Which is more iconic- Sweet Chin Music or The Pedigree

Hollywood Naitch

The current reigning and defending
Triple H and Shawn Michaels. Two of the most decorated superstars of all time, two of the biggest household names in wrestling over the last 20 years.

Now all legendary wrestlers have their own instantly recognisable finishing move. Hogan had the leg drop, Austin had the Stunner and Undertaker has the Tombstone.

When you think of either Shawn Michaels or Triple H, one of the 1st things that springs to mind is their finishers, Triple H and his patented Pedigree, HBK with the Sweet Chin Music superkick.

What I want to know is....which is more iconic, Pedigree or SCM. Which will be remembered as the better move? Maybe they both will go down as two of the best of all time?

Sweet Chin Music



To me, the Pedigree is just another Facebuster.

The SCM however, is Iconic to me. For one, the way HBK riles up the crowd to get them into it, then bursting his foot into whoever's face making the crowd go MENTAL. Granted the Pedigree does, but I like the SCM more. Also, it's harder for people to do, which is why when I saw JoMo do it, I thought "WOW", this guy is gonna follow in the footsteps of HBK.

So yeah, SCM for me, love the move and the guy who does it.
Even as much as I love the Pedigree I will have to go with Sweet Chin Music. The very fact that it is an out of nowhere surprising move. As well as it can be a "less surprising" move with the stomping build-up just makes for a much better finisher. Sure Triple H's finisher looks a bit more legitimate, yet Shawn Michaels finisher move is hardly anything to sell short considering it is a kick to the head.

Shawn's move is something that generates a pop, because it leaves much more memorable moments like the superkick to Rey Mysterio back during his build-up with The Undertaker, or the superkick to Shelton Benjamin. Triple H can't brag about that because there's nothing extremely memorable to his finisher like that, unless it is involved in a hardcore match or some extreme move like through a table, on the top of the Hell in a Cell cage or onto ring-steps. Other than that, it's really nothing that generates a "wow" factor.

That's why Shawn's finisher will always be the better more memorable and if you will, iconic move.
I think we need look no further than WrestleMania 12 and the image of HBK superkicking Bret in overtime during their Iron Man Match for the answer here. Sweet Chin Music by a mile. I think what hurts the Pedigree also, is the fact that for a large chunk of Triple H's tenure, it's really been used as more of a salt in the wounds thing than a finisher outright (normally coming in conjunction with a sledgehammer shot or low-blow, etc.), whereas with HBK, Sweet Chin Music could literally come from anywhere, at any moment and beat even the biggest, toughest guys. Plus, I can't help but finish by reiterating the image of that kick at WMXII that won Michaels his first WWF Championship. There are to my mind no instances of the Pedigree that can touch it.
I'd have to go with Sweet Chin Music, the splat when it hits another guy on the face itself is probably my favourite noise in sports entertainment... O.O.

Shawn SCM will (WILL) get a reaction without any build up or anything, it sounds as if it hurts, looks great and when there is build up (stomping from the corner... o_O) it just becomes a whole lot better.
has to be sweet chin music..... iconic and timeless..... even as recently as (i think it was) summerslam last year (or was it summerfest... i forget) in the DX and cena triple threat and right at the beginning he SCMd triple H..... so quick, so fast, so shocking.... so brilliant....!!!!
Looks like the pedigree didn't have a chance and I can't tell you how happy I am to see all of you going with the SCM. Not only can it be done anywhere at anytime in any givin scenerio but it is NOT an easy move to master. Certain guys like the late Test would big boot you, but you can obviously see him smack his own leg to make the sound. With your eye alone in regular time you almost never can tell where the sound comes from when Michaels did it. I am sure there are times Michaels would connect legit with someones jaw but he is GREAT at making it sound like he just kicked their heads off. The pedigree is just another facebuster in the realms of piledriver/ddt type moves. For me, hands down the SCM > Pedigree. Both great though, don't want to slight one or the other.
I think the biggestv factor that has to come into play is this: How many "moments" have we seen generated as a result of Sweet Chin Music, and likewise, the Pedigree. There-in lies your answer.

