Which Royal Rumble Had the Greatest Lineup of Superstars?


Getting Noticed By Management
I know I’m a little late on this post, beings the Royal Rumble has already passed, but I didn’t get this idea until the night before the Royal Rumble, and wasn’t able to finish my research until today.

Anyways, so the 1992 Royal Rumble is generally considered to be the greatest Rumble match of all-time. Why? One, because it was arguably the most important, beings it was the only time that the WWE championship was on the line in the match. A title shot at Wrestlemania is a great prize no doubt, but the WWE championship is even better and bigger. Ric Flair’s performance is generally considered to be the best performance in the history of the rumble. The commentating is superb. And another big factor is that people generally feel that the 1992 Rumble had the greatest lineup of wrestlers in the event’s history. I don’t quite recall who said it, but one wrestler in a WWE documentary said that the 1992 Rumble had “the greatest cast of characters in the history of the WWE” or something like that.

But is that really the case? Is the 1992 Royal Rumble really the best lineup in the history of the Rumble? There have certainly been plenty of other Rumbles who featured some pretty elite lineups of wrestlers. Wrestlers who would go on to become HOFers and icons in the business. Recently I decided to try to figure out on my own if the 1992 Rumble really has “the greatest lineup of wrestlers” in the history of the Rumble event. I came up with a formula to help me see if that was indeed the case.

I decided to award each Rumble match points based on the wrestlers who were in the lineup. I came up with 8 categories for a wrestler to be a part of. I basically looked at the lineups for every Rumble match, and for each wrestler I determined which category the wrestler belonged in (many of course ended up in more than one category as you’ll see). And each particular category has it’s own set of points given to each wrestler in the category. The higher amount of total points each Rumble match got, the “better” the lineup of wrestlers was. Here are the eight categories I came up with for this project….

Lower Card Superstars/Jobbers (1 point): These wrestlers were guys who were jobbers or wrestlers at the low card level of the WWE during the time of this particular Rumble. These also tended to be wrestlers that never really moved up much in the hierarchy of WWE superstars. Each wrestler in this category were given one point, which went towards the total points for the particular Rumble. This category also features wrestlers and celebrities who weren't active members of the WWE roster at the time and were just making a one-time appearance/cameo in the matchup. Examples include Dory Funk Jr. in the 1996 Royal Rumble, Drew Carey in the 2001 Royal Rumble, and Rob Van Dam in the 2008 Rumble. The one exception is Vince McMahon for the 1999 Royal Rumble as I put him as a main event guy, because while he wasn't a full-time wrestler he was certainly a huge part of the main event scene at the time.

Mid Card Superstars (2 points): These wrestlers were guys that were at the mid-card level of the WWF during the time of this particular Rumble. Each wrestler in this category were given two points, which went towards the total points for the particular Rumble.

Future/Past Main Event/Upper Mid Card Superstars (3 points): This one is a little more confusing, but very important. Throughout the history of the Rumble many of the superstars in the match were mid or lower-card guys, but would eventually go on to become main event players in the WWF/E or in other wrestling organizations. In addition, some wrestlers in the lineups were more down in the card at that particular point, but in the past were main event guys in the WWF/E or in other organizations. An example would be Shawn Michaels in the 1990 Rumble. At the time he was a mid-carder, but would eventually become a main eventer and legendary wrestler. So his presence while at the time wasn’t much, looking back on it, really adds to the prestige of the lineup for that particular Royal Rumble. Wrestlers in this category were awarded 3 points, which went towards the total points for the particular Rumble. This category also applies to wrestlers that were main event players in other organizations, even if they weren’t ever such in the WWF/E. An example would be Arn Anderson or Tommy Dreamer who weren’t ever main eventers in the WWF/E but were in WCW and ECW, respectively.

Main Event/Upper Mid Card Superstars (5 points): Wrestlers in this category are wrestlers who were in the main event picture at the time of the particular Rumble. Wrestlers who were in the upper mid-card and on the cusp of being a main eventer (ie: wrestlers in the I-C title picture, or wrestlers that were big draws but not wrestling exactly in the main event) were also put in this category. A good example would be Jake Roberts who while wasn’t ever exactly a Main Event guy, he certainly was above the mid-card as well and could’ve easily been in the main event fighting for the top titles. Each wrestler in this category were given five points, which went towards the total points for the particular Rumble.

Future WWE HOFers (10 points): The categories from here on get much easier to determine and don’t really rely on subjection. This category is for wrestlers who would eventually be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame. Each wrestler here gets 10 points, which goes towards the total points for the particular Rumble.

Future Pro Wrestling HOFers (10 points): Just like the above category wrestlers in this category would go on to become inductees of the Pro Wrestling Hall of Fame located in New York. Each wrestler in this category was given 10 points, which goes towards the total points for the particular Rumble.

Future Wrestling Observer HOFers (10 points): Wrestlers in this category would go on to be inducted into Dave Meltzer’s Wrestling Observer Hall of Fame. Wrestlers in this category were given 10 points, which goes towards the total points for the particular Rumble.

Wrestlers Who Appeared on the Wrestling Observer’s 2002 list of the 100 Greatest Pro Wrestlers of All-Time (10 points): And for the final category, all wrestlers in this category were on the above named list. In addition to the 100 wrestlers that made this list, there was also a section after them in the book in which 10 more “current” wrestlers were highlighted as wrestlers likely to make a future list. So those four wrestlers (the other 6 were Japanese wrestlers who obviously haven’t ever participated in a Rumble match or the WWE for that matter) were also added to this category. Wrestlers in this category were awarded 10 points, which also goes towards the total points for the particular Rumble. Also when I break down each Rumble lineup for this category in addition to listing the wrestler in this category, I will also list the ranking they made it at on the list.

Now, before I get to posting my results, I will not lie, there are certainly flaws to my formula here.

1. The categories that each wrestler ends up in (except the last four 10-point categories which are pure fact) is subjective to whomever may do this formula. A guy that I might put down as a mid card wrestler, someone else might not be as generous as I am, and put them down as a lower-card/jobber. I’m sure once all of you take a close look at the breakdowns of each Rumble lineup, many of you will come across quite a few disagreements with which categories I put wrestlers in. If every disagreement were to be posted and debated on the group, we could literally probably end up with hundreds of debates for this thread on this particular subject alone. I’m aware of that, and of course won’t have a problem with it. This particular area is highly subjective.

However, I do think this is a good way of doing it. Each category really defines the overall prestige or lack of for the lineup of each Rumble.

2. The last four categories (HOFers and “greatest wrestlers”) honestly do give the older Rumble matches (88-99) a big advantage over the more modern ones. Because obviously the more recent Rumbles due not feature wrestlers who have gone on to become legends, HOFers, “greatest wrestlers of all-time,” etc, but instead feature more current wrestlers, whose future accomplishments are yet to be determined. However these categories are important to the overall question here and must be included I feel. Because if we’re trying to determine which Rumble has the “greatest” lineup of all-time, were certainly have to look at each lineup from a historical perspective and not just a current perspective. The first four categories (which deal with where the wrestler was at on the WWF/E hierarchy at the time) deal with a “current perspective.” Basically if guys at that time were low-card, mid-card, or main event. Those don’t really add much historical weight. Wrestlers who have become HOFers and appear on greatest of all-time lists, really add weight and prestige to the overall historical view of the lineup for that particular Rumble. So while these categories are kind of an unfair advantage to the older Rumble matchups, they’re also necessary in my view.

