Which was a more enjoyable show to watch?

Better show

  • Tough Enough

  • nXt

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I am not talking about which show has better storylines, but rather what did you prefer to watch each week?

Tough Enough, or nXt?

For me, it was Tough Enough. I can honestly say I looked forward to seeing who would go next, what stars would make an appearance. Maybe it was the realism of it all.. Yes nXt is a great chance for them to develop a gimmick, and a personality, but Tough Enough gave us a chance to see them as real people, trying to fulfill their dream. Yes a lot of the people who came out of the show never lasted long. Look who did stay long enough for some of us to remember

Josh Mathews
Christopher Nowinski
Matt Morgan
Jackie Gayda
The Boogeyman
The Miz
John Morrison
And the only man to compete on both shows, Ryan Reeves (aKa Skip Sheffield)

How many of these people went on to be some bigger names?


Well, there's not much point going into too much about this one, as we see the impact nXt has had, with Nexus, Bryan Danielson, and now Kaval.

But which show did you enjoy the most as a wrestling fan? Now if you never saw Tough Enough, then really there is no point in voting, as you don't know what the show was like.
I am not talking about which show has better storylines, but rather what did you prefer to watch each week?
Tough Enough, or nXt?
For me, it's NXT, Tough Enough was good, BUT i like NXT because there's more wrestling on it, the only thing i dislike is Michael Cole. i dont mind him kissing Miz's behind, BUT Vickie Guerrero!!!!!!??? At one point he called her finisher the Hog Splash, now all of the sudden, Vickie Guerrero is very important to Cole?? it makes him look and sound two faced.

Well, there's not much point going into too much about this one, as we see the impact nXt has had, with Nexus, Bryan Danielson, and now Kaval.
Well, i think NXT season 2 had future stars on it, WWE just needs to use them right. Alex Riley should NOT be on RAW, i think he would do fine on Smackdown, send him there and have him feud with Kaval, then let him go after the World title, I think McGuillicutty should have his last name changed to Hennig and be sent to RAW to team with Ted Dibiase for the time being, Anyway, i think Hennig, Riley, Husky Harris, Kaval, Daniel Bryan (Danielson) and some members in Nexus have a bright future.
Honestly... I shouldn't be saying anything since I've only seen NXT, though I've heard a lot about Tough Enough. Really, I prefer NXT, but I was honestly expecting more from it, like it being a hybrid reality-wrestling show like The Ultimate Fighter. Now that would have made great TV for WWE.
That's pretty much what Tough Enough was.. WWE's version of "The Ultimate Fighter" You had guys who had a little wrestling experience, and some had none. Threw them in there, they lived in a house together and everything. Trained by superstars, and were eliminated by their performance. None of it was scripted. That's the part that appealed to me the most.
NXT is becoming more of a joke as each season goes by. I really missed Tough Enough. If they can combine the two somewhat that would be great. Keep the NXT concept. weekley maches and promos but instead of awful challenges show "erlier this week/day" segments with the pros training them like in tough enough. This can be done in the arena before the crowd comes in or in a training facility. It would make the pros more involved. and the show more relistic. It beats kissing fat chicks
I prefer Tough Enough and hope they bring it back one day.

Nothing was scripted and it was cool to see these guys come from out of nowhere to try out and see what they go through and everything.

More so the first couple Tough Enough's... The one that Daniel Puder won sucked. It seemed more like a Diva Search contest. The Miz came off of the that one.
NXT because I like the idea of "rookies getting a chance to show a live audience their abilities" with Tough Enough, nobody got a chance to do that.
Tough Enough was an actual reality show in which you got to see legitimate rookie wrestlers being trained. It did give you an insight into pro wrestling that hadn't been shown before on television. You got to see these rookies as they actually were and how they really behaved. Now, on the surface that seems like a good thing. All the drama that went on with the rookies, the arguments, rookies screwing around with one another, etc. soon made it feel like I was watching an episode of The Real World and it got old after a while. If you like the idea of actual rookies being trained to wrestle, then Tough Enough would be the obvious choice. While I do think the various reality show cliches did ultimately cut into the show, Tough Enough was something different.

