Which September ppv format do you prefer?


Occasional Pre-Show
Unforgiven's scramble matches or Breaking Point's all submission matches?

I really thought that WWE was going to continue the scramble match theme for this year too. But apparentlly they're going to scrap it for all submission matches. I personally would rather see it be Unforgiven and have the scramble matches again. Submission matches are okay....but I dont think I'd want to sit through 3 hours of them. On the other hand you have the scramble matches, which are unpredictable and exciting. So which do you prefer?
I'd rather see Unforgiven with one Scramble match main event and, if they absolutely insist, a submission match on the undercard.

A submission PPV sounds like shit. It's amazing how WWE have come up with an overkill PPV worse than Lockdown.
I like the Scramble more than I would like the submission pay-per-view. The Scramble could be Unforgiven's gimmick match just like the Elimination Chamber is No Way Out's. The only wrestlers I know that reguarly use submissions are Cena, Jericho, and Undertaker and Edge and Big Show will do it occasionally. Could you imagine a submission match between Rey Mysterio and Umaga and that is why the Scramble idea is much better.
I thoroughly enjoyed the scramble matches last year and was looking forward to it again.

I dunno about an all submission ppv though, maybe if theres an I quit type match for those who dont usually use holds?
well, the only problem here is that one has been experienced and one is pure speculation. while i can say i enjoyed the scramble matches, it's not like i was blown away. plus, it was a bit confusing and lacked some legitimate contenders (did anyone REALLY think the brian kendrick was gonna walk away as champ? IWC or not?) but it was something relatively original, so credit there (and if TNA or another company did something like this, please excuse my lack of knowledge there. i only really get the airwaves)

now, breaking point would be one of a kind, if not ever, at least for the time being. The royal rumble may always have the Royal Rumble match, no way out may have the chambers, and extreme rules has all gimmick matches, but breaking point will have one type of gimmick match the entire time. albeit, we dont see submission matches very often, but to fill a night with them? i'm not too sure how well that will work. of course, we could be missing an idea that they're going to use different variations of a submission match, such as I Quit, Iron Man Submission, or maybe something we've never even thought of. This entices me, as i'm always curious to see something new.

I'm optimistic towards Breaking Point, but i just hope they dont screw this up by overdoing puns when building up matches. if they can avoid that and keep it a relatively mixed card (interesting variations and such) then i think they can pull off something nice. but until we see it, it's all speculation.
Personally im withholding my judgement until after Breaking Point.

It'll be interesting to see how they handle a submission based PPV, it give a chance for more technical wrestlers to show off their skills and give a break from the usual spot fest matches.

On the other hand the scramble matches were fast-paced, entertaining and unpredictable and i for one would like to see more.

We'll just have to wait and see how WWE handles it and hope it doesnt turn out to be an almighty clusterfuck.
I see one big problem with an all submission PPV: aside from Jericho and Cena and this is without me thinking very hard, who else uses a submission? Edge busts out a sharpshooter every now and then but when does he ever win anything with it? The submission match in every match would just be stupid. At least with the Scramble it was exciting each time. Having submissions every time will result in a lot of people doing a lot of bad holds. It's a bad idea and we'll be sick of it by the third match. At least with the Scrambles it's something interesting.
I prefer the scramble match but only ONE, not 3, I found it hard to keep into last years Unforgiven mid way through the WWE title scramble, you'd seen the ECW one which pretty much had the same as the WWE and World minus Jericho's surprise entrance and winning.
They should have three, one per brand, submission matches with one scramble match at the end. If you used SD for the scramble you could have Edge, Benjamin, Mysterio, Hardy and Morrison. Why Benjamin and Morrison over Punk and Jericho? Because Punk and Jericho could have a good submission match if Punk brings out the anaconda vice.

Raw could have Cena versus whoever for their submission match. Only problem is the only other wrestler on Raw to regularly use a submission is HBK, and that wouldn't work. Possibly give Ted a couple of submission moves and see how it goes. As for ECW, I don't know, whoever.

