Which match are you looking forward to the most?

Dagger Dias

One Winged Admin
Staff member
We have a lot of great matches rumored to be coming at this year's Wrestlemania and it is shaping up to be a fantastic card, provided the potential matches. Granted others will be announced and the card might look a little different once we come closer to the show, but I would like to start this particular discussion now and leave it ongoing until the big night begins. Here are some potential matches, some set in stone while most are still only rumored:

Cena VS The Rock
CM Punk VS Jericho for the WWE Championship
Daniel Bryan VS Sheamus for the World Heavyweight Championship
Triple H VS The Undertaker with Michaels as the guest ref
Big Show VS Shaq
Alberto Del Rio VS The Miz
Beth Phoenix VS Kharma or Natalya for the Divas Championship
Cody Rhodes defending the Intercontinental Championship
8 man Money In the Bank Ladder match
Epico & Primo defending the Tag Team Championship
Jack Swagger defending the US Championship
Rey Mysterio VS Sin Cara
Zack Ryder VS Kane

That won't be the final card, but these are all either rumored matches or ones we will certainly be seeing. It is shaping up to be an awesome show and I personally cannot wait to see it! Some of the matches sound a lot more interesting than others. All I really want to know in this thread is this....

Which match(es) at Wrestlemania do you anticipate the most, and why?

Please do not fantasy book the entire card, there is already a discussion on that in the Road to Wrestlemania thread. I really want to know which matches you guys are looking forward to the most though!

I'll go first. For me, it's Cena VS The Rock. I would order the show if this was the only match on the card. Everything else is icing on the cake. It's a dream match where heroes from two separate WWE generations collide, and one of the most eagerly awaited matches in the history of wrestling. It easily wins my vote for the match I most look forward to due to the historical value alone, then there's the fact that both contenders rank toward the top of my list of favorites.

Let's see what you all have to say. Discuss! :)
The Rock vs. John Cena. When it comes down to it, this is a once in a lifetime clash that I never thought we'd get to see. I've seen The Rock debut, explode, and move on to bigger things. I've seen Cena take the torch and run with it. I don't know how much water this holds, but I think I remember the WWE wanting The Rock to put over John Cena @ Wrestlemania 20. He refused to do it at the time, citing Cena as not a big enough star, and thus was inserted into the Orton/Foley feud.

Also, there's the fact we haven't seen The Rock compete in a 1-on-1 match since he lost to Goldberg @ Backlash in 2003. There seems to be some legit heat between the two, they've had heat in the past, and their fan bases dictate how much of a culture clash this is.

Look, I know there are going to be a ton of people who go with Punk and Jericho and that's great. I think that match is going to steal the show work rate wise, and probably promo wise too. But, at the end of the day, we've seen them wrestle. Hell, they're going to be in the same match THIS Sunday.

We won't see Rock and Cena touch each other in an actual match until Wrestlemania 28. And plus, there's the possibility of Cena turning heel. I don't want to turn this into another "will he or won't he" debate. But there's no denying it's in the back of everyone's mind and it's a legitimate possibility.

Something big is going to go down in this match. I really don't think it's just going to be a standard match that ends and they shake hands and Rock puts him over by raising his arm. It's not going to be the Hogan/Rock ending (which was great, and Hogan turned FACE). We'll know if this program succeeded when we see the fallout in the ratings in the coming months/year. This match could seriously be a game changer for the WWE.
You have to go Cena vs Rock because it is easily the most unpredictable on the card. The match will be great and the build up has been going for over a year now! Not only is it unpredictable but it is interesting to see what will happen the next night on Raw. Will Rock stay or will he go back to making movies? Will Cena turn heel or will he stay the face of the company? No matter what the outcome this match will definately steal the show.
Guess I'm gonna be that guy then and NOT pick Rock and Cena.

Don't get me wrong, I will enjoy that match without a doubt. But I feel as if Punk and Jericho will steal the show.

