Who are your top 5 announcers in WWE history


Getting Noticed By Management
In light of JR's return to RAW, I thought it would be fitting to shine some light on the greatest commentators in WWE's history. I for one, do not put JR in my top 5. I never much cared for the JR/King combination of the attitude era. I think the attitude era killed quality commentary in wrestling. The commentators started acting more like narrators of a story, as opposed to play by play men calling a sport. There was a time when wrestlers didn't stand in the ring talking on a mic for 20 minutes despite having nothing of interest to say, once those kinds of segments started occuring on a regular basis, in my opinion it killed a lot of what the announcers brought to the table. They used to be the voices of wrestling, while the wrestlers wrestled. Now the wrestlers -oops, I mean sports entertainers- do it all themselves. I think a lot of the talking that goes on in the ring, would be better off being brought to viewers attention by the announcers themselves. I prefered it when the announcers did most of the announcing. Not the wrestlers. So here's my top 5.

#5)Vince McMahon
McMahon was kind of annoying as an announcer, but whatever flaws he had he more than made up for when it came to the pay per view introductions. Especially the roll call of names just prior to the Royal Rumble. "Hakuuuuu!" Huuuuuulk Hooooogaaaaan!" and the "Uuuuuultimate Warrrrrrior". Lol. I sware he must have had a few brain aneurysm's emphasizing some of those names the way he did. He made Haku seem like the most important guy who ever lived. When Vince McMahon said "it's time to rumble...its time for the Royal Rumble!" you knew it really was time to Rumble. It just got you jacked for the match even more than you already were.

#4)Mean Gene Okerlund
As good as Vince was at introducing the ppvs, even better than that were the PPV reports that led up to the event. Im talking about the Royal Rumble Report, Summerslam report, Wrestlemania Report, all with their own specific theme music, and all hosted by the legendary Mean Gene. And even better than the ppv reports, was Mean Gene's voiceover for the opening credits of every WWF television show: "The WWF...what the wooooorld is watching". Mean Gene had more gravitas than all of todays announcers combined, and he had a better radio voice than Casey Casem.

#3)Bobby The Brain Heenan
As good as Mean Gene was, his partner in crime was even better. No one, I repeat NO ONE, will ever come close to Bobby The Brain in terms of injecting a little comedy into wrestling. There are plenty of guys in wrestling over the years who THOUGHT they were funny (Cena, Lawler, Nash, DX), but Bobby Heenan actually WAS funny. And not just funny for wrestling, I mean in general. He could have been a comedic actor. He could have been Leslie Neilsen or Johnny Carson's goofy sidekick on the Tonight Show. Bobby really was that funny. To this day no moment in wrestling is as funny as Bobby Heenan's color commentary during the barber shop segment where Marty Jannetty was thrown into the glass by Shawn Micheals. "Did you see that? What an act of cowardice! Jannetty tried to dive through the glass to escape! What a coward!" ~Bobby Heenan. Other notable Bobbyisms' include "that's not fair to Flair!" and of course referring to the fans as "humanoids". XD

#1 & 2) Gorilla Monsoon and Jesse Ventura
As much as I appreciated Bobby's humor, the best commentary in wrestling comes when the announcers take what they are commentating on seriously. A wrestling match is at it's best when the commentators who are calling it approach it the same way they would if they were calling play by play of a baseball or football game. And thats what Monsoon and Ventura were so good at. You needed a medical dictionary on hand to keep up with the some of the technical terms Monsoon would use during a match, and Ventura did something that no other heel commentator has ever done- he gave the heels credibility. He didnt just portray them as 2 dimensional bad guys, he tried to give credibility to their complaints about the babyfaces. One specific moment sticks out for me. It was Ricky Steamboat vs Rick Rude. Steamboat was in a sleeper and his arm was being dropped 3 times by the referee. But when they got to the third time, Steamboat forgot to hold his arm up and it dropped to the mat. That was a big time botch. Rude should have won at that point. But the ref raised it again and this time Steamboat kept his arm up and the match continued. A botch like that would more than likely be glossed over in the attitude or modern eras. But not with Ventura callling the match.

