Which feud did you want to see but never happened?


Dark Match Winner
I'm not an old school wrestling fan. With my age I am mainly associated with being a fan of this current product of wrestling and the Attitude Era. I don't know much about the wrestling programs in the 80's and early 90's.

But, wrestling fans old and young have experienced some great wrestling feuds in their days. This is the thread where I want to know which feud you never saw but thought could have been great.

I'll go with one a little bit more current in this age of wrestling. The feud I choose is CM Punk vs. Edge.

The reason I picked this feud is because I am huge fans of both and I'm kind of sad that we never saw this feud before the the end of Edge's career. These two really haven't had much interaction with each other except for Survivor Series 2006 and when Punk cashed in MITB on Edge for the world title in 2008. I think these two could have had some great matches and very good promos with one another. It just seemed like since Punk joined WWE in 2006 both have been on seperate shows or one of them was injured at the time they were on the same show.
Well I can completely agree with you there. That would have been a cool feud. A different one too.

I wanted to see the continuation of the HHH/Sheamus feud after Trips got taken out by Sheamus at Extreme Rules 2010. It would have been a great feud to continue when HHH returned, but it didn't happen. Also, Orton/Jericho in late 2010. Orton had punted Jericho in the head, (kayfabe) forcing Jericho out on injury. He never even made mention of it once he returned on 1/2/12. :(
Rock vs HBK. Two greats that just never really were there at the same time to go at it. With The Rock's ability to electrify and HBK stopping the show, they could have done some great stuff, from promo's to the match could have been spectacular. Also The Rock said he wishes he could have fueded with HBK.
The Undertaker versus John Cena- the best in history of the company against the biggest thing in sports entertainment. thìs right here could very well be the feud of the decade.
Back in 2005, Triple H was World Heavyweight Champion with Ric Flair and Batista by his side. Triple H realized the possibility of Batista becoming a threat to his World Heavyweight Championship. Triple H wanted Batista to be no part of the Royal Rumble, claiming that it would be selfish of him to do so, and wanted to focus solely on Triple H retaining the title that night. Batista won and Triple H put together a plan to run Batista over using a limo resembling the WWE Champion, JBL's limo. Keep in mind this wasn't today where the two brand's rosters are mixed; there was still a solid thick line between Raw and Smackdown. The feud here I wanted desperately to see wasn't JBL vs. Batista, but the two Champions; JBL vs. Triple H.

I know they were both heels but that's what attracted me to them the most - they were both heels who were so damn similar to one anther. Both would do just about anything possible to retain their respective titles often finding cheap ways to do so. They were long running Champions both with a long list of casualties. Back in 2005, I got a small taste of a Triple H and JBL confrontation and it left me wanting more. I know there was absolutely no way these two would have ever faced one another as they were both very strong heels which the crowd hated equally. With Triple H's hands full for the next few months with Batista and JBL's with Cena, there was no way. Their respective feuds were way too important in establishing the future generation. But I could only imagine the type of feud these two would have had as heels, especially since their time as Champion mimicked each other.

Just a dream feud I would have loved to see at the time.
Rock vs HBK. Two greats that just never really were there at the same time to go at it. With The Rock's ability to electrify and HBK stopping the show, they could have done some great stuff, from promo's to the match could have been spectacular. Also The Rock said he wishes he could have fueded with HBK.

You took the words out my mouth, would have loved to have seen HBK with his knees upright and his weight back up against The Rock. Would have been nice matches.
The Undertaker versus John Cena- the best in history of the company against the biggest thing in sports entertainment. thìs right here could very well be the feud of the decade.

Maybe before taker lost 100lbs and was as dominant then maybe. I would have liked to maybe see Diesel and Sid but who knows how that would have went.
i say brock lesnar vs triple h for the undisputed title before there were 2 titles but thats what lead to there being 2 titles
Really? Savage is Overrated.

Hart vs Savage more for techical vs charisma. More to see someone so over the top as Savage against someone so GOOD as Bret Hart. Another where Savage could keep the promo's and build up exciting, and Hart would keep the matches entertaining.
Really? Savage is Overrated.
You're an idiot.

Rock-HBK and Bret-Savage have already been mentioned, but here are two others:

Triple H-Edge

There was that brief Rated RKO-DX feud, but a one-on-one battle between the two would have been stellar. Same with Taker and Jericho. Very rarely have those two been in the ring with one another, so putting them in a prolonged war would have been very enjoyable.
Some I have always wanted to see were;

Edge Vs Triple
Undertaker Vs Jericho
HBK Vs Benoit - a proper, drawn out singles fued
Eddie Guerrero Vs HBK
Abdullah the Butcher vs. Raven - Back in the day if it were possible that could have been one violent feud with some great hardcore moments.

