Which Rematch would you have liked to see for the WWE title?

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Pre-Show Stalwart
Ok guys over the years we have seen some classic mid-card matches and some non-title matches which have either stole the show or even made history so like the title says out of these matches which one would you have like to see headline a PPV and be for the WWE or World title.

Shawn Michaels vs Scott Hall
everyone knows their history from the first ladder match at WM10 and the rematch at Summerslam 1995 but it is a shame that these 2 never had a match for the WWE title they worked really well together and both men were awesome on the mic so the build up would of been great defernatly on any real fans list of a WWE title match that should of happened.

Randy Savage vs Ricky Steamboat
again a match that is considered to be the best match in WM history it set the bar for years to come, maybe with the right build up this match could of happened again for the WWE title.

Edge vs Christan
a feud which every fan has been waiting for since Christan came back a shame we will never see another feud between these 2 men.

Stone Cold vs Bret Hart
as far as I remember these 2 never had a match for the WWF title, their feud was the main feud at the end of 1996 - early 1997

so which match would you love to see.
i would have loved to see bret hart vs mr perfect for the wwf title. that would have been great. those two had excellent matches for IC title, they had incredible chemistry together. i dont think i ever saw a more perfect match than mr perfect vs bret hart. only match that comes close would be kurt angle vs chris benoit. perfect vs bret though for me
For me, it would be Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit....now, I know that they had a match for the WWE title at the Royal Rumble that Brock Lesnar won, but that match was a classic, as the ovation at the end of the match would show.

Neither of these two men could have a bad match, then, when you put them together, you knew you were gonna get a classic.
My first rematch that I would have liked to see is Shawn Michaels vs. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. I firmly believe if Michaels' back wasn't messed up, he could have put on an even greater performance for the title, and obviously in the rematch as well.

My next one is Bret Hart vs. Ric Flair. I know Flair was on his way back to WCW around the time he dropped the belt to Hart, but I would have liked to see a series of matches while both men were still in their prime.

The Ultimate Warrior vs. Hulk Hogan would have been an interesting rematch, depending upon how long Warrior held the title. I think, looking back on it, had the WrestleMania VI match happened in today's time, no doubt about it, there would have been a rematch, and even if Warrior had a pretty long title run, having a rematch at WrestleMania VII would have done pretty good, IMO.

Last rematch that I would have liked to seen for the WWE title is The Undertaker vs. Bret Hart after Summerslam 1997. I loved the way The Undertaker eased into his feud with Shawn Michaels after Shawn nailed him with the chair, which set into motion a series of events that paved the way for the Attitude Era (i.e. the first Hell In A Cell match and the debut of Kane), but having The Undertaker go against Bret Hart in a few rematches would have been outstanding, and perhaps would have kept Hart in the WWF, or even more so, disallowed the Montreal Screwjob from ever happening...Maybe lol
i would like to have seen triple h against shelton benjamin bc those guys have tore the house down several times. Sting and bret hart battle it out that would be awesome. the hardyz in a heavyweight title match. Undertaker and ultimate warrior.
I would have liked to have seen the Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels vs Stone Cold Steve Austin in 1998 if Michaels didn't have a hurt back. I would have also liked to have seen Bret the Hitman Hart vs. Mr. Perfect for the title and Shawn Michaels vs Razor Ramon for the title.
Pretty much everyone said it. HBK vs Steve Austin. HBK had a bad back and still put on a great performance at WrestleMania, but it could've been even better had he been 100%. All these years have passed by and we never did get that rematch did we? And they were in the WWE together how many times when HBK came back? o_O

Now a WWE Championship Match I would've loved to see is Benoit vs Jericho. The matches they had over the IC Title were classic and simply enjoyable to watch. Their feuds in 2000 and 2001 were so memorable. Great mic work, solid promos, and the matches were amazing. They had some awesome chemistry. I would've loved to see them go at it for the WWE Title. But alas......
Ultimate warrior vs honky tonk man:rolleyes: Seriously i would like to have seen Benoit Vs Angle for the WWE Title in a 2 out of 3 falls match!! Make it like three stages of hell match!! That would have been awesome you gotta admit
Mr. Perfect vs. Bret Hart and Stone Cold vs. HBK were very good choices. I think I'm going to have to go with Bret Hart vs. Roddy Piper from 'Mania VIII. Personally this is one of my favorite matches of all time. The show they put on was amazing and if they had 15 minutes more and for the World title, could've been spectacular.
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