Then WWE could have their submission matches without it being too over the top (six or seven submission matches? Really?) and have the unpredictable-ness that is the scramble.

Neither format they have is good in my opinion. Both overkill the type of matches. But at least they are trying to change around some PPVs as there isn't a difference between most of them nowadays.
The scramble wound up being an interesting concept, and I kinda enjoyed it last year. I can dig a submission match too, but not a whole ppv worth of them. As the problem was stated, not too many guys have a signature submission maneuver to work with, which would take away a great deal of the crowd's excitement. Right now, Cena, Y2J, and Undertaker are the only ones who have an established signature submission, unless you count the figure four that HBK breaks out every now and then. Big Show's camel clutch is being built up right now, and I bet you CM Punk might break out the anaconda vice for this ppv, and I wouldn't be surprised if DiBiase is in a match where he uses the Million Dollar Dream. Problem is, most of the big names don't have a signature submission. Five names that come to mind immediately are HHH, Batista, Hardy, Orton, and Christian don't have any submissions, and how stupid would it look if Orton make HHH tap out using a headlock or something?

I really think they should scrap the idea and go back to the Scramble. I think this year it could be even better than last year, because each show has enough star power to have a stacked main event with enough for a solid undercard.

Smackdown could be- Edge, Hardy, Jericho, Rey, Kane, and Umaga/CM Punk. This leaves Knox, Benjamin and Haas, Cryme Tyme, R-Truth, and Dolph Ziggler for the undercard, no to mention Undertaker could very well be back by then, and maybe he'll be in the scramble freeing up someone else.

RAW could be-Orton, Cena, HHH, Batista, Big Show, and with any luck, HBK. Talk about a dream match, and still plenty going on for the undercard.
I rely do not get it why is are they doing this ppv , hello your viewers are 80% kids who do not give a crap about these matches , I mean didnt wwe destroyed the credabilty of some one wining with a tap out and furthermore can you imagin watching a 20 min submission match featuring rko and batista !!! omg !!!! lol what the hell is batista going to do in these types of matches and does this means we are going for the whole 20 min watch rko with his lame head lock :angry:shit !!! .
I can imagine tna doing it and it would be good for them but wwe come-on last time I chicked they were entertainment not wrestling :doh: .
and to prove that submission is dead in wwe { since y2j came back to wwe how many time did he win by the walls of jericho } hmmm only 2 times against 60 year old men lol give me a break wwe wants to be realistic like the UFC will then stop giving us shit like last monday with that stupid denver segment and start wrestling !! I am sorry if I sound like a mark but wwe just made me go crazy lately .
I actually don't like either format. Let's start with the "Breaking Point" aka all submission matches. I see several problems with this sort of pay-per-view. The biggest and most obvious problem is the redundancy. Unlike a normal wrestling match, where you can have several different possible finishes, a submission match is pretty basic. You have to make your opponent tap out. End of story. There are only so many unpredictable swerves you can throw. And when you have 7 submission matches back-to-back-to-back...etc, it's gonna get pretty boring and plain.

The second problem I have is NOT that very few people have signature submission moves. In fact, I would be pleasantly surprised to see someone who never uses a submission (Batista, Orton, etc) come out of nowhere and lock in a figure four or sharpshooter or ankle lock or sleeper hold. The real problem I have is that there are a handful of wrestlers who I can NOT ever see tapping out. In fact, in my opinion, I feel it would severely hurt their image and reputation. Some examples include The Undertaker, John Cena, and Batista. At this point in his established career, The Undertaker should never have to tap out. He's The Phenom, The Lord of Darkness, The Demon of Death Valley...his character is pretty much invincible. It would be a slap in the face to have him give up. Then, we come to Mr. John Cena. Love him or hate him, Vince McMahon and the WWE have turned him into Superman. God forbid he should tap out and let down all those little kids. John Cena doesn't quit...or at least that's what he says in just about every promo. Finally, we come to Batista. Even though I hate him, his "stubborn, macho, tough guy" persona wouldn't allow him to tap out. So to wrap up this point, there would be absolutely NO drama in any of their matches because we all know they are gonna end up winning. And if for some wild and crazy reason, one of them did end up quitting, I would be totally stunned and lose some respect for their character.