Rock and Cena will be a better hype factor type of match, but in terms of what could be a great wrestling match, I'm going with Punk and Jericho. Punk is no doubt a great wrestler and Jericho hasn't lost a beat in the ring.

What's drawing me into this match is the intensity. These two guys in the span of two weeks have got me more hyped for their match than Rock vs Cena. The Punk and Jericho face to face had so much intensity and fire. I didn't feel that same fire when Rock and Cena came face to face last year and I don't think I'll feel it even leading up to Mania.

Punk and Jericho can propel mic battles into a must see match. These guys know how to tell a story in the ring, and It's a great clash of styles. Punk likes to take to the air and work on the mat a lot and Jericho has altered his moveset a tad bit through his character changes and seems to wrestle more mat based now than what he used to do. I think they can put on a great wrestling clinic and although we probably already know the outcome, it doesn't change the fact that It's gonna be a hell of a wrestling match.
Without a doubt I'm excited for Rock vs Cena because it's such a colassal match....but I am 110 percent Jerichoholic so I am head over heels in love with Jericho vs Punk. Two of the best mic men in the history of the company and two of the best workers, how could you not be stoked for this one? I've loved every second of Jericho since he returned and I love his angle with Punk taking his title of Best In The World, between this weekend's PPV and Mania the build is going to be epic and I have no doubt in my mind that even though Rock and Cena is the main event that everyone is paying attention to Punk vs Jericho is going to be the match of the night. It's gonna be just like the year that Jericho and Trips put on the best match of the night but were stuck following Hogan vs Rock, I fear it'll be a little lost in the mix in most people's eyes but I'm gonna love it.
Cena vs Rock.....because of the "one and out" feature of the contest. With all the other matches, WWE can have one guy job to the other at WM, only to come back shortly afterward and reverse the result. There can be second chances, third chances, etc.

With Cena & Rock, it's one shot only, for all the marbles......old generation vs new generation ...... yesterday's biggest hero vs today's biggest hero. Yes, it's possible the two will fight sometime in the future, but this is the match that's been a year in the making; the one folks have been waiting for.

I firmly believe they're going to have a definitive finish; no disqualifications or double count-outs or anything inconclusive. Someone wins, someone loses.....and I honestly don't know who wins and what form of drama will take place.

If this were the only match on the card, I'd pay good money to see it.
20 - 0. That's what it is about for me and why I am going this year.

I am going because I highly suspect the Undertaker will retire this year and it will be my last chance to catch who I watched growing up until this point finish his career. To have him come into Mania, walk out 20 - 0 is going to be historic and something awesome, even if it's against Triple H which pisses me off to no end, but it is what it is. I think even if the match is mediocre again, to have that 20 - 0 and him standing there this time will be something worth while.
i am looking forward to the whole ppv, but i am with DJ on this one. i care more about the streak than any other match. i would love to see 20-0 and hope it happens.
More than anything it will be Daniel Bryan's match. This guy is on fire and if given enough time, he will put on an amazing Mania match.

With Punk/Jericho basically a lock, and Randy Orton out of the Chamber match, I'm thinking D-Bry vs. Shaemus for the World Heavyweight title, and if it is, all I can think is .. YES! YES! YES!
I am really loving the slow build of Punk/ Jericho at the moment and the underlying story, so at the moment I would have to say that that match is the one I am looking forward to the most. I am sure that as we near WrestleMania, Cena/ Rock will be the match that is on everyone's minds but I would have to say that they have their work cut out for them.

The build to Punk/ Jericho and even Undertaker/ HHH has been pretty good so far and it's not like Rock and Cena can just expect to turn up and expect their match to be the most anticipated one at Mania. They will have to make it memorable but I am sure that both men are up to the task.

This WrestleMania is not exactly like Mania 18 where it was all about Hogan vs Rock. It's good in a way because even if Rock/ Cena disappoints, the people will not go home unhappy.
If this were the only match on the card, I'd pay good money to see it.
For me, it's Cena VS The Rock. I would order the show if this was the only match on the card.

