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Which Modern Day WWE Superstars Evolution Have You Enjoyed The Most?

Big Papa Santo

Ryder? I barely even know her!
Mine has to be The Miz. When he debuted as Mike "The Miz" Mizarin everyone looked down on him for being some Reality star-turned wrestler wanna-be, and i'll admit, he was horrendous at the beginning. I mean he was forgetting his line's constantly during the 2004 diva search. But then, one of the company's greatest modern heel's debuted. Dropping his real name and simply going by "The Miz" Miz dominated on Smackdown with a short-lived undefeated streak before moving to ECW and starting one of the most entertaining thrown together tag teams of all time, The Miz & John Morrison. They captured the WWE Tag Team Titles defeating the team of MVP & Matt Hardy and holding on to the belts for a staggering 9 months before dropping the titles to the Edgeheads in 2008, but they weren't done yet, the dynamic tag-team would also gain the World Tag Team Championship before losing it to the Colon Brothers in a WWE tag team title and World Tag Team title unification match at the 25th anniversary of Wrestlemania. The draft eventually split them up, drafting The Miz to Raw and Morrison to Smackdown, but instead of making The Miz irrelevant, this turned out to be the thing that would be catapaulting Mizarian to the next level in his career. With a new arrogant gimmick, he debuted on Raw, quickly making his presence known and capturing such titles as the US Title, and the Unified Tag Titles with The Big Show along the way. But his biggest break came when he won the WWE Championship after cashing in his Money In The Bank Briefcase afterwhich he held the title for 6 months. The Miz is living proof that with a little hard-work, people can change for the better.
Whose Evolution have you most enjoyed?
What was the turning point in their evolution?
I'm gonna go with CM Punk.

He started off as a small time high-flyer on ECW. He had an original gimmick that I, as well as many others, instantly gravitated to. He had the "it factor" but he was undersized. In WWE that's a big thing.

He went on to capture the ECW title, tag team titles, IC title, World heavyweight title, and the WWE title, as well as two money in the bank matches(with two successful cash ins) and multiple slammy awards.

His gimmicks ranged from straight edge role model to straight edge cult leader. From there he lead the Nexus (into the ground). And now he is arguably WWE's most popular superstar.

This man can do it all, and I eagerly await what he does next.
R-Truth, hands down. I love how far Miz and Punk have come, but R-Truth really made the biggest strides in my opinion. The 'Little Jimmy' promos were priceless and he was the best loveable heel WWE has had in a long, long time.
I remember John Cena in his baby blue trunks during his first year or so. I think he actually teamed with Val Venis at one point. I had actually recognized him from that odd reality paintball hunter show that was on UPN for a season, so I was curious how they were gonna use the guy. I missed the Halloween episode that year but I remember reading about Cena in a Vanilla Ice costume rapping as a joke. The person doing the Raw review made a point about how she thought it was the first time she ever saw John Cena with a personality.

I stopped watching wrestling for a while after this, next thing I know I'm working in a CD store and I come across a John Cena rap album with a world title on the cover. Needless to say I had missed a lot in those two years.

I liked missing some time in wrestling only to come back to find someone that was going no where had become the biggest star in the WWE. It would be like if you stopped watching wrestling today, and when you came back Alex Riley was a seven time world champion and had brought Stone Cold out of retirement for a Wrestlemania match.
Lol at Miz... Miz is the same exact character as he always was, just change shorts to tights and "Hoo-Rah" to "I'm Awesome" and it's the same exact package.

My answer would have to be Mark Henry. In under a year he went from a pointless tag team jobber to one of the better champions Smackdown has seen in a long time.
Well if Triple H counts then I liked his evolution from his old "blue blood" character. He was small in stature compared to many of the guys at the time but had great in-ring ability. His character was stale, but then he brought Chyna in and it gave him that extra edge to keep him interesting. He started to come into his own in 1998 and I really liked his 5 memebr DX better than the 3-4 member led by HBK. Then come late 99-early 2000 he blew up. New look, new attitude. I was a huge DX fan and therefore Triple H was one of my favorites but I wouldn't have liked to see the title around his waste. But he worked his character and his physique and become IMO a very believable champ and one of the greatest heels in the history of WWE.
Then there's CM Punk..he cut his hair and said a few "edgy" things and sold a lot of shirts. I suppose I like that evolution as well.
Mark Henry Hands down. He started off with the Nation of Domination as just a witness to the rise of The Rock. His next major angle was Sexual chocolate and the weird China/ Mae Young story. He continued to be thrown into random tag teams. Now he is the most feared champion. He has always been the Worlds Strongest Man. But there is a difference in angle... in attitude... in direction. He has played the Jobber\. Played as a tag team partner. Dabbled in being a Face. Done the whole "funny weird" story line. And now he is a Legit Champion. I also like the evolution of Randy Orton.
CM Punk hands down he went from ROH and TNA to WWE people call Bryan Danielson an '' Internet Darling '' don't get me wrong I like him he's a great wrestler but CM Punk has it he came to the WWE and be came a bigger star then he was in ROH and TNA. His promos are top notch his heel gimmick was great He was a complete asshole when he was a heel but when he did his shoot promo on the ramp that was the greatest promo I have EVER seen he was telling the truth about a lot of stuff I think that's why a lot of people like him so much because he speaks the truth on a lot of things.
His promos are top notch his heel gimmick was great He was a complete asshole when he was a heel but when he did his shoot promo on the ramp that was the greatest promo I have EVER seen he was telling the truth about a lot of stuff I think that's why a lot of people like him so much because he speaks the truth on a lot of things.