One advantage for the newer Rumbles to counteract this though is that nowadays the Rumbles matches are filled with mostly mid-card and main event wrestlers. Beings there are three brands represented in the Rumble match nowadays, the WWE particularly goes with the best of each brand. Whereas early on, WWE didn’t have near as many wrestlers on their roster and thus had to use jobbers and lower card guys to fill out the lineup often. Beings main eventers and mid-card wrestlers equal higher points, those can be an advantage to the newer Rumbles.

So while my formula certainly isn’t perfect, I think it’s a pretty good way of determining which Rumble truly has the greatest lineup ever.

So does 1992 reign supreme like the general consensus seems to feel? Let’s find out, shall we? I will post the breakdowns for each Rumble in the posts following this one.

Also, I did not count the 2010 Royal Rumble in this project. Simply because it is just unfair to. Half of the lineup this year are wrestlers who are simply too early into their careers to determine how far they will go. While the same could be said for the last 2-3 Rumbles, at least with those Rumbles some time has passed and we have some basis to judge a wrestler's overall career on.

So I will breaking down the lineups starting with the 1988 Rumble all the way to the 2009 Rumble. Here we go.....
Long thread, didn't read it, but I'll answer the thread title question with a no. Best Rumble ever, easily. Best outcome ever, possibly. But I don't think the line up was that special. From a nostalgia point of view it's stacked, but it's made up of mid carders and a couple of headliners. While last Sunday's lineup and others from the past couple of years haven't contained anybody with the star power of Hulk Hogan, or the legacy of Ric Flair, they have contained a mix of genuine main eventers. A Triple H in one Rumble easily equals about a quarter of the starpower of the 1992 Rumble, Undertaker & Shawn Michaels are bigger stars now than they were in 1992 and Cena, while no Hogan, is probably on a similar level to Savage.
Royal Rumbles 1988-1992

Royal Rumble 88

Lower Card Superstars/Jobbers (1 point): Jim Brunzell, Sam Houston, Danny Davis, Boris Zhukov, Nikolai Volkoff, B. Brian Blair, Hillbilly Jim

Mid Card Superstars (2 points): Bret Hart, Tito Santana, Butch Reed, Jim Neidhart, Don Muraco, Jim Duggan, Ron Bass, Dino Bravo, The Ultimate Warrior, One Man Gang, Junkyard Dog

Future/Past Main Event/Upper Mid-Card Superstars (3 points): Bret Hart, Tito Santana, Ultimate Warrior, One Man Gang, Nikolai Volkoff, Junkyard Dog

Main Event/Upper Mid-Card Superstars (5 points): Jake Roberts, Harley Race

Future WWE HOFers (10 points): Bret Hart, Tito Santana, Harley Race, Nikolai Volkoff

Future Pro Wrestling HOFers (10 points): Bret Hart, Harley Race

Future Wrestling Observer HOFers (10 points): Bret Hart, Harley Race

Wrestlers who appeared on 2002 list of the 100 Greatest Pro Wrestlers of All-Time (10 points): Bret Hart (#25); Harley Race (#40)

Total Points: 157 points

Royal Rumble 89

Lower Card Superstars/Jobbers (1 point): Ron Bass, Shawn Michaels, Butch, Marty Jannetty, Luke, Koko B. Ware, The Red Rooster

Mid Card Superstars (2 points): Ax, Smash, Mr. Perfect, Ronnie Garvin, Greg Valentine, Honky Tonk Man, Tito Santana, Bad News Brown, Arn Anderson, Tully Blanchard, The Warlord, Brutus Beefcake, The Barbarian, Big John Studd, Hercules, Rick Martel

Future/Past Main Event/Upper Mid-Card Superstars (3 points): Mr. Perfect, Greg Valentine, Shawn Michaels, Honky Tonk Man, Tito Santana, Arn Anderson, Tully Blanchard, Big John Studd, Rick Martel

Main Event/Upper Mid-Card Superstars (5 points): Andre the Giant, Jake Roberts, Randy Savage, Hulk Hogan, Big Boss Man, Akeem, Ted Dibiase

Future WWE HOFers (10 points): Andre the Giant, Mr. Perfect, Greg Valentine, Tito Santana, Hulk Hogan, Koko B. Ware, Big John Studd

Future Pro Wrestling HOFers (10 points): Andre the Giant, Randy Savage, Hulk Hogan, Ted Dibiase

Future Wrestling Observer HOFers (10 points): Andre the Giant, Shawn Michaels, Randy Savage, Hulk Hogan, Ted Dibiase

Wrestlers who appeared on 2002 list of the 100 Greatest Pro Wrestlers of All-Time (10 points): Andre the Giant (#6); Shawn Michaels (#47); Randy Savage (#50); Hulk Hogan (#5); Ted Dibiase (#81)

Total Points: 311 points

Royal Rumble 90

Lower Card Superstars/Jobbers (1 point): Koko B. Ware, The Red Rooster, Jimmy Snuka, Hercules

Mid Card Superstars (2 points): Marty Jannetty, The Warlord, Bret Hart, Bad News Brown, Ax, Haku, Smash, Akeem, Dino Bravo, Earthquake, Jim Neidhart, Rick Martel, Tito Santana, The Honky Tonk Man, Shawn Michaels, The Barbarian

Future/Past Main Event/Upper Mid-Card Superstars (3 points): Bret Hart, Jimmy Snuka, Earthquake, Rick Martel, Tito Santana, The Honky Tonk Man, Shawn Michaels

Main Event/Upper Mid-Card Superstars (5 points): Ted Dibiase, Jake Roberts, Randy Savage, Roddy Piper, Andre the Giant, Dusty Rhodes, The Ultimate Warrior, Hulk Hogan, Rick Rude, Mr. Perfect

Future WWE HOFers (10 points): Koko B. Ware, Roddy Piper, Bret Hart, Dusty Rhodes, Andre the Giant, Jimmy Snuka, Tito Santana, Hulk Hogan

Future Pro Wrestling HOFers (10 points): Ted Dibiase, Randy Savage, Roddy Piper, Bret Hart, Dusty Rhodes, Andre the Giant, Hulk Hogan

Future Wrestling Observer HOFers (10 points): Ted Dibiase, Randy Savage, Roddy Piper, Bret Hart, Dusty Rhodes, Andre the Giant, Hulk Hogan, Shawn Michaels

Wrestlers who appeared on 2002 list of the 100 Greatest Pro Wrestlers of All-Time (10 points): Ted Dibiase (#81); Randy Savage (#50); Roddy Piper (#66); Bret Hart (#25); Dusty Rhodes (#31); Andre the Giant (#6); Hulk Hogan (#5); Shawn Michaels (#47)

Total Points: 417 points

Royal Rumble 91

Lower Card Superstars/Jobbers (1 point): Dino Bravo, Greg Valentine, Paul Roma, Saba Simba (Tony Atlas), Butch, Hercules, Jimmy Snuka, Shane Douglas, Luke

