Which member of Nexus will have the better career

Which Member of Nexus will have the better career?

  • Wade Barret

  • David Otunga

  • Micheal Tarver

  • Skip Sheffield

  • Darren Young

  • Heath Slater

  • Justin Gabriel

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Wade Barrett and David Otunga are my two favorite members of Nexus. I loved their work in NXT Season 1, and I was happy in the end when it came down to them. They are both solid in the ring and are awesome on the mic. I like Otunga's cocky attitude, and I honestly believed his "A-List" gimmick, unlike when MNM tried to pull it off years ago. Wade Barrett was the guy I thought I was going to hate at the very beginning. It takes a lot for a big guy to impress me, because let's face it, the giants are usually the worst in the ring. But Barrett is a huge guy that is also in great shape and isn't a monster. He's great on the mic, and with some more experience he could be a great in-ring worker. He's definitely a good brawler, and who knows what a Cena vs. Barrett match will hold in the future. It could actually be quite good. So my vote for the best would have to be between one of those two guys. Not much is known about them from a backstage perspective, but I think if they can stay healthy and not get themselves into trouble, they'll both have great careers. Honestly, I look at Barrett and think "finally, a great English superstar" and I look at Otunga and think "Batista...but better". Now, who do I think is going to have the better career out of the two of them... Man, I would actually have to say Otunga. For right now, I love Nexus, but I can't wait for singles careers, because I want to see these guys tear it up. The future is bright for both of them. I pick Otunga because I think he's more versatile. All 7 of them have sort of cemented their place as heels for right now, but I actually think Otunga has the charisma to pull off being a top face, and I would love to see the two of them have a feud after the inevitable implosion of the Nexus.

Now... I know this isn't exactly a part of the threat. But I don't want to go through the trouble of making the exact opposite thread when I could just talk about it on here. But as for who I think is going to have the worst career... Well, I really hope it's Darren Young. Yeah, the guy looks like the black John Cena, but that's probably what got him hired. I think once you zoom in on him he looks ridiculous, and I can't stand his voice. Seriously, the body-to-voice contradiction is bigger than Bobby Lashley. I just do not like him. Heath Slater is another guy that I just don't like the look of. I hate to judge purely based on looks, but it's them and Daniel Bryan. Except that WWE actually did a good job making me hate him, by putting him at 10-0 and having Michael Cole constantly push his face in the dirt. And because I'm not JUST an internet fanboy who thinks he should be World Champion because he was awesome in ROH. Yeah, he was awesome in ROH, but...this isn't ROH. There are rules to follow in the WWE, and no matter how stupid they are, you follow them. What people don't realize is that USA could have actually cut WWE from their contract by a simple breach of the PG rating. But, enough about Bryan. I'm sorry...you have all my answers.
Wade Barrett, obviously. Barrett is going to be a dominant force in WWE for years to come, like him or not. He may well steal the thunder of a few established stars, because I do feel that he is that good.

As much as many of you may not like him, I feel that Skip Sheffield is going to go a long way too. I picture a scenario where Sheffield is going to be the first one to rebel against Nexus and turn on them and become a major face in WWE. He will probably become the next Batista-type character.

I personally don't like Otunga much. He was slated to win and picked out as one of the favorites, but I don't see much in him, other than having the gift of the gab.
as of right now i belive they all will do good, with wade being the heavyweight champion, doug gabriel probably us champ vs evan bourne, but im liking skip sheffield he reminds me of batista and goldberg. michael tarver has great mic skills he can be a big bully type to dominate for awhile. but wade has the most potential. lets hope the NEXUS last a while though.
Barrett is way too obvious to talk about. I think Justin Gabriel has a great chance but not as a heel. He'll be a good top face someday for sure. They started it in NXT and people ate it up, plus when you have a move like the 450 splash people just love you. Gabriel had a lonnng run with the FCW heavyweight championship (second longest to Swagger) and no doubt that has to say something about what the people think about it.

Just sayingg

Also as much as people hate Heath Slater (which I personally don't get) I think he'll be a solid mid-carder. He was entertaining to me in NXT and people liked him there. He'll improve more and people will probably learn to love him.
I picked Heath slater because I don't know, I just can't wait to see him every week. He reminds me of a young edge and I think he's really good in the ring so I hope he can become a solid mid-carder after nexus is over.

I'm also fans of Darren young and David Otunga becaue once again, i don't why I just am.
Wade Barrett - probably should have been removed from the poll in all honesty..

BESIDES Barrett there are actually a few guys I can see making a spalsh

Otunga - He is MARKETABLE.. He may not have the best in ring ability, but the guy is definatly one of the most marketable guys out of the bunch.. Sure it may all be the fact he married Jenifer Hudson and is a celebrity, but it gives him a huge platform to make himself big.. Sometimes it is about who you marry, and who you know and Otunga has the connections to go far.. I know the IWC hates that but it's the truth

Tarver - he get's a decent amount of mic time, and his promo's are actually entertaining.. The guy has developed a look that is imposing as hell, and is actually a great talent, I really like him and think he can go far

Darren Young, and Heath Slater will have the roughest time getting over, they have a very A-typical build, and are both pretty bland. Gabriel has the 450 Splash to get over with, Skip has a amazing look.. I think both Gabriel and skip will be around for a while after Nexus is over, but it really depends on how they develop there character after that..

You have to rember, you can't properly evaluate who will be big After untill we see how they develop as an individual star.. All we have seen so far is Nexus-the Group, not each individuals performance
You do know Heath Slater is a former FCW Heavyweight Champion to right?, and I'm guessing you've never seen any of his matches down in FCW either. People say he reminds them of Edge early in his career so i highly recomened you to watch some of his FCW stuff espically the matches with Justin Gabriel.

