Who are the next IC and US Champions?


The Winter Soldier
I've been thinking about this a lot. The younger guys always get the U.S title and IC title at one point to see if they can make it to the upper tier belts. Ambrose and Axel are the current holders of the belt. When the time comes Ambrose and Axel will both have to drop the belts. So who do you think will be the 2 guys to take the U.S. and IC titles off of them. I have my two options:

US Champion: Justin Gabriel: I pick him because he actually has talent and deserves some TV time. His former Corre members Barrett and Slater our on TV and Slater is a jobber. I like to believe Barrett isn't. Gabriel deserves to go after one title and i pick him for the next U.S. champion.

IC Champion: Tyson Kidd: Upon return he deserves something. He has been a great in ring performer and is deserving of the IC belt. people seem to like him and so do i.
US Championship: Titus O'Neil -- I say this because I think with the PTP splitting up soon they may try to push him by giving him the low midcard belt in order to try to push him a little bit.

IC Championship: Ryback -- I have a feeling they are going to try to use Ryback, and I can't see him chasing the major championships anymore because it has failed almost every time so far. I think they will give Ryback a manager and send him after the lower tier belts to build him back up again.
I have to agree with Tyson Kidd as a mid card champion but I'm not sure which. I would think that WWE will choose to make Kofi Kingston as the IC champion and unfortunately I have to choose 1 of 2 guys for the US title belt. Christian or RVD. I think Christian should be helping the mid card get over before winning titles. RVD the same and I think as we've learned with Dwayne, part time wrestlers should not hold championships. Not having the mid card champions at even house shows still devalues the title. I would rather a guy like Tyson Kidd or Justin Gabriel hold one of these titles because they are amazing in ring performers and I feel that they could have a Zack Ryder like run with a championship. Not sell merch like him but definetely get the crowd behind him.
This is pretty much a guessing game. It could be anyone. Right now, both midcard champions are heel so I'm guessing the next champions will be faces.

And let's think about it. If Daniel Bryan doesn't win the WWE title, I can see WWE giving him a midcard title as a consolation prize. But then again, I don't see world titles in Mark Henry, Christian, Rey Mysterio, Big Show, Kane or RVD's immediate futures. Any of them could get a consolation prize.

Cody Rhodes or Justin Gabriel could get some good pushes and be moved up the card. A midcard title win would do them wonders. Either that, or WWE could bore us with another R-Truth or The Miz IC/US title reign.

Maybe WWE finally pulls the trigger on Evan Bourne and puts a title on him when he comes back. Or maybe Kofi Kingston comes back for his millionth midcard title win.

WWE could turn another heel and put a title on them. Big E. Langston, Jack Swagger, Wade Barrett, Antonio Cesaro... I can see any of them getting a title win.

Santino Marella, Fandango, The Great Khali or Zack Ryder could get a comedy reign. We get at least one comedy reign a year it seems.

I'm just going to go ahead and make up the answers. But here are the next midcard champions:

WWE United States Champion Seth Rollins: I can see Seth turning face and beating Dean for the title after a lengthy title reign. I don't see Dean dropping the title before Survivor Series at least.

WWE Intercontinental Champion Rob Van Dam: To put some stock in RVD's case, I can see him beating Curtis for the title. With Heyman involved, I can see this feud writing itself.

Those are shots in the dark though. It could easily be Christian and Cody Rhodes.
US Champion: Mark Henry. I know that's an off the board pick but I like it a lot. I have always been a big fan of Mark and god knows he deserves a title around that waist of his sooner than later. Not to mention the battles that would await with guys like Show, Ryback and Langston once he starts separating himself from Ziggler. I don't know how much the guy has left in the tank and I don't by any means see this as a long reign but who could say he doesn't deserve it after all he has been through in the business? Give it to the guy who has earned it and go from there.