As I said in the thread about which match will close the show, I've heard this sentiment echoed time and time again throughout the forums. My question is this: How many times have we seen this said? That one match is so big that people would be willing to throw down $55-65 to see it? I can't remember a time, that's for sure.

And I echo the sentiment completely. I've made no secret that I'm a huge John Cena mark, among the biggest on the forum. His match on any show of any PPV is the one I look forward to the most. So John Cena wrestling one of, if not the, biggest star of the Attitude Era? Count me in. The build may not be anything special, as of yet. Let's face it, the two of them waging war over Twitter isn't exactly exciting business. But this is so much more about the combatants then what they're actually feuding over.

Further, this could be the last match we see Rock in, ever. Sure, rumors have been out there that we could see Rock at Summerslam, and other PPV's in the future. But for the time being, this is his first confirmed single's match in eight years, and perhaps his final match of all time. Like Undertaker and HBK from Wrestlemania 26, this is a case where the match is more important then the title. WWE has made that abundantly clear as they've gone away from Cena's promise that the match will be for the WWE Championship.

I've already got that childhood feeling about this match, where the anticipation is high, and I have nerves over wanting to see John Cena win this match so badly. And we've yet to even see the meat of the build for this match, which will surely be coming following Elimination Chamber. So as much as I know I'll enjoy the likely Punk/Jericho match, Undertaker/HHH III, the return of MITB, and the WHC match, all of those pale in comparison to my excitement for Cena and Rock.

Further, there's really no reason for Dwayne to win this match, especially if it's a one-off for him. So going in knowing this will be an awesome match that Cena will most certainly win is some nice icing on top of a pretty sweet cake.
I'm torn between Rock-Cena and Undertaker-HHH. Rock-Cena may be one of the biggest matches of all times and has been in the works for over a year.

Being a HUGE Undertaker fan, I am quite pumped up about his 20-0 match, most likely with HHH. I was not very excited about a third match between them, but their promos and the involvement of HBK have made me want to really see how this progresses. Also, it might be the Deadman's last match.
I'm torn between The Rock vs. John Cena, Chris Jericho vs. CM Punk and The Undertaker vs. Triple H. And this is without two of these matches even being confirmed, hell Christian and DBD aren't even booked for the event yet.

The Rock vs. John Cena to me, over the path of a year has been booked okay. They could have forced a few more appearances out of The Rock surely, all they have going into the final month is a bunch of name calling, a Rock Bottom and everything from a year ago. If they want to get some more heat between the two they've a lot to build in the final month. As it stands I'm looking forward more to the atmosphere that'll be around the match and less for the match itself, as I feel Cena will surely get the victory.

Chris Jericho vs. CM Punk is probably the match I'm looking forward to the most. If I list my favorite wrestlers of all time both of these guys are in the top ten, not my current favorite because they both make the top five but of all time, I have these two up there. Both are great talkers on the stick, both are great in-ring performers and two of my favorites, so far I've liked their chemistry, with the whole "Best In The World" name above in the air I have an expectancy that this match will blow my eyebrows away.

Finally The Undertaker vs. Triple H. I'm assuming Shawn Michaels will feature as special guest referee. The angle makes the match, and if they go for a street fight or no holds barred again than personally I can't wait for the match itself. Most believe Taker will take 20 - 0 with ease but so far from what I can see WWE are making it appear like the Streak is all Taker sticks around for, which of course we know is true but they're hinting it on television. Calling it a "brand" and all. This will be a good match and the angle will be something special heading into the big show.

So with all that said, ask me in a month and I'll give you a better answer. But that is how it stands now.
The longer they hype up Rock/Cena the more I get bored with it. Up to now i'm very excited for Punk/Jericho or Bryan/Sheamus. I really wish that just because Wade Barret is injured that they wouldn't cancel Money In The Bank. But that just shows you how much Creative is able to "improvise"!
For me it is all about Punk v Jericho, for the longest time (ok maybe just this past summer) I have wanted these 2 guys in a feud and in the ring and we will finally get it in a few weeks. The combo of their mic skills along with their ring abilities have me foaming at the mouth to see it. I think that this will be the match of the night at WM28, the real showstopper.

