Which is bigger?????


At WrestleMania 18 we saw possibly the biggest match in wrestling history, as The Rock faced Hulk Hogan. It was the ultimate battle of past vs. present. Legend vs. icon. Hulkamania vs. The People's Champion.

This match was the culmination of possibly the biggest, certainly the most eagerly anticipated feud in all of wrestling history.

At least, that's what we thought........

Fast forward ten years. Now we have the ultimate battle of wrestling’s past vs. wrestling’s present. Wrestling’s most well-known main-stream star vs. the modern face of professional wrestling.

So, I ask you, out of Hogan vs.Rock or Rock vs. Cena.......
Which will have the better build up?
Which will have the better final match?
Which will be the better feud overall?
Which will be the more significant to wrestling's history?
I actually think Rock - Hogan will turn out better. To be honest, I'm already getting bored of Rock-Cena. A year in advance, are you serious?

If Cena was as respected as Hogan was, and not getting boo'd while being the top face, then maybe it could be better, but when I watched the Hogan and Rock standoff when they announced they were going to be facing eachother at Wrestlemania, I was on the edge of my seat with excitement. Like, legit OMG excitement. Last week with Rock and Cena I didn't really care that much. They're both starting to bore me quite a bit and I was kinda thinking, just hurry up and announce your match so I can watch something else.

A year's build up is a longgg time, I'm curious to see how they go about this.

This is going to be unanimous for one reason and one reason only, all those Cena haters will obviously choose Hogan/Rock. Even though Cena/Rock will be alot better and more exciting to watch. I think Cena/Rock wins all 4 of those categories that you chose, come on you know its gonna be huge if they announced it 1 year in advance. Im not a huge Cena fan at all but i respect him alot and think he's a great wrestler, when u can do what he does then talk.
Which will have the better build up?
With at least 8 months of planning I think the build should be perfect for this match

Which will have the better final match?
Cena and The Rock are with out question going to put on a better more intense match than Rock/Hogan even had potential to be.

Which will be the better feud overall?
The 3 month feud we've already seen between Cena and The Rock has already been a better feud imo so I only see it getting better from when the real interactions concerning the match itself start.

Which will be the more significant to wrestling's history?
It all depends on the ending results and quality of it all.

This feud has potential to be legendary if everything lives up to the hype its getting. There's also the chance of it turning out like the Invasion storyline and being infamous for all of it's faults and missed opportunities.
Which will have the better build up?

With 11 Months now to build up this match there is no excuse for the WWE to get the build up wrong wether we will still be seeing the rock on weekly/monthly basis or not seeing him till Royal Rumble time, if the WWE doesn't get the build up right then it will go down as one of the biggest mistakes in there histroy

Which will have the better final match?

It is no secret that Hogan wasn't the best wrestler in the world and in there prime Cena & Rock are clearly miles ahead of Hogan in terms of wrestling ability, but my biggest concern for this match is "ring rust" on The Rock's half, by the time WM 28 comes around it will be 8 years since The Rock was last in a match, so he will need matches before Wrestlemania 28 or else it could end up turning into a sloppy match

Which will be the better feud overall?

Again with the time that the WWE has to build this feud up then it should be Cena VS The Rock

Which will be the more significant to wrestling's history?

I'm going to sit on the fence on this and say both will be as significant as the other
I think its C v R. The interesting thing is that when comparing the two matches, The Rock is now in the Hogan role as the "old schooler" making a seldom seen appearance and Cena will take on Rocks previous role as the active "torch recepient" which garnered much heat for the Rock then anyway so heat from the Cena haters is insignificant (which I am but I still can't wait for this match). Besides with the match in Miami Cena doesnt stand a chance- you'll only be able to hear the screaming girls from the first 2 or 3 rows anyway

