Which match will "Steal The Show" this year?


Every year one match steals the show at Wrestlemania..

Of course Shawn Michaels vs. Undertaker stealing the show the last two years. In fact mostly every match Shawn Michaels has had at Wrestlemania has stole the show. With one's against Jericho, Angle, Austin. ect.

But without Mr. Wrestlemania involved which match will steal the show this year at Wrestlemania?

My choice..

Cody Rhodes vs. Rey Mysterio
I currently believe this will be the best match on the card. I'm looking for Cody Rhodes to win and Rey to put him over heavily.
I'm sure a main event can't steal a show.. because a show stealer is supposed to be better than a main event right? So can you say HBK/Taker last year stole the show because they main evented?

Anyways.. I like your pick OP, it has the potential to be a great match, I'm thinking this could be an AMAZING opener.. But I think another match that can is CM Punk vs. Randy Orton..

Randy Orton is actually good in the ring, if he can go back to the days were he wrestled as the 'legend killer' and Punk is just himself in the ring, then this match could be the show stealer IMO..
SNOOKI'S MATCH!! Haha just kidding. :rolleyes: I'm gonna go a different route and say Sheamus versus Danial Brian. In my opinion Sheamus is quite good in the ring and is probably a little under rated. DBD's ring work is obviously great and his kicks look really legit. I'm looking for this match to steal the show unexpectedly.
I personally feel that Cena vs Miz will steal the show. The reason being is that after the build-up for the match culminated in the promo given today I feel it will have evrything it needs to steal the show. You will have a crowd that will be very vocal voicing its opinion on everything that happens. Next, you will have two decent wrestlers duking it out on the grandest stage of them all. Next you have the unpredicatbility with the Rock being in this match. I think all together it will be a very intriguing match with repercussions that will be heard about for a long time.
I look forward to most of the matches.

If it was just Morrison vs Ziggler I'd go with that. Hopefully they both get more than 90% of the in-ring time but no, I'm not going to give "show stealer" to a match with Snooki in it.

Neither am I going to give "show stealer" to Justin Bieber.

If we're not including main events then there's really 3 solid options:

DBD vs Sheamus
Orton vs Punk
Rey vs Rhodes

If we are including main events, my pick is Del Rio vs Edge. Non-main-event I'll go with Punk vs Orton. The build has been nice and both guys are phenomenal. I really appreciate Punks work and think this will be a solid match. Hopefully they are given plenty of time.
I'm very interested to see

Cody Rhodes vs. Rey Mysterio

Cody has done awesome with his character, and I can't wait for him to perform with it at Wrestlemania.


CM Punk vs. Randy Orton

I love CM Punk, he is undeniably my favorite wrestler out of the current roster. I expect him to provide another amazing Wrestlemania performance, and give the Viper a good ole fashioned butt kicking. I have faith in CM Punk.

but, this match will steal the show...

The Miz vs. John Cena (Interference by the Rock)

After tonight's Raw, everyone will be anticipating the Rock delivering a Rock Bottom to John Cena in the main event, that will probably get the last laugh of the night. I expect chaos in this match, and it will steal the show simply because of The Rock's involvement, and the build emphasis that they have put on this match.
Well, Id like to think Taker vs HHH had a chance to steal the show before tonight.

I mean, Taker/HBK at WM 25 delievered thanks to insane in-ring psychology and no distraction.

With HBK last night, I think it's obvious the crowd won't just 1000% go into the match cause many of them will be expecting an interference and that will ruin the whole in-ring psychology.

Oh well, I hope Taker/HHH do the impossible and pull out full in-ring psychology to fully work the crowd despite having the crowd's mind filled with a possible interference like Hogan/Rock did at WM 18 despite the fear of NWO.
SNOOKI'S MATCH!! Haha just kidding. :rolleyes: I'm gonna go a different route and say Sheamus versus Danial Brian. In my opinion Sheamus is quite good in the ring and is probably a little under rated. DBD's ring work is obviously great and his kicks look really legit. I'm looking for this match to steal the show unexpectedly.

^^^^This, their last match together was a good (not great, but good) match and I think they can do even better with a little more time. I feel Sheamus is a bit under-rated and can be a good mat-tech if given a good opponent to work with. I think this match could open the show and get the fans excited and hot for the rest of the card.
as far as who is gonna steal the show the only real candidates are:

Edge vs ADR- the only thing keeping this match from being a show stealer is the inevitable involvement of Brodus and Christian

Triple H vs Undertaker- they both have something to prove since theyre getting older and realize that the build has been piss poor

Randy Orton vs CM Punk- this match could steal the show, but with Ortons injury it wont be a straight up match from bell to bell with a clean win....Ortons injury may hinder the quality of the match because he may not be able to go at it like he wishes