Test vs. Orton - I don't really know why but I think Orton could have really brought out the best in Martin's work.

Eddie Guerrero vs. CM Punk - I don't think I need to explain this one but you just know both guys could have had an insanely good feud.

Thought I would try to steer clear of the typical ones that will be said, besides the last one I put!
1. I remember a tiny bit in 2000 but never a full fued, Streak vs. Tooth, Undertaker vs. Benoit
2. Could still happen but highly unlikely at this time, Angle vs. Jericho
3. The aristocrat vs. the cheater, Del Rio vs. Guerrero
4. Imagine the submission matchs, Bret or Owen Hart vs. Angle
5. The Creator of the Ladder Match vs. The Ladder Enigma, Michaels vs. Jeff Hardy
The WWE teased us around Nov. 2010 with a CM Punk vs Daniel Bryan Fued. But then Punk had the hip injury, and it stopped as quickly as it started. But lucky for every wresting fan in the world, these 2 guys have time to fued. Hail Hail when they do actually have a 1 on 1 ppv match.

Sting vs Undertaker- Obvious the internet was ablaze with rumors. The hype was more around the pending WWE debut of Sting, more than his fued with an individual.

Hogan vs Flair in WWF- I know these two worked house show main events, and a few t.v. interactions. But they never had the build-up, which should have taken place for months before WrestleMania 8. The fued wrote itself, it just never happened.
Jake Roberts vs. Hulk Hogan

In late 91 Jake was probably the most evil character in WWE history. The snake bit angle where he slapped Liz was as hardcore as anything we saw in the Attitude Era. If he and Hogan had stuck around in 92 I think they could of had an amazing feud.
There's a lot of feuds I wish we got to see in the WWE

Ravishing Rick Rude vs. Macho Man Randy Savage - Rude could have went after Elizabeth...and the rest would have been history. These two guys were awesome. They feuded in Memphis very early in their careers - but they never feuded in their prime.

Owen Hart vs. Chris Jericho - Both of these guys have charisma oozing out their ears. They would have had some great promos, and even better matches.

Eddie Guerrero vs. Shawn Michaels - I can't even imagine how good these matches would have been. I don't think these guys even crossed paths in a tag team match.

John Morrison vs. Randy Orton - Call me crazy, but I always wanted to see these two guys feud. This could have really put Morrison on the map. These guys have teamed together a bunch of times, but never faced off in a one on one match.

Brock Lesnar vs. Triple H - Someone else mentioned this feud earlier. I always wanted to see these guys face off. Such a shame that it never happened. This match would have been money!

Mr. Perfect vs. Ricky Steamboat - I don't think these guys have ever faced eachother. Two of the best of all time. They would have put on a hell of a show.

The Big Show vs. Triple H - I don't remember these guys ever feuding. Strange, that two guys who have been in the company so long have never really crossed paths. I'd still like to see this one.

Jake "the Snake" Roberts vs. Hulk Hogan - If you've seen Jake's DVD, you know that the WWE tried to put this match together, but scrapped the idea, because fans were chanting for Jake instead of Hogan. Jake would have been a great "heel" opponent for Hogan back in the 80's or early 90's. Too bad it never worked out.

The Hart Foundation vs. The Steiner Brothers - This feud would have been insane. Two of the best tag teams of all time.

Brian Pillman vs. Shawn Michaels - When Pillman came to the WWE, I remember PWI magazine teasing this match. The match never took place, let alone a full fledged feud. These are another 2 guys who I don't think ever got the chance to be in the ring at the same time. Could have been amazing.
The Big Show vs. Triple H - I don't remember these guys ever feuding. Strange, that two guys who have been in the company so long have never really crossed paths. I'd still like to see this one.

Good call on most of these, but New Years Revolution 2006, and DX vs Jerishow that culminated at TLC 2009 say hello. HHH broke Show's hand and each man cost the other their chance at Chamber spots at NYR 2006, hence the match they had there. Same show Cena retained in the Chamber, and Edge cashed in MITB.
Good call on most of these, but New Years Revolution 2006, and DX vs Jerishow that culminated at TLC 2009 say hello. HHH broke Show's hand and each man cost the other their chance at Chamber spots at NYR 2006, hence the match they had there. Same show Cena retained in the Chamber, and Edge cashed in MITB.

I guess it just wasn't that memorable. lol

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