Mid Card Superstars (2 points): Bret Hart, Texas Tornado, Rick Martel, Tito Santana, The Undertaker, British Bulldog, Smash, Hawk, Animal, Crush, Jim Duggan, Haku, Jim Neidhart, Brian Knobbs, The Warlord, Tugboat

Future/Past Main Event/Upper Mid-Card Superstars (3 points): Bret Hart, Greg Valentine, Texas Tornado, Rick Martel, Saba Simba (Tony Atlas), Tito Santana, The Undertaker, Jimmy Snuka, British Bulldog, Shane Douglas, Earthquake

Main Event/Upper Mid-Card Superstars (5 points): Jake Roberts, Randy Savage, Earthquake, Mr. Perfect, Hulk Hogan

Future WWE HOFers (10 points): Bret Hart, Greg Valentine, Texas Tornado, Saba Simba (Tony Atlas), Jimmy Snuka, Mr. Perfect, Hulk Hogan

Future Pro Wrestling HOFers (10 points): Bret Hart, Randy Savage, Hulk Hogan

Future Wrestling Observer HOFers (10 points): Bret Hart, The Undertaker, Randy Savage, Hulk Hogan

Wrestlers who appeared on 2002 list of the 100 Greatest Pro Wrestlers of All-Time (10 points): Bret Hart (#25); The Undertaker (#62); Randy Savage (#50); Hulk Hogan (#5)

Total Points: 279 points

*Randy Savage was in the official lineup but never appeared in the match due to his storyline with the Ultimate Warrior earlier in the card*

Royal Rumble 92

Lower Card Superstars/Jobbers (1 point): Haku, Tito Santana, Repo Man, Greg Valentine, Nikolai Volkoff, Hercules, Jimmy Snuka, The Berzerker, Col. Mustafa (Iron Sheik), Skinner

Mid Card Superstars (2 points): British Bulldog, Jerry Sags, Shawn Michaels, The Barbarian, Texas Tornado, Big Boss Man, Jim Duggan, IRS, Virgil, Rick Martel, Sgt. Slaughter, The Warlord

Future/Past Main Event/Upper Mid-Card Superstars (3 points): British Bulldog, Shawn Michaels, Tito Santana, Texas Tornado, Greg Valentine, Nikolai Volkoff, Big Boss Man, Jimmy Snuka, Col. Mustafa, (Iron Sheik), Rick Martel, Sgt. Slaughter

Main Event/Upper Mid-Card Superstars (5 points): Ted Dibiase, Ric Flair, Roddy Piper, Jake Roberts, The Undertaker, Randy Savage, Hulk Hogan, Sid Justice

Future WWE HOFers (10 points): Ric Flair, Tito Santana, Texas Tornado, Greg Valentine, Nikolai Volkoff, Roddy Piper, Jimmy Snuka, Col. Mustafa (Iron Sheik), Hulk Hogan, Sgt. Slaughter,

Future Pro Wrestling HOFers (10 points): Ted Dibiase, Ric Flair, Roddy Piper, Randy Savage, Hulk Hogan

Future Wrestling Observer HOFers (10 points): Ted Dibiase, Ric Flair, Shawn Michaels, Roddy Piper, The Undertaker, Randy Savage, Hulk Hogan,

Wrestlers who appeared on 2002 list of the 100 Greatest Pro Wrestlers of All-Time (10 points): Ted Dibiase (#81); Ric Flair (#1); Shawn Michaels (#47); Roddy Piper (#66); The Undertaker (#62); Randy Savage (#50); Hulk Hogan (#5)

Total Points: 397 points
Royal Rumbles 1993-1997

Royal Rumble 93

Lower Card Superstars/Jobbers (1 point): Virgil, Max Moon, Genichiro Tenryu, Skinner, Koko B. Ware, The Berzerker, Terry Taylor, Damien Demento, Carlos Colon, Tito Santana, Owen Hart, Repo Man

Mid Card Superstars (2 points): Bob Backlund, Papa Shango, Ted Dibiase, Brian Knobbs, Jerry Lawler, Samu (Rikishi), I.R.S., Tatanka, Jerry Sags, Typhoon, Fatu, Earthquake, Rick Martel, Yokozuna

Future/Past Main Event/Upper Mid-Card Superstars (3 points): Bob Backlund, Ted Dibiase, Jerry Lawler, Genichiro Tenryu, Samu (Rikishi), Earthquake, Carlos Colon, Tito Santana, Rick Martel, Yokozuna, Owen Hart

Main Event/Upper Mid-Card Superstars (5 points): Ric Flair, Mr. Perfect, The Undertaker, Randy Savage

Future WWE HOFers (10 points): Ric Flair, Jerry Lawler, Mr. Perfect, Tito Santana, Koko B. Ware

Future Pro Wrestling HOFers (10 points): Ric Flair, Bob Backlund, Ted Dibiase, Randy Savage

Future Wrestling Observer HOFers (10 points): Ric Flair, Bob Backlund, Ted Dibiase, Jerry Lawler, Genichiro Tenryu, The Undertaker, Randy Savage

Wrestlers who appeared on 2002 list of the 100 Greatest Pro Wrestlers of All-Time (10 points): Ric Flair (#1); Ted Dibiase (#81); Jerry Lawler (#65); Genichiro Tenryu (#54); The Undertaker (#62); Randy Savage (#50)

Total Points: 313 points

Royal Rumble 94

Lower Card Superstars/Jobbers (1 point): Kwang, Virgil, Bob Holly, Greg Valentine, The Great Kabuki, Genichiro Tenryu, Bastian Booger, Marty Jannetty

Mid Card Superstars (2 points): Scott Steiner, Samu, Rick Steiner, Owen Hart, Bart Gunn, Diesel, Bob Backlund, Billy Gunn, Jeff Jarrett, Crush, Doink the Clown, Bam Bam Bigelow, Mabel, Mo, Tatanka, Rick Martel, Fatu, Adam Bomb

Future/Past Main Event/Upper Mid-Card Superstars (3 points): Scott Steiner, Owen Hart, Diesel, Bob Backlund, Jeff Jarrett, Bam Bam Bigelow, Mabel, Greg Valentine, Genichiro Tenryu, Rick Martel, Fatu (Rikishi)

Main Event/Upper Mid-Card Superstars (5 points): Randy Savage, Shawn Michaels, Lex Luger, Bret Hart

Future WWE HOFers (10 points): Greg Valentine, Bret Hart

Future Pro Wrestling HOFers (10 points): Bob Backlund, Randy Savage, Bret Hart

Future Wrestling Observer HOFers (10 points): Bob Backlund, Randy Savage, Shawn Michaels, Bret Hart

Wrestlers who appeared on 2002 list of the 100 Greatest Pro Wrestlers of All-Time (10 points): Randy Savage (#50); Shawn Michaels (#47); Genichiro Tenryu (#54); Bret Hart (#25)

Total Points: 217 points

*Bastian Booger was in the official lineup but never appeared in the match.*

Royal Rumble 95

Lower Card Superstars/Jobbers (1 point): Eli Blue, Duke “the Dumpster” Drose, Jimmy Del Ray, Tom Prichard, Kwang, Timothy Well, Luke, Jacob Blu, Butch, The Mantaur, Aldo Montoya, Henry Godwinn, Steven Dunn, Dick Murdoch

