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Which was Undertaker's Best/Worst match of Wrestlemania?

President Evil

Pre-Show Stalwart
Best Undertaker Wrestlemania match - Wrestlemania 25: It was the first time these two had met at the biggest event of the year. Everything was great starting by the entrances, both seemed to give more of themselves in this match because perhaps they were in better physical shape compared to this years Mania. And in the end it really did feel like Michaels was going to be the one to put the end to the streak. Everyone was at the edge of their seats.

Worst Undertaker Wrestlemania match Wrestlemania 24: Nothing memorable about this one, and it was just another case of a guy giving up the belt because Taker will not lose his undefeated streak, I actually could have bet a few hundred dollars on this one and become rich. Even Edge said it himself after the match that it wasnt one of his favorites. Pretty dull all around.
undertakers worst match would have to be against The Giant Gonzales, terrible match, and his best match is wrestlemania 25 against HBK, his 2nd HBK match was also great
believe it or not , randy orton was his best wrestlemania match .. he almost beat undertaker .. but if you notice undertaker is always losing then the other fighter always tries something he never tried before like " thombstone " or backflips into the thombstone for undertaker to win .. i wanna see the new orton go head to head with the phenom again , it'll be EPIC .
i agree UNDERTAKER best match was WM 25 THE DEADMAN THE UNDERTAKER vs. THE SHOWSTOPPER MR. WRESTLEMANIA SHAWN MICHAELS great match these 2 men gave it all they had and everybody on the edge of thier seats one of the greastest matches ever in history and a close second was WM 26 because you really didnt know if HBK was gonna retire or UNDERTAKER was gonna lose the streak not as good as the WM 25 but still a great match. the worst for me was WM 20 UNDERTAKER vs. KANE i really didnt think it was that great to me dont know why i just thought it wasnt a good match but thats just me
The Undertaker has had a rocky road to 18-0 in terms of performance from his opponents. A lot of them have been top notch performers who have kept up with Undertaker and delivered an excellent match. Then you have THAT other group which The Dead Man was forced to endure which resulted in at best a decent to, at its worst, an unwatchable encounter.

The Best Undertaker Match at WrestleMania: I would probably have to give that honor, right now since I haven't seen WrestleMania 26 yet, to WrestleMania 25 when he wrestled Mr. WrestleMania, Shawn Michaels. Even as I was watching the Blu-Ray, I was reacting to a lot of the moves. The pace was great and both wrestlers laid it all on the line in the match. The spot where Undertaker goes head first onto the concrete is one of the sickest things I've seen watching wrestling. How he didn't break his freaking neck and paralyze himself, I'll never know! The last few minutes where HBK and Undertaker are exchanging their finishers and Undertaker's face when Shawn kicked out of the Tombstone sealed the deal for me. Classic match. Can't wait to see WrestleMania XXVI's rematch.

Worst Undertaker WrestleMania Match: WrestleMania IX against The Giant Gonzales. As Rammersteinerteen said, it was a terrible match. It's hard watching Undertaker try to carry Gonzales to a decent match, and even worse, the match ended with a DQ allowing this stupid feud to continue. At least Taker's second worst match, vs. King Kong Bundy (XI), ended in a pinfall victory.

The Undertaker vs. Triple H WM 17:

Yes, the HBK vs. Taker was by far one of the best matches I had seen. But I like to be different so there. The angle they went with HHH and Taker was phenomenal itself. By then, the Helmsley/McMahon Faction was on a role, and they made it public that Triple H had beaten everyone that was worth beating in the WWF(E). All that is, except the Deadman.


The Undertaker vs. Mark Henry in a Casket Match:

Even to this day I felt like this match was more thrown together than thought of for the year's finest event. By now, Undertaker had his streak going for them and all knew that. Mark Henry was barely a challenge, even in the Main Event Scene because he wasn't accomplished. Randy Orton had his "Legend Killer" gimmick. Kane was Taker's brother. Different people over the years had something to them when they faced The Deadman excluding Henry. Sure, he was billed as "The World's Strongest Man", but that really doesn't pose a threat to a "Deadman".
First thought for worst was Giant Gonzales. What a pile of shit that match was. And who thought a painted body suit would help matters? I hope some one lost a job or at least a testicle for hiring Giant Gonzo.
Best....Gotta go with last years HBK match. Though they blew thier load premature having HBKs awesome entrance on RAW previous it was still great.

Nice thread mate.
Best Match
I hate to just agree with everyone but damn Wrestlemania 25 against Shawn was great. That match saved me a trip to the emergency room for beating my brains out for buying that piece of crap PPV.

