Which Legend Should Return at the Moment?


I AM DA SHIT!!11!!!
WWE is Great and without legends nothing is great! Many of the WWE oldies are still in WWE but as we all know many of the Legends are not With us! now i love Legends and im sure many others love them as well! So who do you think should WWE Sign? A Legend from the Late 80's or a Legend from late 90's Early 00's?

:wwf: good :shit:
If anybody, they should bring back (yes I know some of these people are signed to TNA) Kevin Nash, Kurt Angle, Billy Gunn and Road Dogg as the New Age Outlaws, Bret Hart (though he wouldn't probably want to come back), Masato Tanaka, Terry Funk, and Mick Foley. They should bring all of em back.
Nobody. WWE should concentrate on building up new talent. The whole purpose of the H.O.F. is nostalgia. WWE dont need legend's to come back and take younger superstar's spot's. Occasionally it's ok but Hogan's yearly appearence's are too much for me as it is.
Some of them Are Signed to Tna lol Almost Everyone you mentioned is Signed to TNA...
Mick Foley is still in WWE and i think he is to face umaga at Mania'
I don't know why, but I have been thinking for awhile that it would be great to see Randy Orton continue his "Legend Killer" gimmick and feud with Randy Savage. I thought maybe if he was inducted in the Hall of Fame this year, (which he won't).
The Rock was a Great man but i doubt he will not Wrestle ever again because of the movies and all.
I hope to see austin in the ring by Mania cause I think that he will be a part of the Grand WrestleMania!
maybe put austin in a Storyline against some youngster and have the youngster beat austin to get the Young Talent some popularity!
Nobody. WWE should concentrate on building up new talent. The whole purpose of the H.O.F. is nostalgia. WWE dont need legend's to come back and take younger superstar's spot's. Occasionally it's ok but Hogan's yearly appearence's are too much for me as it is.
I agree totally. But also, some selected legends can be great. Bringing Savage in would be a big help. But, Savage has a big head. He may not want to give up spotlight. And as I said in another forum. Savage replied to me that WWE does not want to deal with him. Even though he could be great at this time. With Hogan's release, thank god.
WWE needs "New Age Outlaws" to keep DX up and going or they are going to pull a NWO senario again. We don't want that..
If he could get back in shape and stay sober then I'd love to see Scott Hall come back. He was always one of my favorites. Also as others have said, I'd like to see the Macho Man return. And also of course The Rock too, being that he is gold on the mic and can wrestle a good match at the same time.
If Vince is looking for ratings and the crowds are looking for a legend...Just bring back The Rock!
True, I have to agree with what everyone has said before me. The Rock would be fantastic to return, he's still in his prime! I just wish he'd stop making horrible movies about inner city youth and just stick with what he's good if not the best of all time at: wrestling. He's easily the most charismatic and exciting wrestler of the last 20 years. Sure, Hogan made the crowds go nuts, but he didn't do it with hilarious reenditions of Elvis songs, or making up entire new words that have since become part of our vocabulary. If The Rock returned, the buyrates would be through the roof. All I have to say, is that if he did come back for a while, there would only need to be two matchs of his I would REALLY need to see. 1: HHH vs. The Rock , and 2: Stone Cold vs. The Rock.
The Rock returning is 1 of the greatest things that can happen to the WWE right now. We don't need other Legends like Dusty Rhodes to return I mean the guy can only do punches and vionic elbows and he's not even in shape. Piper should also stay away from the ring as he is not in good health to be in there for the first place. We need a Legend that is in good shape to return to the ring nad that is The Rock.
I agree no-one, although if they somehow got the rock to come back he could carry WWE on his own for a good 2-3 years.
They really need to bring back, Billy Gunn and Road Dogg to make the DX thing work better. Even though they are signed to TNA if Vince would make them a good offer they have both stated in past interviews that they would "leave TNA in a heartbeat". Also The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin need to come back. Along with Kevin Nash and Scott Steiner and this time they need to be used the right way.
Lex Luger not as a wrestler but as a commentator or for humour relief much like Ron Simmons when he appears and say "DAMN". Luger was hilarious on that video he had on Youtube vs. the CFL shirt.. lol
Rock how can he return he is in the movies remember? he has no time for WWE at all!

right the rock wont return cause he is making money without getting hurt and lm sure his family is happy with that
Stone Cold looks to be coming back, and that'll be a help because he's in good shape, so I could see him having at least one match. I always thought The Rock was good on the mic, but lax in the ring. But now that everyone is watered down, The Rock would look like the best there.
How the hell does the Rock lack in the ring? He's easily one of the most graceful and athletic wrestlers to ever grace the ring. Nobody else on earth could pull off the People's Elbow and make it look like it actually hurts.

As for the legends topic, I just say bring back Jake the Snake Roberts! We need a painkiller addicted guy who continuously messes up every interview or promo he's been given in the last 10 years.
i think that goldberg shuold return i would like to see stone cold return but his neck injuries wont allow it and i would like the rock to return but he is doing tons of movies now and doesent want to end his movie carrer with an injury substained while wrestling
i know it will never happen due to the many reasons listed above, but i would love for rocky to have anothe go at it. is he considerd a legend? becuase he hasnt been inducted into the HOF yet....maybe when they do he will make a couple of appearences or w/e and give us a good farewell
Although I wouldn't consider him a real legend, bring back Mr T! He could kick the shit out of Orton and still get RKO'd and added to the list!

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