Which Legend at Raw 1000 would you like to see again?


Getting Noticed By Management
Ok this doesn't include The Undertaker or The Rock as we all know we will see them again in a full on Wrestling Match down the line.

At Raw 1000 Former Legends we saw include :

1) Shawn Michaels
2) Billy Gunn
3) X-Pac
4) Roaddog
5) Lita
6) Hacksaw Jim Duggan
7) Doink
8) DDP
9) JBL
10) Faarooq
11) Rowdy Roddy Piper
12) Psycho Sid
13) Road Warrior Animal
14) Seargent Slaughter
15) Bret Hart
16) Bob Backlund
17) Vader
18) Rikishi
19) Mick Foley
20) Trish

Did i miss anyone?

Each Week leading upto Raw1000 people made posts that they would like to see some of these past legends in the ring again, after they (except Doink) scored thier wins over Heath Slater.

A few of these could possibly compete again Part-Time, or come back for a few special matches.

I'm going to say Road Warrior Animal. I thought he looked really good for his age. Seems just like the old Animal from his Leigon of Doom days. I doubt he would be able to compete full-time, but i think he still has the look and style for a few matches or maybe even a fued or 2. He could even do something interesting with John Lauranitis if he was to return at some point.

Who would you most like to see again and why? or do you think they are all over the hill?
i really really want Lita back she looked great especially since the Divas division is not even getting matches anymore. Lita and Beth phoenix could be a great feud
I think WWE would greatly benefit by hiring Billy Gunn as an agent, and wouldn't mind seeing him and Road Dogg reunite for a tag team match or two.. maybe challenge for the titles and put the Prime Time Players over.

If we could get Lita back on any part time or possibly full time schedule, it'd be a huge win for the Diva's division. She still looks sexy as always and hit that moonsault like she never stopped wrestling.

Rikishi would be phenomenal manager for the Uso's. It would DEFINITELY get them more over, with Rikishi himself still so clearly over, and hopefully more involved. They're the only other original tag team behind the PTP's and they're too talented to go to waste.

Last but not least... JBL! I'd prefer he someday become the ruling authority over both shows. Maybe resurrect the commissioner role and drop all the GM nonsense. A return to commentary or managing a new face to the main roster (similar to Ted DiBiase introducing Steve Austin) are also acceptable. I just want him back.

I love Hart, Foley, Trish, DDP, and Farooq.. but I have no original ideas for them. HBK's made it perfectly clear he's retired, X-PAC just seems too out of shape, and the rest just need to stay in the past. I'm a fan of Vader and Piper, but like the rest.. there's no place for them in WWE 2012-2013.
Rikishi would be phenomenal manager for the Uso's. It would DEFINITELY get them more over, with Rikishi himself still so clearly over, and hopefully more involved. They're the only other original tag team behind the PTP's and they're too talented to go to waste.

Last but not least... JBL! I'd prefer he someday become the ruling authority over both shows. Maybe resurrect the commissioner role and drop all the GM nonsense. A return to commentary or managing a new face to the main roster (similar to Ted DiBiase introducing Steve Austin) are also acceptable. I just want him back.

I thought the exact same thing about JBL. He really is one of the most underrated performers on the mic in my opinion and would be a huge asset to have on camera. If you disagree with me on his mic/promo skills, just look at his promos on Jericho a few years ago. I loved his commentary on Smackdown, he had a way of making every match seem much more important and I think he would do amazing things in a GM role. My vote goes to him.

I do however disagree with you on Rikishi coming back for the Usos. Rikishi was NOT great on the Mic. He got over because of his dancing and if he went back to that gimmick he would overshadow the Usos. Much like I said the night he first returned, while HE shouldn't return, I think the Usos and Tamina using some sort of 2.0 gimmick would benefit them greatly because I've always been a fan of their ring work but feel their lack of gimmick/character make them bland on TV.