Jesse called the ref out on it, but did so in a way that didn't break kayfabe. He gave credence to Bobby Heenans claims that referees were bias and that due to a guy like Rude's reputation he sometimes didnt get the calls that another more law obiding wrestler might get. Ventura took a botch and turned it around on itself into a postive by saying that some of the heels are right when they question the officiating of the wwf. Gorilla also managed to cleverly cover up the botched spot without igoring it by giving it a real world sports event analogy. He said that sometimes referees simply make mistakes. Even in the NFL, no ref is going to get every call right. "They aren't perfect, Jess. Referees are human too. Human error is a part of sports"~Monsson. Thats brilliant stuff. Simple yet brilliant. And its all being improvised on the fly. That level of improvisational skills at the commentary table is unheard of in todays wrestling landscape. And it's been that way ever since the attitude era.
We'll be very lucky if we ever again get to see that kind of quality commentary.
Bobby The Brain Heenan is the best color commentator ever. Period. Don't get me wrong, I love Jesse Ventura, and Ventura brought a credibility to wrestling as a SPORT, much like Mean Gene Okerlund outside of the broadcasting booth. But The Weasel made wrestling entertaining like no one else.

For me it's
1: Bobby 'The Brain' Heenan
2: Gorilla Monsoon
3: Jesse Ventura
4: Vince McMahon
5: Randy Savage

... yeah that's right Randy Savage.

Randy was actually good at it, he never was a professional like Ventura or Monsoon. But that was part of his charm. See when I started watching the WWF Ventura had already retired, while Savage was still kicking ass in the ring. So it wasn't until I got much older that I realized that Ventura was a pretty cool wrestler in his own right. But when Savage started doing commentary, it was kinda refreshing to me to see an active wrestlers' point of view. It really is a matter of perspective, I know, but because of the perspective I have in it, I have always liked the matches that Savage did commentary for more than any of your other "average" matches, not talking PPV's or anything like that. But for me, my favorite team of all was Monsoon, Heenan, & Savage together. But I also enjoyed JR, Heenan & Savage together too.
Hmmm.... Very tough question, but, here we go:

5) None other than, THE MIZ! He was so totally awesome at the Royal Rumble. I hope that one day he will turn into a Jerry Lawler, a retired wrestler who knows what he is talking about, and will say it all, behind the desk at commentary.

If you think I was being serious... I was.

4) CM Punk. I know, two currently active wrestlers. But, he did do a good job and I actually enjoyed listening to commentary (I haven't been until Hunter told Cole to basically F off then replace him with JR).

3) Gorilla Monsoon. Why? He had the voice of a true commentator. A look of... well, a bear, but he was a nice bear. :]. I loved listening to him and when I watch that speech Heenan did about him, it brought a drop of water to my eye (yes, I'm capable of crying).

2) Vinnie Mac. He was really, really good. Not bias... most of the time. But, his character hadn't even started yet so that is probably why it worked. It wouldn't have if he had started like now after his reign had finished with all that history.

1) Jim Ross. 'Nuff said.
My top five (and I'm talking just guys who called matches, not in-ring interviewers) are:

1. Gorilla Monsoon
2. Bobby Heenan
3. Jim Ross
4. Jesse Ventura
5. Jerry Lawler

I grew up on Gorilla Monsoon and Jesse Ventura. When I started watching, Heenan was still an active manager, but was also on Prime Time Wrestling on Monday Nights (pre-Raw). Any combo of the three of them just made whatever I was watching better. They were all very gifted and I miss hearing them. Especially Gorilla Monsoon.
Does it include special guests? I hope so lol
5. Dolph Ziggler. He Referenced having sex with vickie quite a few times and was hysterical lol
4. CM Punk. You Spilt my Soda! Lol
3. Triple H and Shawn Micheals were seriously funny when Ventura guest hosted
2. Tie between J.R and Mick Foley they were and are both awesome.
1. Joey Styles. If he can Call As much mayhem in ECW on his own on a weekly basis then he can do pretty much anything. Severely underused in the WWE. Shame really :( sad face.
5. Gorilla Monsoon - One of the legends of this business and probably the most knowledgeable of all the announcers to ever put on a headset.

4. Vince McMahon - His voice kind of annoyed me but his passion was there and he was witty enough to keep me entertained throughout a broadcast

3. Jim Ross - without question the single most passionate announcer I have ever heard on a wrestling show. His emotion and intensity almost makes up for the many botches he makes on a given night and I love how he uses stats to put over superstars

2. Bobby Heenan - he had passion, he had charisma, but most of all he had the wit to be an extraordinary heel color commentator and he always gave the heels credibility in an industry where heels struggle to find any

1. Jerry Lawler - Take the brain and Adam Sandler and then add one of the most classic laughs ever and you have Jerry Lawler. He had passion, charisma, wit, and the humor that had me dying every time he made a joke. His high-pitched shrieks were classic and I'm so upset that he toned down after 2008 for the PG era because he was GOLD 1994-2005
Since I didn't start watching wrestling 'till the mid/late 90s, my top 5 announcers list might be vastly different than others.

