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Which Jeff Jarrett supporter Will be release next?

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Championship Contender
First you had Dutch Mantel and Savio Vega, then Don west get release from the announcing booth to be sent somewhere else in the company so out of all the Jeff Jarrett supporters in TNA, who do you think will get release?

At first at would have thought A.J. Styles but it after i realise that it would be easier to just bury him instead of releasing. Same thing goes for pretty much everybody on the active roster that wants to follow Jeff Jarrett.

So if you take the entire roster out of the equation i would say B.G. James. Who is a bigger friend to Jeff Then B.G. The fact is Jeff has been friend with B.G for a long time and will fight for Jeff until the day he dies so if Dixie wants to have Jarrett sell his share, what better move then to fired JEff's biggest ally.

So who do you think will be next on the chopping block.
Are you serious? You actually thought that they would've released AJ Styles, their best wrestler, just because Jarrett slept with Karen Angle? That makes no sense at all. They aren't "burying" him either just because he's lost a few matches. Despite not even being at the last PPV he was mentioned during the main event.

I don't know how you can prove anyway got released because of their connection to Jarrett. Taz was going to take over for West eventually, like it or not. Sure it may have come a litte early, but it was bound to happen eventually. He wasn't even fired, he is still with the company in sales or something. There is no way you can prove anyway was or will be released because of their relationship with Jeff Jarrett, it's all speculatioln.
Wait. What? Are you actually insinuating that Vega and Mantell were released for being friends with Jeff? I mean, nevermind the fact they were being paid to do nothing, as Vinnie Ru has his department on lockdown, and BG is the head "agent". What did they actually contribute to the product?

Now, on to topic. I think unless he does something to piss everyone within power off, BG is relatively safe. He's professional enough to not mix business with pleasure. I'm sure once he enters the arena, all friendships are on the back burner.

Don West was not fired, he was promoted. I'm sure he knew it was coming sooner or later.

As for Jarrett supporters on the bubble? I'm pretty sure in this crazy industry we love, anybody is on the bubble. I don't see these recent releases as being driven by personal issues. Dixie is just cleaning house. Hell, there's speculation that the company could be bringing back one of Jarretts other close friends, in the form of Scott Damore.

As far as I can see, the roster is safer than the backstage crew. And that's understandable, as the crew is more expendable. Nobody really pays attention to who "produced" each segment.
I don't think there will be any more releases from anywhere other than a few bums on creative. I mean, how many agents do you need? I would rather have BG James, Taz (who has been rumored to be doing some match producing), and Terry Taylor producing matches and the rest of the bums released. They have one show, why do they need 8 road agents?

Then you have creative. You have head booker Vince Russo, the newly re-signed Scott D'Amore, Jim Cornette (who is doing work with creative and producing now) and a bunch of road agents from what I know of it. Fire some of the agents and whittle down the creative team to guys that know what they are doing and let the product work itself out.

I know one guy who needs fired. The guy who came up with the bright idea to have The Deaner run off with the Knockouts Championship.
It's funny to me Jeff is getting more heat for fooling around with Karen yet Angle who was arrested for stalking is allowed to keep the belt.TNA needs to learn what is actually worse
It's funny to me Jeff is getting more heat for fooling around with Karen yet Angle who was arrested for stalking is allowed to keep the belt.TNA needs to learn what is actually worse

This sums it up pefectly. There is no need for all of these threads and post dedicated to ripping Jarrett for no reason. He did not break the law, he was involved with another adult, no big deal. Kurt Angle broke the law in multiple ways. It's just common sense, no point in arguing it any more.
First of all, Dutch Mantel should have been fired. He books wrestling like it's a territory in Memphis in 1978. He is completely out of touch with todays fans and has stale ideas. As for Savio, I don't know anything about him, so I can't comment.

Regarding West, you can see my comments in that particular thread, but I thought he had to go as well. I personally thought he was horrible and whether Taz is better or worse doesn't matter...they are paying for him, he's a well known with a familiar voice, he's an ex-wrestler, so he has more upside.

If I had to pick who would go next, I would think possibly Cornette. He has a tendency to think old school, but he still has a great wrestling mind. He may be out of it, he may not - that's not public information so I really have no basis to judge on this. But from what I know and have heard, it's quite possibly that TNA is looking for some new thinking and new blood. If so....Cornette could be on the way out.

As for thinking they would release AJ Styles...why would you think that? He is an incredible wrestler and doesn't ever clash with creative even though it's clear he should have been the top guy a long time ago. He is the ultimate team player and absolutely gold in the ring.
Yea man, you must not know about Don West before TNA. Don West used to have infomercials and spots on TV where he SOLD MERCHANDISE!!!!! That's why he has the position now. Don West is very familiar with selling merchandise, and Taz is very familiar with being a color commentator. It's a win/win situation for Taz, Don West, and TNA. it worked out for everyone.

I didnt know anything about Dutch or Savio, so I won't comment on it. But for AJ Styles, are you serious? AJ Styles is without a doubt, TNA's greatest talent. AJ has been with the company from the start, to fire him would be the stupidest thing the company has ever done, and for a lot of guys like, watch TNA just for the guys like him. To me, AJ is like Tommy Dreamer in the 90s.. They both love their company, and probably will stay there for most their career.

B.G. James, I don't know what he's up to, haven't seen him on TV in a very long time. So i looked up on it just now, and Jarret has supposedly been giving him favorable reviews. Even though people aren't happy with him. Iff this is the case, he needs to start working better, or look for work somewhere else.
This sums it up pefectly. There is no need for all of these threads and post dedicated to ripping Jarrett for no reason. He did not break the law, he was involved with another adult, no big deal. Kurt Angle broke the law in multiple ways. It's just common sense, no point in arguing it any more.

Allegedly !!!!!!!

Just making sure we don't convict our Olympic hero before he has a fair shake.

But, I will agree with GD about Jarrett - what has he really done that's so bad ?? Unless there's a major piece of the puzzle that we're not getting, which is entirely possible, Jeff stepped up and started banging a hot piece of divorced ass !!

Angle allegedly stalked a giraffe looking chick who was **working at Starbucks** (according to Angle's lawyer). Plus, he was driving under suspension which means he broke another law which has yet to be mentioned because your license doesn't get yanked for nothing !! My guess is it's for failing to pay child support to Karen, but that's pure speculation.

Either way - Angle has been charged with crimes (misdemeaners, but crimes nonetheless). Jarrett has done nothing illegal to our knowledge... allegedly !!!
Why would you think that TNA would fire AJ Styles? It makes no sense. AJ Styles is to TNA what Sting was to WCW and what Undertaker is to WWE. AJ Styles is the 1 man who defines TNA more than anyone on the roster!

This sums it up pefectly. There is no need for all of these threads and post dedicated to ripping Jarrett for no reason. He did not break the law, he was involved with another adult, no big deal. Kurt Angle broke the law in multiple ways. It's just common sense, no point in arguing it any more.

What does Kurt breaking the law have anything to do with his possession. If you want to talk about the HGH he had, he had a subscription for it. And if not, who are we or TNA to judge? You're innocent until proven guilty in America.
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