Worst Match
I gotta go with Wrestlemania 19 versus A-Train and Big Show. Biggest who gives a crap match ever. Taker versus Bundy at WM 11 is a close 2nd.
Gonna have to follow the leader and say Taker vs HBK at WM25 was his best.. I really can't say anything that hasn't already been said about this match... honorable mentions to Taker vs HHH @WM17 Taker vs Batista WM23 and Taker v HBK2

As far as worst matches Im surprised nobody mention this little hunk of shit... WM15 Hell in the Cell vs Big Boss Man.. Easily the worst HIAC of all time and just a complete waste of time.. dishonorable mentions are Giant Gonzalez... King Kong Bundy... BIg show and Atrain
everyone says taker vs shawn, which i think both times was something very amzing, the first showdown was better, but ima be a lil diff and say mania 17 vs triple H, the build up was good, and the match was awesome, so many awesome spots, chokeslam off the tower, and the hammer to the head during the last ride, that match is amazing.
worst for me would be that the terrible handicap match vs atrain and big show, wat a disaster, nathan jones, WTF, jus bad. the casket match was not good, and giant gonzolaz sucked big time but this tag match was a joke, comeplete and utter joke.
The source of my post is this blog:


Best: Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels (Wrestlemania XXV)

When I saw Kurt Angle vs Shawn Michaels at Wrestlemania XXI, I thought that you would never see a better match where no weapons are used. Not just getting caught up in the hype because WrestleMania was only months ago, but this just might be the best WrestleMania match that I have ever seen. As far as storyline goes it was built up very well. As far as in ring action goes, it was a privilege to watch. As far as ring psychology goes, it was a master class. As far as crowd reaction goes, that much crowd reaction hasn’t been seen since Hogan vs The Rock. I truly believe that while we thought we may knew who is going to emerge victorious, it’s more about how the winner gets there, that matters the most. The match between the Undertaker and “The Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels, was an example of how great a match could be, and no one could complain about how the match ended. The Undertaker attempted to hit Shawn with his fists to open the match, but HBK kept evading the blows.

Each competitor executed their finishing move a few times, but each one kicked out of the other’s signature move. Frustration was evident on the faces of both these superstars, especially the Undertaker’s. At one point during the match, Shawn was on the outside of the ring. Undertaker was about to dive, but HBK pulled a camera man in front of him, and Undertaker accidentally jumped on the cameraman. I honestly thought for 5 seconds that The Undertaker had broken his neck and died live at WrestleMania.

The end came when Shawn was climbing the ropes to do a moonsault. The Undertaker caught him in mid-air, and nailed his “Tombstone” reverse piledriver for the pinfall victory. The match lasted a little over half-an-hour and was one of the greatest matches I have ever seen. The fans were into it – half were chanting “Let’s go Taker”, while the other half were chanting “HBK”. At one point, the fans were also chanting “This is awesome.” The Undertaker is now 17-0 at WrestleMania. What a record! In my opinion, this was his best match ever at WrestleMania. Shawn Michaels brought out the best in his opponent, and showed why he is also known as “Mr. WrestleMania.”. Nothing else on the show came close to being this good. JR claimed it was like a living heaven on earth after seeing this match. Fans will be talking about this match for decades like some of the other great WrestleMania matches. An instant classic which the crowd gave a standing ovation to both legends after the match.

Worst: Undertaker vs Giant Gonzales (Wrestlemania IX)

Unarguably, The Undertaker’s worst match in his long and illustrious career. Giant Gonzalez is easily one of the worst wrestlers in WWE history. In terms of skills, he makes The Great Khali look like Bret Hart in comparison. His moves consisted of a punch, a body slam, and the claw. His selling of moves consisted of the patent “Giant Gonzalez all purpose bug eye selling”. ABSOLUTE CRAP!! What was the WWF thinking bringing with such a horrible wrestler as Giant Gonzales? Vince should have given Hogan as ‘Taker’s opponent!! Surprisingly, Hogan never got a problem jobbing to The Undertaker (Survivor Series 1991 and Judgment Day 2002). Vince could have given ‘Taker a rub by defeating Hogan in Hogan’s last WrestleMania during his first tenure in WWE, but as we knew it, for Vince, ‘Taker vs worthless giants is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more preferable than ‘Taker vs greats!!!
Edge? I'm sorry I have to disagree with you. A match doesn't have to have memorable moments to be a great match, but this match had a lot of just great pure wrestling. Sure the Streak wasn't in danger but honestly, there have only been a couple who've had a slight chance of coming close - Kane and Shawn Michaels.

I believe his WORST WrestleMania match was Giant Gonzales. He had no skills whatsoever in grappling or striking (all of his moves looked botched). He had literally 3 or 4 mores, he was a Tall John Cena. What made it worse was this match ended in DQ, the worst type of way to end and it shows you don't care (WWE Writers didn't even have a good feud) and that the match is meant to fail.