The year long announcement and set up will make C v R the one with the better build up, The match happening at some point was almost a given with all the attention thrown tat way (it could have happened at 27 already). To agree with xs-t, it does seem to be growing stale and lackluster but with Rock mainly off TV probably till Rumble it will build. With Rock's mainstream success (I expect him to have 2 major hit movies until 28 also, maybe biggest yet) and Cena's foot in that door as well it has potential to have the more significance in wrestlings history with Vinces new direction ( if Cena's movie career is still on the up- otherwise bust) and it will absolutely be a better match.
You know, I loved the Rock/Hogan thing. It was amazing at the time and really had an era vs. era feel to it. But the Rock/Cena matchup represents the same era/era thing to an even bigger extent. When Hogan was the face of the WWE, we really had only seen the kid and family friendly side of wrestling to that point. Then the Attitude era came along and The Rock was one of the faces for that era, which alot of people see as the highest point of wrestling. Many argue that fact but money/ratings don't lie, even though I don't personally agree with it. Now were back to the kid friendly stuff and Cena is clearly the leader of the new PG era. The difference is, now with Rocky people are salivating for the Rock to whip "the PG era's" collective ass mainly by beating Cena. That's the difference here. Almost everybody loved both The Rock and Hogan in their feud, plus people were just happy to have Hogan back with the WWE.

I think with a full YEAR build up, this match will be bigger and way more satisfying than the Rock/Hogan deal. The match will be about as good since Hogan and Cena are comparable in the ring. But the crowd will totally be one sided against Cena.

The awesome thing about this is that I think the WWE will turn Cena into a full fledged heel with this feud, thereby making Cena an even BIGGER star than he already is. I know dumbasses will say "they would never do that because Cena's merchandising and kid friendliness, yada yada yada bullshit." But think about it. Cena has been the top dawg for about 4 years now, and thats when he got all the kids behind him. Now those kids are entering their teens and Cena is getting booed more and more every week while opposed to the Rock. I think it's the perfect time to make Cena the anti hero and give those teens something they love to hate. Cena has the charisma to be that kind of character. Somebody that you'll boo and love to see get his ass whipped but you'll also still like to see as much of him as possible. And you gotta realize, kids that age LOVE to go against the grain and root for the bad guy. The Rock can turn somebody like Cena, and I feel he is one of the few people to be able to pull it off. If the WWE picks up on this and uses this feud to it's advantage, I feel it can be one of the most significant feuds in WWE history.
To all of those I guess I have to say Rock vs Hogan. These arent some of, they ARE the two biggest stars this business has had and whenever you have them two together its gunna outshine everything else. The Rock vs Cena thing has been really carrying RAW this past month, and as entertaining as it is it just isnt the same as anything The Rock did in his prime. I know some people might take offense to me ripping into this rivalry but honestly we dont even know why it started. Supposedly Cena said something bad about The Rock and now theyre going back and fourth. It sounds like a case of someone spreading rumors at middle school. Its not going to be significant to wrestling history because already kow Rock's gunna come out on top. Its Wrestlemania at Rock's home town and hes probably getting into the HOF which means this rivalry is happening for two reasons. 1, to make of for the recent lack of top superstars in the company. 2, to give Rock his last hurrah before hanging up the boots. Whenever theres that post retirement return it never turns out to be like when two superstars are at the top of their game, which is what Hogan vs Rock was more or less.
This is going to be unanimous for one reason and one reason only, all those Cena haters will obviously choose Hogan/Rock. Even though Cena/Rock will be alot better and more exciting to watch. I think Cena/Rock wins all 4 of those categories that you chose, come on you know its gonna be huge if they announced it 1 year in advance. Im not a huge Cena fan at all but i respect him alot and think he's a great wrestler, when u can do what he does then talk.

Umm, you're spamming.

TO answer the question, I would say The Rock vs Hulk Hogan. The MOMENT was way better, but for the work rate of the match, Ultimate Warrior vs Hulk Hogan was better.

Hulk Hogan vs The Rock: One of the greatest crowds (Canadian!) ever. The opinionated crowd was so memorably amazing, cheering for Hogan over The Rock.

Ultimate Warrior vs Hulk Hogan: Though, the crowd went nuts, it wasn't as memorable as the match after, but still awesome. The match itself was better in my opinion.
Which will have the better build up?

I think the Rock Cena will have a better build up as it is based partly on real life issues between the two, which always makes more better storylines. The Rock Hogan had a few good moments but it really felt like NWO-Light to me. Hogan ramming the ambulance with a truck had much more production value but then he got worried and ran off and it killed it... the NWO tearing up WCW guys was one of the craziest things especially the backstage one where Big Sexy darted rey rey, what they did to Rock didn't compare. THat was about it for build up for that match, whereas this one still has a lot to come despite it already having enough to be a big match. The fact that we are waiting a year will make it interesting.

