Which gimmick wrestler deserved any title run in WWE history?


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There were many gimmicks that worked and many that didn't. Some received mid card titles and some never saw belt and were jobbers to the champions. I will list a few but please add others with an explanation.

Doink the Clown (IC title) was really over during his feud with bam bam bigelow.
Mable (WWE title) won the king of the ring and was massive looking. we know how vince feels about big guys.
Fake Diesel and Razor (tag titles) ok they stunk but Glenn Jacobs has been 2 time champ and that would have made them more legit and similar to the outsiders who were wcw champs.

So which Gimmick superstar would you have given a title run?
For my choice, I'd have to simply go with Muhammad Hassan deserving a WWE title reign.

Muhammad Hassan had so much heel heat during his short stint in the WWE it's crazy. The entire Royal Rumble stopped when he entered, and heels and faces united, SmackDown and RAW both united (which at the time was rare) to eliminate Muhammad Hassan. He was undefeated for a long time. And he was definitely on the road to achieve the title. However, poor writing and management decisions screwed over his career, and what could have been never happened.
Mable seeing how he used to be and probably still can be a huge threat. Sure he got the King of the Ring push but with little more training and a bigger push, Mable or Viscera or Big Daddy V, whatever you want to call him, could be a great champion. Besides the rapping, he was pretty good on the mic and want damn entertaining to watch during his time with Undertaker. IMO, a real underrated superstar. HOF status to me.
Jake "the Snake" Roberts - one of the best psychological wrestlers and best talkers of his time. Was incredibly over and Vince had to redirect a potential Jake Roberts/Hogan feud because the fans were cheering louder for Roberts. While he had a lot of issues outside the ring, he was one of the most over characters and one of my favorite wrestlers of all time.
Call me crazy, but I don't get the distinction between "gimmick wrestler" and any other wrestler. They all have a gimmick of some kind. Obviously there are the heavily stylized ones like Undertaker or Doink, but even a guy like Jericho has a gimmick as an arrogant wise-ass. If you're going to credit Mabel with a gimmick of "being really big," then that's no more or less a characteristic than the personality of guys like Jericho. Whatever distinguishes them from the pack is their gimmick.
Muhamad Hassan. Crazy heel heat a great manager. The guy could talk had a solid moveset.

The Hurricane- I cant remember if he got a title run but he was also super over with the crowd. I know he got a tag title fun but I cant remember if he got a singles title run.
Excluding the fact Undertaker and Kane took crap gimmicks on paper and made them great..

Goldust, talk about a Bullshit gimmick, but the man behind him was talented enough to make the character incredibly good, preying on the Homophobia of men and doing a great job at it.

You know who currently does a really good job as a gimmick wrestler? Robbie "E". Of course internet smarks hated him from the get go, without ever giving him a chance, only now those same smart people look like dolts. that guy has talent and people are slowly beginning to see it
Rick Martel as The Model. OMG was this guy awesome. After Dibiase and Roberts, I felt Martel got the most heat as a heel. I feel so bad he never even got a shot at the IC Title either. His gimmick would have totally been solidified with gold around his waist.
Hands down Muhammad Hassan. This guy was going to be a huge heel for many years and then it was all screwed up by that terrorist scene. The man was decent in the ring and could hold the audience in the palm of his hand and made the audience get so loud it could make Vickie Guerrero look like a face. He definitely deserved a WWE title run.
My vote goes to Paul Burchill.

His Pirate Gimmick was not only entertaining, but it was new. His entrance was even entertaining. So much could've been done with Pirate Paul. You could've given him a crew: A first mate, wench, even some lackeys. Hell, they could've made their entrance on a Pirate Ship and make people walk the plank. A character like that had so much stuff you could do with, but as usual, leave it to Vince to can another good character.

Most people don't know, but before SmackDown Creative messed on gave Hassan Terrorists, he was actually slated to become World Champion. He was supposed to beat Undertaker at The Great American Bash and go over Batista at Summerslam. But hey, leave it to The Creative Team to not know what goes on in the world.
A gimmick wrestler is one whose main focus is their gimmick, they often don't get titles as they would look "wrong"... Big Bossman in the first run was a classic example... he had his cuffs, nightstick, a belt too wouldn't have worked... and as he was a "cop" he wasn't in it for gain... so titles looked bad... Jake had the snake bag... he couldn't really have handled a belt logistically on the way to the ring as well without dragging down the show...