Erm... must admit I forgot that piece of information - apologies for that.

I wasn't saying that being FCW champion guarenteed Gabriel sucess, just that he was in good company. Although yes, I should apply the same logic to Slater. Personally he's done nothing for me, his character is boring. His mic work isn't anything to write home about, and I've seen nothing in the ring to convince me that can hold his career together.

Happy to be proved wrong, but that's my thoughts on Slater right now.
I feel that almost every member of the Nexus has potential to be a bare minimum a mid-card success. It will rely heavily on the position that the writers but them in. I think Barrett and Sheffield have very good heel potential. Skip needs some mic work for sure but he has this look about him and this ring presence that with work could ooze viciousness. Barrett is the valedictorian of this class hands down. He could easily feud with the McIntyres, Miz's and Sheamus' for many years and be very successful in doing so. I feel if you push Gabriel as a very kid friendly, PG era face he will blow up. He has the ability to be at least a solid midcard champion. Tarver needs to pause and study every tape of JYD and Rampage Jackson that he can. He will have to be that street brawler, angry heel to be succesful. Slater is tough. He will have to be put into a very helpful situation. I would make him an Edge understudy. Put him with Edge and let him pick up on the things that made him a successful tweener. I see Otunga at best being a very MVP-type of guy. If he figures it out he could be very successful if not the he will be relgated to midcard and tag work. Darren Young is the weakest member to me. He needs to be given a comedic gimmick and pray that for some reason people will like it. If not he will be the first "future endeavor" member of the Nexus
Ok, I voted for Barret, he seems to be in line for a WWE Title match soon, so obviously it's him. I doubt Tarver, Young & Slater will last long after the end of Nexus.

I think Justin Gabriel will work as a face well, Skip Sheffield i'm not too sure about, there are alot of big guys already in WWE, Barret will main event as a heel, Daniel Bryan WILL be back as a face and either re-feud with 'Vintage' Michael Cole or the Nexus if they're still around, I think Danielson will be a main eventer soon after his return.

As for David Otunga. When he hosted RAW, His mic work was excellent, the week after, he was working with Batista. I really see something in Otunga, if it's his mic work, his gimmick, whatever it is I saw comparisons to the RAW Heel Batista character. So I hope, with a bit of work on his in ring ability, he can be a good main event heel.
And that's the bottom line!
Cos' Stone Cold said so!
As much as big guys aren't as popular anymore, I do feel that Skip Sheffield has the potential to become WWE's next "signature" big guy / monster. Let's face it, Batista is gone, Kane and Undertaker are both getting old, so there is a definite spot for a new signature big guy.
This is like asking who the greatest guitarist was. Everyone always answers "Jimi Hendrix". The real question is who else would be likely to have a good career out of the bunch?

I go with Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel. Slater... I honestly can't put my finger on exactly what I like about him, but I know I do. He's got a flexible persona; he'd make a good "blue chipper" style face, and he's doing just fine at playing heel. The W obviously has a lot of faith in Gabriel's ring talent if they're letting him do the 540. Gabriel's never going to be a top star, like Wade Barrett will be (BTW- Barrett WILL win the WWE title before the end of the year. I will take all bets against that.) But Justin Gabriel has "mid-card star" written all over him, and I mean that as a compliment. He'll go face eventually (high flying heels are the exception to the rule), and, always assuming he doesn't step on the wrong toes in back, he'll be making other people look good a couple of years from now.

As far as who the worst of the bunch is, it seems pretty clear it's Michael Tarver. Whether he finds work in the future or not depends on if TNA is still operational 90 days after the end of NXT2.
I'm going to say Wade Barrett anyway. There was a reason he was the winner of NXT season 1. The man is pure charisma on mic and in ring work. His finishing move is quite devastating from the looks of it, and his charm would work QUITE well as heel or face. I really don't know why the rest of those guys are still here other than the stable invasion, the only other one that has good potential is Justin Gabriel with his great acrobatics, and gets pretty good pops from the crowd. Unfortunately, the rest, I would've thought would ''progress" since 'graduating' from NXT, but they still look quite disconnected and sloppy with many of their moves in the ring. Plain and simple, Wade Barrett all the way, he can still hold his own in the ring with big main eventers like Cena, Edge, Jericho and not overshadow them, and yet not fade into the background like some of the other Nexus do. I think this guy is the THE ONE.
Wade Barret all the effin way! He's got skills to be come great. He's Carrying the Nexus and he won NXT. Obviously WWE saw something in him and if they didn't he wouldn't have won. Now he hasn't even been here for a year and do you hear the heat he's getting. He might be in a huge angle right now but be seem to legitimitly not like him in the audience. And thats a great thing for any heel. I see him going places after this Nexus angle is over
Wade Barrett is obviously the best. The other guys who I think have a shot are Skip Sheffield because of his size and I like how he could hit his finisher out of no where kindof like Orton and the RKO , Justin Gabriel because of the 450 and Michael Tarver now that he has a real finisher instead of the jump punch.
The obvious answer is Wade Barrett, so I don't think he should even be on the poll. Apart from him, the number two guy in the Nexus is easily Michael Tarver.

Tarver is great on the mic. He's very believable, very smooth, and can show his emotion and rage even when saying simple things. He has charisma that can put fear into people. He has a fantastic look, one of a real killer. the bandanna is unique and makes you take notice. On top of that, he's not terrible in the ring. He is really the only other "Complete Package" other than Barrett in the whole group, and I truly believe he is a future World Heavyweight Champion.

Gabriel, Sheffield, and Otunga may go on to have good careers due to their ring work, look, and charisma respectively, but Tarver is the only person other than Barrett to have it all.

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