NXT is basically a pro wrestling show that makes a half hearted attempt at disguising itself as a reality show. For the most part, the "rookies" of NXT actually know what they're doing and are actually given opportunities to show what they can do. Nobody truly believes these wrestlers are "rookies" but that's alright because their abilities are head and shoulders above what you saw out of the actual rookies from Tough Enough. NXT has its downside sometimes with the focus being taken away from the wrestling and promo abilities and shifted to these challenges. Some of the challenges are quite lame and have, at times, just killed the energy of an entire episode. The idea of having fans go to WWE.com and having their votes count for 50% of the overall vote was a fun idea. We don't get to know the actual, real personalities of the rookies on NXT as we did on Tough Enough, but that can be a good thing depending upon your perception of kayfabe. With the Tough Enough rookies, you got to know a lot of who they really are and it may have made it more difficult for me to buy them as certain characters if they'd made it to the WWE.

Overall, I'm going to have to go with NXT. With the exception of John Morrison, pretty much everyone else that was on Tough Enough has faded into obscurity. Your average fan probably doesn't even know that Morrison was even on Tough Enough. As of right now, NXT has legitimately helped build some new stars and get them over with WWE fans.
for me its NXT, sure Tough Enough was great I really enjoyed it. however Im not a fan of reality TV especially when I was younger watching Tough Enough. NXT helps them develop a character and give me a reason to care about them. Tough Enough just didnt do that.
Well, NXT gave us the gift that is the man who said these nuggets of smart ass-ery:

Just for the record, I left NXT with $100 of Vince's cash in my sky rocket. The other rookies all left empty handed. Who's the winner now?

Currently in a sports bar, listening to guns n roses, watching NFL and eating hot wings. I used to be an Englishman...

But really? NXT totally for me. I think it is much more straight forward. The guys and girls on TE that were bad had editing to save them. With the semi-live NXT show, everything just comes across as better. You can actually see the how hard it is for a bunch of guys to make a name of themselves. I remember feeling really bad for Darren Young. He couldn't do anything right and his mentor refused to help him. But he didn't give up. That seems like the mushy drama the WWE wants to make.

Plus, when you compare who came out of it:

Three chicks who couldn't wrestle, Maven, Melina, John Morrison, The Miz.. Was it really that productive?

That show has made a main eventer in just 6 months in Wade Barrett. It brought in a bunch of new guys that could very will lead to the replacing of talent that has been around for five years and having made nothing of their time.
Wouldn't get so ahead of yourself, Barrett hasn't done anything frankly.

Think about this, NXT season 1 had fifteen one hour episodes.. that's a little over 600 minutes of air time (after commercials), with 8 competitors, that's a lot of time to develop characters and get your audience exposed and attached. Instead we got ridiculous competitions, that were horrible almost every single time, instead of character segments, vignettes, etc.

By the end of it, barely any of them had character beyond a very simple gimmick. With all that time they really could and should have built characters that could move onto Smackdown or Raw pretty over.
sorry if this has been done already, but this was jus mentioned in a pm i had with another member, and i thought i wonder if others feel the same. tough enough was pretty much the same thing and the original nxt, so heres my question for those of you that remember it. which was better overall? tough enough had real pros that could actually wrestleand not only taught the kids about about wrestling, but actually to some degree made them respect it instead of giving them guaranteed title shots and fame.
dont get me wrong, nxt isnt that bad and has given us the greatest story line in quiet awhile and its still going strong. but what if it was done with less glamour like tough enough? i enjoy both shows, but i see more importance in learning to wrestle(tough enough) as opposed to kissing some fat woman or wheeling hornswoggle round the ring in a wheelbarrow(nxt).
i know theres alot more points i could make, but what are your opinions on the two and what format for new superstars was the better concept and why?

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