Rey Mysterio vs Cody Rhodes- this match is another candidate...the only thing about this match is Codys aggression....he may be too aggressive which means this match wont last long, which means Rey will most likely win

Sheamus vs Daniel Bryan- the dark horse of the night...this match could steal the show, if it wasnt for Taker and Triple H

Stealing the Show= Triple H vs Undertaker

most anticipated match should go to Cena vs Miz though
I am thinking that three matches have the chance to steal the show DB vs Sheamus, Mysterio vs Rhodes, and Punk vs Orton. All these guys are pretty good workers but there matches are looking as if its an after thought on the card. Now don't get me wrong I think HHH vs Taker and Del Rio vs Edge have very good possibility of being amazing matches but these are main event matches to me they are expected to be good cause these are the matches most people buy the show for.
Daniel Bryan V Sheamus... Sheamus is actually really good for a big guy, very athletic and agile and even though he's already had two WWE title reigns he's still not really had a great match at a PPV, and Wrestlemania 27 could be his chance to prove himself as a great wrestler now his initial monster push is well and truly over and really begin to build himself a long term career in the WWE.
for Daniel Bryan it's his first Wrestlemania so I get the feeling he's going to put on a bit of a master class in terms of holds and spots and really work his ass off in this one. I suspect he'l lose this match but as Shawn Michaels showed you don't need to win every match at Wrestlemania to be the best.

I'm sure the Punk/Orton and Cody/Mysterio matches will be good too, but to me Bryan and Sheamus have the most to prove to people with their match so I think they'll really go for it and put on a brilliant match
The way I see it, If you give DB and Sheamus 12-15 minutes, they're going to set it on fire. These 2 are a couple of the brightest young stars I have seen in a long time. I don't give a damn who wins it, the match will be fantastic. But back to Earth, it'll likely only get 7 minutes or so and and just be thought of as a good under card match.

My real money is on Punk-Orton. Now I know Orton is quite bland in the ring these days, but Punk has an uncanny ability to pull greatness out of anyone. Orton can bring it in big match PPVs when he has the right guy to play off, like Cena. Punk has the big match experience and he's the perfect guy to bring out the best in Orton. He's not green like DiBiase & Rhodes were last year and he's not Triple H, who for some reason just doesn't usually click at Mania. Orton will have his best Mania match this year.
HHH and Undertaker.

I know it's not a popular pick...because both guys are way past their prime. However, both guys still have tremendous passion for this business and both of their careers are winding down. With that said...they won't be afraid to lay it all on the line and take some huge bumps to put on the best match of their careers. With the no holds barred stipulation put in place...you know this match is going to stand out from all the rest...which will steal the show.
This thread is for wrestling matches and not gimmick, so Undertaker vs Trips can't be your pick.

List your matches like this :

1. Definately
2. Has the possibility
3. I sure hope so

1. CM Punk vs Randy Orton - Not taking anything from Randy, but with CM Punk carrying this match w/ Ortons "injury" this match can't fail given the right amount of time. :worship:

2. Sheamus vs Daniel Bryan - These two had a great match on Raw and if getting the chance could possibly be the match of the night :)

3. Cody Rhodes vs Rey Mysterio - This will do Cody Rhodes wonders if he and Rey pull out a good match. Rey Mysterio speaks for himself, but Cody has taken tremendous strides sice last years WM and with out a shadow of a doubt in my mind can pull off a great showing.
I think Rhodes/Mysterio will steal the show. Mysterio can put on a great match with anybody and I think Rhodes will be great as well. I hope this match will get the decent amount of time like 10-15 minutes. I'm looking forward to this match to see what Rhodes can bring in a big singles match and if he does well, it could mean a great push.
If they give the match enough time I think Shaemus and Daniel Bryancan put on a great match. The match they had on RAW a few weeks ago for the title was pretty good, I'd expect more of the same.

Other two picks would be Randall Keith Orton vs. CM Punk, or Rey Mysterio vs. Cody Rhodes.

But all those might be overshadowed (hopefully not) if The Rock just even gets in the ring and raises an eyebrow.
I'm going with Edge vs ADR only because that match seems to be lost in all the commotion surrounding Cena/Miz/Rock, Taker/HHH, and Lawler/Cole.

Edge and Del Rio are both excellent workers and should put on a good championship-caliber match.
I have to go with Rey and Cody. Cody Rhodes last WM got punted in the head. This year Rey himself picked Cody to work with. If these two are given around 15 minutes it can work great especially if Cody can keep it up with the "dont hit me on the face" heel antics. I also think Rey realizes he only has one or two manias left in him, therefore will go all out like he always does.
The only match I could really see doing it is Edge/Del Rio if it gets some time. Obvious Cody/Rey and Bryan/Sheams won't because they won't even get 10 minutes. Bryan's match probably won't even get 6. Most likely the best match will be HHH/Taker, which isn't "stealing the show" when it goes on last.

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