I can remember to this day HBK connecting on 2 SCM's at WM 12 to win his first championship His superkick to Shelton when he was springboarding off of the top rope. Upon his return from injury, superkicking Randy Orton for 5 straight weeks. Heck, in their championship match, Shawn was banned from using the move! That speaks volumes about it. others include his superkick to Hogan when he turned on him, to Cena the Raw before Wrestlemania 23, and his series of superkicks to Taker in the weeks leading up to Wrestlemania 25.

As for HHH, there's the famous pedigree to Mick Foley on top of the Cell, and also to Jericho. Seeing him hit it on Khali, and Big show alike was impressive, because of their size. But in the end, it just has been apart of as many "moments", as HBK's SCM.

The other thing is, we've seen people over the years try to emulate it. Whether it be Jericho at Wrestlemania 19, or Morrison on Raw's 800th episode, there have been other superstars whon have taken it, and tried to make it their own, to show they can do it "better" then HBK. Ive never seen anybody do that with the Pedigree. When someone tries to use your own move, that speaks to the veracity of it. Hands down, its Sweet Chin Music to me.
Gotta go with the rest: SCM wins easily. As said before, SCM can just be snapped off without warning whereas the Pedigree has to be set up. Besides, look at the # of SCM botches vs Pedigree botches. I don't remember any SCM botches, does anyone know of one?
Sweet Chin Music. I like it when wrestling is more realistic...a kick like that can be sudden, and effective. The Pedigree would never work...all someone has to do is let their legs go limp and pull their arms out. Not very realistic. Shawn could hit you from no where, and the only defense would be if he missed or your reflexes were fast enough...SCM for me
Hands down, its got to be the sweet chin music. In my opinion, part of what makes a finisher so great is if it can be hit out of nowhere. The stunner, the rko, and sweet chin music are all great finishers that can come from nowhere and can be hit from so many different angles and its just awesome. Another good thing about the scm is that it CAN have a build up to it as well. HBK can go in the corner and start "tuning up the band" and still kick someone's head clean off, but I always liked it the best when he hits it out of nowhere aka springboard shelton into the super kick, probably one of my favorite and most memorable super kicks. The pedigree is a decent finisher but the super kick just tops it on every level. Another thing about it, the sound when it hits. You can just hear the SMACK! when the super kick (i like super kick way more than sweet chin music so that's why i decided to keep using that) hits and it makes you go "damn that's it, lights out, if he's not knocked out then he's at least in a world of pain" as compared to the pedigree where your just like.."eh, yeah it's over, but he'll be up after a few minutes".
If you really must know it would be Sweet Chin Music and then the Diamond Cutter (or RKO) just because not only has it been a move that came from the 90's era, but its remembered as a move that can be hit at any moment at any time without real warning.

Now I'm not saying the pedigree is bad, but if you really break it down structurally usually you see it coming and you usually know its going to end a match, but think about sweet chin music.

How many times have we seen HBK pull it off out of no where, think about it he hit Bret with it twice at WM12. The Undertaker got it three times per WM and you never could tell if the match was going to be over cause it took you by surprise. Its kinda amusing though that during the start of his solo career as HBK he used the back suplex as his finisher and the Cresent Kick (now super kick) as his set up move, and now its the most well known move in wrestling.
Both moves are awesome. Someone said the Pedigree is just another facebuster to them, but I've heard people say, Sweet Chin Music is just another kick, then ask, "Why is it so much more effective when Shawn does it?"

Well, that's HIS finisher. Just like a DDT was a finisher for Jake "The Snake" Roberts, but today people kick out of it left and right. It's become a common move. The funny thing is, Steven Richards does the Stevie Kick or Super Kick, and that's his finisher, but it's done slightly different. Others have done it, but HBK simply does it better and differently.

Yes, he can hit it out of nowhere, which makes it great, but the other thing I like is tuning up the band! There's crowd interaction, and who doesnt love that? You can either see it coming, with the tuning of the band or have it come out of nowhere.