I'm srry but I don't think you've seen Undertaker vs Edge WrestleMania XXIV or Undertaker vs Giant Gonzales at WrestleMania IX. I loved Taker vs Edge, it was a great match and it could've been a match of the year contendor (however the match and event itself was overshadowed by Ric Flair vs Shawn Michaels and Ric Flairs retirement).

Watch the Undertaker vs Edge match (re-watch if you haven't) but don't worry about the atmosphere, worry about the wrestling ability and how they portrayed playing their characters. Then, watch Undertaker vs Giant Gonzales. If you think it's better than Taker vs Edge, watch it 4 more times.
Best: Wrestlemania 25 VS "Heart Break Kid" Shawn Michaels (A True Classic)
2nd. Wrestlemania 26 VS "Showstopper" Shawn Michaels (An Emotional Epic)
3rd. Wrestlemania 21 VS "Legend Killer" Randy Orton (Great Story & Match)
4th: Wrestlemania 18 VS "Nature Boy" Ric Flair (Two Legends Brawl)
5th: Wrestlemania 17 VS "The Game" Triple H (Peak of the Biker-taker)

Worst: Wrestlemania IX VS Giant Gonzales (A True Failure)
2nd: Wrestlemania XI VS King Kong Bundy (Foolish Premise)
3rd: Wrestlemania XV VS Big Bossman (Worst Hell In A Cell Match Too)
4th: Wrestlemania XXII VS Mark Henry (No Build Waste)
5th: Wrestlemania XX Vs Kane (Great Build & Entrances, Very Short & Unsatisfying)
Best? His match this year with Shawn. To me it was better than last year. It had that added epic touch with Shawn's farewell that was needed to surpass the previous years amtch. The way they worked the match was brilliantly done with takers knee injury and it also had memorable spots in it (Moonsault on the leg, Jumping Tombstone etc...)

Worst? Without a doubt giant Gonzalez. Takers been in some real bad matches but this was awful. It endded in a DQ for God's sake. The only thing that's really memorable is that Taker came out with a raven during his entrance.
Lets face it, taker, even though mania seems to be his stage (now that shawn has gone) hes defiently produced a mixed bag of matches

My favoruites would include this years match with shawn michaels, in my opinion, much better than wrestlemania 25. At the time Vs. Triple was very good but watching it now its not as good as it seemed.

My..well least favoruites would include, the casket match from mania 22, i found it to be very slow, but what do you expect and the casket gimmick didnt help and lastly wrestlemania 20 against Kane, yeah it was great to see taker return as the dead man with Paul Bearer but they coulda made not so one sided

I have a feeling next years wrestlemania match with Undertaker might make it into the least favoruite list but who knows?
Yes, Giant Gonzalez could not act or perform worth a lick. It must have been one of Taker's toughest challenges to call a match with that ******. At least every other opponent he faced had a brain.

Also, another Taker Mania match that was hard to watch was the Undertaker/ Nathan Jones vs Big Show/A-train of Wrestlemania 19. The story was that somehow Nathan was taken out in the back and Taker had no choice but to take on Show and Train on his own. Then at the end Nathan happens to show up and gives some girly kicks.

This was hard to watch. Taker, being the badass he was portraying at that time, should have just Tombstoned Nathans ass for his troubles.

I wonder what really happened behind the scenes there, perhaps Nathan just got some big butterflies in his stomach before the match and was nervous about performing, leaving Taker to carry the whole damn thing on his own.
i agree with the majority of these responses. except for the guy that said Taker/Edge was not good. it was overshadowed by HBK/Flair as far as story goes, but Taker/Edge is one of the best matches of the year and for sure one of Taker's best at Mania. it was classic and had a great finish.

of course, Taker's matches with HBK are classic and the best. his match with Orton was good, as was Flair, Triple H, Batista and Edge. he's had some others.

just to be different, i'll say WM14 against Kane for the first time. that was not the best technical match, but the build up was freaking awesome. several months build up and finally you get to see these two guys battle it out. that was pretty awesome.

another one i liked, though again not a technical classic, was WM13 against Psycho Sid. not because it was a great match, but i was just so thrilled that Taker finally won the world title again and wasn't stripped of it immediately after. plus it was just fitting that the Dead Man won the world title at WM13, since he's dark and the number 13 is often seen as dark.

of the worst matches he's had that aren't listed yet (of course against Giant Gonzalez, King Kong Bundy, Big Show & A-Train, Boss Man, Mark Henry and Kane the second time around all come to mind for terrible matches), i'd say that it was his debut match against the Superfly Jimmy Snuka. it was just a squash match, but hey, i guess the streak had to start somewhere.

great thread! i always enjoy remembering and watching Taker Mania matches. except for the terrible ones already listed here. lol.
BEST: WM 26- most people are saying that WM 25 was the best. Ive seen both and Shawn was better in the second one.

