Which WM 28 Match Will Be Most Memorable?

The Scarred One

The Greatest of All Time
In WrestleMania's past, matches like Ricky Steamboat vs. Randy Savage, Shawn Michaels vs. Razon Ramon, the Rock vs. Steve Austin, TLC II and the first Money in the Bank ladder match have something in common - they're matches people remember and associate the most with their respective WrestleManias.

There will be four main events taking place at WrestleMania 28 this year. These are the Rock vs. John Cena, Triple H vs. the Undertaker, CM Punk vs. Chris Jericho and Daniel Bryan vs. Sheamus. These four matches also have the strongest chances of stealing the show.

1) The Rock vs. John Cena (The "Once in a Lifetime" Match) - These two global icons will finally go head-to-head after a year-long build following last year's WrestleMania. In one corner, we have the Rock making his triumphant return to the grand stage after 8 years away to create a career in Hollywood. In the other corner, we have John Cena, who has been with the company for 10 years and carried it on his shoulders for 7 of them. Both have had similar rises to the top of the industry and both are aiming to prove that they are the better man.

2) Triple H vs. The Undertaker ("End of an Era" Hell in a Cell Match) - These two respected veterans have been with the WWE the longest and this could very well be their final WrestleMania. We have the Undertaker attempting to go 20-0 against the dangerous Triple H in one of the most brutal matches in all of wrestling. If it's not the Undertaker's final match, it could prove difficult to top this match for future WrestleManias.

3) CM Punk vs. Chris Jericho (WWE Championship Match) - These two superstars both claim to be the best wrestler in the world. Both men have had similar paths to the WWE and have proven to be very good at their craft. Many are comparing this match to that of SteamboatvSavage at WrestleMania 3 and it could very well be that good, if not better.

4) Daniel Bryan vs. Sheamus (World Heavyweight Championship Match) - These two have come a long way since last year's WrestleMania after being bumped from the card to work in the dark match. Since then, Sheamus has prospered as one of the top faces in the company while Bryan has done so as a heel. This feud between the Celtic Warrior and the American Dragon could very well be the next great rivalry in the WWE and help both men cement themselves as true superstars.

Just because Rock-Cena is the match most people are looking forward to doesn't mean it might be the match people remember WrestleMania 28 for. For example, Hulk Hogan vs. Andre the Giant may have been the main event and the big selling point for WrestleMania 3, but most people think the Steamboat-Savage match outshined that one and stole the show that year.

So, out of the four main events, which one has the most potential to steal the show and be remembered more for years to come?
Honesty, how can it be anything but John Cena vs The Rock? The "End of an Era" Hell in a Cell Match will be awesome, I can guarantee it, but the clash of two generations will outshine that match. The only way the Hell in a Cell Match will outshine Cena/Rock is if The Undertaker loses, which he won't.

The WWE Championship Match will be the best match of the night, but in today's age, sometimes it isn't about the best match of the night, but the one that garners the most interest. I, personally, am looking forward to this match the most, but unless Brock Lesnar returns in this match, it won't outshine Rock/Cena, after all, it's only the WWE Championship Match, which, as of 2012, doesn't mean much.

And, come on, in comparison to the Rock/Cena match, this is the dark match. The World Heavyweight Championship Match. Daniel Bryan has been an awesome champion, and I loved every second of it. I shall assume Sheamus wins tonight, otherwise the Royal Rumble magic is completely lost. But, unless Brock Lesnar and Batista return in this match, it won't be remembered.

It terms of importance:
1) Rock vs Cena
2) End of an Era
3) WWE Championship
4) World Heavyweight Championship
First you are so wrong about Steamboat and Savage- that is one of the best matches of all time- no doubt- but WM3 is known for Hogan vs Andre. That has to have been one of the most remembered matches in the history of wrestling- people who know wrestling and people who dont can remember that match. WM has become a huge event-obviously- and there are only a handful of matches that have helped solidify it as a huge event. Hogan v Andre is one of those few matches...Savage v Steamboat is not.

With that said there is no doubt that Cena vs the Rock will be the memorable match. Without that match we are talking about an average WWE PPV. HHH, Undertaker, CM Punk, and Jericho dont do huge ratings- at least not anymore. Cena is a decent draw. Rock is a huge draw and he garnishes mainstream attention. There is no doubt WM 28 has a huge feel to it because of Rock v Cena. It doesnt matter if that match sucks. It steals the show every time. Warrior v Hogan was not a technical masterpiece- but its one of the biggest WM matches of all time.
Hands down Rock/Cena. As others have said it may not be the best match of the night, same as Hogan/Andre wasn't the best match of WM3 (in fact the match quality was pretty poor) but it's the match WM28 is built around, it's the match that's had the biggest build, and it's the match that garners the most interest outside the "hardcore" WWE fans.