Mid Card Superstars (2 points): Sionne (the Barbarian), Doink the Clown, Rick Martel, King Kong Bundy, Mo, Mabel, Billy Gunn, Bart Gunn, Adam Bomb, Fatu, Crush

Future/Past Main Event/Upper Mid-Card Superstars (3 points): Rick Martel, King Kong Bundy, Mabel, Dick Murdoch, Fatu (Rikishi)

Main Event/Upper Mid-Card Superstars (5 points): Shawn Michaels, British Bulldog, Owen Hart, Lex Luger, Bob Backlund

Future WWE HOFers (10 points):

Future Pro Wrestling HOFers (10 points): Bob Backlund

Future Wrestling Observer HOFers (10 points): Shawn Michaels, Bob Backlund

Wrestlers who appeared on 2002 list of the 100 Greatest Pro Wrestlers of All-Time (10 points): Shawn Michaels (#47)

Total Points: 116 points

Royal Rumble 96

Lower Card Superstars/Jobbers (1 point): Henry Godwinn, Bob Holly, Dory Funk Jr., Takao Omori, Doug Gilbert, Swat Team #1, Swat Team #2, Hakushi, Aldo Montoya, Barry Horowitz, Fatu, Isaac Yankem (Kane), Marty Jannetty, Duke “the Dumpster” Drose

Mid Card Superstars (2 points): Hunter Hearst Helmsley, Bob Backlund, Jerry Lawler, Mabel, Jake Roberts, Yokozuna, 1-2-3 Kid, Savio Vega, Tatanka, The Ringmaster (Steve Austin), Kama

Future/Past Main Event/Upper Mid-Card Superstars (3 points): Hunter Hearst Helmsley, Bob Backlund, Jerry Lawler, Mabel, Jake Roberts, Dory Funk Jr., Yokozuna, The Ringmaster (Steve Austin), Fatu (Rikishi), Isaac Yankem (Kane)

Main Event/Upper Mid-Card Superstars (5 points): Vader, Shawn Michaels, Owen Hart, Diesel, British Bulldog

Future WWE HOFers (10 points): Jerry Lawler, Dory Funk Jr., The Ringmaster (Steve Austin),

Future Pro Wrestling HOFers (10 points): Bob Backlund, Dory Funk Jr.

Future Wrestling Observer HOFers (10 points): Hunter Hearst Helmsley, Bob Backlund, Jerry Lawler, Dory Funk Jr., Vader, Shawn Michaels, The Ringmaster (Steve Austin)

Wrestlers who appeared on 2002 list of the 100 Greatest Pro Wrestlers of All-Time (10 points): Hunter Hearst Helmsley (future inclusion), Jerry Lawler (#65); Dory Funk Jr. (#26); Vader (#34); Shawn Michaels (#47); The Ringmaster (Steve Austin) (#9)

Total Points: 271 points

Royal Rumble 97

Lower Card Superstars/Jobbers (1 point): fake Razor Ramon, Bart Gunn, Pierroth, Mil Mascaras, Cibernetico, Latin Lover, Jesse James, fake Diesel (Kane), Flash Funk

Mid Card Superstars (2 points): Crush, Phineas Godwin, Jake Roberts, The Sultan, Hunter Hearst Helmsley, Goldust, Marc Mero, Savio Vega, Jerry Lawler, Terry Funk, Rocky Maivia, Henry Godwinn

Future/Past Main Event/Upper Mid-Card Superstars (3 points): Jake Roberts, The Sultan (Rikishi), Mil Mascaras, Hunter Hearst Helmsley, Cibernetico, Jerry Lawler, fake Diesel (Kane), Terry Funk, Rocky Maivia

Main Event/Upper Mid-Card Superstars (5 points): Ahmed Johnson, Steve Austin, British Bulldog, Owen Hart, Faarooq, Bret Hart, Mankind, Vader, The Undertaker

Future WWE HOFers (10 points): Steve Austin, Bret Hart, Jerry Lawler, Terry Funk

Future Pro Wrestling HOFers (10 points): Mil Mascaras, Bret Hart, Terry Funk

Future Wrestling Observer HOFers (10 points): Steve Austin, Mil Mascaras, Hunter Hearst Helmsley, Bret Hart, Jerry Lawler, Terry Funk, Rocky Maivia, Mankind, Vader, The Undertaker

Wrestlers who appeared on 2002 list of the 100 Greatest Pro Wrestlers of All-Time (10 points): Steve Austin (#9); Mil Mascaras (#24); Hunter Hearst Helmsley (future inclusion); Bret Hart (#25); Jerry Lawler (#65); Terry Funk (#23); Rocky Maivia (#16); Mankind (#53); Vader (#34); The Undertaker (#62)

Total Points: 375 points
Royal Rumbles 1998-2002

Royal Rumble 98

Lower Card Superstars/Jobbers (1 point): Tom Brandi, Mosh, Phineas Godwinn, 8 Ball, Blackjack Bradshaw, Steve Blackman, Thrasher, The Honky Tonk Man, Skull, Henry Godwinn, Chainz

Mid Card Superstars (2 points): Chainsaw Charlie (Terry Funk), D-Lo Brown, Kurrgan, Marc Mero, The Artist Formerly Known as Goldust, Jeff Jarrett, Ahmed Johnson, Mark Henry, Kama Mustafa, Savio Vega, Faarooq, Vader

Future/Past Main Event/Upper Mid-Card Superstars (3 points): Chainsaw Charlie (Terry Funk), Blackjack Bradshaw, The Artist Formerly Known as Goldust, Jeff Jarrett, The Honky Tonk Man, Ahmed Johnson, Faarooq, Vader

Main Event/Upper Mid-Card Superstars (5 points): Mick Foley, The Rock, Owen Hart, Ken Shamrock, Steve Austin

Future WWE HOFers (10 points): Chainsaw Charlie (Terry Funk), Steve Austin

Future Pro Wrestling HOFers (10 points): Chainsaw Charlie (Terry Funk)

Future Wrestling Observer HOFers (10 points): Mick Foley, Chainsaw Charlie (Terry Funk), The Rock, Steve Austin, Vader

Wrestlers who appeared on 2002 list of the 100 Greatest Pro Wrestlers of All-Time (10 points): Mick Foley (#53); Chainsaw Charlie (Terry Funk) (#23); The Rock (#16); Steve Austin (#9); Vader (#34)

Total Points:[/I] 214 points

*There were actually only 28 wrestlers in the Royal Rumble as Mick Foley appeared in the Rumble match three times as three separate characters*

Royal Rumble 99

Lower Card Superstars/Jobbers (1 point): Golga (Earthquake), Droz, Edge, Gillberg, Dan Severn, Tiger Ali Singh, The Blue Meanie, Gangrel, Kurrgan

Mid Card Superstars (2 points): Steve Blackman, Mabel, The Road Dogg, Al Snow, Goldust, The Godfather, Billy Gunn, Test, The Big Boss Man, Val Venis, X-Pac, Mark Henry, Jeff Jarrett, D’Lo Brown, Owen Hart, Chyna

Future/Past Main Event/Upper Mid-Card Superstars (3 points): Golga (Earthquake), Edge, Mabel, Goldust, The Big Boss Man, Jeff Jarrett, Owen Hart

Main Event/Upper Mid Card Superstars (5 points): Steve Austin, Vince McMahon, Kane, Ken Shamrock, Triple H