As for Lita, I always sided with Trish on the "who is hotter debate between Trish and Lita". That changed when I thought Lita looked the best I've seen her. However I am a bit skeptical on bringing her back to the divas division considering her "match" consisted of hitting 2 moves. Can she still even go a full match anymore? Then I thought about maybe some sort of divas commissioner type role but 1.) She's honestly not THAT good on the Mic and 2.) I think Eve would do a much better job in that role and I'd rather see Eve than Lita on my TV.
Actually, I wouldn't mind seeing most of them once or twice a year. One idea I had was adding a legends vs rookies (newer guys) 5 on 5 tag match at survivor series every year. It's the only ppv out of the big 4 that doesn't have a unique feeling anymore. Maybe even use it as a legends showcase where current talent face legends in most of the matches:
Sample card: (random 3am matches)


APA vs Usos w/Rikishi

Vader/Sid/Animal/Hacksaw/Doink vs 5 random midcard heels (too late to think of them all)

Lita and Trish vs Kelly and AJ (could insert any random divas)

DDP vs Miz

Foley vs Dolph

Tyson Kidd w/Hart vs DB w/ Bob Backlund

The Rock vs HHH w/ HBK as ref (HHH vs Rock is a long time feud that never had a "last match")

World title:
Sheamus w/Piper vs Orton w/Bullet Bob

WWE Title

Punk vs Cena w/ Vince as ref

Added a couple like Bullet Bob not on the show and Rock/Vince who weren't in the original list

When you factor in other legends not on Raw1000 like Nash, Flair, Hogan, guys from ECW, Booker, WCW guys, Austin, etc it could be an annual event and not repeat any matchups. If the ratings from the legends segments are any indication the average fan is still interested in watching these guys, so I think taking what is currently a throw away ppv and focusing on past vs present is a unique concept and could easily surpass the buyrate that last year got.
I'd love to see JBL back on commentary at some point in the future. I thought his spell a few years back was really enjoyable. He didn't look that mobile when he was at 1000th Raw, but I'm guessing that's down to what happened when he climbed that mountain. I didn't expect to see him.

I'd love to see DDP return at some point, always been a fan of him. Solid in the ring and brilliant on the mic. The Diamond Cutter is way better than the RKO in my opinion. Maybe he could be used in more of a managerial capacity.
Actually, I wouldn't mind seeing most of them once or twice a year. One idea I had was adding a legends vs rookies (newer guys) 5 on 5 tag match at survivor series every year. It's the only ppv out of the big 4 that doesn't have a unique feeling anymore. Maybe even use it as a legends showcase where current talent face legends in most of the matches:
Sample card: (random 3am matches)


APA vs Usos w/Rikishi

Vader/Sid/Animal/Hacksaw/Doink vs 5 random midcard heels (too late to think of them all)

Lita and Trish vs Kelly and AJ (could insert any random divas)

DDP vs Miz

Foley vs Dolph

Tyson Kidd w/Hart vs DB w/ Bob Backlund

The Rock vs HHH w/ HBK as ref (HHH vs Rock is a long time feud that never had a "last match")

World title:
Sheamus w/Piper vs Orton w/Bullet Bob

WWE Title

Punk vs Cena w/ Vince as ref

Added a couple like Bullet Bob not on the show and Rock/Vince who weren't in the original list

When you factor in other legends not on Raw1000 like Nash, Flair, Hogan, guys from ECW, Booker, WCW guys, Austin, etc it could be an annual event and not repeat any matchups. If the ratings from the legends segments are any indication the average fan is still interested in watching these guys, so I think taking what is currently a throw away ppv and focusing on past vs present is a unique concept and could easily surpass the buyrate that last year got.