WORST: I haven't seen the Giant Gonzalez match, but ill assume its crappy and make it my worst.
Terrific thread.


1. Wrestlemania 26 with Michaels. The match was so brilliantly booked and worked from top to bottom. Shawn has this amazing ability to make you doubt what you know - we doubted Taker would lose, and yet somehow Shawn made us question that. It built for MONTHS, and the payoff was terrific. It was far better than the very solid WM25 match.

2. vs Orton. Randy was at the height of his "Legend Killer" status, and some people believed he was being pushed so far to the moon that he would add Taker's streak to the notches on his belt.

3. Wrestlemania 8 vs Jake Roberts. This match never gets enough credit, but it was only Taker's, what, third Wrestlemania match? And it was his first major match / feud as a babyface. His turn on Roberts was sudden, but effective, and Roberts' starting the rumor of wanting to bring a snake to the ring added to the pre-match intregue. Taker took 2 DDT's, sat up both times, and tombstoned Jake on the concrete floor.


1. vs A-Train and Big Show, vs Mark Henry, vs Bundy. All three were awful wastes of time because none of them EVER posed a serious threat. Wrestlemania matches need intregue. These matches had zero.
While I have to admit I'm pretty "high" on Shawn Michaels vs Undertaker at both Wrestlemania 25 and 26, I still have to admit it's not the best Wrestlemania match the two of them has put on.

So Undertaker's best Wrestlemania match for me has to be: Undertaker vs Batista, a brutal match, even knowing that Batista isn't a very good ring technician, he was absolutely golden in there, and was able to put on one hell of a match that was only topped by Shawn Michaels vs John Cena that year in my eyes.
It was pretty close to have people believe "Oh shit he's gonna end the streak".

Worst Undertaker Wrestlemania match: Undertaker vs Giant Gonzales without the shadow of a doubt, it made absolutely no sense, and didn't do any good for any of the talent, the ending was absolutely ridiculous, and it could've been handled so much better.

third Wrestlemania match?

Second IC.
Undertaker's best is easily vs. Shawn Michaels at Wrestlemania XXV. The last time I was on the edge of my seat for the majority of a match was Rock/Hogan at X8.

Honorable mention goes to Undertaker vs. Kane at Wrestlemania XIV solely for the build-up, which was intense. (Plus, I've always been a mark for both Taker and Kane)

By far, Undertaker's worst match is vs. Giant Gonzalez at Wrestlemania IX and it's not Taker's fault. Gonzalez was slow and useless and the match was nothing but a choke-fest.
The best is easily Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels at WrestleMania 25. Shawn was really the best from the early 90's until he retired. Nobody put on the performances that he did. As a heel he started calling himself the showstopper, the headliner, the main event, the icon. All of it was true and 25 was no different.

Worst.... Jimmy Snuka. Hands down. Awful. Nothing good about it. Short and hardly any fight out of the original phenom.
I wouldn't consider Taker vs. Gonzales as his worst match. was it a technical masterpiece. no way! but it was an interesting finish and was very intriguiging in the dynamnic of it.
Ok, I agree with those that disagree of me saying Taker vs Edge was his worst. I guess it was because I was looking at it with only "world title/main event matches" in mind.

I remember by that time (Mania 24) Edge also had a Wrestlemania undefeated streak, it was like 5 or 6 victories, no losses something like that. But still it wasnt half as impressive as Taker's record. If we ever have a Streak vs Streak now THAT would be impressive.

Worst - I have to go with Giant Gonzalez, this guy was a clown and shouldnt have had anything to do with the WWE or anything wrestling related. But it makes sense WWE hiring him at that time because they were hiring literally CLOWNS at that time. So Gonzalez was another goofball the fans had to put up with.
Best: Personally, I think I have to give this to the HBK duo of matches, and I know its cliche to say right now, But these two tore the house down both times.

Worst: Giant Gonzales
This match was just horrendous in every way, And besides his Entrance (Taker I mean) This match was terrible.

Honorable mentions for Best:

Vs Orton: This match was the one I thought was going to be the first one to take the streak. I won't lie, I have to be very honest, I thought he was going to. Looking back at it in hindsight, Orton didn't need it to go over, but I wanted him to win it.

Vs Triple H: This one was great and during some of Triple H's best days in the ring. I wasn't a fan of the American Bad ass gimmick, but the lead up was great, and I think that this match is under rated.

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