Future WWE HOFers (10 points): Steve Austin

Future Pro Wrestling HOFers (10 points):

Future Wrestling Observer HOFers (10 points): Steve Austin, Vince McMahon, Triple H

Wrestlers who appeared on 2002 list of the 100 Greatest Pro Wrestlers of All-Time (10 points): Steve Austin (#9); Triple H (future inclusion)

Total Points: 147 points

Royal Rumble 2000

Lower Card Superstars/Jobbers (1 point): Mosh, The British Bulldog, Gangrel, Bob Backlund

Mid Card Superstars (2 points): D-Lo Brown, Grand Master Sexay, Christian, Rikishi, Scotty 2 Hotty, Steve Blackman, Viscera, The Big Boss Man, Test, Edge, Crash Holly, Chyna, Faarooq, Road Dogg, Al Snow, Val Venis, Prince Albert, Hardcore Holly, Billy Gunn, Bradshaw, The Godfather, X-Pac

Future/Past Main Event/Upper Mid-Card Superstars (3 points): Christian, Rikishi, Viscera, The Big Boss Man, The British Bulldog, Bob Backlund, Faarooq, Bradshaw

Main Event/Upper Mid Card Superstars (5 points): Chris Jericho, The Rock, The Big Show, Kane

Future WWE HOFers (10 points):

Future Pro Wrestling HOFers (10 points): Bob Backlund

Future Wrestling Observer HOFers (10 points): Bob Backlund, The Rock

Wrestlers who appeared on 2002 list of the 100 Greatest Pro Wrestlers of All-Time (10 points): The Rock (#16)

Total Points: 132 points

Royal Rumble 01

Lower Card Superstars/Jobbers (1 point): Bull Buchannan, Drew Carey, Steve Blackman, Grandmaster Sexay, The Honky Tonk Man, The Goodfather, K-Kwik, Scotty 2 Hotty, Haku

Mid Card Superstars (2 points): Jeff Hardy, Matt Hardy, Faarooq, Raven, Al Snow, Perry Saturn, Tazz, Bradshaw, Albert, Hardcore Holly, Val Venis, William Regal, Test, Crash Holly, Billy Gunn

Future/Past Main Event/Upper Mid-Card Superstars (3 points): Jeff Hardy, Faarooq, the Honky Tonk Man, Bradshaw

Main Event/Upper Mid Card Superstars (5 points): Kane, The Rock, The Big Show, The Undertaker, Steve Austin, Rikishi

Future WWE HOFers (10 points): Steve Austin

Future Pro Wrestling HOFers (10 points):

Future Wrestling Observer HOFers (10 points): The Rock, The Undertaker, Steve Austin

Wrestlers who appeared on 2002 list of the 100 Greatest Pro Wrestlers of All-Time (10 points): The Rock (#16); The Undertaker (#62); Steve Austin (#9)

Total Points: 151 points

Royal Rumble 02

Lower Card Superstars/Jobbers (1 point): Al Snow, Maven, Scotty 2 Hotty, The Godfather, Perry Saturn, Mr. Perfect,

Mid Card Superstars (2 points): Rikishi, Goldust The Big Boss Man, Bradshaw, Lance Storm, Billy Gunn, Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy, Christian, Diamond Dallas Page, Chuck Palumbo, Albert, Val Venis, Test, The Hurricane, Faarooq, Rob Van Dam, Booker T.

Future/Past Main Event/Upper Mid-Card Superstars (3 points): Rikishi, Goldust, The Big Boss Man, Bradshaw, Jeff Hardy, Christian, Diamond Dallas Page, Faarooq, Mr. Perfect, Rob Van Dam, Booker T.

Main Event/Upper Mid Card Superstars (5 points): The Undertaker, Steve Austin, Triple H, Kurt Angle, The Big Show, Kane

Future WWE HOFers (10 points): Steve Austin, Mr. Perfect

Future Pro Wrestling HOFers (10 points):

Future Wrestling Observer HOFers (10 points): The Undertaker, Steve Austin, Triple H, Kurt Angle

Wrestlers who appeared on 2002 list of the 100 Greatest Pro Wrestlers of All-Time (10 points): The Undertaker (#62); Steve Austin (#9); Triple H (future inclusion); Kurt Angle (future inclusion)

Total Points: 205 points
Royal Rumbles 2003-2007

Royal Rumble 03

Lower Card Superstars/Jobbers (1 point): Bill DeMott, B-2, Maven

Mid Card Superstars (2 points): Christopher Nowinski, Edge, Christian, Chavo Guerrero, Tajiri, Tommy Dreamer, Matt Hardy, Eddie Guerrero, Jeff Hardy, Rosey, Test, John Cena, Charlie Haas, Rikishi, Jamal, Shelton Benjamin, A-Train, Goldust, Batista,

Future/Past Main Event/Upper Mid-Card Superstars (3 points): Edge, Christian, Tommy Dreamer, Eddie Guerrero, Jeff Hardy, John Cena, Rikishi, Jamal, Goldust, Batista

Main Event/Upper Mid Card Superstars (5 points): Shawn Michaels, Chris Jericho, Rey Mysterio, Rob Van Dam, Kane, Booker T, Brock Lesnar, The Undertaker

Future WWE HOFers (10 points): Eddie Guerrero,

Future Pro Wrestling HOFers (10 points):

Future Wrestling Observer HOFers (10 points): Shawn Michaels, Eddie Guerrero, The Undertaker

Wrestlers who appeared on 2002 list of the 100 Greatest Pro Wrestlers of All-Time (10 points): Shawn Michaels (#47); Chris Jericho (future inclusion); The Undertaker (#62)

Total Points: 181 points

Royal Rumble 04

Lower Card Superstars/Jobbers (1 point): Spike Dudley, Rene Dupree, Ernest Miller, Rico, Nunzio

Mid Card Superstars (2 points): Mark Henry, Tajiri, Bradshaw, Rhyno, Matt Hardy, Scott Steiner, Matt Morgan, The Hurricane, Rikishi, A-Train, Shelton Benjamin, Christian, Charlie Haas, Billy Gunn, John Cena

Future/Past Main Event/Upper Mid-Card Superstars (3 points): Bradshaw, Scott Steiner, Matt Morgan, Rikishi, Christian, John Cena

Main Event/Upper Mid Card Superstars (5 points): Chris Benoit, Randy Orton, Booker T, Kane, Kurt Angle, Mick Foley, The Big Show, Chris Jericho, Rob Van Dam, Goldberg

Future WWE HOFers (10 points):

Future Pro Wrestling HOFers (10 points):

Future Wrestling Observer HOFers (10 points): Chris Benoit, Kurt Angle, Mick Foley

Wrestlers who appeared on 2002 list of the 100 Greatest Pro Wrestlers of All-Time (10 points): Chris Benoit (future inclusion); Kurt Angle (future inclusion); Mick Foley (#53); Chris Jericho (future inclusion)

Total Points: 173 points

Royal Rumble 05

Lower Card Superstars/Jobbers (1 point): Daniel Puder, Kenzo Suzuki, Scotty 2 Hotty, Charlie Haas, Jonathan Coachman, Mark Jindrack