Honorable Mention: Josh Matthews

5. Matt Striker

Before they took him off of commentary, Matt Striker was doing something that wasn't well liked in this new era of "sports entertainment" and something that hadn't been done since Ventura and Monsoon: Actually calling the match in a technical aspect. Matt Striker had this knack of actually identifying the moves the wrestlers were doing and provided facts and tidbits on the wrestlers. Contrary to popular belief, I feel that for Striker to provide that information gave us some insight on the wrestlers that wasn't otherwise provided via promo from the wrestler. Hell, if Matt Striker was still on a commentary team, we'd probably know more about the wrestler than WWE would supply from their attempted promos.

4. Jonathan "The Coach" Coachman

Kind of similar to Matt Striker, Coach occasionally called the match in a technical aspect, but that's not what made Coach great. What made Coach great was his ability to get behind the heel wrestler (of course, I'm talking when Coach turned heel in '03-ish). Wasn't as great as Ventura, but wasn't as obnoxious as that god-awful Michael Cole. It just seemed natural for Coach to defend the actions of the heel and act like the heel was his best friend. One of my personal favorite heel commentators just because he seems so natural in a commentator position.

3. Joey Styles

I've always heard stories how in the original ECW, Joey managed just fine commentating the matches by himself and his great energy in delivering the action and how brutal it was. He didn't lose a step in the WWECW or during his RAW commentary run. Although a little limited due to the WWE commentating style, Joey Styles had no problem keeping that same energy in calling the match and delivering emotion into the storytelling aspect of commentary. I just wish WWE and Vince would have warmed up to his style of commentary a little more.

2. JBL

Very similar to Coach, JBL seemed real natural on commentary. It was also a plus that he was an active wrestler for quite some time, so he was familar with the in-ring moves he'd be calling and the nature the storylines go. In comparison to other wrestlers-turned-commentators such as: Tazz, Foley, King and Booker, JBL wasn't a burden to the commentating team. He added not only depth to the storylines and in-ring action, he also showed his preference to a wrestler when it was necessary.

1. Jim Ross

:worship: What all can I really say about JR? In the attitude era and even now, he always wanted to put the in-ring action first and then bring it to the greater picture of the storyline. As we all know (and as he makes evident in his blogs), JR is a fan of that in-ring psychology. He's a very strong believer that the in-ring action should come first in commentary instead of the storyline. Compared to other commentators now, JR doesn't use the current match to put over other storylines that don't relate to the match. A lot of the time in this modern-era, too often is the current match neglected and used to put over other storylines. Just completely disregarding the match. JR always made it his duty to put over the current match and make us wonder if the in-ring competitors will continue this match into a feud or sorts.
5. Jim Ross- To say he ruined commentary is a ridiculous statement. He's one of the best to ever put on a headset, and Raw would not have been nearly successful as it was, if not for JR and King. If anything last night proves he's great, Raw was 10x's better with JR calling the action.

4. Jerry Lawler- Next to "the Brain" Lawler is the funniest person WWE has had at the announce table. You knew this guy was going to great the moment he put on a headset on Raw back in the 94' I believe it was.

3.Vince McMahon- Just something about his voice when he yelled that was completely kick ass.

2.Bobby Heenan- Not only the greatest manager of all time, but he's 2nd greatest announcer in History, and the greatest heel announcer ever. It didn't matter who you put Bobby with, he was always genius. He had to work with the likes of Bischoff(horrible),Dusty Rhodes(complete moron), Tony Schiavonnie(asshole) and he was the best thing there. If it wasn't for Monsoon and the passion he had for wrestling, "the Brain" would be #1

1. Gorilla Monsoon- I recently watched Mega Matches and Monsoon called a majority of the matches on there. Gorilla could take a match between Skinner and the Brooklyn Brawler and make it interesting. Here's a fact I did not know until recently, his son Joey Marella(who at the time was a referee for WWE) died in a car accident driving from a WWE event in 1994, the passenger was Harvey Wippleman. Gorilla Monsoon set the standard for announcing in the WWE

sidenote: If you're talking about in all of wrestling Gordon Solie is #1, just bump everyone else up a spot, all the NWA/WCW announcers sucked, except for Gordon.