In terms of which match could steal the show, of course Taker/HHH and Punk/Jericho will be awesome, but then you expect that anyway. For me the match that could steal the show in terms of sheer wrestling quality is Sheamus/Bryan. It's a good match up of power vs technical ability. Say what you want about Danial Bryan, but you can't deny he is a great in ring performer, and Sheamus is entertaining to watch to. I know not many people seem too bothered by this match (the poor build hasn't helped) but that's why I think it could steal the show, simply because people wont be expecting too much, but if they get good time, they will deliver.
It's already The Rock-John Cena and it has yet to happen. why? because so much mainstream media is talking about it! Sportscenter interviewed Snoop Dogg the other day (Granted Todd Grisham was the interviewer) the question they topped it off with was "Who ya got, Rock or Cena"

Don't get me wrong, I feel like Jericho-Punk can and will steal the show.

But no matter if Rock beats Cena, Cena beats Rock it will be most remembered. and hell, if Lesnar actually does something, it will be remembered for that
You guys are forgetting that it doesn't have to be just one match that we can remember from this pay per view. Just like WM3 like you guys mentioned we remember two matches from that year same goes for WM17 and WM19 you could even say we remember 3 from those respected pay per views. I'll say this we will for sure remember the Rock vs Cena and Undertaker vs Triple H. I'm hoping we remember Chris Jericho vs CM punk because I don't want this match to be disappointing as the Edge vs Chris Jericho match a few years ago.
Fact is Cena & Rock will be "The Match" tonite. Two huge stars, crisscrossing eras, only match tgbt has a chance to steal the show is Hell In A Cell, two eually (almost at least) superstars, huge grudge, two better in ring performers than either Cena or Rock, its the only match that could maybe eclipse them.

Punk-Jericho may be the "best match" but it wont have near the fan interest of the other two. Daniel Bryan, Sheamus, die hard dedicated fans who tune in blindly to every Raw & Smackdown know them. Fans like me, who only follow the product casually and rarely watch weekly TV, have no or little interest in those guys. Most of the new "stars" of today dont have the charisma to garner attention like the older guys, sorry but Daniel Bryan (I dont even know what he looks like) and Miz, Del Rio, etc cant compete. Todays product is like WWE circa 1995, a couple of guys on top you care about and little else that consistently interests.

WWE knows this which is why so much of the promotion for WM has been built around Rock, Cena, HHH, & Taker. Die hard fans are essential and loyal but they exist in very small numbers. Getting casual fans to buy the PPVs, attend arena shows, and watch Raw is what drives the profits up, its what makes the business. If a Daniel Bryan catches on with casual fans like Cena has, like (to a lesser extent) Jericho or Orton thats good for the evolution of the business. When they dont (and most of these new guys have not) then you have Raw ratings lower than they were 17 years ago, not good for business.

Rock-Cena will be the match everyone, especially casual fans, ask about tomorrow. Hell In A Cell could edge that out but I dont think it will, nothing else this year comes close.
Well I think tonight's best match will be Punk/Jericho. BUT the most memorable match of the evening will be Rock/Cena. Why do I feel that?

1) The year long build up
2) It's in Rock's hometown
3) I think the WWE is FINALLY going to turn Cena heel as a WM28 shocker. Ratings are wayyyyy down even with Rock and others on. If you read they can't even sell out WM28 (and now offering discounted tickets), when was the last time that happened? So I think they will pull a Hollywood Hogan tonight and shock the WORLD and turn Cena heel.

Tonight's time to get another beer intermission matches are the Team Teddy vs. Team Johnny in a 12-man tag match and Kelly Kelly and Maria Menounos vs. Beth Phoenix and Eve match.
Just because Rock-Cena is the match most people are looking forward to doesn't mean it might be the match people remember WrestleMania 28 for. For example, Hulk Hogan vs. Andre the Giant may have been the main event and the big selling point for WrestleMania 3, but most people think the Steamboat-Savage match outshined that one and stole the show that year.

:wtf: most people like who? Yea in terms of match quality it was better, but Andre and Hogan wasnt about putting on a great wrestling match. If you say wrestlemania 3 to anybody, the first thing they are gonna think of is andre and hogan..