Mid Card Superstars (2 points): Hardcore Holly, The Hurricane, Shelton Benjamin, Luther Reigns, Muhammad Hassan, Orlando Jordan, Rene Dupree, Simon Dean, Viscera, Paul London, Snitsky, Christian,

Future/Past Main Event/Upper Mid-Card Superstars (3 points): Viscera, Christian

Main Event/Upper Mid Card Superstars (5 points): Eddie Guerrero, Chris Benoit, Edge, Rey Mysterio, Booker T, Chris Jericho, Shawn Michaels, Kurt Angle, John Cena, Kane, Batista, Ric Flair

Future WWE HOFers (10 points): Eddie Guerrero, Ric Flair

Future Pro Wrestling HOFers (10 points): Ric Flair

Future Wrestling Observer HOFers (10 points): Eddie Guerrero, Chris Benoit, Shawn Michaels, Kurt Angle, Ric Flair

Wrestlers who appeared on 2002 list of the 100 Greatest Pro Wrestlers of All-Time (10 points): Chris Benoit (future inclusion); Chris Jericho (future inclusion); Shawn Michaels (#47); Kurt Angle (future inclusion); Ric Flair (#1)

Total Points: 220 points

Royal Rumble 06

Lower Card Superstars/Jobbers (1 point): Simon Dean, Jonathan Coachman, Sylvan, Super Crazy

Mid Card Superstars (2 points): Psychosis, Carlito, Joey Mercury, Tatanka, Johnny Nitro, Trevor Murdoch, Eugene, Road Warrior Animal, Orlando Jordan, Chavo Guerrero, Matt Hardy, Chris Masters, Viscera, Shelton Benjamin, Goldust

Future/Past Main Event/Upper Mid-Card Superstars (3 points): Tatanka, Johnny Nitro, Eugene, Viscera, Goldust

Main Event/Upper Mid Card Superstars (5 points): Triple H, Rey Mysterio, Ric Flair, The Big Show, Bobby Lashley, Kane, Chris Benoit, Booker T, Rob Van Dam, Shawn Michaels, Randy Orton

Future WWE HOFers (10 points): Ric Flair

Future Pro Wrestling HOFers (10 points): Ric Flair

Future Wrestling Observer HOFers (10 points): Triple H, Ric Flair, Chris Benoit, Shawn Michaels

Wrestlers who appeared on 2002 list of the 100 Greatest Pro Wrestlers of All-Time (10 points): Triple H (future inclusion); Ric Flair (#1); Chris Benoit (future inclusion); Shawn Michaels (#47)

Total Points: 204 points

Royal Rumble 07

Lower Card Superstars/Jobbers (1 point): Super Crazy, The Sandman, Kevin Thorn

Mid Card Superstars (2 points): Finlay, Kenny Dykstra, Matt Hardy, Tommy Dreamer, CM Punk, Viscera, Johnny Nitro, Hardcore Holly, Chris Masters, MVP, Carlito, The Miz

Future/Past Main Event/Upper Mid-Card Superstars (3 points): CM Punk, The Sandman, Viscera, Johnny Nitro, MVP, The Miz

Main Event/Upper Mid Card Superstars (5 points): Ric Flair, Edge, Kane, King Booker, Jeff Hardy, Randy Orton, Chris Benoit, Rob Van Dam, Shawn Michaels, the Great Khali, The Undertaker

Future WWE HOFers (10 points): Ric Flair

Future Pro Wrestling HOFers (10 points): Ric Flair

Future Wrestling Observer HOFers (10 points): Ric Flair, Chris Benoit, Shawn Michaels, The Undertaker

Wrestlers who appeared on 2002 list of the 100 Greatest Pro Wrestlers of All-Time (10 points): Ric Flair (#1); Chris Benoit (future inclusion); Shawn Michaels (#47); The Undertaker (#62)

Total Points: 200 points
Royal Rumbles 2008, 2009 and the Final Results

Royal Rumble 08

Lower Card Superstars/Jobbers (1 point): Hornswoggle, Chuck Palumbo, Jamie Noble, Jimmy Snuka, Roddy Piper

Mid Card Superstars (2 points): Santino Marella, The Great Khali, Hardcore Holly, John Morrison, Tommy Dreamer, CM Punk, Cody Rhodes, Snitsky, The Miz, Shelton Benjamin, Carlito, Mick Foley, Big Daddy V, Mark Henry, Chavo Guerrero, Finlay, Elijah Burke

Future/Past Main Event/Upper Mid-Card Superstars (3 points): The Great Khali, John Morrison, Tommy Dreamer, CM Punk, Cody Rhodes, The Miz, Jimmy Snuka, Roddy Piper, Mick Foley, Big Daddy V

Main Event/Upper Mid Card Superstars (5 points): The Undertaker, Shawn Michaels, Batista, Umaga, Kane, Mr. Kennedy, Triple H, John Cena

Future WWE HOFers (10 points): Jimmy Snuka, Roddy Piper

Future Pro Wrestling HOFers (10 points): Roddy Piper

Future Wrestling Observer HOFers (10 points): The Undertaker, Shawn Michaels, Roddy Piper, Mick Foley, Triple H

Wrestlers who appeared on 2002 list of the 100 Greatest Pro Wrestlers of All-Time (10 points): The Undertaker (#62); Shawn Michaels (#47); Roddy Piper (#66); Mick Foley (#53); Triple H (future inclusion)

Total Points: 239 points

Royal Rumble 09

Lower Card Superstars/Jobbers (1 point): Rob Van Dam, Jim Duggan

Mid Card Superstars (2 points): John Morrison, Carlito, MVP, The Great Khali, Vladimir Kozlov, JTG, Mike Knox, The Miz, Finlay, Goldust, Mark Henry, Shelton Benjamin, William Regal, Kofi Kingston, R-Truth, The Brian Kendrick, Dolph Ziggler, Santino Marella

Future/Past Main Event/Upper Mid-Card Superstars (3 points): John Morrison, MVP, The Great Khali, The Miz, Goldust, Kofi Kingston, Rob Van Dam

Main Event/Upper Mid Card Superstars (5 points): Rey Mysterio, Triple H, Randy Orton, Ted Dibiase, Chris Jericho, Cody Rhodes, The Undertaker, CM Punk, Kane, The Big Show

Future WWE HOFers (10 points):

Future Pro Wrestling HOFers (10 points):

Future Wrestling Observer HOFers (10 points): Triple H, The Undertaker

Wrestlers who appeared on 2002 list of the 100 Greatest Pro Wrestlers of All-Time (10 points): Triple H (future inclusion); Chris Jericho (future inclusion); The Undertaker (#62)

Total Points: 159 points

So after figuring out the total points for each Rumble matchup based on my formula, I determined that while the 1992 Royal Rumble has one of the best lineups ever, it's not the best. That distinction went to the 1990 Royal Rumble. I think what helped the 1990 Rumble edge out the 1992 Rumble was that it had slightly more HOFers (about a 1 wrestler advantage for each HOF category) and "greatest wrestlers of all-time" in the Rumble. Plus the 1990 Rumble had more wrestlers in the mid card rather than the lower card-level than the 1992 does. But both are very close.

So based off the point totals, here are the final results of my project. All 22 Rumbles between 1988-2009 ranked based on their total point value....