Shawn can use it to kick a chair or other weapon into the face of an opponent, but it is easier to catch his leg and swing it around or counter than it is to reverse Triple H, by breaking out of his grasp and back body dropping him over you with what little momentum you'll have at that point in the match. You've got to think about that. Even though you could hook the legs and drop him in the set up that could take him into the Walls of Jericho, you still have to use what little strength you have left after being exhausted at that point.

Then also, Triple H's Pedigree can be used to thrash your head onto a chair or other weapon. It's deadlier than Sweet Chin Music because of the damage it does, trapping your head between the knees and driving you into the mat! Dont even get me started on how the very first Pedigree looked like it almost made HHH a murderer having had the guy (I believe it was HBK) dropped straight on the head!

Triple H's move is definately the most effective and harder to counter which makes it better in the strategic sense. If I had to pick which move to use, it would seem the Pedigree. The flaw is kicking the guy in the gut and hooking the arms, the strength and exhaustion factor goes both ways. Can he lift and hook the arms? Has his arm been weakened? Well if it has he's screwed so there goes his weapon as much of a power move as it is. And I witnessed this live at Extreme Rules.

So this takes us back to Sweet Chin Music because no matter how much pain you are in, even if Shawn's leg was hurt, we've seen him use it even if he was in bad shape. It's easier to use the Sweet Chin Music in a weakened state or after having drained yourself in a match than it is to execute The Pedigree.

I think that's an important consideration.

Think of this too. HBK is a guy who goes through hell, then gets momentum right when it counts! This is what powers up that move is his will to go on, his adrenaline rush, and then there's no stopping him. His weakened state doent matter and it's a mini-Hulking up moment in a way. The emotion behind tuning up the band at this point makes the move that much sweeter. He showed us how you can still use this move effectively even with a bad leg when he fought Batista at Backlash, funny I was also there and that was in my hometown too.

So, I felt digging in deep like that was needed. HBK can play dirty to pull that move out and make it effective. HHH could too, but overall, HBK's move would still be more effective and the set up is easier if he needed to cheat or stall to execute it.

Sweet Chin Music wins!
I guess I'll go with the unanimous decision. Sweet Chin Music. The Pedigree is awesome and all, but the Sweet Chin Music tops it. Like the Stone Cold Stunner and RKO, the Sweet Chin Music can come out of nowhere. And like someone else stated, not only is it an "out of nowhere" finisher, it can also be built up when Shawn "tunes up the band," both ways resulting in the crowd going nuts. Plus like the Stunner and RKO, there are more memorable SCMs than there are Pedigrees. Marty Janetty before being thrown through the window, Steve Austin countering it into a Stunner, Shelton Benjamin jumping into one (one of my personal favorites), etc. When you can turn a superkick into something unique, it becomes iconic.
I'll go with the Sweet Chin Music as well. Firstly the SCM has one of the best build ups to a finishing move ever. The whole "tuning up the band" gig gets the whole crowd going. Plus the SCM could be used regardless of the position Shawn's opponent was in. His opponent could have been flying, looking away, standing still, moving etc it did not matter. The Superkick would put anyone and everyone down.

Also it was much harder to counter the SCM, as compared to a Pedigree because the SCM was a faster move. You would need outstanding reflexes to duck out of the way or catch Shawn's leg while he was performing the move.

Also the question the OP asks is iconic. I generally believe the finishers used by faces capture the imagination of fans more than the finishers used by heels. Shawn was a face for the majority of his career while HHH has been heel for the most of his. Hence people have connected to the SCM better. Another example of my theory is the popularity of the RKO. Now Orton's finisher was always awesome but the moment he turned face his finisher started topping the popularity charts.

