Which of todays wrestler would suit in heel stable like NWO?

Which of todays WWE wrestler would suit in a heel stable like NWO?

  • Seth Rollins

  • Dean Ambrose

  • Heel John Cena

  • Brock Lesnar

  • Randy Orton

  • Dolph Ziggler

  • Roman Reigns

  • Daniel Bryan

  • CM Punk

  • Other(name)

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Which of todays wrestler has the "it factor" to suit in a heel stable? Like NWO.

Which of todays wrestlers can work as great heels in your opinion?

You can vote on more than one guy.

Who are worthy the colors?

I think Seth would be a natural leader of a group.

I think Ambrose would suit, a perfect member of a group.


A Daniel Bryan heel turn when he return. Can you imagine the fans in totally shock right there.

I think if Punk return in nWo it could be the biggest thing in many years.




Heel John Cena and Ambrose would be great from what I can only assume they would be like. :P
Seth Rollins is a great coward champion but he would be nothing more than a B rated player in a new formation of that group. In order for a New World Order 2.0 to work in 2015 you would need to put in it 'older established stars' and guys who need to be presented in the short term to build up the future for the long term. Guys who rarely lose like Triple H, Big Show, Kane, Randy Orton, Bautista, John Cena and (guys from the outside) Samoa Joe and Kurt Angle would all make sense. A guy as big as Cena would have to be champ to make it work, not some younger emerging star like an Ambrose or a Rollins. Henning's son, Dibiase's son, Dusty's son (all sons of former NWOers) would all make sense as mid carder foot soldiers that protect the bigger names. I would put in this group up and comer new guys from NXT like Kevin Owens or outsider TNA guys before guys like Ambrose, Rollins, Reigns, Lesnar, Ziggler, Bryan. These guys would have to represent WWE. They would be the guys who would get hugely over who WWE are trying to push long term.
Of the names listed, I could see Daniel Bryan (Scott Hall) and CM Punk (Kevin Nash) starting the new New World Order. Then for the surprise 3rd man, I could see John Cena (Hulk Hogan) turning on the WWE Universe and joining the new nWo. Later on, I could see Paul Heyman (Ted DiBiase) and Brock Lesnar (Big Show) joining, followed by Dolph Ziggler (Syxx), and finally Randy Orton (Macho Man Randy Savage).


I'd keep the Shield away from this...or have the reunite against the nnWo. I could see John Cena bringing back the Big Gold Belt...and spray painting it...

John Cena should be the leader, his goal, he wants to have more world championship reigns than Ric Flair. His two teammates, Samoa Joe and Kevin Owens. Two stars that made names for themselves outside of the WWE. Chasing after both the faces and Seth with the WWE title. They bully the authority and try to take out anyone who gets a title shot other than Cena.

Targeting Ric Flair means they're attacking traditions like the nWo did. It also means they're targeting a respected legend, making it easier to be a heel stable. At the same time they're trying to bury the younger talent, pissing off the IWC, who would be quite likely to cheer a Cena heel turn in other circumstances.
Heel Cena, Ambrose and Reigns would be my nWo. Cena probably the closet thing to Hogan and we already know he's a good heel. Ambrose got charisma like Hall. Reigns is probably the closest thing to Kevin Nash and he plays great heel too.
It's not a very intricate question and I've a pretty obvious answer. Reunite The Shield and there's your new NWO. They really worked so well as a heel and they can get connected to the crowd pretty easily.

The crowd enjoyed them. Didn't we hear the roar from the crowd during the Triple Powerbomb spot at the Payback? And the crowd booed immediately when Seth Rollins hugged them. They're natural in attracting heel heat. That's why they're the new NWO o we don't need another.

my choice is john cena. he is no 1 choice for hulk role. 2nd choice is Bryan. how about that ziggler and ambrose make a tag team and turn down to Bryan for always ruined their opportunity. at last cena come for save and attack Bryan.
Wasn't the whole crack with the nWo that pretty much everybody was a member by the end of their run? Kofi Kingston could've been nWo. Heath Slater could've been nWo. To my knowledge, it wasn't an exclusive group of guys. I'd say Rollins because he's the top heel in WWE right now but really, I imagine there would've been spots for anybody on the current roster.
I seem to be the only one who thinks that John Cena wouldn't be a good fit for a new NWO. I'm sure Cena will make a good heel and hopefully we see it if Reigns takes off or someone else solidifies themselves. The reason is that even as a heel I don't think John Cena would be a bad boy renegade or anything like that. He wouldn't care to destroy everything in his path. I think the heel Cena would go back to the "ruthless aggression" that he debuted with against Kurt Angle.

My choices for the NWO are:

1) Roman Reigns as the leader or top dog. His calm, cool and collected character would be a good one for a group like this. He'd be the mastermind but also the badass who would pick his time to destroy whatever he'd want.

2) Dolph Ziggler would be a member also. Dolphs always had that loud mouth character and I think it would work well in an NWOesque group.

3) Somewhere down the line I could see Daniel Bryan joining the group in a manner similar to HBK joining them.

4) I think I'd have Bram jump ship to WWE if this group ever formed. He seems like such a perfect fit to me.

The people who I'd have working as foils for this group would be Dean Ambrose, Kevin Steen, Sami Zayn and Randy Orton.
Just because it is the new nwo dosnt mean they can't be their own type of characters and heels,personally I feel like ziggler and ryback would be great outside type of heels.
I would say a heel John Cena would be perfect as the groups world champion with maybe Randy Orton, The Miz, Roman Reigns, Jerry Lawler as heel comentator and Shane Mcmahon returning to take back power of the WWE as the groups leader.
There is a difference between working heel and doing what the nWo did. nWo wasn't just about Hogan turning heel, it was about perception. Even though Nash and Hall had worked elsewhere, they were identified as WWF guys just like Hogan. That is what made the nWo work - not just that they turned heel but because these guys were so identified with WWF that when it happened, you could actually start to think that maybe they were really there to take down WCW since it didn't make sense otherwise. I mean, who would have ever thought Hogan would leave WWF? In that respect, I don't think there is anyone who would work now since really there is no one who is identified with one company that won't go work with another. You will never see Cena go to ROH or TNA and no one coming in will have that impact since they will ignore anyone's TNA history and ROH isn't looked at as a threat.

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