Which Gimmicks From The Past Do You Think Could Work Today?


Everybody Has A Price!
It’s a pretty simply question I think. Which gimmicks from the past (it can be any company) could for work today in either TNA or WWE? Remember though, the gimmick has to allow the wrestler to get over therefore working.

Now, the gimmick I chose I think could work very well today. I may not have been around when he was on nor have I ever seen any of his work, but just by reading the description of The Genius gimmick, I think it could work.

This is the description that the WWE posted in their 25 Most Annoying Gimmicks of All Time:
Lanny Poffo?s gimmick as a studious, pompous poet

Here is the Wikipedia description:
highly intelligent, sniffy persona

Reason I think it would work is because no one likes a pompous person. Also, the persona is someone that is intelligent. So obviously, if they were heel, they’d try to act like they are better than everyone else because they aren’t on their level of intelligence. That to me seems like a gimmick that would get over quickly and well.

Which gimmicks from the past do you think could work today?
Waylon Mercy comes to mind! He was a monster who portrayed the southern preacher type of gimmick. He would come out with a sneaky smile, shaking everyone's hands, and then turn heel once the match started! Afterwords he would go right back to being that fake nice guy. I could see him in rivalries with people like The Undertaker- trying to cure his deamoned soul or something!
I would love to see Triple H's old Connecticut Blue-Blood gimmick return. He would go around preaching proper etiquette, and was really snobby about it. He had a great look as far as the clothes he wore goes, and his theme music went perfect with his gimmick.

I think Dolph Ziggler would be a perfect fit for this gimmick. He already has the look, and this character wouldn't require him to be great on the mic, so he wouldn't have to do much. Because Dolph could really use the help.
I agree with EliteRiot on Waylon Mercy. When I first heard his theme and read about the gimmick, I thought it sounded great, perfect for a GM or manager that occasionally wrestled, or even for a proper wrestler. Someone who acts like a face until the match starts, pretending to be nice while really being very slimey...it sounds great.

The original studio tapes of his themes have the quotes "Lives are gonna be in Waylon Mercy's hands...know what I mean?" and "I don't like wrestlers touching me, and I certainly don't want them crawling on me. If they do, well...heh heh heh..."
That just screams epic heel GM to me. I'd love to see the gimmick return.
I think the right to censor gimmick would work in pg wwe :lmao:.I mean looking back on it in 2001 they were preety funny trying to rid the world of purgatory.To bad there all gone.Richards in tna val venis is a porn star ivory is somewhere.But none the less i think it would work

PG WWE FTW!!!!!!!!!!!

Waylon Mercy sounded awesome, was he a main eventer? Cause that is a main eventer like gimmick. I think a person like ELijah Burke could pull that gimmick off, especially since he has that Black Pope thing going on right now were he is a preacher. But MVP could pull it off aswell too. As for him trying to cure the Undertaker, that would be an awesome feud.

As for the Connecticut Blue Blood, that was a great gimmick I felt that HHH should of kept, since he has not been exciting for me since then. But someone like John Morrison, the way he acts especially as a Hollywood showman, could pull off a cocky, arrogant, snooby S.O.B.

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