Which will have the better final match?

The rock cena should have a better match since by time hogan faced rock he was already a few steps slower. Cena is in his prime and Rock is ripped (to be honest im curious if he'd pass a random test or if he would even be tested). Either way these two should be able to put on a better match so long as cena doesn't use that damn STF, it just looks awful when he slaps it on.

Which will be the better feud overall?

Rock Cena... Again because of the real life issues coming into play and Cena is fighting for something, respect! Hogan Rock was just like hey we are both big superstars let's have a match p.s. sorry i'm not austin.

Which will be the more significant to wrestling's history? Remains to be seen though I think this one will for one thing because Cena doesn't have a bigger match to compare it to. This match will be cena's defining match whereas hogan had wars with Andre, Warrior, Piper, Flair, Sting, Savage, etc to help define his career and Rock had Austin. Cena hasn't really had anyone till now and so this will go down in history as more significant in my opinion.
CENA/ROCK by a landslide
Rock/Hogan wasn't even booked well enough to lock itself as the main event on the card. We may have disagreed with it not being the main event but people weren't exactly like "Holy shit, what!?!?"

Booking-wise, this has already locked itself in as the last match on the card. The hype already has been better. The feud is more well done than Rock-Hogan was which ended up just being a typical feud of the era. You've got arguably the two greatest wrestlers of all time. A storyline that writes itself... and you start doing silly "running a semi into a bus containing The Rock" gimmicky stuff? It turned it into a typical wrestling bad blood feud as opposed to the icon vs. icon match that it actually was. The whole feud was pointless. No one cared about Hogan and the nWo almost murdering the Rock with a semi-truck. lol

So, with that rant being over, again, Rock-Cena has been done BEAUTIFULLY. Feud is hotter, match will liekly be better, I'm willing to bet the crowd will be just as hot as it was for Rock-Hogan especially with it being in Rock's hometown, anticipation will be higher, there's more at stake (Cena is the future, Rock was gone two years later for Hollywood), there's unpredictability (Everyone knew Rock was gonna win. While it seems like Cena should win, it being in Rock's hometown, Cena winning would end WM on a horrible, pissed off crowd.)

So, yeah. Everything says Rock-Cena is bigger than Rock-Hogan.
Which will have the better build up?

Well I'm hoping with this having awhole year before the actual match goes down, Cena and Rock will have a better build up. It shouldn't be overdone and forced down our throats, but The Rock has to make quite a few appearances for this to work.

Which will have the better final match?

I think The Rock and Hogan will still have the better match. The intensity from the crowd was sick. Fans going nuts for both Rocky and Hulk yet the Hogans fans overpowered Rock fans. Then when NWO came out and The Rock helped Hogan? Amazing.

Which will be the better feud overall?

I wanna say Rock and Cena. This is a situation where The Rock doesn't like Cena (kayfabe I would hope lol) so you have a legit feud.

Which will be the more significant to wrestling's history?

Rock and Hogan. Cena can't hang w/ those two unforunately.
Which will have the better build up? Cena/Rock - 1 year to build up

Which will have the better final match?
Cena/Rock - Hogan's in ring ability had already gotten bad by the time Rock/Hogan clashed and Cena & Rock are in better physical condition to put on a classic match.

Which will be the better feud overall? Cena/Rock - The WWE audience is much bigger and I believe that this match will pull back former watchers backing The Rock while the new era fans will be behind Cena.

Which will be the more significant to wrestling's history? Cena/Rock - again because the WWE audience is bigger now.

No doubt that Cena/Rock will be bigger! And it will definitely be about Cena, whether you're pulling for him to win or pulling for him to lose... and I personally hope he wins and deserves it...
Cena/Rock should end up being the better of the two overall. First, there is a year between now and Mania. Rock/Hogan only had about a month. (Who knows, Creative can blow it, but I don't think Vince is going to let them.) Second, the match will be considerably better. Cena's solid in the ring, and Rock is too. Hogan was not great in the ring, but he was a hype machine. Third, I think with the feud building for over a year that Cena/Rock will turn out being the better of the two. Though the don't need to re-start it till possibly Survivor Series. Overall, I think it will be bigger with Cena and Rock, because Cena's not going to be leaving the company, he's going to be huge for at least the next 7 to 10 years. The guy will continue to grow, and be strong.
The Hogan/Rock match featured an unexpected twist- with the fans turning on the Rock and cheering Hogan. The biggest thing about that was how both just soaked it up and played their roles perfectly.

