Which WWE superstar should consider changing his/her wrestling style?

CM Steel

A REAL American
It's been over 12 years since guys like Cena, Orton, Batista, and Lesnar debut in the WWE. Two out of those four guys left the WWE for awhile before returning back to the E. But from within those 12 years wrestler's who've wrestled in the WWE has always had the same kind of wrestling style ever since. But is it time for ring veterans to start changing up their in-ring wrestling styles? Look...

Remember back in 1997 when WWE hall of famer Stone Cold Steve Austin was wrestling as a technical wrestler? But after he had broken his neck in a match at Summerslam '97 against the late Owen Hart he had changed his wrestling style from technical wrestling to being a brawler. Same thing with Kurt Angle during his time in the WWE from when he started out in the WWE as a freestyle wrestler. But over time in the pro league of wrestling Kurt Angle changed his wrestling style from Olympic freestyle wrestling to submission-style wrestling later on in his career. As well as for the Undertaker who started off in his career as the Undertaker as somewhat as a stiff but over the years he re-invented his style in being the best pure striker in the WWE.

Now with that being said in your opinion. Which WWE superstar should consider changing his/her wrestling style? To me it wouldn't hurt if Randy Orton through in a submission hold or two into his wrestling style. But that's just me.
I entirely agree with the OP and the superstars you mentioned who do need a sort of a tweak, if not an entire change of "style". I would absolutely love for Randy Orton to incorporate a submission hold into his finishers, but the question is, which? Also, considering how most top stars and champions have incorporated a submission finisher alongwith their usual finishers makes it a must for Randy. Example, The Rock using the sharpshooter.

As for entirely changing the style, I would love for John Cena to be entirely replaced by somebody who wrestles like Chris Benoit. Watching John Cena do those same moves week in and week out has gone beyond unendurable for me. Personally to me, none of his moves have ever seemed impressive, except for STFU.

Brock Lesnar and Batista's styles don't need a change as they're well-suited to their physiques and you can't expect a powerhouse to not wrestle like a powerhouse. What would Goldberg do if not the spear and jackhammer? Certainly not what HBK or Bret Hart did.
The guys who need to tweak there styles are the guys who have been in the company 10+ years and I would rather see everyone who has had more than 10 years on the main roster leave than have them change styles
Its a wonderful idea, but easier said than done. Adding a few moves here or there like Cena has done is feasible, but changing a wrestlers style completely is much more rare. Generally wrestlers are like other sportsmen in that they are taught how to 'play' a certain way and its hard to unlearn that. of course some can adapt better than others as shown by your examples, but in general its much easier to improve what youve got than try something new.

Saying that, Im all for a Orton submission, im thinking Cobra clutch due to the whole Viper aspect.
Remember back in 1997 when WWE hall of famer Stone Cold Steve Austin was wrestling as a technical wrestler? But after he had broken his neck in a match at Summerslam '97 against the late Owen Hart he had changed his wrestling style from technical wrestling to being a brawler.

The ironic thing about a statement like this is that John Cena hurt his neck bad and had surgery on it (I don't know if it was broken or not), and there will still be people saying he needs to change his style like the poster below you. :shrug:

Also, adding a submission move is not changing ones style. Styles come in various forms, but the general ones are fast paced/high flying, technical, brawling and powerhouse. I'm sure there are more people would like to list and some wrestlers use mixtures of each. The point is adding a single submission move to a wreslters repertoire does not change their style. Just adds something to their moveset.

If you want to talk about changing movesets, frankly Orton does that more frequently than a lot of wrestlers. People seem to forget that a lot of his moveset is 5 years old or younger. For top stars that is young. He only started the hangman DDT in somewhere around 2009, mayby 08. I feel like I remember people being so excited about it around here when he debuted it though. The superplex has only been there regularly for the past year or so. He's also made his signature stomp much less prevalent than in the past. It used to be much longer.

But you also have to consider wrestlers have signature moves that they use to get over and get the crowd going. You don't just change everything you do during every match or the crowd doesn't know when to get fired up for a move. Why do you think Orton pounds the canvas? Or HBK "tunes up the band?" Or Cena raises his hand before the 5 Knuckle Shuffle? Even the IWC's precious DB has moves he does during every match.

One last note: repetitive movesets are used very frequently in this business, especially for top stars, for safety purposes. They master only so many moves so everyone involved is protected.

You want a wrestler to add a submission move to his (most likely) finisher? Fine, but I'd say Randy Orton doesn't need it as much as others. He's got the rare finisher that's so versatile it's perfect. He can use it fast, slow so he can build it up (pounding on the canvas), and he can spring it out of nowhere in the middle of a move. I'd say a better example for someone who needs one is Cesaro.
I would have had Randy "inherit" the figure 4 instead of Miz, granted I'm sure they can just have Miz stop doing it and no one would really notice/care.

Sandow could use a change to make himself more noticeable, mostly a new finisher since all of the ones he used since arriving have been pretty lackluster. I remember when he did the crossface on Cena a while back and I would definitely have him do that more often.

Not sure if this counts but Ziggler should reserve the oversells for finishers/signature moves.

Off the top of my head the only person I would think about a complete change would be Kofi, but that would be with a new gimmick.
I realise the IWC will hate on me for this, but Roman Reigns is in desperate need of a new move IMO, because every big guy and his dog does the Spear, from Batista to Goldberg, Edge and beyond.

Also, I hate Santino Merella's "Cobra" finisher, all it is, s a short arm clothesline at best.
I realise the IWC will hate on me for this, but Roman Reigns is in desperate need of a new move IMO, because every big guy and his dog does the Spear, from Batista to Goldberg, Edge and beyond.

Also, I hate Santino Merella's "Cobra" finisher, all it is, s a short arm clothesline at best.

I agree, even Ryback and Christian pull it out sometime. He's still young though, his moveset can expand. I'd love for him to do a Gore like Rhyno rather than the generic sphere. It's been a while since somebody did an aggressive sphere like that.

I can see the sphere working for him since he's an ex-football player
Christian. For a guy who's so technically sound and is such a great storyteller in the ring, it amazes me that he's never realized that some of his moves just don't suit him. The Unprettier/Killswitch, while awesome looking, would be a lot more believable if done by someone with a bigger build than Christian. The same goes for the spear. Christian strikes me as needing a quick finisher like the CodeBreaker, or to alternately finish with his frog splash. A submission finish would also be a good fit.
I agree, even Ryback and Christian pull it out sometime. He's still young though, his moveset can expand. I'd love for him to do a Gore like Rhyno rather than the generic sphere. It's been a while since somebody did an aggressive sphere like that.

I can see the sphere working for him since he's an ex-football player

I think Roman Reigns does the best version of the Spear since Goldberg. Edge, Batista, Ryback,etc....their Spears suck.
Reigns also has his own signature in the Superman Punch, and actually has his own athletic/power type style with the Dropkick from the Apron also becoming a huge feature of his as well.

From the backstage reports about him, Reigns is an eager student, and like a spong for knowledge, I am sure he will try new things as time goes on,tbh.
Almost everybody.

They look like crap most of them, and they need another huge star that could change the game.

A gamechanger, I hope they could get one.
A submission hold might be hard for Orton because of his shoulders unless he adopted a figure four move. But it would be great to see him use one. Definitely overdue for us fans.

Cena's moves are bland but I suspect he is geared more towards small children. They like repetition.

Batista should have come back with a different moveset. It would have made his return a bigger deal. Right now we are having a Revolution Reunion.

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