But to be honest, i think this might end up being regarded as one of if not the greatest wrestlemania of all time. There's not way they can fail with this card. My only concern is if the crowd will have anything left for rock/cena after taker/hhh...both of these matches are bigger than huge
With Punk and Jericho their is no real pressure on them. So its possible that it could be the best wrestling match. Their is huge pressure on Cena and Rock to live up to the hype.

But I got to think Cena/Rock will be the most memorable. The only way it can disappoint is if the crowd atmosphere is shitty. Big advantage is that its in Rock's hometown, so that is not likely. I'm expecting a Rock vs Hogan type of atmosphere.

LOL @ Daniel Bryan vs Sheamus.. no chance with such a shitty buildup majority of fans dont give a shit about their match. One of the worst title feuds in a long time.
The Rock and John Cena match might be the most memorable because of who they are and the hype of the match and it was also a great match! I think Undertaker and HHH had the best match though. Also the storytelling in it was awesome. We even got to see some blood. I don't know I think it's almost a tie between those 2 matches but Taker and HHH's was greater.
Gotta go with Rock vs. Cena. The match was the most hyped in wrestling history. It had the mainstream appeal, it was the between two of the biggest stars in the business' history. It wasn't the best match on the show but it was the box office and the reason why people saw the event.

The best match for me was Punk vs. Jericho. These two never missed a beat.

Bryan vs. Sheamus was the greatest letdown, I've ever seen. The match was shorter than the fucking dance number Clay had at the show. Yeah it may have been good for a story, but you have a great talent like Bryan, you could at least give him a 15 minute match to drop the belt.
Even though I didn't think it was the best match of the night, Rock v. Cena will be talked about for years. Taker v. HHH had been done twice before and was not dissimilar from Taker v. HBK 1 & 2, for this reason it wont be as memorable.

Punk v. Jericho deserved to be the memorable match, but I get the feeling it will be lost in history because the backstory was limited and confusing. If Jericho continues to get under Punk's skin, we could see this feud becoming legendary, thus making that match a memorable one. But that remains to be seen.

Sheamus v. Bryan could also prove to be quite memorable for the wrong reasons. It earned DBD pretty much unlimited sympathy while making the live crowd boo the new champ out of the building. That's unprecedented. Again, it remains to be seen where Creative takes the storylines of the two wrestlers, but it will be interesting to see what becomes of all this.

That being said, Rock v. Cena currently stands alone as the most memorable.
When you look back at this Wrestlemania, whether it be in a year or in 10 years, the match that will certainly be synonymous with the event will be John Cena vs. The Rock, hands down. Sure, Jericho/Punk was a great match, and 'Taker/HHH/HBK will be remembered, and not so much with Bryan/Sheamus, but all in all, Rock/Cena towers over all the rest in every way possible- buildup, hype, the match itself, and the aftermath. Although it couldn't live up to the extreme amount of hype that had surrounded it for a year, it still delivered in a big way and was thoroughly entertaining- from the concert-like entrances all the way to the surprising finish that saw the Rock prevail. A true classic.

Although I only thought WM28 was just an above-average Wrestlemania, Rock/Cena was definitely the main highlight, the match that will be forever linked to the event and immediately come to mind when you say "Wrestlemania 28".
I was there Sunday night and two images are burned in my head from the night. The picture of HBK, Taker, and HHH at the top of the ramp gave me goosebumps. Also the shot of the entire stadium going crazy after the Rock won was incredible. Although the hell in the cell match was the match of the night in my opinion, the Rock versus John Cena will carry much heavier weight when it comes to WrestleMania history.
The Rock vs John Cena will definitely carry through time, if only for the fact that Cena lost because of a stupid mistake.

...But the Taker vs HHH match will hold more sentiment in history because of the symbolism involved. For those of us who remember these guys as kids, to see the "era" that we were the most heavily invested in officially come to an end... is huge.

I was at 'Mania 26 when HBK lost. He will always be my favorite wrestler... and I will never forget the shock and utter disgust I felt when I realized I would never see him wrestle again. To know that this small group of veterans have slowly faded into history, carries major weight.
It has to be The Rock vs John Cena. The icons of 2 generations meeting for the first time. It will be remembered in future years as Hulk Hogan vs The Rock from Wrestlemania X8 is today. It was also a very good match, and with Rocky winning in his home town of Miami, and the incredible crowd reactions throughout the whole match, it will be remembered very fondly in future years.

