Which would you rather see?

Which would you rather see

  • MITB ladder match

  • MITB triple cage match

  • Neither the whole idea is stupid

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crossface for ever

Dark Match Winner
With MITB right around the corner I was wondering what the IWC thinks about something. I recently watched some old WCW matches and by far my favorite was the triple cage match. So heres the question, would you rather keep the MITB ladder matches or would you rather have triple cage matches with the briefcases atop the third cage? I personally would prefer the cage match just because it has more of a danger factor than the ladder match. It would especially be great if they had it so you had to not only get the case but climb back down and walk out through the door as WCW did. It would lead to so many twists and turns the crowd would be on edge the entire match. Give your opinion as to what you would like to see and if you think WWE could even pull off a triple cage match.
hmmm this is a brand new idea i dont think anybody has thought of and it does sound kinda cool! i personally love the MITB ladder match every year but when theirs guys like big show,mark henry,kane and other big powerhouses in it the match just gets ruined but if it was a triple cage match it would be better for all types of wrestlers! i personally think it would be cool if WWE tried a MITB triple cage match and based on how it went decide if it should happen again but if they did of course u gotta go back down and walk out the cage door with it id give it a chance
The MITB ladder match would achieve the same thing the triple cage would, but the ladder match would be more practical. The preparation would be more strenuous for the triple cage; the structure requires a lot of labor to build, and it also needs to be fixed to raise up if a match on the card isn't a MITB match.

The MITB ladder match does the same thing as a triple cage would: give an opportunity to a superstar. Additionally, MITB ladder matches have proved to be enjoyable and effective.

Therefore, I see no viable reason to change the current MITB gimmick. Don't fix what isn't broken.
Triple Cage Match requires waaay too much suspension of belief from me, it just looks so faked, which wrestling is constantly trying to hide. At least the ladder matches are semi believable (as long as Swagger doesn't spend 30 seconds opening a clip).

The triple cage match needs to stay in the movies. The WCW attempt at it was pretty hard to watch.
What if you have 3 cage matches? The cage matches would have each winner climb a ladder to the top? The winner of each cage match would battle it out in the main event and whoever won that match would receive the briefcase, (they could use this as a "no holds bar match.") and their shot at any champ whenever they wanted for one year.
I don't believe the question really is which one is more "believable" or is "less work" as much as it is which would you rather see and I've always been partial to a Triple Cage match myself.
Never in a million years would I want to see a MiTB Triple Cage Match. It's an absolutely crazy idea. It would be sloppy, terribly botched, even with decent superstars in it. For one man to get the Briefcase from the top, then to get out the Door at the bottom would be silly, because if they're meant to win it, the other guys are just gonna have to sit down and watch him go. OR, he gets attacked by someone who then wins. Either way, it's going to look very fake and worked. I wouldn't like to see this used in the WWE, it's too much work.

Let's keep it as the usual MiTB match please.
I didn't care for the triple cage matches, so no. One of the millions of downfalls of WCW is that they tried so hard to make new matches and none of them were really all that good. The Doomsday Cage match with Hogan and Savage versus...like, seven guys was just ridiculous; nobody knew the rules, it was ridiculously botch heavy, and did I mention Zeus was in the match? I always thought that the War Games match was okay...except for when Sid almost broke Brian Pillman's neck because the roof was too short. World War III sucked, too. It was a neat idea, but it was impossible to keep up with what was going on. So no, I think they should just leave it as the standard ladder match. Honestly, I'd love for them to cut down on the number of contestants and only have one briefcase per brand. It's excessive to have two, and having around two to even four guys in the match who you know won't win is just a waste. Wrestling is at its best when there are as few people as possible competing, so just cut down to six competitors. I admit four would be too little and the match probably lose its appeal more than it already has, so keep the ladders, but cut down on the number of people climbing them.
What about a TLC.......as in tables, ladders and CAGE !!!

You exit the cage you win, you grab the briefcase off the ladder you win.......solves the problem of guys like Kane and Mark Henry being in a ladder match haha.
Someone mentioned something about having 3 cage matches instead of a Triple cage match. Well if you were going to have 3 cage matches, wouldn't you really need 6 for both brands?

And also all the MITB matches that I have seen have all been excellent. Yeah I agree having people like Big Show or Mark Henry kind of ruin it. But having high flyers and very athletic wrestlers makes it very enjoyable to watch.
I enjoy the spot fest ladder match but considering their 8 guys involved, I'd rather see it in a tournament so you get the sense that winner has worth and not just hit lucky winning an 8 man ladder match.

I think the ladder match has ran it's course thou, same with Elimination Chamber, there is only so much you can do in that kind of match and when WWE have 2 in one night it dilutes the image and the match, it's time to upgrade the MITB match, to something fresh/if not old school with a twist.
The MITB ladder matches are fine. As cool as a triple cage match would be, it is far too dangerous for a MITB case on the line because the more guys you have in a match such as a triple cage, the more the odds of someone getting serious injuries or even dying will increase. Triple cage matches are better for two guys who are seeking to end the feud of the year. Ladder matches for MITB have seen as many as ten guys at once. Chaos then follows. The old saying goes "if it ain't broke, don't fix it". Eight guys, let alone ten guys, in a triple cage MITB match would NEVER happen.
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