I think you're confusing Bullet Bob Amstrong for Cowboy Bob Orton.. unless Randy has some history with Road Dogg's dad that I'm unaware of XD

Anyways, it's certainly an idea for one... he'll I like almost every aspect of that card. Though I'm not sure it could be an annual event, present vs past. Good thought though.
I do however disagree with you on Rikishi coming back for the Usos. Rikishi was NOT great on the Mic. He got over because of his dancing and if he went back to that gimmick he would overshadow the Usos. Much like I said the night he first returned, while HE shouldn't return, I think the Usos and Tamina using some sort of 2.0 gimmick would benefit them greatly because I've always been a fan of their ring work but feel their lack of gimmick/character make them bland on TV.

Well he'd be the manager for a tag team in 2012 WWE. They'd never be so involved that it'd require him to stand center ring and cut a storyline progressing promo. Occasional typical backstage promo's or interviews. Skits and what not. Leading them to the ring using his knowledge and expertise to help them achieve what he himself has done multiple times (former Tag Champion) makes perfect sense to me. Not saying they have to dance and BE there dad or rely on him... just use him, to enhance them. Plus it sets up a wicked heel turn down the line if they choose to go that way.
I think you're confusing Bullet Bob Amstrong for Cowboy Bob Orton.. unless Randy has some history with Road Dogg's dad that I'm unaware of XD

Anyways, it's certainly an idea for one... he'll I like almost every aspect of that card. Though I'm not sure it could be an annual event, present vs past. Good thought though.

Yeah my bad. Now on hour 21 today... Even warned about it being 3am and not all of it making sense) I picked Orton/Piper on purpose with WM1, just typed the wrong nickname.

I think it would annually when you look at how many legends are involved at different points during the year and with so many guys hitting close to retirement age, it would be a good way to get them back once a year. Guys like Kane, HHH, Taker, Henry, Show, and Jericho are about done. I know when they are I wouldn't have qualms seeing them once a year as a special attraction.

Also, it doesn't just have to be the legends that were on Raw1000. Everyone from Lance Storm, to Steiner brothers, to Goldberg could be brought in different years. Make it special, random. Have a fan axxess like mania and SS, only the fans also get meet and greets with all these guys they don't see all the time as well as current guys.

Plus there is the rub factor. Just look at Slater, he was given more airtime and had his stock rise more from being paired with the legends than he did being a tag champ. Imagine if Ryback catches on and next year they can get Goldberg to agree to face him. Why couldn't Kidd and Storm put on a clinic? Why couldn't we see Dreamer/Sandman/RVD/Raven/Sabu all team up one year. Why couldn't Morley come back for a show, or Taka, or Ahmed Johnson even. There are literally so many options that to not take advantage of it just seems foolish not to.

Not to mention the added benefit of putting some cash in these guys' pockets each year and help prevent having the cycle of broke 60 year old guys who used to be big time stars doing signings and shows in Podunk ohio. It's embarrassing for not only the stars, but the industry as a whole for that to happen.
Lita for me. Still looks great, and that Moonsault looks like she hasn't missed a step. She would be a huge plus in the divas division as is one of the very few diva that had actually main evented Raw. A Lita vs Beth feud would be awesome. She's also great in the ring as well can could potentially help the other divas improve in their in-ring skills.
Lita to revamp the diva's into a real wrestling group. Would have to say no to Animal, as he looked out of shape, Rikishi as a manager or Smackdown GM, NAO won't be back without HHH and HBK being around and the same goes for Xpac, or best of all would have to be Piper as new Smackdown GM.
Has to be Vader for me,

For a 57 year old man of a considerable size, he nailed it. He still has the intensity, prescence, strength, if not quite at the same pace he used to but all the same, very, very impressive.

He couldn't come back full time obviously but there is no harm in using him on-screen, whether wrestling or in a different capacity.

Road Warrior Animal possibly, although he has clearly lost a lot of his bulk and didn't really convince in the ring, those couple of moves clearly took it out of him and it was slightly sad to see.

But they all did well - I miss the old NWA days where wrestlers would come and go frequently - it kept it fresh, interesting and the unpredictability factor would keep you watching. Let's hope they go with this legends section on RAW each week.
If you bring Vader back, do it as a tag team with his son but I thought actually The APA should be the ones to come back. As good as JBL would be as a manager, I think the tag division could use a bit of APA for a bit, and it would also be interesting if someone like Heyman hired them out to watch Brock's back.