"Million Dollar Man" Ted Dibiase was always great when he was at the announce table, at royal rumble 94' Dibiase and Vince made a great duo, he's not top 5 though.
5) The Coach. Not really one of the greatest just one of my favorites. Still watch and listen to him on ESPN. Wished he would have been the GM of Raw..

4) Bobby Heenan. Classic funny! And some of the best one liners ever. He and Gorilla were historic. BUT....... the reason I ranked him 4 is because that was the WWF Brain. Kind of looked lost later in WCW when the NWO came into play. It seemed as if he did not know what heel to be bias for. Much like the rest of the commentary team at the time.

3) Gorilla Monsoon. Even today.... The phrases he said, we still all use. "They are hanging from the Rafters here", "You can cut the electricity with a knife" and "This is a main event in any Arena" The voice of the early years of Wrestlemania

2)Jerry Lawler. One half of the voice of the attitude era, any many funny one liners. And....... I know I will catch heat for this... His hate for ECW and Paul Heyman back in 1997. His turn form heel announcer to face when he came to the aid of JR against Tazz, was a classic moment also.

1) Todd Pettengill........ Joking

JR, this is the voice of wrestling from the NWA/WCW to the WWF back to WCW back to the WWF/E. The voice of the attitude era and beyond. Great knowledge of wrestling and of the superstars background. Many great phrases has stuck with us throughout the years. "Slobberknocker" "Stone Cold STONE COLD STONE COLD" and "whipping him like a government mule" Could go on for days with this................
Since I didn't start watching wrestling 'till the mid/late 90s, my top 5 announcers list might be vastly different than others.

Honorable Mention: Josh Matthews

5. Matt Striker

Before they took him off of commentary, Matt Striker was doing something that wasn't well liked in this new era of "sports entertainment" and something that hadn't been done since Ventura and Monsoon: Actually calling the match in a technical aspect. Matt Striker had this knack of actually identifying the moves the wrestlers were doing and provided facts and tidbits on the wrestlers. Contrary to popular belief, I feel that for Striker to provide that information gave us some insight on the wrestlers that wasn't otherwise provided via promo from the wrestler. Hell, if Matt Striker was still on a commentary team, we'd probably know more about the wrestler than WWE would supply from their attempted promos.

4. Jonathan "The Coach" Coachman

Kind of similar to Matt Striker, Coach occasionally called the match in a technical aspect, but that's not what made Coach great. What made Coach great was his ability to get behind the heel wrestler (of course, I'm talking when Coach turned heel in '03-ish). Wasn't as great as Ventura, but wasn't as obnoxious as that god-awful Michael Cole. It just seemed natural for Coach to defend the actions of the heel and act like the heel was his best friend. One of my personal favorite heel commentators just because he seems so natural in a commentator position.

3. Joey Styles

I've always heard stories how in the original ECW, Joey managed just fine commentating the matches by himself and his great energy in delivering the action and how brutal it was. He didn't lose a step in the WWECW or during his RAW commentary run. Although a little limited due to the WWE commentating style, Joey Styles had no problem keeping that same energy in calling the match and delivering emotion into the storytelling aspect of commentary. I just wish WWE and Vince would have warmed up to his style of commentary a little more.

2. JBL

Very similar to Coach, JBL seemed real natural on commentary. It was also a plus that he was an active wrestler for quite some time, so he was familar with the in-ring moves he'd be calling and the nature the storylines go. In comparison to other wrestlers-turned-commentators such as: Tazz, Foley, King and Booker, JBL wasn't a burden to the commentating team. He added not only depth to the storylines and in-ring action, he also showed his preference to a wrestler when it was necessary.

1. Jim Ross

:worship: What all can I really say about JR? In the attitude era and even now, he always wanted to put the in-ring action first and then bring it to the greater picture of the storyline. As we all know (and as he makes evident in his blogs), JR is a fan of that in-ring psychology. He's a very strong believer that the in-ring action should come first in commentary instead of the storyline. Compared to other commentators now, JR doesn't use the current match to put over other storylines that don't relate to the match. A lot of the time in this modern-era, too often is the current match neglected and used to put over other storylines. Just completely disregarding the match. JR always made it his duty to put over the current match and make us wonder if the in-ring competitors will continue this match into a feud or sorts.