22. Royal Rumble 1995 (116 points)
21. Royal Rumble 2000 (132 points)
20. Royal Rumble 1999 (147 points)
19. Royal Rumble 2001 (151 points)
18. Royal Rumble 1988 (157 points)
17. Royal Rumble 2009 (159 points)
16. Royal Rumble 2004 (173 points)
15. Royal Rumble 2003 (181 points)
14. Royal Rumble 2007 (200 points)
13. Royal Rumble 2006 (204 points)
12. Royal Rumble 2002 (205 points)
11. Royal Rumble 1998 (214 points)
10. Royal Rumble 1994 (217 points)
9. Royal Rumble 2005 (220 points)
8. Royal Rumble 2008 (239 points)
7. Royal Rumble 1996 (271 points)
6. Royal Rumble 1991 (279 points)
5. Royal Rumble 1989 (311 points)
4. Royal Rumble 1993 (313 points)
3. Royal Rumble 1997 (375 points)
2. Royal Rumble 1992 (397 points)
1. Royal Rumble 1990 (417 points)

So based off my formula I have to give the title of "best lineup of wrestlers" to the 1990 Royal Rumble.

Do you guys think that 1990 is better than 1992, or is 1992 still the best despite my point system? Or is there another Rumble that was better than both (lineup-wise, not talking match-wise). What are your thoughts on the matter?
i like the notion of trying to quantify the royal rumble in terms of point value, but i feel you give just too much weight to HOF'ers and the 100 greatest list at 2002. Case in point i watched the 1997 rumble the other day, and it was filled with trash, adn quite frankly mil mascares and funk were unwatchable by that point in their careers. it'd be like putting hogan in a rumble now. And no offense, but the WWE HOF is still so arbitrary that a lot of guys are left out because of Vince's whim. Perhaps a tweak would be to give points just for HOF's, then create a pantheon of the greatest performers of the last 30 years, but limit to only the greatest of main event guys, such as Andre, Hogan, HBK, Stone Cold, and the Rock. Guys who carried the industry on their backs. I just think you are awarding too many point for guys who do not deserve it
Interesting, but I'd say all Rumbles still have variable points to be added. Obviously, plenty of stars of today will eventually get the 10 point spreads you give out for WWE HoF'ers, but so will some older guys. I imagine we'll see guys like Ted Dibiase and Jake Roberts in the WWE Hall of Fame eventually.
Great Idea. Poor execution.

As Jetspete mentioned: You put way too much emphasis on "future HOF" and the like. That, in and of itself, is not quantifiable. Triple H will be in the WWE HOF, Pro Wrestling HOF and the list. As will Kurt Angle. But yet you can't include them, because it hasn't happened yet. If you add speculation as to who will be what, then I think that the 2000 + rumbles blow the rest away. But the fact is, you can't.

Really, the points should be Jobbers, Mid carders, and Main eventers. And all wrestlers should be judged appropriately according to when the Rumble happened- IE: If you wanted, you could throw HBK in as a jobber (the Rockers), a Midcarder (The Greatest IC champion-IMO) and Main eventer. But he was only ONE of those three in a particular rumble. In 89 he was a jobber, in 92 he was a Midcarder, and from 99 on he was a main eventer. And should only be included in one of those categories. There should only be thirty people listed under each rumble, as opposed to putting them into several different categories.

For my money, Royal Rumble 1998,1999, 2000, 2005, 2007,2008, 2010 have been the best in terms of entrants, order, and winners.

So to answer the question: No, I don't believe 1992 had the best lineup ever.
of course ur going to have higher points in the 90s because more off the wrestlers were either in the HOF or top 100 of 2002 ..... so in the 2000's there would be less point for the better wrestlers that will be in the hall or a new top 100 list so i dont believe this is a valid way to make a choice u gota make a better point system to come to this conclusion mybe give point just to how good the wrestler is over and stuff or if it just a jobs fill u know if u try it lmk
The biggest problem with the point system you have is the most recent royal rumbles suffer because the wrestlers haven't moved up from where they are. They are current so they don't get the Hall of fame points or the multiple points of mid card to main event status like shawn micheals and Bret Hart who could be considered in every category
This list is trash. How can you compare rumbles by hall of famers and ledgends. Guys like mick foley, jericho, mysterio, undertaker, and big show are all future hall of famers. Allot of the guys in the rumbles since 1995 are still in the buisness and were not honored with hall of fame credentials. If your judging the 2009 royal rumble with hall of famers and point system, you got about 10 more people who will make the hof when they retire and you got allot of young guys with potential to make the hof so I just think that this system does nothing to weigh rumbles. It supports the vetrans and diminishes the younger guys, some of whom have more championships then most of the hof'ers combined.
Wow, you have waaaaaaaaaaaaay to much time on your hands.

But anyways, I don't think that the 1992 royal rumble's roster was based on the actual guys in it but more on the significance of what it meant. The WWE title being on the line probably caused them to feel that more emphasizing was needed to give it a bigger fell. And don't forget that Flair's performance that night was legendary , with him holding the record of longest time, so I think that saying flair survived "the most star-studded rumble in history" was more of a hype factor type thing. Makes it sound that much better
A title shot at Wrestlemania is a great prize no doubt, but the WWE championship is even better and bigger.

There is no way that statement is true. Sheamus winning the title in a Tables match is in no way bigger than someone winning the rumble and going to headline mania, even if they lost.
In order to simplify the point of this e-mail, I tried to categorize types of performers and figure out which Rumble had the best mix of top guys. Naturally this list is completely subjective. I’m sure I’m underrating certain guys while overrating others.

The Pantheon, guys who could headline multiple Wrestlemania’s no matter the era, the absolute best of the best and the greatest of the last thirty years: Hogan, Andre, The Rock, Austin, post-Rockers Shawn Michaels, and the Undertaker.

The Hall of Fame (regardless of guys who are actually in the Hall of Fame), great performers who are widely accepted as all time greats: Hart, Flair, Hunter, Piper, Dibiase, Ultimate Warrior, Angle, John Cena, Macho Man.

Heavyweight Champions (stars that reached the pinnacle during the Rumble era and held a world heavyweight belt for more than 2 days), but maybe not quite in the above class: Sgt. Slaughter, Diesel, JBL, Big Show, Mick Foley, Sid, Booker T, Jericho, Lesnar, Goldberg, Yokozuna, Edge, Batista, Lex Luger, Orton, Benoit

Great midcard guys that may have even main evented big events or been champion: Rick Martel, Jeff Hardy, Razor Ramon, Eddie Guerrero, Kane (as Kane only), Rey, Jake Roberts, Rick Rude, Tito Santana, Honky Tonk, Greg Valentine, Mr. Perfect, Dusty Rhodes, the Bulldog, Dustin Rhodes, Owen Hart, RVD.

Tag Team Specialists (or guys who piqued as tag wrestlers: Legacy in its current form, Demolition, Hawk & Animal, Powers of Pain, Jannetty, the Anvil, Haku, the Goodwins, the Bushwackers, the Gunns, the Nasty Boys, Christian, Matt Hardy, the Dudleys

Fan Favorite midcarders that are a class below the better midcarders, or fat/big guys: IRS, the Holly’s, Val Venus, Hercules, Greg Valentine, Kama, Earthquake, Akeem, Boss Man, Mabel, Khali, Al Snow, XPac, Brutus.

