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Which One Sounds More Enticing?: An American Psycho Remake Or Top Gun 2?

Which Film Sounds More Enticing?

  • The American Psycho remake

  • Top Gun 2

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Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member
Hollywood's desperation for new ideas continues, and here's more proof:

File this one under "who cares"...

Lionsgate is moving forward with a new American Psycho with Noble Jones tapped to "adapt a new version" based on the Bret Easton-Ellis novel, reports Variety. A new version/adaption implies a reboot of the 2000 film directed by Mary Harron, which starred Christian Bale as a wealthy New York investment banking executive who hides his alternate psychopathic ego from his co-workers and friends as he escalates deeper into his illogical, gratuitous fantasies.

The project is in development, which means it could be years before anything comes into fruition. But let's be clear, nobody will be better than Bale, and the original is far from outdated. It'll be interesting to see what Lionsgate has up their sleeve.

Lionsgate also released the direct-to-video sequel American Psycho II: All American Girl starring Mila Kunis in 2002.

*Update via Deadline 11:26AM PST: "His take was to tap the Bret Easton Ellis novel and turn it into a down and dirty new version that imagines how yuppie serial killer Patrick Bateman would fare in New York today, factoring in how the world has changed since the 2000 film that starred Christian Bale."


Eh, this doesn't sound like good news. American Psycho would land on my long list of unnecessary remakes. American Psycho probably won't draw large numbers at the box office, because the sick, violent, and disturbing nature of this film won't appeal to too many people, and moviegoers won't flock in large numbers to see this one. Also, I strongly agree with the article on the "outdated" stuff. This film isn't outdated in any way, fans aren't begging for a remake, and the idea of an American Psycho remake doesn't sound too exciting. And who could possibly top Bale's performance in the original film? Christian Bale's performance was outstanding and memorable, and he really did set a high standard for the Patrick Bateman character. Oh, and please avoid American Psycho II, if you haven't seen it. Don't let the curiosity and urge for another American Psycho film overcome you. All American Girl is pretty fucking terrible in every way. It's an awful film. Mila Kunis is not believable as a killer, and her delightful and unhinged psychotic murderer character is just atrocious.

And Tom Cruise is looking to stir up some nostalgia with another Top Gun film:

"We're working on it."

That's the official word on "Top Gun 2," straight from the star himself, Tom Cruise, who spoke with MTV News' Josh Horowitz during an event in Dubai for

In the fourth "M:I" movie, Cruise returns as castoff secret agent Ethan Hunt — the only character he has ever revisited during his decades-long career. The question remains: Will he ever don the Navy jumpsuit again and hop into a cockpit as Maverick?

A little more than a year ago, the Internet went abuzz with rumors about Cruise, director Tony Scott and producer Jerry Bruckheimer reuniting for a potential "Top Gun" sequel. Scott confirmed he would be directing, but Cruise's involvement remained a mystery.

When Christopher McQuarrie, the writer of "The Usual Suspects" and the man hired to pen the script for "Top Gun 2," said Maverick would be the lead for the follow-up, all engines seemed go. But then things went quiet. As the major players moved on to other projects — including "One Shot," directed by McQuarrie and starring Cruise — sequel talk died down.

When Horowitz sat down with Cruise in Dubai, the actor updated the project's status and shed new light on the script. "I don't think Chris [McQuarrie] is going to write it," Cruise said. "Chris is directing 'One Shot' right now, which I'm acting. We've got to go back in January and finish it."

With McQuarrie out, that leaves Cruise, Scott and Bruckheimer as the only major players left with the project, but Cruise insists he could still do a sequel.

"I said to Tony I want to make another movie with him. He and I haven't made a film since 'Days of Thunder,' " Cruise said. "Tony and I and Jerry, we never thought that we would do it again. Then they started to come to us with these ideas of where it is now. I thought, 'Wow, that would be ... what we could do now.' "

For Cruise, the two key elements to a sequel would be a worthy script and the freedom to make the movie as they did in 1986. "I hope we can figure this out to go do it again," he said. "If we can find a story that we all want to do, we all want to make a film that is in the same kind of tone as the other one and shoot it in the same way as we shot 'Top Gun.' "


I've always thought Top Gun was somewhat overrated as a cult classic, but it's still an enjoyable film. Top Gun can be a fun film, and Cruise does provide an enjoyable performance. MI: 4 might be the start of a resurgence for Tom Cruise's career, and a future Top Gun sequel could provide an extra spark, because another Top Gun film would draw some nice sized crowds to theaters.

Top Gun 2 is still has a ton of work left, and nothing is official just yet, but the American Psycho remake WILL happen.