With The Mountie of course, he was evil, so it worked him going for titles and "stealing them"...

I actually agree with the guy who said Rick Martel... during that Jake feud he was on fire... and I really though he deserved a title run with at least the IC belt...
The gimmick wrestler that deserved a title run the most in fact had quite a few of them, that being the Undertaker. Mark Calaway as that character is considered to be one of the greatest gimmick wrestlers of all time.

Though I do agree with the one poster that said that gimmick wrestlers don't need to have a title, as usually it doesn't work with their character. Perfect examples include the Boogeyman and Giant Gonzalez. You put a title on them (even if it would have been the WWF Hardcore Title if it had been around when they were on the roster) would have destroyed the title.

That's why you don't see guys like Doink get title runs.

There is a difference between a gimmick wrestler and a wrestler that is portraying a character.
I would also have to say Rick Martel...i remember the 1991 Rumble where he was in it from number 5 and lasted until the final five! 53 mins i think is the amount of time he was in there for...the cheer British Bulldog got when he eliminated him was incredible. He should defo have had a IC title reign...just shows how strong the division was during the 'Hogan' years.
I know he did win the Intercontinental Championship, But ive gotta go with UMAGA, such a shame, died WELL before his time!!!
Him with a good manager, and a massive heel run with the WWE Championship, he would have been one of these heels that you loved!!
To be honest, there are a couple people that come to mind. Rick Martel, Ted Dibiase Sr.(did he ever have the IC title?), Paul Burchill and tho he actually did have the IC title, I think Rick Rude and/or Mr. Perfect could of been a world champion. But the main guy that comes to mind is for me is Muhammad Hassan. The main was completely over as a MONSTER heel, and could of relived the Iron Shiek/Hulk Hogan fued. It would of worked great in my opinion, but as everyone knows it was cut short.
My answer isn't because I think that the wrestler I'm going to mention was deprived of a legitimate opportunity. My answer isn't because I think that the wrestler I chose would have drawn decent money if he had just been given a title shot; even an Intercontinental Title or a Cruiserweight Title. My answer isn't because I think this would have been a good fit in the era he wrestled in. No, my answer is strictly 100% sentimental.

Barry Horowitz.

Barry Horowitz was the lovable loser. He wasn't just a guy who went out there and lost matches, "doing the job". He was a guy that represents the totality of the Jewish-American experience, minus the pastrami on rye. You might go out there and things will be rough for you. There are going to be some nights where you're going to get your ass kicked and no one will care, because they're busy cheering for the other guy. But you pick your head up, you pat yourself on the back, and you keep going, because you can't make things any better when you're flat on your back.

How can you not admire that story?

P.S.- Any mods who are reading, I have no idea who's in charge of this, but I have always wanted a Barry Horowitz avatar. I've searched through the rest, none of them do it for me, but if someone were to cook up a Barry Horowitz avatar for me it would be a true mitzvah.
Rick Martel was AWA Champion well before going to WWE so he was credible enough during the Hogan era. He actually wrestled Flair in a NWA/AWA title unification match in AJPW in 85.

Umaga, Muhammad Hassan, and Rob Conway (Just look at me!!), all should have had WHC or WWE title runs since there gimmicks were strong enough to warrant a push/ Conway and Hassan both had tremendous mic skills hat WWE never cashed in on.
I am going to agree with several posters here and say Muhammed Hassan

In this day and age, with all the troubles going on in the world, giving the title to Hassan would have been MEGA HEAT. It would have been intense!

Hassan was extremely talented, a great look, body and a fantastic talker. It is a shame what happened to him, as his career was ended by something he had no control over. A very talented young man was thrown on the scrapheap by mistakes in the booking. Such a shame.