I understand that everyone is entitled to their own opinions....but really? Top notch promos? Sure he's good, he's comfy with the mic and doesn't fumble too much but top notch? So if we took the best promos and compared them to CM Punk's they are on an equal level? If you feel that way then that's as fair of an opinion as anyone else's. But I think words like "top-notch", "great", "best in the world", etc are thrown around too much. Not bashing you or punk. Personally I believe he is the all around best active superstar on Raw(and one of my top favs next to ADR) now but he is certainly far from top notch or best in the world. Why do I care about people over-crediting superstars? I don't. What I am concerned with is that in this new social media driven generation of WWE where the IWC's opinions have a slight impact on creative decision making. With so many people giving an abundance of credit to their favorites and the superstars who are currently doing well in their careers it lowers the bar. CM Punk himself said that wrestling used to be fun and as fans we can't pretend that the WWE hasn't gone to crap since it's better days(late 90s early 2000s). However the WWE can get away with putting out an inferior product for two reasons: one being that there is no threat to run them out of business to get their gears turning. Secondly because when they are looking at what people have to say about their superstars and angles, we give them too much credit. In reality we all no that CM Punk is no Steve Austin. Not even close IMO. Cena is no Rock(obviously). Saying that a superstar is the new "so and so" only holds them to a certain standard which can hurt them(I see posts all the time about how much better SCSA or Rock were than Punk and Cena) and everything they do has to be compared to something that they shouldn't be compared to. In addition it keeps creative in their comfort zone.

That being said. Punk's evolution has been an interesting one. He is a hard worker for sure and definitely has improved a lot. I thought he was a decent mid carder years back and was never really too excited about him. I never saw him as a main eventer until his feud with Cena when he took over Nexus. Then he was on a steady rise up to the "shoot" promo which was one of the best this year and got me excited about Raw again. He did very well. I think he has a long way to go still if he's going to live up to his praise. I want to see him go further and not be stuck in his current position due to creative thinking they got it right(cuz they didnt.)
I understand that everyone is entitled to their own opinions....but really? Top notch promos? Sure he's good, he's comfy with the mic and doesn't fumble too much but top notch? So if we took the best promos and compared them to CM Punk's they are on an equal level? If you feel that way then that's as fair of an opinion as anyone else's. But I think words like "top-notch", "great", "best in the world", etc are thrown around too much. Not bashing you or punk. Personally I believe he is the all around best active superstar on Raw(and one of my top favs next to ADR) now but he is certainly far from top notch or best in the world. Why do I care about people over-crediting superstars? I don't. What I am concerned with is that in this new social media driven generation of WWE where the IWC's opinions have a slight impact on creative decision making. With so many people giving an abundance of credit to their favorites and the superstars who are currently doing well in their careers it lowers the bar. CM Punk himself said that wrestling used to be fun and as fans we can't pretend that the WWE hasn't gone to crap since it's better days(late 90s early 2000s). However the WWE can get away with putting out an inferior product for two reasons: one being that there is no threat to run them out of business to get their gears turning. Secondly because when they are looking at what people have to say about their superstars and angles, we give them too much credit. In reality we all no that CM Punk is no Steve Austin. Not even close IMO. Cena is no Rock(obviously). Saying that a superstar is the new "so and so" only holds them to a certain standard which can hurt them(I see posts all the time about how much better SCSA or Rock were than Punk and Cena) and everything they do has to be compared to something that they shouldn't be compared to. In addition it keeps creative in their comfort zone.