To me also, Rock and Cena has gotten kind of boring and repetative. At first I was very excited with the match, now I just wish they would get it over with. Also, the match itself is kind of predictable. Does anyone really thing they are going to have Rock go over on Cena? No way in hell. The Rock will "pass the torch" and Cena will stand strong as he always does. YAWN!!

HHH vs Taker looks great on paper given the match they put on last year, but the build up has been very forgettable. They have put HBK and HHH on the front and making the match all about them, which is not a good idea. As soon as I heard HHH say "you may have won the battle but I won the war" I just rolled my eyes. What war has he won? He is 0-2 vs Taker at WM but I guess we are to just forget those matches ever happened. The build of making HHH look stronger than Taker makes no sense given the past.
HHH vs. Undertaker... no doubt. It should be a great match and we all know HBK will leave everyone with their jaws dropped. Not to mention the streak is in "jeopardy."

I just don't see what is so great about Rock vs. Cena. Both are overrated in my book, sure they're both HUGE names but the match probably won't be very good. But I hope Rocky wins. I just want somebody to get that Marky Mark wannabe to shutup!

Orton's match should be good, since he's the TRUE legend of today's pro wrestling.
The match I’m looking forward to the most is the WWE Championship match closely followed by the World Title match. Don’t get me wrong, I hope the Rock and the Undertaker walk out of WM XXVIII with victories, but we’ll probably get one. The outcome of these matches, to me, aren’t as “important” as the WWE World Title matches. I’d like to see two Title changes take place, but we’ll probably get one.
I'm looking forward to the WWE title match between Punk and Jericho.
i hope their given a good amount of time since i see this as being one of the best actual wrestling matches on the whole card. Those two are gonna tear the house down with their performance.
gotta go with the Rock and Cena. But I do wanna see the Taker and HHH just as much now just to see what shawn is going to do.
Triple-H vs Undertaker - Hell in a Cell - This match is the biggest match in the Wrestlemania 28 match card.

Randy Orton vs Kane - Should be a great match between the two of the best.
At first it was HHH vs Taker. I really believed the streak was in jeopardy, and then to add Hell in a Cell put it over the top. Then they added HBK as ref. Firstly HBK is my favorite all time, but I just don't see what he can add to the match. For some reason I stopped believing the streak was in jeopardy the minute he was added. I hope they prove me wrong and do something really special with this match, but I am not so sure.
Rock vs Cena is it for me now just for the unpredictability alone. Its a once and a lifetime match and if the crowd is even half as good as Hogan vs Rock we are in for a treat.
I was really into the Punk v Jericho build up till Jericho started attacking Punk's family.
That made no sense to me. I think it will be the best wrestling match of the night no doubt.

The most entertaing match I think and hope will be Rock v Cena. I wonder if they will have the same kind of start like Hogan v Rock had with them flexing at each other after the first couple of strength moves. I'm sure it will have all of the flash that we expect it to have.
The Rock v.s John Cena.

This will be the main highlight from WrestleMania XXVIII, period. As much as I'm looking forward to Undertaker v.s Triple H and CM Punk v.s Chris Jericho, I just don't see those two matches topping Rock/Cena in terms of sheer spectacle. That moment will live forever and because it's been a year in the making, it's come to a point now where I'm positively shaking with excitement for the match. I can imagine the crowd being SO hot for the match, it'll be this generations version of Rock/Hogan from WrestleMania X8. It's just going to be so big!
Rocky v John Cena. I've been waiting for this match for year before Rock v Cena was announced. The Rock is my 2nd all time favourite wrestler ever and i'm really looking foward to seeing him whooping that fruity pebble. I'm also looking foward to CM Punk v Y2J. I have a feeling this match will steal the show.

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