While we've come to lose a lot of respect for Hogan since, that match was something for the ages, watching the man who made the industry taking on the guy who was, as that time, leading the next generation.

Fast forward to today, with Rock/Cena. I respect Cena more for the fact that he really has been out there week in and week out providing entertainment to the WWE fans, while Rock was out doing other things.

The older audience dislikes Cena. In one year, if Rock comes out regularly with his overused catch phrases in every situation, people will get tired of the Rock to some extent, and the Cena/Rock match will fall short of what Hogan/Rock was at the time.
Which will have the better build up? Cena/Rock - 1 year to build up

Which will have the better final match? Cena/Rock - Hogan's in ring ability had already gotten bad by the time Rock/Hogan clashed and Cena & Rock are in better physical condition to put on a classic match.

Which will be the better feud overall? Cena/Rock - The WWE audience is much bigger and I believe that this match will pull back former watchers backing The Rock while the new era fans will be behind Cena.

Which will be the more significant to wrestling's history? Cena/Rock - again because the WWE audience is bigger now.

No doubt that Cena/Rock will be bigger! And it will definitely be about Cena, whether you're pulling for him to win or pulling for him to lose... and I personally hope he wins and deserves it...

How on earth can you even remotely believe that the WWE audience is "bigger" now than it was 10 years ago? Ratings are in the toilet compared to 10 years ago and so are PPV buyrates. I cannot believe anything that you say if you believe that the WWE audience is "bigger" now...

To answer the question at hand, Hogan vs Rock is/was bigger and will be better than anything Rock/Cena can do. A large part of that reasoning is listed above. More people cared about Rock/Hogan. The crowd was way hotter for that match and business was booming. Hogan vs Andre at Wrestlemania 3 is by far the most anticipated match ever though... 90,000 people packed into that place to see it, and that is still the largest crowd to ever gather for a wrestling event.
Which will have the better build up?

Cena/Rock for obvious reasons. WM28 is a little under a year away and although they aren't going to use the entire year to build the match, they have plenty of time to get it right. Rock/Hogan seemed to be thrown together and forced as opposed to this. Cena/Rock have legit beef(kayfabe) orginally. Then it spawned into an interference at WM27 so there is plenty of background/foundation to work with.

Which will have the better final match?

It has to be Cena/Rock. Hogan was on the downside of his wrestling career then while the Rock was in great shape. Now you got Cena/Rock who are similar in age (5 years apart I think) and athletc ability. Should be a great match.

Which will be the better feud overall?

Cena/Rock - Without a doubt it's the better feud. Like I said before, you have what seems to be legit beef between the two. Throw that in with the interference at WM27 and you have a great feud between them. I think one or two more occurences between them should pull it all together nicely.

Which will be the more significant to wrestling's history?

I think it's Cena/Rock. At the end of the day, no matter what the outcome, it will go down as one of the greatest WM matches in history. The PG era v The Attitude Era. It brings to fans who used to love wrestling back and it will allow the fans who love the wrestling now to move forward. I see it as a way of the Rock making peace with the wrestling Gods for leaving and allows him to retire on a good note. Leaving the WWE in the hands of the only man who seems to be capable of carrying the perverbial tourch..JOHN CENA.
How on earth can you even remotely believe that the WWE audience is "bigger" now than it was 10 years ago? Ratings are in the toilet compared to 10 years ago and so are PPV buyrates. I cannot believe anything that you say if you believe that the WWE audience is "bigger" now...

To answer the question at hand, Hogan vs Rock is/was bigger and will be better than anything Rock/Cena can do. A large part of that reasoning is listed above. More people cared about Rock/Hogan. The crowd was way hotter for that match and business was booming. Hogan vs Andre at Wrestlemania 3 is by far the most anticipated match ever though... 90,000 people packed into that place to see it, and that is still the largest crowd to ever gather for a wrestling event.