IC Champion: Rob Van Dam. There is a ton of question marks with RVD here but the midcard is where he belongs and where he's needed if you ask me. A feud with Axel and Heyman practically writes itself and I shouldn't have to explain why. But that's what the kid needs right about now and I don't the matches that would come from it would be half bad. I'm not talking year long reigns by any means but just long enough that it means something when another young kid like Gabriel or Kidd swoops in and takes it from him. Sure part timers can have their downfalls but they can be a heck of an asset when used right.
this is a tough one....my guess for one is that a member of the Shield turns face and goes after a title (likely vs. Ambrose)...for me personally, i would like to see Seth Rollins turn (later) and take the title from Ambrose....as for Axel, hopefully (after he gets over) he loses it...as for who, my guess is he loses it to a midcard guy who will then put over another young heel, maybe Kofi wins it, then later loses it to Bray Wyatt.
I'd love to see Ambrose keep the U.S. until Wrestlemania and lose it to Rollins and as for the I.C. maybe have CM Punk recruit a NXT guy(Ohno or Graves) to help him against team Heyman and have him win the belt from Axel
Good topic! It's a shame about the IC title at least; with WWE uploading Summerslam vignate's from the golden ages where the main event itself was for the IC title.

The US title I struggle to care for...I don't get why we need it at all...but, I'll play along :)

Next IC Holder - I'd like it to be Big E; I think he's good enough to hold it, and It'll give him more ring time and time to show the audience he has a personality.

Next US Champ - I'd like to see a return; Morrisson? or even Matt Morgan!
the US champ i think should go to either swagger or cesaro that can really push their real americans thing thats going on and could bring some prestige back for the us title.

IC champ i recon RVD like join him with Punk for a rivalry against Heyman, Axel and Lesnar i really recon that could be an awesome rivalry.
US Champion: Mark Henry. I know that's an off the board pick but I like it a lot. I have always been a big fan of Mark and god knows he deserves a title around that waist of his sooner than later. Not to mention the battles that would await with guys like Show, Ryback and Langston once he starts separating himself from Ziggler. I don't know how much the guy has left in the tank and I don't by any means see this as a long reign but who could say he doesn't deserve it after all he has been through in the business? Give it to the guy who has earned it and go from there.
I guess it's a sign of how much the US Championship has lost its significance that, when I read your post, my first thought was: "what does this person has against Mark Henry?". :/

But well, my picks:

US Championship: Christian. He needs something to get some momentum back, and winning a title, even if a minor one, might help him. He doesn't have to hold it for long, just use it as a feud starter.

Intercontinental Championship: Ryback, but not for a while. I think Shield will hold onto that belt a bit longer (and I think they will turn face while still holding it).
IC title - I am going to go with RVD for the next IC champion and I have to agree with Feedback when he said that the feud bettween Axle and RVD would right itself, because it would. RVD is one of the original Hayman guys and having RVD take on Pauls newest client would be awsome to see.

US title - This is a hard one to call, because with the Shield rest of the shield running interferance I don't see any of the Mid card guys being able to take the title of Ambrose without making the group look really week. so I am going to go with somebody like Mark Henry or the Big Show.
I'd hope to see Darren young eventually get pushed into the IC title scene. I really have faith in the guy and with the right push he can be a big time player. As for the U.S championship I'd like to see Rollins go for it which of course would bring conflict with the shield and Reigns can break away and go after the WHC
I.C Title: I like either Cody Rhodes or Fandango to hold it. Rhodes doesn't really need it but be nice to see him with it, especially if he gets it while feuding with Sandow. Honestly wanna see Fandango go after Axel for "stealing" his shot at the title, maybe show a aggressive side like he did against Jericho.

U.S Title: Tyson Kidd He deserves it after a year in NXT and getting injured, along with that be a good overcome odds storyline. Then again same can be said for anybody vs the shield.
I think Ambrose should keep it for a while and that one of the Wyatt family members should have the other, not Bray, a bit like nation of domination did with The Rock, he had the IC while Farrooq was going for the World Heavyweight.
This is a good guessing game i would have to say the next US champ is goin to be
fandango, For some reason i think he just look right with a title

A member of the wyatt family idk maybe bring a title to the cult

Christian another good choice i cant see him as a top title carrier anymore

As for the IC title
Seth rollins or Roman Reigns double champion

Drew M. after he leaves 3MB and get another revamp

Evan bourne i just want him to always be in a title hunt everyone loves him and he can perform
Next Intercontinental Champion: I believe that it has to be someone with a half decent character and with a certain prominence on TV. It has to be someone with more charisma and more athletic ability than Curtis Axel, so in saying this I could see them, one more time, putting the championship on: - Cody Rhodes.