Imagine the heat if Hassan went into a WM with the title, and was facing an American Hero like Kurt Angle. The pop for an Angle win would have been crazy
The Samoan Bulldozer, Umaga. No doubt John Cena's one year title reign will go down as his greatest reign, but I certainly would've loved an Umaga title reign. In my opinion, it would have been a lot more impactful for Cena's title reign to have begun by ending the reign of Umaga. Umaga was a great combination of a great character and entertaining in-ring ability. He deserved to win the world title and it would've been fitting for Cena, and his superhero abilities, to defeat Umaga for the title at WrestleMania, stopping someone who couldn't be stopped before. It would've fit with the 'All Grown Up' idea and people would've been behind Cena to stop the monster.
Simple. George "The Animal" Steele. During the rivalry with Ricky Steamboat and Savage, George Steele was in a mini feud with Savage as well. George Steele could have and should have won the IC title from Savage, then two months or so later lose it back to Savage. Shame that George Steele never won a title, but was inducted into the HoF before Hulk Hogan. ^_^
The Mountie was also IC champ, for whomever said it. He was champ for two days, defeating Bret Hart at a house show only to drop it to Roddy Piper at Royal Rumble 1992.

I'd go with Hasaan (I swear he was the IC champ once.. likely wrong) or call me crazy but also Earthquake during his singles heel run. Had a very solid feud with Hogan, culminating in a half-decent match at Summerslam 90. Although him and Typhoon won the tag belts in 92 as faces. This would of solidified him.

Honorable mentions: Geroge the Animal Steel-back in the 80's this guy was so dang loveable. Plus, his flying hammerlock is one of the most underrated submission moves ever. Check it out, PAINFUL!

Pirate Paul: maybe... if the European title would of still been around.

Rikishi: ok, that's far fetched, but although he had a short stint as IC champ, I think he could of been over enough to win the big one. If his feud with Rock and Austin was timed a little better, giving him the belt would generate much heat. Especially if Austin would beat him for the belt. WOuld of been crazy, revenge from that run-over angle.
Gimmicks deserved a world title, one jumps up at me. Goldust, he had an awesome gimmick that they could do a lot with during the attitude era. I think a world title could have led to good feuds over the title with mankind, HHH, Rock, Austin and more.
Imagine the heat if Hassan went into a WM with the title, and was facing an American Hero like Kurt Angle. The pop for an Angle win would have been crazy

You just described the main event of Wrestlemania VII.

The gimmick wrestler that should have won a WWE title during his career was Jake the Snake Roberts. As a heel or face, he had the best mic skills and persona to perpetuate any feud.
Goldust and Hassan are definitely 2 names that stick out but what about The Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase! He's a gimmick wrestler isn't he? His gimmick was so good and his delivery was even better, it's a shame that when we look back and commemorate him we can't even call him a former WWE Champion.
I, for one, would love to have seen 4 different Doinks win the World Title, Intercontinental Title, and Tag Team Titles, all together, even if only for a month. This would have only worked if they really blurred the lines between Face and Heel. The WWE and the announcers could have portrayed them as one person, but as the viewers, we would know they were actually 4 different clowns. They could have even had the IC and Tag Titles, and get at least a failed attempt at the World, where all 4 clowns would have first appeared on TV together at the same time or something along those lines.

Somebody said on another thread that the Great Khali and Hornswoggle as Tag Team Champions. It sounds ridiculous, but not as ridiculous as Hornswoggle as the Cruiserweight Champion. They should have done this as “honorary” members DX, maybe get an assist from DX during their feud with Rated RKO.

Another Title reign I think should have happened is JBL as the Million Dollar Champion with Ted DiBiase as his manager. Why not?? They could have even called JBL the Billion Dollar Champion and change the Title from Gold to Platinum. Bling!!

Another Title reign I think should have happened is Kurt Angle and / or Mr. America as the WWE United States Champion. Do I really have to explain this??

Another Title reign I think should have happened is Hulk Hogan and a Mid-Card Title run. I know, pointless for Hogan, but what kind of prestige would the Hulkster have brought to the Intercontinental Title during Ultimate Warrior’s run as WWF Champion??

I can keep going, but I’ll stop here.

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