell me Shawn Michaels or Undertaker wouldn't be over as hell with the crowd and could hang with the ROH locker room. Granted they wouldn't be as quick, but I think most of the ROH wrestlers could adapt to their age without either side having to dumb down.

Hell, Randy Orton could conceivably make it. He'd get booed a shit load because of his methodical style, but he's a heel... that's his job. I think his star presence and the fact he does have some pretty sick moves would mean that while they'd boo him, they wouldn't not attend shows because of him. Course he'd probably kill someone in the ring because he'd feel above them all and pissed off, but hey, it was hypothetical.
Seriously, scott Steiner. A way past his prime botch master that can't put on a good match unless with superb ring workers.

So, he can't put on a good match unless he is with superior ring workers, like the guys in ROH, and he would be a bad fit? All of the ROHbots want to talk up the technical ability of everyone in ROH, and yet, you missed your chance. Scott Steiner is the most entertaining mic worker in the business right now. He is completely unpredictable, and in ROH, where the fans bust a nut for someone breaking kayfabe, he would be a perfect fit.
That's the type of things that ROH fans would hate, but not like heat. Actual "He's just a piece of shit" hate. Scott Steiner would never make it.

One Frankensteiner and the crowd would start chanting something unintelligible.

Again, 3D, like Steiner, have no place in ROH. ROH focuses on wrestling more than mic skills or ability to get over. maybe one or two appearances but eventually they'd just get sick of 3D.

Another example of someone who could come in and shoot a couple of times and have smarks all over them because they broke the fourth wall. You really seem to be overestimating ROH fans. Most of them are just jaded Attitude fans who think that they're too cool for PG.
Now as for my choice, It'd be easy to say wrestlers like Joe, AJ, Daniels, Punk, Homicide, Red and Bourne. Joe because he was the greatest champ ever. Punk is obvious aswell. Daniels because he was one of the founding fathers, and AJ Styles because he's awesome and would get over anywhere. And obviously Nigel McGuinness/ Desmond Wolfe But of people who haven't done much there, or were never there.

AJ would never go to ROH full time. He's good enough for people to actually see wrestle.
1) Jay lethal was there for a bit, even being the Pure champion and Joe's protegé. But he's even better now, and is a great wrestler.

I don't know about this. I admit that I have only seen Jay Lethal with the ******ed Savage gimmick, but he hasn't shown me anything. I am so bored when he is in the ring.
2) Chris Sabin is phenomenal in the ring, and to my knowledge, has never done much in ROH. He may have wrestled a few times, but nothing major. His lack of character would also go unnoticed.

Lack of character is a good thing? Last I checked professional wrestling needed characters to avoid being stuntman practice. I don't get fans that think it's OK to not have a character. Someone who is phenomenal in the ring but has no character is the furthest thing from wrestling there is. It isn't real, it's showmanship, and just doing some flippys does not make you a showman, it makes you a gymnast.

3) Doug Willams has wrestled there a few times, and is a great technical wrestler. He's perfect for ROH I hear you say. Yes.

Doug Williams fits TNA's style better. He doesn't look like an epileptic monkey.
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