In terms of shape, Billy Gunn was clearly in the best shape, closely followed by, bizarrely Bob Backlund... I was stunned not only the shape but how young the guy still looks (false teeth notwithstanding). I personally would love to see him get another crack at the belt to see if he could have the belt in 3 different decades...
Although he's never been popular among today's wrestling fans, I'd love to see Bob Backlund back in some capacity. Not as a wrestler, obviously, although at 62, he still looked as if he could give a tough time to some of today's mid-card crowd. I would love to have been around for his 5-year championship reign back in the 70's and 80's; when wrestlers had to make it entirely with their work in the ring instead of their mouths. For purists, Backlund must have been really something.

A few years ago, I enjoyed the "tough love" program he ran as the manager of Kurt Angle. The whole thing went down in a strange fashion; the program was just picking up speed, Backlund had just launched a sequence that left Angle lying.....and the next week Backlund no longer worked for the company.

I'd like to see him back again in a similar role. He's in good enough shape to take a few bumps, too.
Lita looked incredible, even hotter than 10 years ago, and hit her moonsault perfectly. But, I think she retired because of a neck injury didn't she? I wouldn't want her back wrestling again if there was the possibility of further wrecking her neck, she would be great to have back as a manager one one of the new divas though, or as someone else said, the Divas authority figure.

DDP was great to see, but the guy is well over 50 now I think. He only got into the business in his late 30s, so I don't think he would ever have another run. Maybe a one off match.

Rikishi would be a perfect manager for his sons, The Uso's. Plus it would be a good step forward to bringing back traditional managers, I miss them as do many fans.

It has been reported that Billy Gunn impressed management, and so is likely to get a match for the WWE again in the future. I am all for that, especially if Road Dogg is involved and the New Age Outlaws can put over the current tag-team champions (whoever that is at the time)

I have no doubt we will see Mick Foley and Bret Hart again on WWE TV, they will always be around making appearances here and there, and thats great. I am always happy to see them.

Sid won't be wrestling any matches, but a short term bodyguard role could work, and I am still surprised we never saw Animal interact with his brother Big Johnny at Raw1000 or any time since JL became an on-screen character- it's a ready made storyline/match.

BUT, if I had to pick one guy to keep around it would be JBL. The guy is GOLDEN on the mic, and can get heat like pretty much noone else. There is noone else I would rather see as Raw or SD GM than JBL, he is perfect for the role. So good on the mic, he could either be a GM, a commentator again (he was awesome with Michael Cole) or even as a heel manager bringing in a new talent to the WWE or managing one of the newer stars who struggles on the mic right now. JBL needs to be back in the WWE, as soon as possible.
For me it's two. Lita and JBL.

I would like to see JBL come back as either a manager, an announcer, or even as GM. The heel GM route has been done to death but he would be an excellent choice to run Raw. Unlike Vickie he would get loads of heel heat, the legit kind that is and not "go away" heat. He would have been the GM that Johnny was intended to be. Or he could return as an announcer to replace Lawler. I don't miss him in the ring much, however his promos are very missed. Bring him back in some type of speaking role, WWE!

Lita needs to come back too. She not only looked amazing, but the divas division has never recovered from her departure 6 years ago. No one could bring the same level of interest she and Trish did. Not Mickie, not Candice, sure as hell not Melina, not Michelle, not Kelly, not Eve, and not Layla. None of these divas could offer what Lita can, she'd turn the division around. Make her Divas Champion for a whole year taking on the entire roster before a dream feud with Beth or Natalya where she puts one of them over for the title.
I like to see most of these guys that were mention. I love Sid, I would love to see him couple times a year. Billy Gunn is still in a great and Road Dogg can still talk great on the mic, They can come back and shoot some life into the poor tag team divison. DDP is in a great shape for a guy his age. Lita looked awesome, she can come back and be the Diva champion. I would like to see Bret as an authority figure on tv, like a GM or something. JBL would be an awesome announcer or manager or GM, he can bring a lot of heat.