Level 1 Jobbers, Guys who would never in their right mind win the Rumble or headline a ppv, but can give you quality minutes: Chris Master and Carlito come to mind currently, from the past Ron Bass and Test.

Level 2 Jobbers, Guys who have no business being on WWE television and are only in the event because they need to fill the ring. These guys negatively take away from the match and are never going to get anywhere. You saw a lot of this in the mid 1990s.

I use this scale only because, I now look at 1992 and say that as a lineup, just didn’t have enough meat. You had two pantheon guys, with Michaels not quite there yet and four hall of famers. After that it’s a bunch of jobbers or fan favorites. When you look at the early era, I would have to say 1990 had the best lineup. Hogan, Andre, Dibiase, Warrior, Piper, Rhodes, a coming of age Hart, Rude, Perfect, a lot of tag team guys. I count only one or two jobbers in the entire field (and those are Snuka and Koko, two WWE hall of famers).

More recently, I’d have to count 2001-02, only because of the multitude of names. However, because of title matches at the event you could not get all of the top stars in the rumble match. 2001’s match had Austin, the Rock, Taker, Kane, the Big Show, and JBL, but also had a lot of jobbers. 2002 had Austin, HHH, Angle and Taker, but didn’t have the Rock. So, when you include all the talent in one specific Rumble match, I will say 1990 with the years 2001-02 close behind (at least a lot closer than you have).
1992 is definately not the one and I dont think that chart has anything to do with deciding it I'm just going with star power without points and the Top 7 in order are:


I didnt doubt one minute that it had to be a Royal Rumble in the 2000's because after WCW and ECW were gone all the stars went to WWE except for a few so that right there automatically makes the most star studded Royal Rumble happening between 2002 and 2005

Now yes 1992 was a nice one as was some recent ones, but recent ones have nothing on the ones earlier in the past decade as lot of stars around during the InVasion angle are gone and they were stars of WWE, WCW, ECW. You just cant NOT pick a Royal Rumble that involved these stars because whether you acknowledge one promotions stars as such they still are big stars

Sandman, Tommy Dreamer, Taz in ECW for example


Booker T, DDP in WCW for example

so there's my Top 7 anyway, these are the most star studded Rumbles ever
I realize that you addressed that the HOF criterion weighs it in favor of the early Rumbles, and it shows that you gave this a lot of thought. But the fact that you included multiple HOF, weighted it so much more, and let individuals double (or even triple or quadruple) up on points for multiple HOFs weighs it way, way too far in favor of the early Rumbles.

For example, Bret Hart scored 45 points for the '88 Rumble. John Cena scored 5 points for the 2008 Rumble. Bret Hart is an all-time great worker and a big star at his peak, there is no denying, and honestly I'm not that big on Cena. But was Bret Hart in '88 worth nine times what Cena was in '08? Objectively, it's easy to see there is a flaw here.

I'm not gonna just tear you down without offering some suggestions, because I respect that fact that you actually took the time to figure all this out. I think the fairest way is to give a wrestler a point score for their position at the time of the Rumble (lower card, mid card, main event) and another score for their past or future accomplishments (world title, HOF). For the last part, just give points for the highest point value acheived; don't double up. Also, throw out the WWE HOF. There is no reason Koko B. Ware, who I enjoyed personally but was nowhere near a main eventer, should score more than twice as much (10 pts for HOF+1 for being a jobber=11pts) as a main eventer who has yet to be recognized by any HOFs (Rey Mysterio, Randy Orton, Chris Jericho, CM Punk, Kane, The Big Show in recent Rumbles, all just 5 pts.).
The best Royal Rumble i remember was a 60 man one in WCW called World War 3 in which Randy Savage won the world title by beating Hulk Hogan..and John Cena is no Randy Savage! John Cena would be more comparable to the Brooklyn Brawler..with just a little less charisma

the guy who thought that the best royal rumbles were in the 2000s because all the main wrestlers had nowhere else to go has totally flawed reasoning..all the best wrestlers retired or were made to look weak in favour of WWE's top 5 guys..and most of the new crop of wrestlers (developed since 2002) totally suck and are boring robots. Thus, the royal rumbles of this past decade suck. 1992 was the year of my personal favourite Royal Rumble.
The best Royal Rumble i remember was a 60 man one in WCW called World War 3 in which Randy Savage won the world title by beating Hulk Hogan..and John Cena is no Randy Savage! John Cena would be more comparable to the Brooklyn Brawler..with just a little less charisma

the guy who thought that the best royal rumbles were in the 2000s because all the main wrestlers had nowhere else to go has totally flawed reasoning..all the best wrestlers retired or were made to look weak in favour of WWE's top 5 guys..and most of the new crop of wrestlers (developed since 2002) totally suck and are boring robots. Thus, the royal rumbles of this past decade suck. 1992 was the year of my personal favourite Royal Rumble.

The WWIII Match isnt a Royal Rumble those are two completely different bouts with two completely different rules and processes. Just as the Battle Royal isnt the same as the Royal Rumble yet some people actually mix those two in as being the same for whatever reason

It was a great match, but hell, I'm just pointing that out.

And to reply to my view as flawed in reasoning it actually isnt. I've looked over the Order of Entry list for the Rumble matches and the ones with THE MOST stars were in the 2000's period. As I said before you may not see certain guys as stars in WCW, WWE or ECW that were there at the time, but they are undoubtedly stars and some... legends.

I gave 1992 credit, but I also look at the others before the 2000's and that's the only one that can really compete big time with the ones we had in the past decade

maybe 2 were low on star power this past decade but really most were good and we had returning legends and one even had a celebrity.

The more interesting Royal Rumbles were also in this past decade. Who can forget the EXTREME Royal Rumble of 2001 and Chyna entering the one in 2000, the Royal Rumble this year was great, the whole thing with Punk preaching in between eliminations

but back to star power.. I mentioned that every star didnt go to WWE like Sting for example, but most did go. And I also stated that it wasnt just the first rumble after they came it was between 2002 and 2005 and WWE DID get more stars over that time ranging from the nWo to Scott Steiner to Goldberg who I dont believe was in a rumble, to others

And really I think it's a good thing they had some stars come in later. Either way the 2000's definately had more star power as a result of WWE gaining stars (even ones YOU may not consider stars) in those years, they'll always be seen as stars and respected for their legacies in those two promotions

There were way more stars in WWE then than there are today or than there were before. There's no way you can prove otherwise after having 3 promotions have stars switch all around then when two collapse have the majority go to WWE while other big names come in later over the next few years and even have more ECW stars come in around 05/06, there's No Way

And lastly it's not about how you FEEL about those stars it's which rumble had the most star power. Your feelings of stars not being built to your liking or appearing as robots is irrelevant.
It's hard to quantify it. 1997 definitely had an incredible line up, with 8 world champions in the ring at once at one point, and Mil Mascaras. However, most of that was hitherto unfulfilled potential or old timers, so it's tough to calculate. I think this year's was a pretty big deal with 8 men that have main evented PPVs in the past year all in the match itself. The actual answer probably lies somewhere in the early 2000s, but I couldn't put my finger on when exactly. If you include the TNA Championship, 2002 had 12 former and future world champions, which is pretty star studded.

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