I agree with you. There was so much more interest in wrestling ages ago. Need an example? WCW Monday Nitro - Monday, 07/06/98 at the Georgia Dome.. Yeah they put a boat load of people in the arena. Name a RAW that has even come close to that number in the last 5 years. 41,412 is the ESTIMATED attendance figure. Goldberg has claimed over 50,000 were in attendance etc.

ANYWAYS to answer the question

Hogan/Rock takes the cake on EVERYTHING. Although with a year to build up the tension/rivalry this could develop into something great. If Rock actually returned to the ring for a while and actually wrestled that would make things better. If we just get verbal back and forths for a WHOLE YEAR WWE should just close its doors. Undertaker/Batista went at it for like a year but they were WRESTLING not yapping back and forth. How many more cookie cutter insults must we hear from Rock/Cena. Just throw them in the ring in a couple of months. While everyone still has interest in it. What happens if Cena gets into a decent feud with someone headed towards Mania. Are they supposed to just BOOM cut off the feud because he has to face Rock at Mania? Honestly WWE I don't know what you are thinking here. Let Rock/Cena go at it 2 times before Mania. Let each man win once CONVINCINGLY and CLEANLY. Then call Mania the rubber match.
First three goes to rock cena easy.

1. build up: one year build up. first time ever.

2. even though cena is just a c- wrestler, that is still better than hogan. dont get me wrong, i respect the hell out of both, but in terms of wrestling, both are just ok.

3. the fued between the two is already better.

4. this one goes to rock vs hogan. hogan is way bigger than cena. hogan is WHY the wwe is anything today. he passed the torch to the rock. that was HUGE. even if the rock looses, cena is not close to hogan in terms of history.
I was there live for Hogan/Rock and it was the greatest match I have ever seen in my life. I'm no Cena hater, I very much respect the man, his talent, and his commitment to the industry, but he's no Hulk Hogan and he never will be. Hogan/Rock was the greatest of all time versus the only man who had the potential to match him IF he had stayed in the industry. No we all know that as great as he is, the Rock will never be more than a part time figure in the business, and as great as he is, Cena will never be the equal of either Hogan or the Rock. There's no contest here. Hogan/Rock wins by a landslide.
At WrestleMania 18 we saw possibly the biggest match in wrestling history, as The Rock faced Hulk Hogan. It was the ultimate battle of past vs. present.

Actually, it was Past vs. Past. Rock had already stopped being a full-time WWE performer by the time he met Hogan. Additionally, he had turned heel just for that one match (just as HBK did when he fought Hogan). For those reasons, although the match-up was still one that attracted attention because of the names involved, it was more a circus show than a pro wrestling match. Really, it was Rock's pre-match heel promos that made it interesting at all. Hogan, as usual, had only the same old routine to see him through the promos (eating the vegetables, taking the vitamins, saying the prayers).

To add to that, Rock had to slow down his repertoire to accommodate Hogan's snail-like movement. Say what you want about Rock's ring performance, but he always moved lightning-fast. Because he had to tone down his ring rhythm to suit Hogan's, I figured the match was going to be a stinker.....and it was.

Yes, it was a spectacle as a main event, but it was lousy as a wrestling match.

Compared to that, Rock-Cena should be terrific. Unlike Hogan-Rock, the Cena match is truly a contest between Past and Present. Both guys can really go hard and give us a match to remember.

Plus, WWE has a whole year to promote this one. I doubt we'll be getting it thrown at us in the next few months, but when the "Road to Wrestlemania" promos start kicking in, we'll probably get enough to have us hungering for the actual contest. At this early point, I can't even guess who the company plans to have win it...... and that's the best thing of all.

Hogan-Rock was a sideshow......Cena-Rock will be a war,
Hard to tell since we're a year away, but...

Which will have the better build up?

If WWE plays its cards right with a whole year to build this match as an epic clash between titans and the eras they represent, this one should definitely have the better buildup, let's just hope they can do it.

Which will have the better final match?

Neither Rock nor Cena are great in-ring performers, but both of them were and still are light years ahead of Hogan, who was and is truly awful in terms of wrestling ability. So this one should be a sure deal, even if Rock is still rusty.

Which will be the better feud overall?

Still too early to tell. Of course no matter how hard Cena tries he will never be as big as Hogan or the Rock so based solely on that, I'm going with Rock/Hogan.

Which will be the more significant to wrestling's history?

