Which is best in a sandwich? Sausage or bacon?

First off, mods, if this is in the wrong place feel free to move it.

Hi, welcome to the first of what will hopefully many threads in my new series, "Which is best in a sandwich?". Today I thought we'd start with some breakfast classics. Sausage and bacon.

So, which is best in a sandwich?
I don't eat many pork products, so I'm not big on bacon. An Italian beef sandwich with a sausage in it is awesome though.
While I love bacon sandwiches, sausages are better.

Not the Frankfurter crap you get in the US or continental Europe. The kind of "barely seen a pig" pork sausage that appears on our supermarket shelves in the UK
I love both but when it comes to sandwiches, I think bacon takes it. Then again, I've never had a sandwich with sausage in it. I'm deprived.
I like bacon better. Sausage is good but bacon in my opinion is the best. Bacon is just really good on a sandwich. Sure, sausage is good, but I'd have to go with bacon. Though I'm not trying to bring down sausage here. I've had both and they're both great, just bacon is better. I don't really know why but I prefer bacon. I don't know. I know it's not cause sausage is bad, cause it's not, it's just not as good as bacon. I'm not gonna disagree with anyone here, cause they're both good, just sausage is not as good as bacon.

Me for ROTY.
Why not have Sausage and Bacon on the same sandwhich.

I'm confused. Is this a question or a statement? Or a quatement?




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