Next United States Champion: Now this to me is like a teritary championship, kinda like the Hardcore & European Championships were in the 2000 - 2002 time period. So it only seems fitting to put it onto someone who isn't going to be the next World or WWE Champion but a future Intercontinental Champion, so in saying that I believe that it will be: - Brodus Clay.
I'd love to see Ambrose keep the U.S. until Wrestlemania and lose it to Rollins and as for the I.C. maybe have CM Punk recruit a NXT guy(Ohno or Graves) to help him against team Heyman and have him win the belt from Axel
i actually like this idea alot and that's my thinking exactly on Ambrose. have him hold that US title for a long time, have him beat all challenges and then have Rollins and Reigns lose the Tag Team titles, show some issues with the Shield members then eventually have Rollins get fed up and leave and then have Rollins beat Ambrose then they can move Ambrose to the world title scene.

as for the IC title, if WWE goes with an NXT guy to recruit vs. Heyman and Axel, i think Ohno would make a ton of sense, have CM Punk endorse him and how they both had a similar journey to the WWE and have Ohno be the guy to beat him and hopefully they do that at a later ppv too.
The brand split makes this a wide open question so I'm just going to throw out a couple of ideas.

Tyson Kidd is due back towards the end of the year from a bad injury, if WWE promote his comeback I could see him getting into the IC title mix and a feud with Axel. They could use the same track as their NXT feud with Axel goading Kidd over the fact he's not a real Hart. At WrestleMania Axel w/Heyman vs Kidd W/Bret Hart, Tyson Kidd the new IC Champion.

For the US title I could actually see Ambrose holding it until The Shield split, Ambrose would remain a heel but Rollins goes face and they feud over the US title with Rollins being the one to take it off him.
I'd recon this would be a cool opportunity;

First Rollins and Reigns lose the tag team championship after a while to a pure tag team, like the Uso's for example. After that, run with the Rollins v.s. Ambrose arc, having rollins turn face in the process and winning the US championship.

I recon the whole RVD/Heyman angle is pretty cool, though a NXT/Punk angle sounds awesome too. NXT has some cool and upcoming stars too, so i'd run with that. The most likely would be Punk and Corey Graves, seeing as they both have a no-nonsense attitude to them. Graves could win the IC championship eventually, after a cool, semi-long fued with Hayman and Axel.

Summarised what i'd like to see and what's possible;

USA Champ; Seth Rollins - To bring back some prestige to the title
IC Champ; Corey Graves - To keep the intensity between Punk / Hayman liable
I believe the answer to either could be Sandow. Im not sure if there would be a "interim" as I doubt he would take the title directly from Axel or Ambrose, but I can see perhaps in a triple threat scenario, or something as simplistic as Punk winning the IC title and losing it in quick fasion to Sandow....due to heel chicanery of course. WWE had Sandow win the MITB....now he needs to evolve into a realistic Top Title threat. I think holding the IC title could be the vehicle he needs.

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Good topic! It's a shame about the IC title at least; with WWE uploading Summerslam vignate's from the golden ages where the main event itself was for the IC title.

The US title I struggle to care for...I don't get why we need it at all...but, I'll play along :)

Next IC Holder - I'd like it to be Big E; I think he's good enough to hold it, and It'll give him more ring time and time to show the audience he has a personality.

Next US Champ - I'd like to see a return; Morrisson? or even Matt Morgan!

Congrats on being the only one to pick Big E, although I did mention in my comment that WWE could turn him and put the title on him. I officially went with RVD though!
These things are pretty difficult to predict but for the United States Championship, I'll say Seth Rollins. I think a feud between The Shield once they break up is inevitable and putting the belt on Rollins is a good, safe option. Right now, Ambrose and Reigns are the break-out stars so Rollins would be able to stay at mid-card level and work his way up.

As for the IC title, I think Fandango is a possibility. He really needs something to keep him relevant and the title could do just that. Someone costing Big E the title and he would then move on to bigger and better things.

I would really like to see Tyson Kidd get a shot at a mid-card title. His work in the ring is impressive and his relationship with Natalya makes him somewhat relevant.
US Champion: Alberto Del Rio - Would be really interesting for heat especially seeing a Mexican guy with the Mexican flag, carrying the US flag around his waist.

IC Champion: Big E Langston - Keep it on him for a while and make it a title worth winning, all the while building Langston for an Upper Card move to take over as the Next Big Guy in the Company( Taker, Kane, Big Show, Mark Henry are all on the way out, Brock is a Part Timer).
Sandow is due a minor singles title, probably the IC title. As for the US title, who knows? Because it hasn't been defended in months and everyone appears to have forgotten about it, probably someone like Kofi.

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