Which WrestleMania Wild Card are you Most looking forward to Seeing Get Involved?


Championship Contender
All three of the big bouts this year (HHH/Taker and the two titles bouts) have a Wild Card

I wanna basically know which WrestleMania Wild Card's actions you all are most anticipating and why?

You've got The Rock as a WM Wild Card for Cena/Miz

Shawn Michaels as a WM Wild Card for HHH/Taker

Christian as a WM Wild Card for Edge/Del Rio

I mean those are my focus even though you could say Austin is kind of one for Lawler/Cole even as the ref

and hell, I think the punt will keep Nexus out but who says new Nexus members wont be an unforseen Wild Card

Anyway I didnt see a thread on this, isnt match discussion so it doesnt violate that I specifically want to focus on the Wild Cards in the matches

which you think will have the biggest IMPACT on the match they have some involvement in and which Wild Card's actions you anticipate most and why

I personally look forward to them all, but Rock & Shawn more, it's likely a tie just because I'm so happy to see my favorite back in Rocky, but still wonder if HBK will screw HHH because he doesnt want anyone to do what he couldnt, and on Monday HHH had his back, but HBK didnt have HHH's back, of course this could be HHH playing The Game and The Kliq will be in Atlanta, you never know... could be a set up

I see the impact HBK & Rock having on the matches they have involvement in being bigger than Christian's but that could be the plan, and they have Christian pull out a bigger shock

another thing I think of when making this thread is ppl seem to think Edge will get screwed by Christian, HBK could kick HHH this Sunday and Rock could screw Cena but we couldnt have three back to back screwjobs by Wild Cards so maybe we should discuss just the Wild Cards for a minute and see the different ways WWE could go about using each in a unique way to their own match they'd potentially have involvement in
The wild card I am most looking forward to is in the Undertaker and Triple H match. Ever since this last monday I have been thinking that Michaels will cost Triplle H the match. The one line that truly made me think of this is when Triple H talked about the agreement him and Michaels made in that when Triple H or Michaels couldn't wrestle at the top level and woundn't hang up the boot then they would make them retire. Put this together with if I lose I die from Triple H, I could easily see Michaels hitting Triple H with the Sweet Chin Music to end Triple H's career.

The rest I don't see the wild cards being as hyped. I feel that the Rock is for sure going to be around that match in some way or form, and I honestly think Chrisitan is there to balance the numbers. I think because Del Rio has Brodus we need Christian to be in Edge's corner.
Hmm... I never really thought about how many wild cards there actually are at this Wrestlemania. Personally, I hope that not of all of the main event matches are effected by outside interference, that could get quite old.

Personally, I'm looking forward to seeing how The Rock is going to get involved in the WWE Championship match more than anything, barely edging out my amusement in whether or not HBK will get involved in the Taker/HHH match. Both of them are likely going to have an impact on the finish, I just feel like the Cena/Miz match is a bit more up in the air as I really don't seeing Taker's streak ending here.

Rock could go either way with the impact he has on the WWE Title match, and that holds my intrigue a bit more.
I can't wait to see The Rock getting involved in the John Cena vs The Miz WWE title match. I'm hoping the Rock screws Cena out of the championship, as pay back for what Cena did to the Rock on monday. The last thing I want to see is another championship victory for Cena at Wrestlemania and Rock shaking his hand after the match is over.

Cena doesn't need another title reign and a perfect way of keeping the title on The Miz and not making Cena look weak would be for The Rock to cost Cena the championship by interfering in the match. Nobody wants to see that mutual respect bullshit between The Rock and Cena so this could be a good way of setting up a possible rivalry and match at SummerSlam or Wrestlemania next year.

As for the other wild cards, in the Triple H vs Undertaker match everyone knows the Undertaker's gonna win that match so Shawn won't be much of a wild card and in the Del Rio vs Edge WHC match the only way Christian becomes a factor is if he turns heel and costs Edge the title, but that wouldn't make any sense because Del Rio was the one that injured Christian so why would he help Del Rio become World Champion.

Basically what I'm saying is The Rock is the only true wild card going into Wrestlemania, he's the only one I can see physically getting involved in anyone of the matches on the card.
No one in this thread yet has mentioned the possibility of Christian costing Edge the title. They have been great since getting back together and it'd be tough to find a reason for them to fight but Christian could just say that he wanted his opportunity and his time with the light or something like that. Many, especially in the IWC, have long awaited a Christian ME/Title push. This could be the beginning of it.
I too don't want to see any main events tarnished.

I have one exception, and i actually think this will happen

I think/want Christian to turn on Edge and cost him the title. We can then see them feud till at least Summerslam.

I don't want The Rock to get involved, but then again I don't want to see Miz vs Cena at all.
And I can't see a way of HBK interrupting the 'Taker vs Triple H match without his 'retirement' status being tarnished (Something we all know he doesn't want to happen).
No one in this thread yet has mentioned the possibility of Christian costing Edge the title. They have been great since getting back together and it'd be tough to find a reason for them to fight but Christian could just say that he wanted his opportunity and his time with the light or something like that. Many, especially in the IWC, have long awaited a Christian ME/Title push. This could be the beginning of it.

Well honestly, no one's mentioned it because Christian just isn't the star that Rock and Shawn are.

Furthermore, turning Christian right now when he's as popular as he's ever been is quite nonsensical. He's the clear cut number 2 face on Smackdown, edging out the likes of Kofi, Show, and Kane(I guess.) Turning him heel is the worst thing to do if you really want him to have a main event push since that would essentially mean that he would be feuding with Edge after he already cost him the World Title. How does that fare for his main event push?

To me, it would make more sense for Christian to prevent the outside interference from costing Edge the title and this Triple Threat Match that we've all been begging for takes place at the next PPV, Extreme Rules, I think.

Christian's involvement as a wild card isn't being talked about as much because frankly, we're not seeing his involvement as being "wild."
here's my predictions, along with reasoning:

1. HBK --> He will come out, superkick one of the 2, feel bad, turn around and superkick the next guy. Walk out
there's NO WAY HBK will be directly involved in the decision here. HBK is too much of a "purist" to want to ruin the streak by a cheap finish. But after his appearances on RAW, it would be a disappointment to not see him at all...that's why i say he attacks both...walks away. match continues, and someone (likely Taker) wins.

2. The Rock. I really, and mean REALLY hope they establish that The Rock won't screw anyone. Maybe at the beginning of mania he can announce he'll "see the winner" or something. It would be too predictable to see Rock cost Cena the match...i just can't see WWE going with that. Maybe he kicks the shit out of Cena, or Miz, or both, after the match though.

3. Christian...maybe. I think too many people expect Christian to turn on Edge...what if instead, Christian "accidentally" costs Edge the match? Maybe he tries to hit Del Rio with the Belt, accidentally hits Edge, etc..
Christian turning on Edge to help the man who injured him doesn't make much sense...if anything, i feel as though Christian has more heat with Del Rio than Edge does.

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