That being said. Punk's evolution has been an interesting one. He is a hard worker for sure and definitely has improved a lot. I thought he was a decent mid carder years back and was never really too excited about him. I never saw him as a main eventer until his feud with Cena when he took over Nexus. Then he was on a steady rise up to the "shoot" promo which was one of the best this year and got me excited about Raw again. He did very well. I think he has a long way to go still if he's going to live up to his praise. I want to see him go further and not be stuck in his current position due to creative thinking they got it right(cuz they didnt.)
Rock and SCSA also didn't have the PG restriction. If Bret hart had killed his whole family, I doubt we'd know the Rock as "the most electrifying man in sports entertainment" we'd be going 'remember that doofy ass rocky Maivia guy?'

Which brings me to my favorite evolution, John cena. He has evolved to fit what the WWE is doing. Be a great company man, for whatever reason, is frowned upon by you guys, but I think it's neat. You can look at cena's character, and know exactly when the WWE is trying to do. He has embodied the WWE's philosophy.

He was a ripped ass angry guy at first in the post tude (ruthless aggression to some of you) era. He was a rapper on Smackdown when they were going for a different audience than Raw. Then he was the all american good guy. Now he's a guy who admits the audience isn't uniform and works both sides.

Cena got over with and without a PG restriction. I own no Cena merchandise but you have to respect how much he has adapted his work to what the WWE has wanted him to do. Personal opinions aside (I know that's incredibly difficult if not impossible for most of you).
Rock and SCSA also didn't have the PG restriction. If Bret hart had killed his whole family, I doubt we'd know the Rock as "the most electrifying man in sports entertainment" we'd be going 'remember that doofy ass rocky Maivia guy?'

He was Rocky Maivia in early 1997 and later 97 became The Rock and turned heel with The Nation f Domination. It was rated PG. Steve Austin's push started in 96 after KOTR and ran throughout all of 97 until he was extremely over by early 98. The rating was still PG. The Rock's PG restriction doesn't hurt him now either. Not denying you you're opinion of Cena evolving, because he has a lot. Just pointing out that WWE didn't go tv14 until well into the 90s.
He was Rocky Maivia in early 1997 and later 97 became The Rock and turned heel with The Nation f Domination. It was rated PG. Steve Austin's push started in 96 after KOTR and ran throughout all of 97 until he was extremely over by early 98. The rating was still PG. The Rock's PG restriction doesn't hurt him now either. Not denying you you're opinion of Cena evolving, because he has a lot. Just pointing out that WWE didn't go tv14 until well into the 90s.
They were going towards a trash tv style of programming though. That's my point. John Cena is told "you can't do any of this stuff because of the shitstorm we'll get" Rock was told "yea, that's a little crazy, but say it, maybe they'll like it".

If you are told to paint something, but only given 3 colors, it's harder than if you're given 10. Cena has succeeded with both.
I agree with you on the first part TWJC: The Beginning. As for the second part I can't agree with your last statement. Cena hasn't succeeded during both. He wasn't there in the attitude era and wasn't very over in the beginning of his career where the attitude era was being phased out. I do agree about it being harder to paint with only 3 colors which is IMO part of why superstars aren't reaching full potential. But that's why I picked Triple H for mine because he started during a "10 color" era if u will. It is easier with 10 to be interesting and develop yourself, but it's harder to set yourself apart as a star when everyone else had their 10 colors too. It was more competitive is all I'm saying.

On a side note a lot of painters start with 3 colors(r,b,y) and make the colors they need from mixing them. While I might come off as a smart ass here(partially because I am), I say this because I would like to see the current talent be able to mix their "3 colors" and add some more depth to their characters.
I agree with you on the first part TWJC: The Beginning. As for the second part I can't agree with your last statement. Cena hasn't succeeded during both. He wasn't there in the attitude era and wasn't very over in the beginning of his career where the attitude era was being phased out. I do agree about it being harder to paint with only 3 colors which is IMO part of why superstars aren't reaching full potential. But that's why I picked Triple H for mine because he started during a "10 color" era if u will. It is easier with 10 to be interesting and develop yourself, but it's harder to set yourself apart as a star when everyone else had their 10 colors too. It was more competitive is all I'm saying.

On a side note a lot of painters start with 3 colors(r,b,y) and make the colors they need from mixing them. While I might come off as a smart ass here(partially because I am), I say this because I would like to see the current talent be able to mix their "3 colors" and add some more depth to their characters.
Characters today have more depth than in the tude era. Punk and Cena are both actually fairly complex if you look into it. What I mean by more colors is that they can do things that get cheap pops. drinking beer is a cheap pop. Blading and taking unprotected chair shots is a cheap pop. Showing tits is a cheap pop.