The other match that is memorable is of course the Undertaker v HHH Hell In A Cell. If that is to be the final time we see Undertaker in the ring, then it was a fantastic way to go out. Not only did he increase his streak to 20-0, but the way HHH, 'Taker and Michaels raised their arms together at the top of the ramp, signifying the end of a phenomenal era, was extremely special indeed, and will be remembered as an iconic image in Wrestlemania history.
Now that the show has ended, the speculation can truly begin for answering this thread's question. Let's take a look at each match and I'll provide some thoughts on how I think they will end up being remembered later down the road.

Sheamus VS Bryan
This made several fans upset, and rightfully so. However it could end up being a blessing in disguise if WWE take notice of the fan reactions and give the people what they want. If this ends up being the moment that sends Bryan up to the top face spot, it will be remembered more fondly. If not, it will only be memorable in a negative light.

Orton VS Kane
This will likely end up fading into obscurity. It was a good match but other than Kane winning, nothing sticks out about it.

Rhodes VS Big Show
This got Big Show a Wrestlemania moment that wasn't a loss or an embarrassent. Nothing special otherwise, it will probably be forgotten about within months.

Divas tag team match
This will fade into obscurity faster than any other match on the card. Nothing memorable at all, just provided fans a chance to have a break.

Taker VS Trips
Here is our first true candidate. If this ends up being Taker's last match, then that final embrace by the three legends at the end will grow into an iconic moment over the years. It was such a good match and told a great story.

Team Teddy VS Team Johnny
This saw JL emerge as the GM of both brands, but I don't think that it will do much else in the grand scheme of things. It will depend on how his reign as GM plays out. He would have to end up being better than Bischoff for that to make a difference in this match becoming more memorable. The match itself wasn't as good as others on the card.

Punk VS Jericho
As good as this was, I don't see it becoming more memorable than either Taker/Trips or Cena/Rock. It depends on how the Punk/Jericho feud as a whole ends up playing out. Time will tell. This match will likely be remembered fondly, just not as much as Taker/Trips and Rock/Cena.

Rock VS Cena
This is the other candidate for the most likely to be the more memorable match. It was a dream match many years in the making. Both guys are heroes representing their respective eras. While I still think Cena should have won, this match was what I ultimately wanted to order the PPV for and I know I'm not alone there. It was amazing for the historical aspect alone, and will end up being very memorable.

It truly comes down to either Cena/Rock or Taker/Trips. Going into the show, I was almost firmly convinced that Cena/Rock would be the most memorable. Now that the show is over, I maintain that opinion. An argument could be made for Taker/Trips too, but I'm going with Cena/Rock simply due to two things.... A legit entire year's worth of hype, and the historical value of finally seeing a dream match that countless people had waited for years to see. They centered the show around this match for a reason.
I truly believe that even with all the gimmicks and guest referee going into the End of an Era Match, and even though it was a heck of a lot better match then I thought it would, I still believe that Rock vs. Cena will be the most memorable. If not just for the reasons that Rock and Cena are two bigger stars, now don't get me wrong I'm not saying they're better or bigger wrestling stars. I am mainly pointing out that Cena and Rock has a broader audience that they reach too. People who may not be avid wrestling fans tuned in to see that match. So with that in mind, Rock vs. Cena will be the match most remembered when people talk about Wrestlemania 28.
Honestly, I think the End of an Era match is the one that will be remembered. Cena and Rock was good, but the curtain call at the end with HBK, HHH, and Taker put this match over the edge as far as being the most memorable. Any true wrestling fan had to love that, and it will be etched in their minds forever. The story telling, action, and ending were perfect, and I think it overshadowed Rock/Cena in every way.
I still believe that Rock vs. Cena will be the most memorable. Bryan vs. Sheamus was indeed the greatest letdown, I've ever seen. If this ends up being the moment that sends Bryan up to the top spot, it will be recalled more fondly. If not, it will only be memorable in a bad way.
It's hard to argue against Rock v. Cena. Taker v. HHH was done a couple times before. If Taker does come back for his 21st WM match, the End of an Era match will probably not be forgotten, but subdued a bit (the next WM will probably be his last). Punk v. Jericho has already been forgotten in my opinion.

I'm hoping the Sheamus v. DBD match stays in the memory banks for awhile. I know it was a squash, but the genuine reactions of surprise and resentment were amazing. When the pinfall was counted, I remember watching the people in the front row with their Yes! signs and watching the smiles fade from their faces. From happiness and joy to disbelief and anger. It was hilarious lol.

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