Which Feud solidified Stone Cold Steve Austin as a true Main Eventer?


Championship Contender
I have already made two of these threads on CM Punk and Randy Orton. I want to space them out, that way they don't get old and dried out. So, which feud solidified Stone Cold as a true main eventer?

Here's my two cents.


Stone Cold is a two time Intercontinental Champion, three time Royal Rumble winner, and six time WWE Champion. Those are just a few of his many accomplishments. Stone Cold has had many memorable feuds but his feud with Bret Hart really sticks out in my mind as the one that pushed him into the main event scene. They had a year long feud and it began at Survivor Series 96 in which Hart defeated Stone Cold. Stone Cold even broke into Bret's brother-in-law's house, Brian Pillman. Hart eliminated Austin at the Royal Rumble but the officials did not notice as he snuck back in and managed to win the Rumble. At the In Your House pay per view following the Rumble, Austin and Bret main evented the ppv in a four way elimination match for the WWF title. Bret managed to win but dropped the title to Sid the following night on RAW because Austin interfered and costed him the match. At Wrestlemania 13 they competed one on one in a Submission match with Ken Shamrock as the special guest referee. It was an epic match and one of my favorites of all time. The match featured a double turn. Hart turned heel and Austin tured face when Austin passed out due to blood loss and Hart wouldn't let him out of the Sharpshooter. At In Your House 14, they main evented the ppv for a number one contdership for Taker's WWE Title. Austin won by DQ when British Bulldog got caught helping Bret. Austin and Bret faced once again. This time it was a Street Fight on Monday Night Raw. Austin ended up injuring (kayfabe) Hart's leg with Hart's sharpshooter and a steel chair. He even continued to beat him down in the ambulance after the match. Austin then feuded with the Hart Foundation and ended up beating Owen for the Intewrcontinental championship even though Owen legitimently botched a piledriver and broke Austin's neck. Austin had to give up the Intercontinental title and wasn't able to return to action until Survivor Series. Steve Austin returned and defeated Owen for the Intercontinental title at Survivor Series.​
No feud solidified Stone Cold. His mic skills and presence made him a main eventer. He took wrestling to a whole new level. Nobody in WWE/WWF could have feuded with him and made him the star he was. Although I will say his feud with Vince was pure gold for the WWE.
Ive gotta agree. The fued with Bret proved he could hang with the best. I was then and still am to this very day a HUGE Bret Hart mark, and i HATED Austin with a passion, the sign he was doing his job. The match they had at Survivor Series and the along with the build up and the match at Wrestlemania 13 were amazing for Austin's career and while I do believe he would have gotten to the main event eventually, I think the fued with Bret fast tracked him to the top. And on a side note, in late 97, I became i HUGE Austin mark as well and I have been giving a hell yeah ever since!
Well let's see. Before his feud with Bret he was at first the Ringmaster and feuded with Savio Vega for a while, was King of the Ring but after that he did nothing until his match with Bret.

And after his matches with Bret, he ended up in a major feud (canada vs usa), won the tag and IC titles, then next year the WWF title.

So yeah it's obvious. His feud with Bret Hart.
Easy it was Stone Cold Vs Bret «The Hitman» Hart. The moment he passed out from the Sharpshooter, he was a Main-Eventer. How could someone disagree with this is beyond me.
yeah that was an obvious pick.. hart and austin was one of the best feuds/matches ever and it proved that they were both great workers and brawlers
He was pushed to the ME level with the win over Bret Hart. He was solidified as a ME level superstar with his feud with Vince McMahon/The Rock/And the Corporation.
Bret Hart pushed him to main event level. Shawn Michaels at Wrestlemania solidified him as a main eventer. The whole feud with DX and the Mike Tyson involvement. It put Stone Cold in the mainstream and made him the biggest star in the company.
I have to agree with everyone else that it was the feud with Bret. Winning KOTR in 1996 and preaching the gospel of "Austin 3:16" got the ball rolling for him, but his feud with Bret showed he could hang with the best and get a crowd reaction every time he came out. After WM 13, there was NO doubt that Austin was a legit main eventer and the guy to carry the company when Bret left for WCW in late 1997 and Shawn Michaels was forced to retire in 1998.
Yeah, I agree with everyone else and say Bret Hart.

Hanging in there with a 6 time World Champion like Bret Hart, and refusing to tap out to the Sharpshooter will give your career a huge boost. That is what happened to Austin.

He was on the rise anyway after winning KOTR, but he certainly benefited from his feud with the Hitman and came away from it looking like a man capable of holding his own in the main event, which he certainly did. Working with Bret benefitted Austin greatly, but once he got to the main event he remained there through his own hard work.
Has to be the bret hard from 96 - 97 ...I don't actually remember austin beating bret clean but in there feud he really didn't have to

They had 2 5star matches and a hell of a entertaining IYH match ....I think without bret hart austin would of stayed a heel for a bit longer
Austin vs Bret hart pushed him into the stratosphere ...he was the only guy ive ever seen that was still fighting for the intercontinental title and was the main guy everybody wanted to see...Austins the man

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