If had to chose between the two, I would pick Top Gun 2. The idea of another Top Gun film just sounds fun, and Tom Cruise will return as the lead man, so that's always a plus. Tom Cruise can still deliver on the acting side of things, and technology has advanced a lot since 1986, so this film should feature some pretty impressive special effects.

I usually try to have an open mind, when it comes to remakes or reboots, but an American Psycho remake? Really? This film wasn't a box office smash, and this type of film will only appeal to a particular fanbase. American Psycho does have that "one of a kind feeling" and another film probably won't come close to delivering the proper tribute, or it won't measure up to the original in any way. Seriously, who could top Bale's performance? As of right now, I'm strongly against the new American Psycho film, but I might give this one a try in the future.

With all that said, which film sounds more enticing? The American Psycho remake or the potential Top Gun sequel?
Can we just not do either, please? I liked American Psycho and I love Top Gun but there is absolutely no need to do anything more with either of these movies. Both movies stand out on their own without need for any tweaks or additions of any kind, when you think of movies like Star Wars or Indiana Jones you think those are movies that are meant to go on but neither of these ideas make sense to me. I'd rather see Top Gun 2 just because I think it would be interesting but I doubt it would be good, I can just picture old, chubby Tom Cruise getting into a jet looking like a mini Rosie O'Donnel. :disappointed:
Given how extreme horrors have gone since American Psycho, I really can't see how this could have the shock factor of the original. My other issue would be Bateman as middle aged, a large part of his 'potency' was down to the fact that he was a young man - 40 something would put him in more of a Hannibal Lecter mold.

Amazingly, Top Gun 2 would suffer for exactly the same reason. The original was so popular because it was all about young male bravado (to the extent that there are very strong homo-erotic undertones). Unless 'Maverick' is going to be a 'Viper' style support character, it is hard to imagine this being any good.

Like JW said, it's hard to get excited for either but, on the grounds Cruise isn't the focus, I'd say TG2 might at least have a chance. The American Psycho remake should actually blow worse than American Psycho 2 and those are words I never expecting to say... and just on that particular steaming pile - Bateman was killed, so I take it they're using the 'It's crap, so it never happened' defense :rolleyes:.
If I had to pick one over the other I would say Top Gun 2. Don't get me wrong, I think the world would be better off with neither of them getting made but I have to admit, I love the original Top Gun movie and you could go many different avenues with a second Top Gun movie.

Just with the ending of the 1st one the most likely scenario is to have a new fighter pilot go to Top Gun with Maverick being the teacher (since they established that already in the ending of the first movies).

Top Gun 2 is a movie that could be mindless fun watching it in the theatres, American Psycho (remake) has almost no chance of being good, I honestly liked Christian Bale in the 1st one so why and remake it, its not like the movie is a classic by any means. There's a big difference between making a Halloween remake over an American Psycho remake. The Top Gun 2 train has pretty much sailed but the new Footloose is pretty good, because of that Top Gun 2 would have a shot at being good as well.
I am completely disgusted at the thought of an American Psycho remake. It's barely been ten years since the film came out for fuck's sake, and they already want to remake it? Are you fucking kidding me?

Who on this planet Earth is going to play Patrick Bateman better than Christian Bale did? Who will capture the 80's yuppie scene better than Mary Harron? And she did it with a small budget. Why fuck with her masterpiece? Was the film perfect? No, but it was as good as we're going to get out of the book, so why re-adapt it already? It makes zero sense whatsoever. There are plenty of intriguing serial killer stories out there (both fiction and non-fiction) that have yet to be touched for cinema, why not put focus and energy into those? Jesus this shit really pisses me off.

As far as a Top Guy sequel... don't care. If they make it I'll watch it and will most likely enjoy it. I'd rather a sequel than a remake of the original, I know that much.
Both films are fantastic, but American Psycho is a classic and should never be touched again. It payed homage to the book very well, while also establishing itself as a milestone in the horror genre. No one will ever be able to live up to the role Christian Bale performed. That said, Top Gun 2 really shouldn't be made either. The ship has sailed on that. Had a sequel been made within 5 years of the original then maybe I'd want to see it, but seeing a past his prime Tom Cruise and a bloated Val Kilmer has no appeal to me. And I love Kilmer. Neither movie should be touched, but push come to shove I'd rather see Top Gun 2.
I gotta go with Top Gun 2 here. I usually am not all too interested in seeing remakes. I would rather see something new that sucks instead of a remake, no matter how classic the first is. Let older titles live in the past and our memories where they belong, people want to see something new instead of the same old stuff all the time. American Psycho isn't even close to the top of the list when it comes to films I'd want to see remade. Top Gun 2 gets my vote because not only would it be something somewhat new but it would also be a sequel to one of my favorite films. I'd see it for that reason alone, regardless of how bad it might end up being.

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