Which Diva Is Sexier?

Which Diva Is Sexier?

  • Trish Stratus

  • Ashley Massaro

  • Torrie Wilson

  • Lita

  • Mickie James

  • Victoria

  • Stephanie McMahon [I know she's not a "diva", but still]

  • Other

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I guess i'm the only one who likes Jillian, even thoug she's not the best looking there's something about her that I like.
Where's Candice? Where's Melina?
She's the hottest Diva, so is Melina !!!!
I love Trish, but Stephanie's hot because of the power. Can you imaging "being with" Vince McMahon's daughter? Man, I envy Triple H. He's lucky. Also, you forgot Booker T's wife. She's pretty hot, too.
Layla she is a fucking hottttttttt black chick then Mickie James....
trish, mickie, ashley, melina, steph, lita, torrie

trish was hotter back in 2000, shes still hot now

ashley, mickie, melina are hot now

lita and torrie are hot now

those are my seven
NYSandman said:
I love Trish, but Stephanie's hot because of the power. Can you imaging "being with" Vince McMahon's daughter? Man, I envy Triple H. He's lucky. Also, you forgot Booker T's wife. She's pretty hot, too.

Don't know about Booker T's wife don't think she's good looking, she looks a little like Booker T. don't know how she ever won miss black america.
Lita and Jillian Hall.

As for melina that is the worst boob-job I have ever seen! I keep looking for "inflate to 35 psi" tattooed somewhere on them!
my favorite all around divas are mickie, jillian, and trish. I also liked Molly, she might have been the only diva without plastic surgury.
where is candice??? she's the hottest and she's not on the poll! i voted for mickie, she's so cute.
The only reason you all like Lita's boobs is cuz she's shows them off in the same skimpy shirt every other week. If any other of the diva's wore a shirt like that every week, you'd be sayin she had the best tits. Has anyone noticed the 15 to 20 pounds Lita has put on? Not taking anything away from her wrestling skill, cuz most of the diva's can't do that, but on strictly looks, you gotta go with a chick who's at least tone and in shape! Ashley, Torrie, or Maria.
Maria is the only one that actually looks like a real female, thus she is the hottest. Michelle McCool comes in a distant second.
Why is Mae Young not listed... Ewww I just grossed myself out...

Anyway... Honest to God.. If I had a chance with any of the divas... Id pork all there chops.. But if I had to pick one...It would have to be one I havnt seen naked... I think Ashley? No reason why... Shes just a fresh face... Also Jillian...

Edit : Gotta add that vampire chick Areial... Girl seems like a freak...
PauLwaLL50 said:
Why is Mae Young not listed... Ewww I just grossed myself out...

Anyway... Honest to God.. If I had a chance with any of the divas... Id pork all there chops.. But if I had to pick one...It would have to be one I havnt seen naked... I think Ashley? No reason why... Shes just a fresh face... Also Jillian...

Edit : Gotta add that vampire chick Areial... Girl seems like a freak...

U could see Ashley she was in Playboy before WWE.

Areial is way better than Kelly Kelly over in ECW.
torrie always been plain to me it's nothing there she has this man face. you know how people have something that stands out on there face the eyes the nose lips the way there head is shape nothing stands out w/ her. she's not unattractive but she's not one of the prettiest people in the world.
Uhmm....ou tof that list mickie james...in the WWE Maria.....overall...CHristy Hemme....*drool*
For me, a few years ago it would of been Torrie then Trish and then daylight, now i would say I think the sexiest diva is Ashley, then Candice, then Torrie... only my opinon.

Edit: Oh Gee forgot Mickie... how could I..... would be tied with Candice for second
i picked mickie, she knows how to use her body when others just show it off, a close 2nd place would be candice, she is really hot but doesnt do that much besides showing her ass, literally..... but theres nothing wrong with that-lol
Mickie has an ass and legs to die for that picture in the summer special magazine of her is freakin hott. It is also my background on my computer.

Have you guys seen the nude pics of her if not they are worth taking a look at. She looks better since she has gained some weight.

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