See above.
Actually, it was Past vs. Past. Rock had already stopped being a full-time WWE performer by the time he met Hogan. Additionally, he had turned heel just for that one match (just as HBK did when he fought Hogan).

Actually, Rock didn't turn heel until after this match. He came in that match against Hogan as the face because Hogan was still with the nWo at the time. Remember when the nWo hit the Rock's bus with a Mack Truck? When WM18 came around everyone got all nostalgic and started cheering Hogan and booing the Rock. He then shook Rock's hand at the end and got jumped by Nash and Hall, only to be helped by the Rock. Everything else you said though about comparing it to Cena/Rock next year I agree with.
Actually, it was Past vs. Past. Rock had already stopped being a full-time WWE performer by the time he met Hogan. Additionally, he had turned heel just for that one match (just as HBK did when he fought Hogan). For those reasons, although the match-up was still one that attracted attention because of the names involved, it was more a circus show than a pro wrestling match. Really, it was Rock's pre-match heel promos that made it interesting at all. Hogan, as usual, had only the same old routine to see him through the promos (eating the vegetables, taking the vitamins, saying the prayers).

To add to that, Rock had to slow down his repertoire to accommodate Hogan's snail-like movement. Say what you want about Rock's ring performance, but he always moved lightning-fast. Because he had to tone down his ring rhythm to suit Hogan's, I figured the match was going to be a stinker.....and it was.

Yes, it was a spectacle as a main event, but it was lousy as a wrestling match.

Compared to that, Rock-Cena should be terrific. Unlike Hogan-Rock, the Cena match is truly a contest between Past and Present. Both guys can really go hard and give us a match to remember.

Plus, WWE has a whole year to promote this one. I doubt we'll be getting it thrown at us in the next few months, but when the "Road to Wrestlemania" promos start kicking in, we'll probably get enough to have us hungering for the actual contest. At this early point, I can't even guess who the company plans to have win it...... and that's the best thing of all.

Hogan-Rock was a sideshow......Cena-Rock will be a war,

I honestly have no idea what in the blue hell you are talking about... Are you sure you aren't thinking of Rock Hogan from NO WAY OUT? Where Rock had become the solid heel and Hogan had returned to the Red/Yellow ways and Vince screwed Hogan?

Hogan/Rock 1
Hogan was the HEEL
Rock was the FACE. However Hogan ended up leaving the match a SOLID Face as well as the Rock. That match was NOT bad in the least. Both men gave it all they had. The crowd was ELECTRIC thru the ENTIRE match. The building was DEAFENING and I know that for a fact. My friend was in attendance and he came home and hadn't fully recovered his hearing. He has attended a TON of WWE/F events and has said numerous times that the crowd was SO loud during this match that he thought roof was going to fall off.

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt because I think you are mixing WM up with NO WAY OUT but please if you are going to post, at least get the details right...
Here's the thing, I have to believe that the upcoming match between John Cena and the Rock will be better in a very general way. The main reason why I think it holds the advantage over the Hulk-Rock feud is for one simple reason... Both of these guys can still pull their respective weights in the ring. By the time WrestleMania 18 rolled around, Hulk Hogan was a beat-up ex-wrestler who was masquerading as a man in his wrestling prime and it showed throughout the build-up and the eventual match.

Don't get me wrong though, it wasn't a bad match. In fact, it was one of the reasons that I decided to watch WrestleMania 18 when it was airing. Both of the guys were icons from their own generations but Hulk Hogan couldn't keep up with The Rock and it was prevalent in the match at WM18. If you go back and watch it, The Rock carries Hogan for 15 minutes and then Hogan “Hulks up” and the finish is upon is very quickly. It was a decent match considering how beat-up Hogan was but you have to think that John Cena and The Rock are both in fantastic shape and will be when next year rolls around. For that reason, you have to think that it will be a better overall match.

As for the other criteria, I think that Cena/Rock has a mountain to climb. That being said, I think that they can. The build-up to The Rock and Hulk Hogan at WM18 was excellent and had it not have been for Hulk being in such bad shape, the feud would have been perfect. However, both The Rock and John Cena are two men who have carried the WWF/E on their backs for a while and both of them have the charisma to make this match a stand-out match for professional wrestling and the ripples could well filter through to the mainstream markets.

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