Now, let's turn to the Scramble format. I know a lot people love this sort of match because of the twists and turns and unpredictability, BUT there is one huge problem. Even though I like the craziness and action involved in the match and have no idea what is gonna happen next, I feel from a wrestling standpoint that this match is COMPLETELY and TOTALLY unfair to the champion. I mean, it has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with the best wrestler or best performance. It's just completely random. Last year, Chris Jericho did literally NOTHING the entire match...in fact, I think he showed up at the very end of the match, and yet he won the title. Now, hats off to Y2J for his intelligence and sneakiness, but come on, are you kidding me? Call me crazy but I'd rather see the best man that night actually win the match. I don't even really get the concept or strategy. Scoring a pinfall or submission within the first few minutes literally means nothing unless you can play prevent defense the rest of the match and stop anybody and everybody from scoring one themselves. I think the best strategy is just to leave the ring for the first 15 minutes and come back for the final stretch with full health and energy. Then, you'd have a leg up over all your opponents and have 5 minutes to pull off a pinfall or submission at full strength, which you would probably have to do anyway, even if you spent the first 15 minutes in the ring. A much better idea would be to have the superstar who scores the most pinfalls or submissions in that 20 minute span as the winner...aka an "Iron Man" match with 6 competitors. Lol.
This is my first post to wrestlezone so don't be so hard on my opinions

IMO WWE is making unforgiven or "breaking point" all submissions because its taking place in Montreal. (I'm not too sure about that...I've seen it on another post)

Also (IMO) i feel unforgiven and the scrambles were so much better. Possibly what could help WWE the most right now. I feel as if WWE is so predictable. I'm literally able to call out what is gonna happen. The scramble provides the surprise factor to the pay-per-view.

now ideas for the scramble? possibly for RAW make it an all surprise scramblee. None of the guys announced beforehand. For the build? Have several main eventers compete in a tournament (spelling?) style to guerentee (spelling again) they're shot into the scramble. Make the first entrant Triple H making his return Next bring out some fillers, possibly Cena( i think i've seen him in the main event before) Orton and lastly, put in HBK

For Smackdown! and ECW they can announce the guys beforehand with the exception of Smackdown! (Undertaker return anyone?).

WWE needs the surprises. In no way would i pay to see boring played out submission matches i can watch for free on Spike TV (UFC perhaps?)

This is my first post to wrestlezone so don't be so hard on my opinions

IMO WWE is making unforgiven or "breaking point" all submissions because its taking place in Montreal. (I'm not too sure about that...I've seen it on another post)

Also (IMO) i feel unforgiven and the scrambles were so much better. Possibly what could help WWE the most right now. I feel as if WWE is so predictable. I'm literally able to call out what is gonna happen. The scramble provides the surprise factor to the pay-per-view.

now ideas for the scramble? possibly for RAW make it an all surprise scramblee. None of the guys announced beforehand. For the build? Have several main eventers compete in a tournament (spelling?) style to guerentee (spelling again) they're shot into the scramble. Make the first entrant Triple H making his return Next bring out some fillers, possibly Cena( i think i've seen him in the main event before) Orton and lastly, put in HBK

For Smackdown! and ECW they can announce the guys beforehand with the exception of Smackdown! (Undertaker return anyone?).

WWE needs the surprises. In no way would i pay to see boring played out submission matches i can watch for free on Spike TV (UFC perhaps?)


I concur but the problem I have with the Scramble match is that we end up with 3, the elimination chamber we end up with 2, IMO it takes away from the uniqueness of the event, the first time they had 2 Elimination chamber matches was unique and fun but repeating it looses it's luster, and same goes with the scramble match, the first is and second were good but buy the time the 3rd happened you pretty much lost interest in the event hence Jericho being a late replacement for Punk, just keep the audience into the match.

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