I COMPLETE AGREE with your comments about Matt Stryker. He was really educational from call the match in a technical aspect and brought in accurate history (unlike Cole, as I had mentioned in an earlier post). The man is smart and I see this as a mistake on the WWE to pull him off from commentating because if anything, future fans and wrestlers always look at tapes TO LEARN THE CRAFT OF WRESTLING. How can you learn anything from the constant flubs that Cole and Booker spout out week in and week out.

5. Gordon Solie
4. Matt Stryker
3. Jesse the Body
2. Bobby the Brain
1. Jerry the King Lawler and Good Ole JR (They are a team so i count them as one)
Its hard to rank between the top 5, but they're undoubtably only 5 guys who've risen to the top and its... Jim Ross, Jerry Lawler, Jesse Ventura, Vince McMahon & Joey Styles

Honorable mention to Gorilla Monsoon's "pandemonium in the locker room" but Joey Styles was the only announcer I wanna hear over ECW when Taz & Bam Bam went through the ramp!
1) Gorilla Monsoon- I always loved Gorilla Monsoon's approach at calling the wrestling matches. He put a focus on the ring action but wasn't afraid to spar with his color commentator when the time came. Bobby and Jesse both had great chemistry with Gorilla, but for me, a great announcer is someone who works well with whomever is put with them. Gorilla worked well with both these guys and whomever he was thrown together with, even Lord Alfred Hayes for heaven's sakes. Plus, a lot of his different sayings are embedded in my skull: "The unstoppable force meeting the immovable object" "This is indeed a happening" "WILL YOU STOP?! (Mostly at Heenan)"

2) Jim Ross- J.R. is just below Gorilla Monsoon based out of just personal like for Gorilla Monsoon's style, but there should be no denying that Jim Ross is definitely #1 or #2 in terms of announcing period. Ross's emotion in calling matches is what comes through, even more so than some of his play by play announcing. That's where Jim Ross shines in moments like "STONE COLD! STONE COLD! STONE COLD!" "No, dammit! Kick out!" "This is gonna be a slobberknocker!" I personally never cared for Jerry Lawler's announcing without Jim Ross, but with Jim Ross, they are a great one two punch. Ross plays straight-man to Lawler's over the top persona.

#3 and #4) Jesse The Body Ventura and Bobby The Brain Heenan- Both of these guys are the best color commentators wrestling has ever seen. They played the perfect antagonist for whomever the play by play guy was, McMahon or Gorilla mostly. Jesse would always stick up for the heel, telling Monsoon off whenever he saw a miscarriage of justice (Another Monsoon phrase) against a heel. Heenan would spend the match cutting jokes either about the crowd and the face or begging for mercy for "his guy". The best example of Heenan's work is the ICONIC 1992 Royal Rumble where Bobby probably does the best color commentary job in wrestling history, in my eyes. "Please God. I'll never do anything bad again."

#5- Joey Styles- Joey Styles is probably the most underrated announcer in wrestling. What I like about Joey's way of calling wrestling matches is that he does a great job getting the emotion into the matches. I thought of all the failed attempts to replace J.R. (including Michael Cole), Joey Styles probably did the best job. His way of announcing helps get the audience involved with the product, and in most situations, Joey helps put over the talent that is on the screen (something WWE announcers today don't do because they're too damn busy shooting on each other to boost their own egos).

Honorable Mentions: Vince McMahon, Macho Man Randy Savage, CM Punk (Punk did an EXCELLENT job during his time behind the announcer's table)
1. Jim Ross- Do I really need to explain? His love for pro wrestling could be heard in his voice over every broadcast. He knew what he was talking about and was an overall joy to listen too.

2. Jerry Lawler- Back in the early days of the 2000s he was a really great commentator, from his love of the divas, to his great heel commentating where he barracked for the heels, it made the matches a little more interesting to me.

3. Vince McMahon- He was, well is the chairman so he knew what to say and how to say it. He was also a good commentator in a way, he was good to listen to.

4. Tazz- in his earlierr days of commentary I enjoyed his work, he may not have been the best but he deffinately wasnt the worst, and I enjoyed his commentary.

and 5 is.....

