Which match steals the show?


Occasional Pre-Show
Even when Wrestlemania does not live up to the hype, there's always at least one match that steals the show. The card is actually looking really good and out of the already announced matches, which match do you think will steal the show? Although I will be there absolutely marking out and going nuts if Bryan beats trips and then wins the title. I think they'll both be great matches and amazing moments BUT I believe Cena and Wyatt steal the show.

I love the buildup for this so far and even though people shit on Cena, the guy can go and Bray Wyatt has already been involved in 2 MOTY candidates. The promos between these two have been great. People will probably be more invested in the Bryan stuff and I defiantly get that, but people will defiantly be invested heavily into this match. I think these guys can go out and there and steal the show. Cena has one of his best matches ever at mania, wyatt beats cena at the big stage, this really has potential to be a wrestle mania match we talk about for years.

I'm pumped for mania for two reasons. 1. Bryan possibly winning the title and 2. Wyatt vs Cena. Anyways, What do you think will steal the show?
For me my guess is between Cena vs Wyatt and Bryan vs Triple H. As far as Cena vs Wyatt I wasn't sure how I was going to be interested in the match or think the match would be good because I felt like stylistically they wouldn't match up well at all. With that being said I'm one of the ones who aren't a blind Cena hater and can look at his track record of great entertaining matches especially recently like since his return from his injury. Since then when given enough time there hasn't been a Cena match that I've not thought was great. Wyatt I'm not so sure on still but I think give these guys 20+ minutes they'll put on a classic. As far as Bryan vs Triple H you have Bryan probably the best active technical wrestler on the planet right now going against a guy who's as good at ring psychology and telling an in ring story as anybody in Triple H. As soon as I heard about this match I knew it would be a goodie and now with the buildup so far and the buildup that's to come I think these two will tear the house down. I'm leaning towards Bryan vs Triple H stealing the show and being a MOTY candidate and while I'm iffy on Cena vs Wyatt I honestly wouldn't be surprised if they went out there and put on a classic match as well.

My pick Bryan vs Triple H however I wouldn't be surprised if it was Cena vs Wyatt. Good thread BTW
I have no doubt that the triple threat main event will steal the show. Taker/Brock and Bryan/Triple H will probably be amazing match-ups, but the main event will have everyone on the edge of their seats as it is truly the only match which is up-in-the-air. And we've all seen Orton and Bryan put on classics before. Batista's presence in the match is an obstacle, but his heel heat will add even further crowd investment. I'm thinking this will be a solid spectacle if given enough time.

If I'm totally wrong and the match ends up a russofest, I'm guessing that Triple H/Bryan is going to steal the show. You can't underestimate Bryan, as he is going to give 140% knowing that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and he'll be working the most important night of his life.
Out of the currently advertised matches? That narrows the list down to only a few at this time.

Randy Orton VS Batista VS (Trips or Daniel Bryan)
Triple H VS Daniel Bryan
Brock Lesnar VS Undertaker
John Cena VS Bray Wyatt
Andre Battle Royal

It won't be the Andre Battle Royal. That will probably end up on the pre-show if it doesn't open the show and I have a suspicion that the trophy will end up about as useful as the Bragging Rights trophy was. Cena VS Bray has potential to be pretty good and I love the "Legacy" video package they are using. The match itself probably won't steal the show though. Lesnar VS Taker might. It would be my predicted show stealer if it weren't for the fact that Daniel Bryan might make it into the world title match. If Bryan is in the World Heavyweight Championship triple threat, that gets my vote. Otherwise Taker and Lesnar does. Trips won't get nearly as good a match out of Orton and Batista as Bryan can.

Then we have yet to be announced matches. The Shield never fail to provide something good. Whether they end up in a 6 man tag against Kane and The New Age Outlaws or have a triple threat of their own for Ambrose's title, never count out The Shield in a show stealer discussion. I'll hold off on that until they get an official match, I'm sure we get that announcement tomorrow. Sheamus and Christian's matches could have been saved for Wrestlemania, give those two a chance to showcase everything they can do and that can definitely steal the show. I'll post in here again when the card is finalized, there's still too many variables to consider.
I'd go with HHH/Bryan. The match up has the most at stake. It should be a good match up. I expect the crowd to be behind it.

I'm hoping there's a clean finish but I wouldn't be surprised if HHH weakens him after the match.
I hope Wyatt vs Cena steals the show. Wyatt is the best thing going right now in the WWE in my opinion. He is on a roll, being a part of the show-stealing matches at the last two PPV's. His mic work has been the highlight of the Road to Wrestlemania for me. I've said it before, he could have a match on the pre-show against Yoshi Tatsu and have me convinced the fate of the world was dependent upon the outcome.

Bryan-HHH and the main event will be fantastic as well, I'm sure. It is the predictability that has me worried. Sometimes predictable isn't a bad way to go, as is the case here. That being said, unpredictability is a plus, which is what gives Cena vs Wyatt the edge to me. Though a Batista win isn't out of the question either, as it seems like he was guaranteed the title after re-signing.
I'm going to say Wyatt/Cena. I know Cena gets a lot of heat and I'm not the biggest fan of his character but in the ring I think those two could really steal the show. I think if anything this is the build up that has me the most excited, I can't place my finger on it especially as I'm no Cena fan. I really do think that this one will be the show stealer.
Yeah I think Cena will steal the show with Bray. I'm calling it a 45 minute match and I think it's going to shock people how well these two are going to work together. With what Cena's put together with Cesaro and Luke Harper lately, I think he's warming up to give a performance to remember at Mania. The story is classic, Bray and Cena have worked so well off each other that it leads me to think that they will bring out the best possible performance in each other on the biggest stage of them all.
The Shield is always fun to watch and with the possibility of a break-up, that break up alone could steal the show. The title match at the end with Orton-Batista and HHH or Bryan (possibly both) will be huge... and I get the idea that something unforeseen could happen in that match and the story will unfold to open Raw the following night.

Not that I think it will, but it would be great if the battle royal exceeded our expectations, had some amazing spots (another Kofi moment like the ones from Royal Rumble), we get a winner nobody expects, and to top it off, that winner ends up getting more than the trophy. I'm sure the Cena-Bray and Taker-Lesner matches will be very good, as well, along with the HHH-Bryan match. I just think with this being Wrestlemania 30, they're going to give us something we didn't see coming.
Cena/Wyatt, definitely. Wyatt/Bryan didn't need to steal the show at the Rumble, due to the awesome buildup, but their drive made it happen. Cena gets flak for his ability, but he'll be able to go with Wyatt, just like he has before with Punk and others.
I don't see a steal the show match in the lineup, but I do see the Cena/Wyatt, Taker/Brock and HHH/Bryan matches all being very good to borderline great matches. I don't envision any match on the card turning out to be a Taker/Michaels or Savage/Steamboat type match though.

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