The attitude era wasnt' sophisticated at all, actually is was really dumbed down. Not much depth. A japanese guy wants to cut off a porn star's dick because he fucked his sister. A pimp dances around with a rapper and a bunch of hoes. Al Snow and Hardcore holly hit each other with props for 20 minutes and end up by a river. Shit wasn't complex, no depth, just dumb trash tv.

A lot of fans on here get mad when I say attitude era fans were white trash but that's what they were. ask any normal human being, they'll tell you (some still think it's trash TV), it's geared towards dumb white trash.

You can't tell me that A)this guy isn't white trash and B) he wasn't inspired by the attitude era. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxpomasskPQ
Dolph Ziggler.

He started as a loser jobber, shaking everyone's hands, announcing "I'm Dolph Ziggler."


Now, he owns the ring. He has improved consistently throughout the year. He's been great in the ring for awhile, but his character is really coming into it's own as of late. He has a certain swagger when he comes to the ring now, and he's doing wonders for the U.S. title.

Props to Ziggler. I hope he dumps Vickie soon. Get with someone hot, Dolph!
Triple- H - From being blueblood Hunter Hearst Helmsley to being "The Game" Triple - H. HHH has done it all. Triple H is the only man in WWE history to become a Grand Slam Champion and to win both a King of the Ring tournament and the Royal Rumble Match. H
HH led two of the Greatest stables in the history of Professional Wrestling - DX and Evolution.

From amazing promos to great matches HHH does it all. HHH is the most dynamic Superstar in WWE.

The Turning point in the evolution of HHH was when Shawn Michaels left in 1998 because of the back injury and HHH did it all on his own to rise to the top.
Cody freakin' Rhodes!

This low man from legacy has gone to a horrible (But perfectly executed) Pretty boy gimmick to the twisted and deformed monster to this this newest gimmick of being a cynical asshole who claims to see how things really are (And not in a conspiracy theory sort of way! :wtf: ). I must say he may not be my favorite but damn has he evolved! chalk one up for darwin!
I'd say that the most impressive evolution of a wwe superstar has to be Santino Marella. He's gone from being a jobbing "funny man" with terrible ring skills to an occasional jobbing "funny man" with terrible ring skills. Class

by the way, prior to The Cobra, did he even have a finisher?
I've enjoyed two very much for different reasons.

John Cena
He has run the gamut, for sure. He went from generic no-name, to rapper who said and did some controversial stuff, to soldier, to all around good guy, to our currently conflicted man. His character's become so complex, and I rather like that. He's suffered from a few setbacks, he's far from perfect, and the writers have dropped the ball a lot, but he's still going. I don't know about anyone else, but he's given me a lot of good moments throughout his career. He isn't my favorite wrestler, but he's definitely high up on the list.

Dolph Ziggler
First off, he's a former Spirit Squad member. Second, a name that idiotic should've ended him almost immediately. "A jobber name for a jobber guy," I thought. Then the goofy vest and shorts ensemble. Then on top of all that the greased back bleach blonde hair. With all that against him, he shouldn't have gotten anywhere. Now I am ashamed that I didn't notice his potential sooner than I did. His in-ring skills have made me a believer, and he's had great matches against main event level guys. He's definitely grown more confident as a wrestler and a character, and I look forward to where he'll go next.
Honestly, gotta go with Ryder. Before everyone bashes me for being a mark etc, think about it. In 2007, he was in a tag team with Curt Hawkins, looked really bland. 2008- his presence in La Familia with the world champ, Edge, got him a lot of time in front of the camera. 2009- drafted to ECW.....but- he gets a gimmick, and a look. Both which he fits perfectly. Not quite successful in ECW, comes close to its title a few times, but never gets it.

2010- goes further down the drain. Squash matches, demoted to Superstars, scarce wins.
2011- Z True Long Island story.Thousands of views per episode, and gradually pushes Ryder up the ladder. Superstars wins, appearances on Raw and Smackdown, position as (kayfabe) Assistant GM of Smackdown. Wins over US champ, PPV appearances, a feud! LOUD chants, especially in MSG. Match with John Cena, main eventing Raw. Now, tell me that's not an evolution!
I have two favorites that have improved in-ring and cutting promos. Ziggler & Rhodes. Ziggler went from being a cheerleader to the U.S. Champion and has held onto it and at times pulling double duty in PPV's. And as Dr. Shades said Rhodes went from being the low man from legacy, gone to a horrible but perfectly executed Pretty boy gimmick to the twisted deformed monster to his newest gimmick of being a cynical asshole who claims to see how things really are. Both these wrestlers have evolved and I must say that I see a very big main events in their futures!

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