5. Mike Adamle- Kidding

The Real 5. Jesse Ventura- I believe that he is the voice of Pro Wrestling, and particuarly enjoyed his work on the Wrestlemania 19 documentary on the Wrestlemania 20 DVD.
my top 5 are:
5: vince mcmahon. his high pitch voice was hilarious.
4: joey styles. his OH MY GAWD! yells fits the ecw very well but idk about in the wwe. the edge/foley match at wm22 is one well called by him. he's a great announcer but i believed that the wwe watered him down.
3: cm punk. his short time as an announcer is better than paul heyman entire announcing career. cm punk truely is the best in the world today.
2: gorilla monsoon. he paid the way for today's announcers.
1: jim ross and jerry lawler. they go together like peanut butter goes with jelly. they are monday night raw. honestly i cannot watch raw without listening to jr and the king.

there it is. i don't like vintage michael cole and tazz would be number 6.
i am ranking them in teams

5. JBL and Micheal Cole in 2007, cole was an idiot and was bad but JBL was there to always make fun of him, and insult him. JBL was comedy.

4. Vince McMahon and Jesse Ventura in the late 80s, the two were gold esp. Ventura Nuff said.

3. Joey Styles in ECW, He could call the mayhem of ECW like no other. With remarks like CAT FIGHT, CAT FIGHT!! and OH MY GOD!!.

2. JR and King on RAW 1998-2008, The two were said made for each other, esp in 2003 when King was always pulling for HHH, and comedy was made with JR.

1. Bobby Heenan and Gorilla Monsoon in the early 1990s, They go hand in hand and nobody was funnier as a pair then these two. Nuff Said
This is goin to be very hard to choose. No. 1 is easy. After that? Not so much.

First off I want to give honorable mentions to Howard Finkel and Mean Gene Okerlund who were essential parts of the overall WWE announce team, they just weren't commentators (well Mean Gene actually did some commentary, but he is more known for interviewing).

First off, my honorable mentions....Vince McMahon, Randy Savage, Paul Heyman, Joey Styles, and JBL.

5. Jerry "The King" Lawler

He's definitely not as entertaining as he once was, but in his heyday in the '90s he was absolute gold. Most talk about how great he was in the "Attitude Era," but even long before that he was just as good, actually better. In the late '90s he was known for his "Puppies" chant and basically acting like an old pervert on the side of being a heel, which yeah not so cool looking back haha. But in the first 5 years he was with them, he was nothing but a pure heel, and he was great. From his insults on Bret Hart and the Hart Family, to his actually commentating his own matches while in the ring (he did that before the Rock), he was great. And while most of his jokes now are lame, back then they were hilarious.

4. Gorilla Monsoon

Gorilla Monsoon was probably the best "straight man" commentator in WWE history. He was a classic example of what a good wrestler turned commentator is. No wrestler has ever done a good job of realying to the fan that technial aspect of a match, what it's like to be a wrestler, strategizing, etc. Gorilla knew the scientific names of body parts that made all of us feel stupid haha. He was just a great straight man, and and his bantering with Bobby is some of the most entertaining commentating in history. If you want a good experience of what it's like to be in the ring, listen to Gorilla and Jesse Ventura commentate. If you want hilarious, entertaining commentating, listen to Gorilla and the Brain.

3. Jesse "The Body" Ventura

No one in history has as perfect a voice for announcing as Jesse Ventura does. The moment he opens his mouth you're instantly drawn in. And he's the best commentator ever at telling the story of the heel in the ring. No one can make you understand what the experience of the heel in the ring is better than Jesse. He also did an amazing job of describing the in-ring process to the fans. There were countless times where him and Gorilla would cover up botches in the ring and make them seem like they could really happen even in kayfabe. That is brilliant commentating. He was my favorite announcer as a kid.

2. Bobby "The Brain" Heenan

No one is more entertaining and hilarious on the mic than Bobby Heenan. He didn't describe the technical aspect of the ring like Gorilla or Jesse, but he did a good job in that department as well and was 10X more hilarious and entertaining than the others. While most point out to just how funny Bobby was, he also possesed excellent psychology skills as an announcer as well. He did an amazing job even as the cowardly heel in putting over not only the heels, but the babyfaces as well. There may never be an announcer who was so good at putting people as Bobby Heenan. A good example is to watch some of the Undertaker's matches between 1991 and 1992, and listen to Heenan commentate. He makes you really believe that Taker is unstoppable and the WWF is doomed (besides the WWF's savior and Knight in Shining Armor...Ric Flair lol.). Heenan was amazing and is sorely missed on the announce table.

1. Jim Ross

The greatest of all time in any organization. No one has more passion, technical knowledge, catchphrases, storytelling ability, and psychology than Jim Ross. He's been the best announcer for the last 25 years in pro wrestling and is still the best. He is the voice of professional wrestling, not just the WWE. The best ever, hands down.

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