One final point that I would like to make is that Shawn's two feuds have revolved around the SCM. His feud with Cena was based on when HBK would hit Cena with the SCM while his feud with Orton was based on HBK hitting him with the SCM week after week which led to the stipulation match in which Shawn was not allowed to use the Superkick and Randy would lose the championship belt if he was disqualified. I certainly do not remember any feud being based around the Pedigree so the SCM wins again.
I have to go with the Pedigree, even though I think it's pretty lame as a move, especially compared to the Sweet Chin Music which is one of the better finishes I've ever seen. My reasoning is this: how many guys have you seen do a Pedigree? Me, I can only remember seeing Triple H himself use it (oh, and Chyna, but the less said about that the better). Then, I've seen a couple of variations on it, like Christopher Daniels's Angel's Wings, or CM Punk's Pepsi Plunge. Sweet Chin Music on the other hand... it's a superkick. Dress it up however you like, "tune up the band" before every usage, but it remains a superkick, albeit an excellent one, just as The People's Elbow was never, really, anything more than a lame elbow drop. Superkicks get thrown around all the time. Pedigrees don't. Ergo, the Pedigree is more associated with Triple H, and more iconic.
Well, the SCM is by far more iconic. As everyone has said, it can be hit from anywhere, it creates moments, it is replicated by others once in blue moon.

The Pedigree is pretty cool though. I like also how Triple H despite being a big guy doesn't use a big guy move. Well maybe to a certain extent it is, but it's not really that much of a big man's move. Plus, it is almost sure your opponent is done when he hits it. Same could be said for Shawn, but I have seen more guys kick out of SCM than The Pedigree.

I'll go with SCM though.
Wow when I made this thread I did not expect the landslide result! I really should have made a poll :(

I do have to agree with everyone else, and while I do prefer the Pedigree by far, SCM is the more iconic finishing move, due to the fact it can produce a shocking moment when Michaels hits it out of nowhere, with noone expecting it.

For example, when HBK nailed Hogan out of the blue with the kick. With the pedigree, it would have taken a kick to the gut then the set up, then the jump, then the impact. With the SCM it can literally be hit in an instant.

So Sweet Chin Music for me too.

I will make another of these threads soon
I am a fan of Triple H's pedigree but I have to go with Sweet CHin Music. The super kick has been used by a lot of superstars but none have used it like him. Whenever he is going for sweet chin music and starts to tune up the band, the crowd gets so involved. Also the Sweet Chin Music can out of anywhere as to the pedigree takes more time to set up. Sweet CHin Music will be remembered more because of all the classic matches that Shawn Michaels has used it in.
Id have to say the sweet chin music because Shawn could get the crowd into it when he starts stomping the whole stadium starts stomping and the pedigree is probably the 3rd best finisher in the business it doesn't get the crowd pumped like the sweet chin music
Two of my favorite wrestlers ever, and two of the most legendary finishers ever. I think arguably, Triple H is probably my favorite of the two, but both hold top 5 spots on my favorite wrestlers ever list. Even still I think I'm going to have to go with Sweet Chin Music on this one.

For starters, I think anyone could probably get away with having their finisher be the Pedigree and pull it off convincingly as a devastating move. Not anyone could kick someone in the jaw and convince me that it knocked them out like HBK could.

As someone brought up earlier, Bret Hart vs. HBK at 'Mania XII is probably one of the best examples. Bret Hart was at the top of his game when the Kid knocked him down in overtime.

One thing the Pedigree does have over SCM is that it is almost never built up. Triple H, 9 times out of 10 hits from out of nowhere and that's one exciting draw. On the other hand, HBK normally "cued up the band" so for the most part we knew when it was coming. Which made it all the more special when we didn't see it coming. I don't know how many times we were teased with it, having an opponent duck underneath it only to counter with a move of their own.. Or, when someone would try to execute their finisher only to have HBK counter with Chin Music.

The list of finishes with these two moves is endless, and very few have survived either one. Good thread.
Both are great moves and will go down as among the best finishers ever. However, I am going with Sweet Chin Music as the better of the two. The Pedigree is not the only specialty move associated with Trips, while EVERYONE instantly thinks of Michaels when the Sweet Chin Music is mentioned, with it being his main finishing move. It is more iconic and on a higher level than the Pedigree in terms of deadliness (kayfabe) and also how many more great moments it gave us fans.

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