Which Posters Do You Agree With The Most And The Least?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Alright, so over time on the forum, you begin to realize which posters you usually share the same ideas/opinions with and those whose opinions/ideas may differ from your own. No one shares the exact same ideology, but usually you will find others who you consider like-minded.

So the question is, which posters opinions do you usually share/agree with and which do you usually differ from/disagree with?

When thinking about the answer, consider all the sections of the forum. Who is it that you agree(disagree) with most in regards to wrestling, mma, movies, music, politics, and anything else that might be discussed on the forum.

And try to keep your answers honest and equal. If you name ten people who you most agree with who are mainly admins/mods and one you disagree with who isn't a notable poster, your going to look like a stooge. For you to disagree, the person should have a large body of work for it to be based upon. Btw, don't be offended if you someone disagrees with you. That's what the forum is for, heh. By disagree it might just mean having a different perspective.

Now I don't read the other parts of the forum much now a days so I only really have the past and prison to go on.

Agree With Most
It's Damn Real
SlyFox696 (Aside from Cena)
Gelgarin (Haven't disagreed with anything I've seen yet.)
Wicked Valentine's Menstrual Blood

Agree With Least
The Big Black Crock
Gaping Anus
Okay, I'll try this.

Posters I agree with mostly:

Uncle Sam

Posters I generally disagree with:
LSN( Mostly on issues related to wrestling. He is a good poster, though, its just a case of us thinking differently at times)
Nick( Again great poster. We just think differently.)
Dave( On some issues.)

And a whole bunch of noobs whom no one cares about. These are the only prominent posters that, I think, I have disagreed with at certain times.
Posters I agree with:


Posters I disagree with:

Ok posters I generally agree with.


Generally Disagree with although many great posters in here.
-Prodigal Anti-Lemming
-The Brain
-Bolf Mozzerela
I don't think there's a poster I constantly agree with, but, some more than others, obviously.

Agree With
The Brain

Disagree With
I don't think there's a poster I constantly agree with, but, some more than others, obviously.

Agree With
The Brain

Disagree With

It's interesting, Nate, Brain, Coco, and Sly are all posters I agree with very often too, but you are really the only poster I can think of that I disagree with regularly (though we've been starting to find some even ground lately).

Other posters I agree with often include Crock, Phatso, Uncle Sam, and NorCal.

Posters I often find myself disagreeing with include Nick, D-Man, SSC, and LSN. This doesn't mean I think these guys aren't very smart, quite the opposite, we just happen to disagree about a lot of things, from wrestling to movies to philosophy to video games.
Well for me it depends on the topic.. I mean, I may agree with someone almost always on say.. Wrestling. Then when it comes to sports, I may disagree with almost everything they say. Usually I agree with xfear, crock, and SSC though. Also agree with IDR on Hockey, unless it's on the topic of Sean Avery. Almost always disagree with SD, and last year I disagreed a lot with you jenks. Although you seemed to have calmed down a lot since then.
It's a mixed bag. I tend to disagree with everyone on something or another. For instance, I agree with Slyfox on just about everything to with wrestling, but not when it comes to moral or legal issues. Just like I agree with X on a lot of legal shit, but not too much with wrestling or sports. I think the one person I agree with the most is kb, or Coco when he's being serious. JGlass, Funkay, and Nick are folks I seem to split with a lot.

- Jack-Hammer, number one by far. I rarely disagree with the things he says, which given how often he posts, is quite a feat.
- KB
- Sam, we pretty much seem to have the same ideas on superstars and the show as a whole when it comes to Smackdown.
- Coco, serious coco of course.
- Myriad
- Nate
- Mustang Sally, WILD CARD.


- Sly
- xfear
- xoxo French Kiss xoxo, if anybody saw them or the recent prison thread, they'll know what I mean.
- LSN, as much as i respect him I do find myself disagreeing with him surprisingly often at times.
- TDigs
- Big Sexy, when he's around
I find myself agreeing with Crock a lot on wrestling matters, and I disagree with Gelgarin on quite a few things, but really it varies from post to post.
I think I can pinpoint a few contemporary wrestling issues that separate who I agree and disagree with.

1) Do you like Cena?
2) Do you like Rey Mysterio?
3) How would you evaluate Randy Orton as a superstar?
4) How do you feel about Triple H?
5) Who was better during this year's Wrestlemania season, John Cena or The Rock?
I think I can pinpoint a few contemporary wrestling issues that separate who I agree and disagree with.

1) Do you like Cena?
2) Do you like Rey Mysterio?
3) How would you evaluate Randy Orton as a superstar?
4) How do you feel about Triple H?
5) Who was better during this year's Wrestlemania season, John Cena or The Rock?
1) yes
2) meh
3) Good in ring bad on the mic
4) He's good but needed more in a backstage role.
5) Cena

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