I would also love to see some guys that didn't come back for the Raw 1000. It would be great to see the Steiners again. I would be excited to see Scott Hall, maybe have him come with Nash.

I was excited seeing legends come back, I hope they don't stop it any time soon.
Ok this doesn't include The Undertaker or The Rock as we all know we will see them again in a full on Wrestling Match down the line.

At Raw 1000 Former Legends we saw include :

1) Shawn Michaels
2) Billy Gunn
3) X-Pac
4) Roaddog
5) Lita
6) Hacksaw Jim Duggan
7) Doink
8) DDP
9) JBL
10) Faarooq
11) Rowdy Roddy Piper
12) Psycho Sid
13) Road Warrior Animal
14) Seargent Slaughter
15) Bret Hart
16) Bob Backlund
17) Vader
18) Rikishi
19) Mick Foley
20) Trish

Did i miss anyone?

Each Week leading upto Raw1000 people made posts that they would like to see some of these past legends in the ring again, after they (except Doink) scored thier wins over Heath Slater.

A few of these could possibly compete again Part-Time, or come back for a few special matches.

I'm going to say Road Warrior Animal. I thought he looked really good for his age. Seems just like the old Animal from his Leigon of Doom days. I doubt he would be able to compete full-time, but i think he still has the look and style for a few matches or maybe even a fued or 2. He could even do something interesting with John Lauranitis if he was to return at some point.

Who would you most like to see again and why? or do you think they are all over the hill?

Animal. His match was exciting and he dominated the same way that he used to. And how about "I'M THE ANIMAL" before the elbow drop? It was great. I hope they don't waste him on a story line with his brother. Keep John in his current story line and use Animal in a seperate story line.
New Age Outlaws: With the tag team division getting back on it's feet, it could definitely use the NAO's help. They could give other teams the rub and make the division look relevant again. And I would be lying if I said I didn't want to see them become Tag champs again. I don't care if they are old timers, they proved over the last few years, in TNA, Royal Rumble this year and on Raw last week, that they still got it on the mic & in the ring. NAO are my favourite tag team of all time.

JBL: He could replace Booker T on the SD! commentary team, would be funny seeing Josh Matthews get bullied by both JBL & Cole every week lol. Or better yet, as GM as others have said. He would make one badass GM and I see no one having a problem with him like many people have with most of the past GM's & current GM's.

Farooq: WWE could bring him back as a road agent but it would also great to see him back in comedy segments again with his trademark "DAMN". They were always so funny and never get tired.
Shawn Michaels -why not, he never lost it and can perform better than 90% of the roster they have now.
Billy Gunn -Looks in great shape, enjoyed his little skit with HBK, why not.
X-Pac -maybe in a tag team
Roaddog -he just looks old. but I wouldn’t mind a match with the NAOL
Lita -seriously why not?
Trish -rather her the Lita
Billy Gunn-Looked in great shape in his Return and can still belt it out on the Mic. Would love one more New Age Outlaws run.

Road Dogg-See Billy Gunn

Lita-Damn she is still smoking. CM Punk is one lucky guy

APA-Always liked them as a Team,I miss the Clothesline from Hell.

X-Pac-Never really understood the dislike for him before he left.


Vader-Maybe a short run but he still has it.
I would love to see them hire Billy Gunn as an agent, and then he and Road Dogg could reform the Outlaws for a match or two. I think they would be a great team to help put over some of the new tag teams. The tag division lacks any kind of vetern team to help get the young guys over, and I think the Outlaws would be great for this purpose.
i would love to see rikishi come back. he would not have to wrestle every week either. you could stick him with his son's to help get them over with the fan's. also it would be so funny to see someone like aw get the stink face.

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